[UPDATE] Please Tell Me, Hillary: Do You Support Late-Term Abortion Exceptions for ALL Doomed Pregnancies?
UPDATE: We made the rec list! Don't know how, 31 recs, 1 share, but I will take it!
Thank you to everyone who braved the waters for me on this, big hugs and loves to you!
I recently posted a diary here on c99:
Please Tell Me, Hillary: Do You Support Late-Term Abortion Exceptions for the Fetus?
FYI, I decided to rename it:
Please Tell Me, Hillary: Do You Support Late-Term Abortion Exceptions for ALL Doomed Pregnancies?
2nd FYI, I have just launched it over on Daily Kos:
Hillary is a “feminist” who is actually willing to compromise on abortion. It's not a message that her supporters want to hear, but it's the truth, and the truth needs to be told.
Are you possibly a brave soul who might be willing to come over to help in the comments? I would love to have your help, if you know what I mean (wink wink, nudge nudge).
Xoxo ~OaWN

Her hillbots' talking points
include 'it is the law of the land' as a bizarre right-wing way of saying that she supports the most restrictive interpretation not explicitly outlawed by Roe v. Wade. Any more restrictive and she would be supporting overturning Roe to add restrictions. Sure she is cunningly triangulating between a woman's right to her own body, and right-wing religious zealots' rights to those women's bodies. That's what making tough choices is all about. Not many people can pander to more than two diametrically opposed audiences at the same time.
A complete
waste of time posting on TOS IMHO.
I credit you for taking the flack but anything that questions their queen will be shit upon.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Probably, but preaching to the choir can be a waste of time too.
I try to post for the lurkers. But yes, they don't like to play nice. At all.
I saw this over there earlier today. The lengths people will go to blindly apologize for Hilary's bullshit is astounding. At this rate I feel the need to make popcorn every time I venture through a Kos comment thread.
I'm truly sorry for your loss, and appreciate your willingness to deal with that crap to make a VERY valid point.
Drop the knife
leave your arms behind
just for a moment
Thank you BoxUp
I'm sure that a certain amount of cognitive dissonance must be happening, which must not be fun.
Thank you for your kind words, it's been a long day and it's nice to finish up on more of a positive note
I know what it's like to want something that blindly, so to a degree I see where they're coming from, as much as I find their actions and words in defense of her reprehensible.
You're very welcome. I can't imagine bringing all that back to make a point was easy. Makes it all the more poignant.
Drop the knife
leave your arms behind
just for a moment
Good luck!
But you're dealing with crazed cultists over there, paid or unpaid.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Just for you
I joined and left a comment.
And it was true, I do thank you for bringing attention to this subject, I never felt more terrified and alone in my life.
Boy it sure didn't take long for the haters to swarm did it?
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
They get in there quite quickly, I"ve noticed.
They are what they are. I try to take a deep breath before I hit the publish button.
Nice! Congrats!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I'm gonna take advantage and shamelessly pimp my essay I wrote..
and submitted at 1 in the morning, lol!
If you wanna check it out here is the link.
An Ex-RWNJ's Guide to Converting RWNJ's.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Ack! Wrong thread, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Now you've got me curious, lol
80.9% in, Sanders lead at 15.3%
Statewide results
1,426/1,761 precincts (80.9%) reporting
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton
203,182 total votes
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
This is why I was absolutely shocked that Planned
Parenthood and NARAL endorsed her early on. Her positions on late term abortions have been clearly anti-choice, and dovetail with her statements on abortion being "safe, legal, and rare."
This is where her triangulations get truly, flabbergastingly, disgusting.
Tips for Taylor and hopes for her recovery from her awful ordeal.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon