I'm Sick Of This Shit But Not Surprised
I was cruising through CNN just now and ran across this editorial by one Meg Jacobs, a history prof at Columbia and Princeton. In it she talks about how Clinton pissed off the coal miners in March by saying "We are going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business". Then the author blathers on about what trump is saying and how clinton should model herself after Jimmy Carter, who the coal miners loved. Not once in this pro clinton tirade did she mention Bernie. She did talk about clinton's supposed plan to help the miners transition to clean energy jobs - WHICH IS BERNIE'S FUCKING PLAN MS. FUCKING HISTORY PROFESSOR!!!
Here's the closest mention of Bernie in this puddle of vomit.
Even if the primary doesn't affect her drive for the nomination, a primary loss in West Virginia will sting, especially after her victory over Obama there in 2008.
Now right before this she was talking about Trump supporters protesting at her rally, so when you read it it comes across like she is running against trump and not Bernie.
Just another day of corporate America running interference for clinton...

What would you expect from...
The Clinton News Network?
They really need to get back to covering Malaysia Airlines Flight 370...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Somebody should send them
A box of new and shiny toy planes with a "theory" on there being ISIS trained orangutans that were hiding in the cargo hold.
What is more noteworthy to me as a West Virginian is that
HRC saves her remarks about coal for ears outside the Mountain State. So far as I know, Bernie is the only major candidate to tour the chronically depressed, third-world counties of southern WV and tell them to their faces that coal is globally moribund, and the only question remaining is how we shall proceed in light of that fact. His thoughts on these topics were, as you note, widely circulated by the state press. For Hillary to now claim them as her own mainly confirms her local status as a trimmer and a prevaricator. I would not look for any good result for her in West Virginia, consequently.
As is her wont, Clinton delivers messages "tuned" (some would say fabricated) for the ears she is in front of at the time. Sooner or later, this habit is going to bite her firmly in the ass.
I happen to also live in WV,
I happen to also live in WV, Mercer county to be precise.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Yeah, saw your celebration piece
over on TOP -
And I'll join you in that!
There's one reason
She beat Obama in WV in 2008, and it had nothing to do with policy.
She does not have that advantage this year.
There is more than one kind of bigot, even in WV
Bernie being of Jewish extraction isn't going to play against him in some circles? But then, Hillary's gender wouldn't necessarily appeal to such types either, would it?
edit: typo
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Doesn't hit them smack in the eye
the way certain other "differences" do.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.