The Biggest Lie of the Drone War
Back in 2012 a senior U.S. army officer let it be know that we were targeting "children with potential hostile intent" in Afghanistan.
If you don't remember this, you aren't alone. Few Americans care about Afghan lives.
In fact, quite possibly the only successful part of the GWOT has been the ability of the American public to dehumanize everyone perceived as an enemy. By "enemy", that means whomever we end up killing. Women, children, the elderly, they are all suspect if we killed them.
The other side of the coin is the unshakable belief that we are always the good guys. We only act with the most righteous of intentions. For instance, our drone strike program, where we carry out remote, extrajudicial killings in seven (or more) different nation, none of which we are at war with, isn't a global assassination program to put down popular insurgencies against corrupt governments.
Instead, drones “have helped to make our targeting even more precise.” (Harold Koh, State Department legal advisor)
“You can far more easily limit collateral damage with a drone than you can with a bomb, even a precision-guided munition, off an airplane.” (Secretary of Defense Robert Gates)
Even President Obama agrees, “What I can say with great certainty is that the rate of civilian casualties in any drone operation are far lower than the rate of civilian casualties that occur in conventional war.”
It's self-evident that if you make wars just like a video game and completely dehumanize the enemy that this will reduce the number of civilian casualties.
Wait a sec.
Why does that make no logical sense?
Well, maybe because its all a big lie.
The Obama administration’s assumption that drones cause less collateral damage than piloted aircraft is simply untrue. According to the best publicly available evidence, drone strikes in non-battlefield settings — Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia — result in 35 times more civilian fatalities than airstrikes by manned weapons systems in conventional battlefields, such as Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, drone strikes in non-battlefield countries tell a much different story. Since Obama entered office, 462 drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia have killed an estimated 289 civilians, or one civilian per 1.6 strikes.
One day someone will look back on our drone wars legacy and apologize to the world, but for now, that day is still a long ways off.
The Biggest Lie of the Drone War
Is that it works.
It doesn't. People across the globe are being destroyed because............. reasons.
And families of said reasons get upset enough to counter said........ reasons.
With solid reasons of their own.
And then more drones are released for all those reasons.
from a reasonably stable genius.
It is almost as good a negative feedback loop
as is climate change. A perfect feedback loop to keep the wars going into perpetuity, while the globe burns. So damned stupid. Idiot America in action.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Of course that's perfectly acceptable to the imperialists
and the dupes because war is hell right, shit happens and they were probably family members or hiding among the terrorists. The killing of innocents and the displacement or eviction of millions doesn't seem to ring a bell with the
American public, not when so many believe the lies that it's to keep them safe and "free".
The biggest biggest lie of all is the War OF Terror.
Then again, just read this one from Eric Zeusse, "America’s Biggest of All Big Lies. We’re Not Threatening Russia…, Part I"
So many lies, so little time.
Another truth bomb from TheOnion
OMG!! don't know whether to laugh or break down weeping.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
It all started with rocks,
then a sling shot.
They've got so many killing weapons being developed and on the 100 year drawing board it's insane. That's what it is, insane. We should make it a new rule, if you work for companies that develop killing weapons for the future, you're officially insane. I'm sure that wouldn't do any good. But it's better than calling them sane.
Threatening Russia
If Russia has found, as it should, Obama's moves - expanding the SDI system right up to Russia’s borders - clearly provocative, what holy hell of reprisal are we risking if we elect the prime provocateur of Russia, HRC?
The Clinton Foundation/Victor Pinchuk Foundation cooperatively-manifest goal to "modernize Ukraine" is the cover story for both the extraction of Ukraine's vast deposits of shale gas (see Hunter Biden on Gazprom's board and SOS Clinton's push for fracking) for Pinchuk (he builds the pipelines) and the EU, and to expedite NATO's expansion to Russia's border. The Clintons, Pinchuk, Bidens, NATO, EU, all happy.....Putin and probably every Russian citizen, not so much.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
So many lies, so many career war criminals
Ashton Carter has been involved with the defense department since the Reagan years.
And those that were in Bush1 administration were in his sons and Obama kept a lot of them on.
Annnddd guess who Hillary has for her foreign policy advisers? You got it.
The same damned retreads from the Bush's administration including Kagan who helped write up the PNAC.
No wonder things regarding our foreign policies never change.
And remember that Cheney and Rumsfeld were in the Ford administration.
And they are saying it's Russia that is being aggressive? I call horse pucky on that. But the propaganda machine will go into overdrive and the American people will believe it. Just like they believe that Isis wants to take away our freedoms.
Thanks for the link, Al.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Drones = another reason why I'm no longer a Dem
and torture - by any name.
surveillance on all.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison