How the ted Cruz dropout benefits the Sanders campaign
Just saw this piece on twitter from seth abramson. Articulates some things that have been in the back of my mind, and brings up some things that had not even occurred to me.
Give it a read.
For one, with Cruz gone, there no longer is the horse race on the R side that Cruz whined that the 'media' wanted. Well, they do want horse races, but lately they just wanted Cruz to say when/if he would drop out, and when/if he will support Trump. he refuses to say whether he will support Trump in future or not.
But this Cruz gone, and Trump the nominee, then it's tougher for the media to keep ignoring Bernie's wins. And if you look at the primaries remaining, you see why Susan Sarandon liked the upcoming map in her recent Colbert interview. There's a chance for Bernie to rip off one or two more winning streaks. It's harder for the media to treat Sanders as a marginal candidate when he's winning states.
West Virginia is up next, and Bernie is leading there.
Seth mentions the idea that some Trump voters will cross over now and play spoiler in the D open primaries. While this is possible, I'm not aware of any past primaries where spoiler voting has been a key tool. However, 2016 is defying all kinds of precedents.
Also, Clinton is now fighting on two fronts. While her campaign likes to claim that she isn't spending money against Bernie, we all have seen that is not true. She's just stopped running as many tv ads.
And finally, the contested convention. Without a GOP contested convention to hawk over and gossip about daily, the media is now forced to face the fact that their coronation of Hillary might not be so smooth. In fact, it is the DEMOCRATS who are the ones still in a trajectory to a contested convention.
Hillary shills can whine all they want about bernie trying to flip the supers, but until they denounce the existence of superdelegates as an elitist tool used to scare off primary challengers to anointed establishment figures, then all is fair in love and war folks.

Woot Bernie
I just sent him another donation. Now is not the time to back down. The big question is whether or not Democrats want to win the general election or an punt the Clintons.
Donate what we can people!!!
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
How anyone who has won 18
How anyone who has won 18 states can be considered marginal, I cannot fathom.
Because Caucuses don't count, only Closed Primaries
doncha know?
Bernie's leading in national polls
Both Democratic and general election polls. Hardly marginal.
Hillary just lost Indiana...
She should drop out...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
#dropoutHillary was trending all day on twitter
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
A short and devastating read from Corey Robin:
What did we learn today?
Clinton’s big money supporters are trying to kill single payer in Colorado. Her possible VP pick has “a more nuanced position on abortion than many liberals.” John McCain’s right-hand man declared, literally, “I’m with her.” And the Jewish socialist from Brooklyn just won the Indiana primary.
All the rest is commentary.
No single-payer, eh?
I guess when Hillary declared that single-payer will "never, ever happen" she really meant it. Stevej was right, "Anyone who makes a living by trying to stop people getting access to healthcare is a murderer". That includes you, Mrs. Clinton.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Will the #NeverTrumps crossover for Clinton or Sanders?
And will they be more or less than bored #TrumpTrolls crossing over.
The chaos this will wreck upon polling models will hopefully provide much merriment!
Of course they'll end up voting for trump
Trumps VP pick will solidify this. Whoever it is, it will be at the very least a person who gets the disgruntled repubs to come home.Sorry misread!!! Primary crossover! That is a good question.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
FWIW My advice to Sanders
The end of the GOP race is a perfect opportunity to change strategy. Take a page from Hillary's book and use it against her. We know that from this point on, she will completely ignore Sanders and pretend that it is just her against Trump. Well, Bernie should do the same thing - and by doing so, show everyone what a Sanders vs. Trump campaign will look like. Which will offer a direct comparison to what a Clinton vs. Trump campaign will look like. Think of it this way - instead of two duelists facing each other, now you have two competitors standing side by side shooting at the same target - and showing everyone who can do a better job of hitting that target.
I truly believe that Hillary has no idea how to handle Trump, any more than the GOP establishment did. If she talks foreign policy, she will be buried with Iraq, Libya, and Syria. If she talks economic policy, Trump will run to her left and she will have no clue how to answer. If she runs as the experienced DC insider, well, that's exactly what Trump has been successfully running against all along. As Trump turns his attention to her, it will start becoming obvious just how weak she is as a candidate.
So if, at the same time, Bernie can show that his ability to stay on message is the only thing that can withstand Trump's onslaught, not only will that boost his chances with the remaining primary voters but perhaps even more importantly it might start some of the super delegates thinking about their own futures. AND as a side benefit, it completely undercuts the smears that Hillary's supporters have been and will continue to throw at Bernie about him "unfairly attacking" her.
Sanders could easily pick a twitter fight with Trump
He'd have to win decisively for it to be a meaningful game changer. But it would be amusing nonetheless
trump is trying to place nice with clinton right now
but on twitter today he says he is more scared of sanders than clinton . i guess he doesn't want his voters crossing over for sanders?
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
He has always said that a race against Bernie
would be more competitive or difficult, than running against FSC. So, I'm guessing that he means 'scared,' not as a slam, but as an acknowledgment that Bernie would be a much tougher competitor (than FSC).
He often brings up the size of his and Bernie's campaign rallies, as proof.
(From what I've seen, you could probably fit the folks at a FSC rally, in a broom closet.)
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.