My Millennial Daughter's Message on Voting for Hillary
I am posting this verbatim from my daughter's Facebook page:
This has been weighing on my mind a lot lately and I want to just put it out there. I won't vote for Hilary Clinton in the general election if she wins the democratic nomination. I can't speak for all Sanders supporters many of whom may not have the same opinion of Secretary Clinton that I do but for those who do you have a right to your own vote. No one can force you to vote for a candidate you don't believe in or that you don't trust. Some people will mock you or call you immature or a sore loser. Others will try to scare you of a impending Trump or Cruz presidency (which are both truly frightening) to get us to vote for her but in all honesty I don't want to vote for Secretary Clinton for many of the same reasons I won't vote for a republican candidate (though not all the same reasons). Our country is stronger than you think and a republican president, even a crazy one, can't destroy that strength. I think it may take a republican presidency for the DNC and the Democratic establishment to realize that it needs to change in order to get the support of Sander's supporters. My advice is not to let fear rule your decision because that is how democracy fails. I encourage people to vote for the candidate that they believe in and not just the lesser of two evils in the general election.
I had no idea she planned to make a public statement about not voting for Hillary Clinton, but I couldn't be prouder. She's right. Time to stop fearing the Republican Big Bad Wolf, when the Democrats have their own Big Bad Wolf who could very well do as much or more damage to the 99% as any Republican in the Oval Office.
After all, it wasn't Poppy Bush who got NAFTA through Congress, passed a Welfare Reform Act that harmed millions, and passed a crime bill that led the way to mass incarceration and the rise of the private prison industry. And it wasn't a Republican President that deregulated the telecommunications industry and then, for good measure eliminated the last of the New Deal securities laws that prevented banks from becoming "too big to fail" when he signed the bill killing The Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act. That action alone is considered by many the root cause for the 2008 financial crisis.
No, it was a Democratic President, Bill Clinton, and other "New Democrats," who did so much to wreck the lives of millions of Americans over the past 20 years (unless they earn $300,000 or more per year). And now the Democratic Party wants to foist another Clinton on us, one backed by wealthy billionaires and Wall Street firms, for profit charter schools, online for profit colleges, Silicon Valley, Walmart, the Military Industrial Complex and the fossil fuel industry that is literally poisoning our planet in arguably the single largest human rights crime in history, among so many other bad actors.
So, I agree with my daughter. One. Hundred. Percent.
Nice snark
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Thank you Janet and Lizzy for the great comments.
This is the best comment I've read today!!!!! You are spot on in every way. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Thank you so much!
I used to try that one with the Hillbots over there, but it never got much traction. And I get that these things ARE important to a lot of people, not only me. But for the love of God, do we really believe these people care about any of that anymore? They do not and their actions show it now.
I find this particular election one of the most disturbing in a long time, and not just because of the high stakes involved. It seems to me that the blatant corruption is just getting worse, more open, and things are going faster downhill than we expected. Our media is SO in the tank, and while I always knew that, the obviousness of it scares hell out of me. They don't bother to hide it anymore and they do NOT care that we know it. They are so assured things will work out for them, as they always have, that they can just be loud and proud of their corruption and give us all a big middle finger. And then they expect us to vote FOR them!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
What evidence do you have that shows Clinton 'blowing Trump out'? Trump is going to put a lot of Blue states in play - NY, NJ, PA and make winning OH and CO harder.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
If Clinton is the D nominee
..... she will lose Colorado outright. I live in Colorado, in Colorado Springs. Outside of the Denver Metro, voters would happily vote for Lavrenti Beria or Heinrich Himmler over Clinton. And within the Metro, where the entire left wing of the population lives for all practical intents and purposes, you see the same objections to her that we're voicing here.
In Colorado, if you give us a choice between a pseudo-Republican Turd Way type like Hellery and a genuine article Republican like Donald J. Trump, the latter will always prevail. All Trump would have to do is promise to leave our marijuana trade and marijuana laws alone, and he'd carry the State in a landslide.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
No one should have to defend their vote.
We all have our own agency, and our vote is our right.
Your vote is indeed your right.....
..... but the second you advocate that plan of action to others, you open said plan to public questioning. And that is as it should be. (It's also why balloting is secret in this country.)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thanks but no thanks
I respect your right to vote for whomever you chose and support. Moreover I welcome your opinions and thoughts. But I do not agree.
This type of fear tactics does not work for me and she must earn my vote. She runs smear campaigns and belittles/bullies people that go against her (Clinton favor tactic) and plays the victim card- to me that is a sign of a weak person. Clinton has been on every side of an issue if she can gain something from it. There are so many examples of it, she is not a leader is a coward- in my opinion. She is a bully, and my entire life I have stood up to bullies and I will stand up against her.
With that being said I will not vote for her. Moreover, I have encouraged at least 6 other people (family members) not to vote for her based on facts not fear. As the election time comes up, I know that I can get at least 20 people (outside this community) not to vote for her. So I guess my mission will be to actively campaign against her.
By the way, I hate to point this out but she voted for that war that was started and supports military intervention as her first option- I guess her motto is scream and swing a big stick in every encounter. She is a war hawk.
Finally, keep in mind the most important item of this discussion vote your beliefs because that is what makes this country great- Freedom of your choice. I will exercise this right to the fullest during this election and upcoming ones.
I have a number of Republican leaning friends and
colleagues that would vote for Bernie if he is the nominee, Trump otherwise. I truly believe this sentiment is quite pervasive across the country. It's sad that the DNC/DLC/DWS cabal has blinders on and can't see this.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Oh, they can see it.
They choose to ignore it.
At their own peril.
She also appeals for the pity vote
Oh, poor, poor pitiful $Hillary. She lost to Obama last time, so now it's her turn this time; she's owed the presidency. Then, a few weeks ago, she doubled down on getting pity votes by saying she is not as good a campaigner as her husband, it doesn't come naturally to her (so please vote for her anyway even if she's not the best campaigner; really, she'll do better in office even if she doesn't campaign well...).
Seriously? She's been campaigning one way or another for over 30 years. It should be second nature to her now.
Edit: And, oh, PS: I do NOT pity her and even if I did, that's still NOT a sufficient reason to vote for someone!
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
I will vote for Clinton too. Sigh. But I thoroughly uphold
the right of others to be so disgusted that they vote otherwise, even if it does cause a Trump or a Cruz. I'm uprating everybody.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
The election isn't until November. *grin*
you get to vote for who you want to (kinda). that's the whole idea. you decide.
A lot of people will vote for Hillary for good sound reasons.
November is a long way away from now.
I know I'd like to get the hat trick of voting 3 times against a Clinton but I'm honestly not 100% sure I wouldn't vote Hillary.
This election is more complicated and more soul searching and more potentially bad for me personally than any I've experienced in my voting life. As a person on Social Security Disability (RSDI), Medicare and Medicad, with a cancer I've beat so far against very long odds, who will do what with these programs is very much on my mind.
Will Hillary make deals that hurt me? Will Trump be worse?
It's early yet, though seeing as how I live in Minnesota. the hat trick looks likely. In a Hillary vs Trump, Hillary wins Minnesota. Minnesota was the only state to vote against Reagan in 1980 and we voted against him twice. If Trump won Minnesota I think I'd go into shock and die.
There's a lot to ponder this year, more than ever I think. November's a long way away yet.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Well, that's true. I get to vote for Bern before I do anything
else. We finally primary May 17. Good point about healthcare. Hill won't advance it enough, but if Congress repeals it, any Repub would sign it, Hill would veto. Unless it pays more for her to go along. Heh. But I doubt anybody makes money on repealing the ACA. AFAIK, insurance companies, hospitals and doctors have all done quite well under it.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Clinton put in the first cut to Medicare and Social Security
by redefining inflation so that if there was something cheaper you could buy, it didn't count as inflation. So if steak went from $5 a pound to $10, if you could still get a pound of hamburger for $5, it wasn't inflation.
He was making a deal to cut or privatize Social Security and Medicare when Monica hit the news. She saved us.
Well, before you vote Hillary to save SS/Medicare
please watch Thomas Frank's talk or read his book (Listen Liberal) about how the Lewisnky scandal is the only thing that saved Social Security from being sold out by Bill in the 90s in collusion with Gingrich. It was a done deal. I can almost guarantee she will gut or "privatize" it, meaning - Yay! Wall Street has a few more hundred billion of other people's hard-earned money to gamble with, and oops! accidentally lose. Although they are not the same person, they are definitely of the same mind.
Everyone should of course vote their beliefs. I don't think people should vote their fears, because that's how we got where we are - but everyone has to make that choice for themselves.
Strangely, I actually think Trump is less danger to SS than Clinton. He's insane and a danger to civilization in general, but I don't think he quite as calculatingly evil as she is. He's an incompetent buffoon, she's a cold-hearted, power-hungry coward.
Today's phrase is "WINDOW DRESSING".
You are incorrect.
Hillary Clinton's stances on social issues are only window dressing; she talks a good fight, but there's no reason to beLIEve her any more. When rubber meets road, she'll do what her bosses at Goldman Sachs tell her to do. She'll nominate the Supremes that Goldman recommends (read: more Scalias). Once she has our votes in the bag, her "liberal" social issue stances will evaporate like smoke; all that will matter are the issues and stances of those with Saganesque amounts of a$$ets (millions and billions and trillions and zillions).
Remember, we've already had 8 years of a Clinton in the Oval Office -- and the more liberal of the two, at that. I don't know about you, fladem, but I was alive and an adult for it. And I can tell you from bitter experience that America needs no more of such, ever.
There is only one reasonable, responsible candidate running with a major party in the 2016 race. If Bernie Sanders doesn't get the nomination, then there is no such thing as a "responsible" vote for a major party Presidential Candidate this time. Clinton versus Trump is a Sophie's Choice at best, like "would you prefer to die by ingesting cyanide, or carbon monoxide?"
Of course, your vote is your own by inalienable right. And that right includes casting it as you see fit, and even advocating for others to do the same. But the claim that voting for any Clinton is ever a responsible act is ridiculous.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
No I will not let you get away with that unchallenged.
It is your vote. Do with it what you please. If Hillary loses it will be your fault for enabling one Democrat crappier than the other to seek and hold office. Simply and only change her D to an R and by your logic, you wouldn't vote for her either. Yet you expect others to for that very reason. I personally would prefer Trump to Hillary. Democrats in the House and Senate will fight him. Hillary could propose bombing Canada, and they will support her and throw the people under the bus without blinking an eye.
I am tired of the Nader bashing. Gore should have won Tennessee. He should have fought instead of walking away. Jeb Bush should have gone to jail, and Scalia should have been impeached. Last but not least, Gore didn't lose. He had that election stolen from him just like the Democrats are stealing this one from Bernie. Nader bashing is myth propagation by people who walked away with "an" event and conflated it to "the" event. Of all the many, many reasons Gore had that election stolen from him, how is it that the crystal ball and chicken bones always land on Nader.
As the essay points out, it takes a Democrat to screw a democrat. I'd rather poke out my eyes than put another Clinton into the White House. Your comment may have just moved my vote from Jill Stein to Trump.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The problem is, that you can't trust anything she says.
Ask the former president of Honduras. He knows.
I have no need to beat you, I just want to go my way."~ Malcolm Renyolds
Your daughter is wiser than most.
And you are absolutely right! I have been screaming this for years, Democrats are more dangerous to a progressive/liberal agenda than Republicans. Look at Obama's attempt at implementing Chained CPI and cutting Medicare, few Democrats made a peep. When Bush tried to touch SS, the Democrats, rightfully, banded together and stopped it. I have been saying the same thing for years on DKos. But winning is the only core value that modern Democrats hold. Policies that help people are secondary.
Black Agenda Report has said time and again
Obama isn't the lesser evil, he's the more effective evil. And if Clinton is elected, she will be too.
The only thing that stopped Clinton & Gingrich from
privatizing Social Security was Monica Lewinsky.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
I've posted this before, but for any newbies:
Thomas Frank admonishes, 'Listen, Liberal!' How the Democratic Party failed
15 minutes in, Frank says Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich had secret meetings about how to privatize Social Security, Clinton phrased it "save Social Security" in the 1998 SOTU.
Altho the news about Lewinsky broke a day or two before that SOTU, the day after the media took off and ran with it, so Bill & Newt never got to talk the nation into privatizing Social Security. That became Dumbya's "thing" - and he certainly had no success with senior citizens when he tried to talk to them directly at an assisted living facility. They weren't budging on their opinions that it was a bad idea. I don't know if anyone saw the same interview on the news, but Dumbya was stymied when he couldn't talk them into giving up what little money they had.
Obama has used the phrase "privatize Social Security" a couple of times through the years, as well as mentions of "fixing Social Security" or "fixing entitlement programs," but that has fallen on deaf ears. So far, so good. We've been saved from George Carlin's prediction that they're coming for our Social Security, that they will get all of it sooner or later.
Why must we get truthful, real news from our comedic geniuses, or from foreign presses?!?!? [Yes, that's a rhetorical question. I know the answer, but think it's a crying shame we can't have honest media sources tell us the truth.]
You have to watch the Thomas Frank video before you watch the 1998 SOTU so you get the relevance and know what to listen for.
The 1998 State of the Union (Address to a Joint Session of the Congress), January 27, 1998
13 minutes in, Clinton says "Save Social Security first" and proceeds to say meetings will be held for community input. HOW saving Social Security will be accomplished is not detailed, nor is the phrase "privatize Social Security" uttered.
28:+ Clinton says he will renew his "request for fast track negotiating authority necessary to open more new markets & create more new jobs." Sound familiar?!?!?
While I've saved a bajillion Bernie links and other political links, I never save Hillary links. What are her EXACT words when she mentions "protecting" Social Security? Anything close to what her hubby said (presumably without any detailed plans, like privatizing Social Security or turning the Social Security's Trust Fund with two Trillion+++ in it over to Wall Street).
We will have to watch both Dems and Repukes like hawks to make sure they don't go after our Social Security funds and try to privatize them or turn them over to their dear, close friends on Wall Street or with the investment bankers, etc.
I had no idea Bill & Newtie had arranged a deal to privatize Soc Sec. I thought that was a Rethug thing. Not so! That means if $Hillary gets the office, she needs to be stopped from any Social Security folly (a chance to fulfill what her husband couldn't) at all costs.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Monica as Bernie's VP 2016.... rof...n.t
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Monica's now old enough to run.
I wonder if she's considered it.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I like your daughter's brain
Your daughter sounds like my daughter. My daughter "blows my mind" (old 60s talk for astounds me) with the maturity and clarity of thought not seen in the politicians for which I will never vote.
Hey, we must be great Dads, Right On‽
Actually nether of us can take the credit, and we both know that. I am so happy that my daughter is not going to be bullied by the HRC crowd or the Republicans. There is hope for the future.
I am hearing...
Similar comments from my Millennial children. Let's face it. They are graduating college with crushing debt, have fewer good job prospects and even the good prospects will pay less than what they did 20 years ago. And with Obamacare, they can stay on their parents insurance longer, but after that, they are forced to buy crappy, high deductible insurance. Yes, if Trump wins, we may see Roe v. Wade overturned or curtailed. But if Hillary is elected, we will see more of the same status quo. In short, the Millennials have nothing to lose and would almost rather 'turn-up the fever' than suffer through a permanent flu.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
I have long thought that only when things really
go to hell, and everyone sees it and lives it every single day, that might be the ONLY thing to wake this country up. If these Tea Bag idiots get what they "want" in lowering gummit spending, it will hit them too. And only when it does, might they see just how badly they too have been duped over the decades.
And I think your point about the young in this country is spot on. They have much more to lose than we do in many ways - their entire future is at stake. While we are worried about SS and Medicare, maybe it's time to be willing to suffer that fever a little bit, for them. And really, I personally do not care to live on and on in some skilled nursing facility and suck down resources better used on those who have a life ahead of them. Just my personal take.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
It took...
The horror of the oppressive working conditions of the Industrial Revolution to bring on the Anti-Trust and Progressive movement. It took the Great Depression to bring about true Progress in the New Deal.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
We're there, if the statistics were calculated the same
There is a lot of pain here and now, it's just hidden better.
people are going to have to hurt a lot more than they did in the recent recession to get a clue. i don't like that it has to come to that but sometimes that is the only way change takes place.
That's partly the rationale for 'means testing' Social Security
and Medicare.
I'm pretty sure that we'll see at least a limited, if not a full blown, 'reform' in this direction by the end of the year.
The timing would be perfect--since we'll be in the middle of a raucous and contentious Presidential election.
Rep (OK) Tom Cole has already stated that there's bipartisan consensus on one of PBO's proposed Medicare reforms--imposing a single deductible, instead of separate ones for Part A and Part B. And, for certain, lawmakers (and employers) have been chomping at the bit to change the formula for the PIA--by changing the bend points.
Currently, Part A's deductible is $1288.00, and Part B's deductible is $223.
The Part B was only $147 in 2015--so, there was just a 52 percent increase in that deductible for 2016.
This Medicare 'reform' would mean that all seniors (including those not hospitalized) would be required to pay a deductible equal to both of those added together--or, slightly less than the two. That's TBD.
In general, though, aside from premiums, deductibles, and co-pays, many of the Social Security and Medicare reforms [to come] will likely be means tested.
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive."--Gilda Radner, Comedienne
National Mill Dog Rescue
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I agree
with your daughter too. Lesser of two evils is still....
Bernie or Bust here.
We refuse to vote for any corruption or evil.
Your daughter and my daughter would be dear friends if they ever met.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Please consider...
voting for Jill Stein. It would be great if the Green Party could get to the 5% threshold needed to become more relevant in our national conversation regarding politics and policies.
The Green Party has a great platform!
I am beginning to think
that my voting Green may have a much bigger impact than writing in Bernie. The Greens are on the ballot in my home state so I know that my vote will be counted and reported. This is something we all must think about should Hillary get the nom.
I am still not sure that she is out of the woods on email thing. If any indictments come down, even if not on Hillary, herself, it will have the party honchos reconsidering their support of her. She is already a very weak and flawed candidate and Bernie holds a lot of delegates that can make the convention interesting.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Staying focused
Nice, compact summary of the situation many of us are mulling over this Blue Wednesday. I appreciate having this site to cuddle-up into and stimulate and organize my thoughts. I, for one, feel strangely energized. The Wolf in pig's clothing is more dangerous than the one blustering and blowing outside. The Establishment over-estimates the importance of "leaders", in politics as well as in Wars on Terror, because they have a "corporate hierarchy" mentality and cannot imagine anything functioning without a founding CEO. (Cue up "We Shall Not Be Moved" and pass the mike to Bernie.)
I'm standing with the young folks!
Too bad the party isn't smart enough. An indictment would change the race quickly. I know many of you don't think it will happen. I think is is possible. We all know that justice in this country wears green glasses (money doesn't talk it swears). However, there is already so much public info of the Clinton email/foundation issues that if she isn't indicted, that's all MSM will talk about through the GE. Unless there is a quid pro quo, MSM silence for the TPP.
I'm with your daughter. I will not vote for Hillary.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
An indictment
of a very close associate of Hillary's may be enough to having the establishment rethink their support of her. That is why they have either Uncle Joe or John Kerry waiting in the wings as plan B. Bernie has a lot of delegates who are not going to easily jump ship either.
The MSM and most conventional thinking does not "get" why people support Bernie. He has moved politics out of the realm of personality or identity politics and back into the realm of issues. Hillary cannot suddenly pivot towards what Sanders has been saying his entire political life and not be accused of shilling for votes. People do not trust her. She has painted herself into a corner with her record on these issues, and if Trump is the Republican nominee, he can outflank her on the left which I believe he will on these wars and SS.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Kudos to your daughter...
I tried to post a similar sentiment over there to diary on "Burnie or bust (that was magically closed to new comments).
It is not my job to rationalize and compromise my deeply held belief's to vote for her.
It is her job, by her words and especially deeds, to curry my favor and win my vote.
I see little chance of the latter happening.
I want a Pony!
This is something that is so foreign
to Clinton's most ardent supporters. No candidate is owed our votes. That is why we cast our votes in secret. Just because a candidate wears a D by their name does not make them a real democrat (small d). I know because for the last two years, my House district has been represented by a Blue Dog (not officially) who has voted with the Republicans on some major issues that have no impact upon her district, ie Keystone pipeline.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Opps double post
I want a Pony!
Once Hillary begins her triangulation move to the right
which is as inevitable as the sun rising in the east, many Dems/Liberals/Independents will decide she's simply a bridge too far.
I can't see why the ancestral playbook of the DLC won't come into play as it always does - shame/ridicule liberals into voting with Supreme Court/Trump, and then make an overt play for Republicans by being a "pragmatic Democrat" who will compromise the store away. I think she can make up the lost Liberal vote with the Trump spooked Republican vote. I don't see myself voting for her.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
She'll totally shift to the right.
She will pretend to care about the left probably around the convention in order to muster up excitement. Then the people who fall for it will feel the dlc pain as she abruptly slams the door on her way 'home' (to the right). Therefore, she definitely will be going for the moderate republican vote. However, Repubs and Indys do not like Hill but they need to feel secure in their vote. Therefore, Trump's game plan is simply to make himself seem like a viable candidate. The repub party/organizations role will be to remind people why voters disliked Hill before and why voters dislike her now. If he/they manage to do that then she is toast. Doesn't seem to hard given voters short attention span and amazing ability to forget what happened 6 months prior. Hill will counter with trying to 'palinize' trump to drive the mod. repubs and indys to her. If she is successful, she most likely wins. All the negativity will be depressing as hell and will drive down turnout.
Trump is way more electable then the blind Hill supporters think. If he wins, they'll blame us. Then, I'll say fuck you.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Jill Stein will be the one positive voice
And that will attract a lot of people to her.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Not if they don't hear
the positive voice and they won't. The establishment media including the internet will never give her or the Greens even a acknowledgement of their existence. They will most likely shut her out and then the party will haul her ass out literally of being part of the conversation. I like what she and the Greens stand for but I cannot figure out why they have not gotten on the ballot in many states or actively organized on a level that draws more people.
Her voice won't be heard
That's the problem.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Bernie's voice wasn't heard much in the early stages
It's up to us on the internet to make her voice heard.
Beware the bullshit factories.
And Trump will outflank her on the left
by opposing regime change adventures and destructive trade deals. Making arguments, which if they could only be believed, would be pretty compelling. He could even spank some banks on the campaign trail.
We're all assuming Trump wants to win
I will be shocked if he doesn't start outright throwing himself overboard as soon as the Dem nominee is locked up, such that he seems sincere enough to want this. I really don't know if anyone--whoever cooked this mess up of him running at all--had any idea that he'd be so popular. I figured early on he'd beat guys like Cruz, but he screwed up the race for Rubio AND Bush. You wonder if anyone saw that coming...
Good point
I tend to believe he doesn't want to be president, he just wants to be asked. if he goes into the convention with enough delegates he will be in a great position to make a deal. I imagine if the GOP offered to name a state after him, give him $10 billion tax-free cash, and submit various other GOP candidates to some suitable spectacle of public humiliation, he would call it a win and walk away. It could be a working business model every 4 years, in fact.
The theory has been around for a while that Trump keeps trying to say things that will disqualify him, but fails hard and just ends up getting more popular.
they'll do it, take it to the bank.
Oh, they'll "manage to do that". Take it to the bank. They'll do it in a heartbeat. Hillary Clinton as the Dems' Presidential Candidate is Reince Priebus' ultimate dream!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thank you for sharing
one again your daughter's courage and maturity shine thru- you did a great job Dad raising her.
I wish I had that maturity at her age, but no luck. Moreover, I did not realize until recently that this crap of the "lesser of two evils" has to stop! I will not vote for Clinton because she is a terrible candidate and she is only in it for yourself, period. Her previous actions has demonstrated this to me time again and again.
I will vote with whatever this group decides (we need to vote as a bloc)- Green party, Libertarian, no vote for president (under vote), or even Trump (because I am not afraid of the boogie man argument- we will overcome any bad president Clinton or Trump). However, we need to show the DNC and everyone less this madness has to stop. Einstein once said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. We need to fix our course and elect better leaders that care for us as people/country not as ATMs (money).
Absolutely agree
Hopefully your daughter won't be discouraged by the cries of "you're letting Trump win!" or "you're too young and naive and don't understand how politics work", or "you're going to let the Supreme Court potentially change for generations!" and other nonsense that will inevitably be thrown her way. Entrenched political and corporate power think they can use these arguments to perpetually keep people in line and voting out of fear. To play into these fears is to ultimately vote for nothing to ever change.
One of the last Gen Xer's here...
And Hillary will get my vote the same time the Devil invests in a scarf and woolen mittens co-op.
Jill Stein if Bernie doesn't go Independent. Which, after the bullshit the Democrats pulled on him, he should.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Boudreaux is one happy Cajun!
Monsieur Boudreaux is one happy Cajun! The Saints just won the Super Bowl!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Bernie can't really go Independent
One of the reasons he chose to run as a Democrat was that getting on the ballot in enough states to have a chance to win the election is difficult for Independents to do. It is impossible, I believe, at this late date. I don't think even the Green Party is on the presidential ballot in all 50 states, although I believe the Libertarians are on the ballot everywhere.
Yet another sign of a system rigged by the two main parties.
Unless you can pay enough money, you have no shot at an elected office.
That doesn't sound much like a democracy to me.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Note sure on the deadlines
Assuming no deadlines has passed, it would be effortless for him to get support to get on the ballot in all 50 states in no time at all, whether it would be voter petitions or finances. If there are deadlines that have already passed of course, that is another story.
That said, Jill Stein is on the ballot in my state, and I am also considering a write-in option if it counts.
Bernie should talk to the Green's about being their
standard bearer with Stein as VP. Bernie could hold the office for one term then run Stein for the next. It'll never happen, but is a good thought. I think we need to birth a new party at the Peoples Summit in Chicago in late June and go from there.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Why wouldn't it happen?
Jill Stein has already reached out to Bernie to explore a "collaboration."
Bernie has yet to respond, and has repeatedly committed to
"support" the D candidate. He has yet to change tht position.
Fair point.
I'm just a hopeless optimist.
I wouldn't expect him to respond until after the convention
to do so now could and would undermine his candidacy.
But the fact that it is floating around out there has to be on the DNC and their SD's minds.
I hope it is causing them a lack of sleep.![Smile](
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
None of the deadlines for filing Independent have passed
(although some are pretty close) In addition, some of the requirements are onerous, although not insurmountable, for example:
"In some states, a prospective independent presidential candidate can more easily access the ballot by forming a new single-state minor party or affiliating with an existing one. If a candidate were to opt for this hybrid method of ballot access, the total number of required signatures would drop significantly. According to ballot access expert Richard Winger, it is easier for a candidate to run with a new single-state party than as an independent candidate in the following states: Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Vermont. To better facilitate state-by-state comparison, this page lists only the requirements for independent (i.e., unaffiliated) presidential candidates.[2]"
Here's the info:
What is the deadline for getting the Green Party on the ballot
in all 50 states? I can't find it, and I keep asking but I guess nobody is interested![Sad](
Ballot Pedia has pretty much all those answers. Ballot access
laws vary wildly by state. For Green ballot access efforts see the kink below this one
Thanks! :-)
Greens are on the ballot in Florida (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Well stated
Steven D, you have a wise and perceptive daughter. Young people like her give me some hope for the future.
I fully expect that the merits of the lesser-of-two-evils argument in favor of a vote for Clinton will be debated ad nauseam between now and November. FWIW, here is my take.
Yes, great harm will be done if the Republican candidate is elected President. And it can scarcely be disputed that on at least a few issues, such as Supreme Court appointments, Clinton would be at least marginally better. But in my view, all of the benefits of a corporate Democrat rather than a corporate Republican in the White House are dwarfed by the far greater harm that will be done by the electorate continuing to validate a closed, duopolistic political system in which, on the vast majority of significant issues, the two major parties offer merely a distinction without a meaningful difference.
Again and again, the genuinely progressive faction of the Democratic electorate has lined up behind right wing neo-liberals like the Clintons and Barack Obama, and for their support have scarcely been rewarded with so much as lip service attention being paid to the issues that are central to the progressive agenda. Rahm Emanuel's "fucking retards" comment seems fairly emblematic of how the "Democratic wing" of the party is actually perceived by the corporate/DLC faction. Supporting neo-lib Democrats as a means of thwarting the neo-con Republicans is no more than a blueprint for ensuring continued irrelevance for that bloc of voters that embraces Bernie Sanders vision. We can, and we must, do better, and the clock is ticking as never before. To quote Dr. King:
We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Life often leaves us standing bare, naked, and dejected with a lost opportunity. The tide in the affairs of men does not remain at flood -- it ebbs. We may cry out desperately for time to pause in her passage, but time is adamant to every plea and rushes on. Over the bleached bones and jumbled residues of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words, Too late."
inactive account
If (and more likely WHEN) Clinton loses the general
it must be seen that she has lost because of pressure from the left. Open rebellion and strong coalescing among the left must be visible and flagrant, so that the D party and the people of the US can see how much actual power we have. To accomplish this can be done in a few ways- voting en masse for the Greens, starting a new progressive party as a coalition of Greens, Socialists, etc, and obtaining a presidential ballot in all (or most) of the states, Bernie running as an Independent, etc. BUT it behooves the left to coalesce and get its shit together enough that the message is loud and clear "we are many and you are few".
Excellent comment by your daughter and I completely agree.
This comment along the same lines from a facebook friend is also really good:
Emphasis added.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
^^ great comment! eom
Ditto! eom
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I've bookmarked it!
(I wonder if your friend would consider making that one post public on his FB page, so we can all share the hell out of it).
This is exactly what I've been trying to convey
This says it perfectly and far better than I could.
#BernieOrBUST ... all the way.
I could not agree with you daughter more!
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Another reason the Dem Party needs to be brought
to heel: House Democrats Push Back On Obama Plan To Cut Drug Prices
The corruption is too deep to rebuild this party. It needs to be torn down once and for all.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
yep, exactly. There is no saving it. Four years of HRC will kill what's left of it. If she wins reelection we might better buy 420 acres in Colorado. Start the rebuild from there.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Good for your daughter.
I wholeheartedly agree with her.
However, my biggest fear is that there will be just enough scared voters to put Hillary over the top for the win. THEN, as always, the Dems won't give a damn about people like your daughter or me or any progressive or liberal -- they'll do as they damn please and they'll do whatever it takes to get themselves reelected again, while at the same time setting up their post-congressional time for a lucrative job with the people who gave them money to win their seats back.
I am giving up, truly, except for a small number of tremendous candidates like Bernie, Tim Canova, and a few others.
"it needs to change in order to get the support of Sander's
And exactly how is that going to happen? While she's on the right track regarding lesser evil voting and Clinton, that statement indicates an unrealistic view of the possibilities of the Democratic party going forward. It is toast, particularly if Clinton does become president. Then we'd have had three Democratic presidents in the last 20 years who have all been a disaster for the serfs. There is no changing the democratic party now.
Sounds about right.
Well done your daughter.
from a reasonably stable genius.
aThe Repukes w/Reagan and the DLC/Turd Way have wrecked our language. 'Bribe' is 'campaign contribution' and 'lobby.' Manipulating our vote is called (corporate)' branding.' Hey multi-national corporation: I'm not a mindless thing; I'm a sentient human being. The big linguistic winner is 'centrist.' That's corporate RWNJ TPP bullhockey! But the dumbed down Americans think it means 'moderate.' WRONG!
I have no kids by choice. I have a 25 year old millenial niece. I love her very much. She is mastering 4 languages. She's already fluent in 2. She is finishing her international law degree. She is getting set to move overseas cos she believes that's where she find the American (snort-snort) Dream. She wants to stay here, but believes she'll starve. You know what!!?? That's pretty goddamn pathetic. The last mangled word is 'exceptionalism.' I don't have to explain that one on here. God forbid on TO(idiot}P! Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Good for your daughter!
Personally, I refuse to be driven to vote for a Democrat solely out of fear of what a Republican might do. Fox News has used fear of terrorist/terrorism to drive their electoral successes and spawned the Tea Party to fuel anger driven voting - anger at Obama for taking their guns (not!); anger at illegal immigrants for crime (not!); anger at women for emasculating men (hah!); anger at federal regulation for protecting the environment (we wish!); anger at...
Hillary's major donors are 1%ers with heavy corporate interests. Corporations don't care about social issues. Corporations don't have the capacity to care about women's rights, civil rights, immigration, racism or civil liberties. Social issues are means to distract and divide voters into not focusing on the real interests of corporations - any and all public policy that improves their corporate bottom line. This tells me that corporate Democrats aren't necessarily committed to the social issues they espouse. They use their positions on social issues to separate voters into pro-this and anti-that to avoid telling voters what they promise to deliver to their corporate campaign sponsors.
Hillary has shifted her rhetoric leftwards in response to Bernie's challenge. But the virtual IOUs she owes in return for corporate campaign funds do not differ significantly from most Republican candidates. (Most Republicans, funded by a similar pot of campaign funds, will have similar policy agenda. Trump's agenda seems to be less about increasing the wealth & power of the 1% and more about advancing his ranking within that echelon.)
Republicans and corporate Democrats aren't competing to win elections (their common sponsors win regardless); they are competing to dupe the largest number of citizens to vote for them.
So I agree with your daughter. Be fearless, be courageous, vote with your heart and vote rationally.
I feel the same way. That's why DKos TO'd me for 30 days.
And just for refusing to play this pointless tug of war, no less. Jill Stein will have my vote this year. I might support down-ticket Berniecrats as well but that's about as far as I'll go with the Democratic Party at this point. I sure as shit hope Tim Canova can unseat Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Your daughter has her head on
Your daughter has her head on straight Steve
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Just watch-even IF Debbie Watchmelose-Seats loses her
primary, she will be rewarded by the corrupt Clinton machine with an even cushier and potentially more damaging job. Just imagine her as chair of the CFPB? Because we all know payday lenders are so good for consumers. sigh
$Hillary is NOT a Lesser Evil, even against Trump
Yes, he's rude and crude and often purely obnoxious, and he started out talking the tea-party line. Notice a moderation of that as he got stronger? He even defended Planned Parenthood on a Republican debate stage. Pre-campaign, he was fairly socially tolerant. But, some important stuff:
1. TPP! It elevates the "expected profits" of multinational corporations over human citizens' needs and concerns. If a corporation could make more profit by poisoning us, and a law prevents that, we have to pay them for that "loss." This isn't theoretical, it's already happening, mostly to poor countries, but also to us - even without the expanded corporate power in the TPP. $Hillary worked to support it until she realized she needed to pretend to oppose it. Trump has been arguing against these trade deals for 30 years, since NAFTA (he did it on Oprah, way back, but I don't know the link). The TPP is also the death of any chance to even moderate Climate Change, or to adapt to it.
2. "Regime change" in small countries that put their national interests above the "expected profits" of multinational corporations (these are usually Left regimes, though not always, outrageously supporting their poorer citizens). Trump opposes it, and sounds almost like Bernie on the issue. $Hillary loves it - Libya was the richest country in Africa, with health care and education for its citizens, and after $Hillary's "We came, we saw, he died" (chortle), it's a smoking ruin and a breeding ground for al Qaeda, ISID, etc. Honduras?!!
3. "America First"? Isn't it time to think about what our own people need? What a thought! No, $Hillary wants more invasions and droning of poor countries, and more Wall Street profits. And I suspect she'll want to bring us dissenters "to heel." The TPP also doesn't allow Buy American or Buy Local.