The Baritone Timbre Of Money Talking Overwhelms the Ears: The Problem Is Bigger Than Paid Shills

I had posted this on GOS earlier today. It didn’t get much traction. Pearls before swine, I’m afraid. So I’m reposting a more extensive and franker version here. Hope you guys like it.

Short version:

We can fight the messages of Money Talking without attacking the messengers.

Money Talks. Money has bought and controls our media, and is talking to us constantly, whether we are listening or not. Money Talking has learned the lesson of Goebbels:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it…”

It finds a thousand ways to be heard. Money Talking never gets tired, it never gets hoarse. Money shouts. It wants to drown out all other voices. It is hard to follow the thread of honest discussion against the constant din of Money Talking.

To quote jfromga in the comments over there (You here too, j?):

…When one understands the motives, one knows where to go to look for facts that would reveal the bias and purpose behind those motives and even reveal the frauds created with ‘facts’ that have been cherry picked.
Propaganda works well beyond facts, by creating ‘fact’ out of fiction. The OP spoke to the purpose of the big lie. One simple example, out of today’s headlines, the oil companies had scientific evidence, believable evidence, that the current course of climate change would happen close to 40 years ago. They buried and deliberately set out on a disinformation campaign so effective in the US that many people still believe climate change isn’t real, isn’t related to human activities and there is nothing that can be done about it. The people who believe the disinformation campaign will cite facts from reports bought and paid for by fossil fuel companies to obfuscate the facts. The same thing with the tobacco industry. They had scientific evidence for decades that their product was addictive and harmful and they hid it and paid for disinformation ‘factual’ studies that denied the truth.
Facts can be bought if you pay enough money. And in today’s world a tiny handful of people control the money and the facts…

It takes a sustained effort to continue to hear the voice of money talking behind all the information we consume. We don’t always succeed. We can’t help unconsciously internalizing the accepted wisdom that Money wants us to believe to be the truth.

For us who call ourselves progressives, this phenomenon is easy to see on the right: We are very conscious of how Fox News, the Koch Brothers etc. brainwash people with ideas we on the left clearly perceive as false. We have antibodies against theocracy, climate change denial, homophobia, the war on women, and other Right ideas.

But Money has messages tailored for us, my friends. Money also feeds us ideas meant to keep our system of inequality intact, to accept the world order. Money talks to us, and it sounds so very reasonable. All of us carry around unexamined viewpoints that Money Talking has told us are true.

Let me give a personal example. I was listening to a news broadcast about the political crisis in Brazil on NPR. I heard about Dilma Roussef’s corruption with having public funds used to remodel her house and her attempt to elevate her predecessor to a ministerial position to shield him from prosecution. Brazil’s congress was moving against a corrupt prime minister. For a few days I accepted this at face value, thinking, oh that’s nice, democracy in action in Brazil. Yay democracy. Boo, corruption.
Then I did some more reading. It turned out that all the politicians wanting to impeach Roussef were at least as corrupt, and that Lula’s and Roussef’s administrations were left-leaning and not making Brazil’s elites or Wall Street happy. Now it made more sense to me.

But for those few days, I had bought unquestioningly into the narrative I had heard on NPR. I would have defended it in discussion. Why shouldn’t I? I don’t know much about Brazil, it was NPR after all and not Fox, and the narrative of democracy vs. corruption was familiar and comforting.
This happens to us all the time. There’s no shame in it. We tend to believe what we hear because it would be too fatiguing to always question everything.

It can go further. We may, through confirmation bias or our own allegiances, passionately believe repeated lies. We may be moved to disseminate these lies as part of our search for affirmation and self-worth. We may be moved to spend time online on this site and elsewhere correcting everyone we consider to be “wrong on the internet” peddling what Money Talking has planted in our brains.
On a deeper level it does not matter one iota whether someone repeating what the 1% want us all to think is a paid shill or not. What matters is whether someone is repeating the propaganda that the rich and powerful have crafted for the little people’s consumption.

Kos is sensitive to people accusing others of being shills on his site. Fine. It strikes a nerve with him. I’m guessing he is sensitive because there is truth to it. What I will say here, and didn’t say there is that is has been as clear as day to many of us that GOS was being flooded with paid operatives intent on shutting down any progressive conversation. Kos’ call for Bernie to drop out and his 3/15 edicts certainly created the impression that he wanted to steer both the dialog and the primary to HRH. We kept being told that it was verboten to call (or as of today, even imply that) someone was a paid shill and that we should take concerns to admin. However when I pressed elfling on this, she admitted that they were never going to ask a suspected shill to prove who they were IRL. How the hell else would you prove or disprove someone was a paid operative for chrissakes! I’m sorry, but it looks like there was a round file placed under that particular complaint box. At best GOS admin didn’t have the time to pursue it (never mind how much damage these characters were doing to to the site), perhaps they were allowed to be there even though Kos knew what they were up to, and at worst Kos was encouraging them to post.

Even if all this is true, calling people out as shills in a discussion isn’t the best strategy. We have better ones.
Rather than say, “You’re a paid shill for…(fiil in the blank), we can call out the corporate-promoted lies by saying something like, “You’re saying what (fill in the blank interest) wants us to believe.”

Here is an example: The nuclear power industry would like us to believe that building new nuclear plants is essential to combating global warming. Suppose user “CesiumIsYummy” comes online and quotes all sorts of “definitive studies” –paid for by nuclear industry groups—trying to show that a carbon-free electrical grid is impossible without more new nuclear power plants. Suppose I happen to passionately believe this is wrong-headed. I can respond by saying “You are saying the same thing as nuclear energy lobby is saying”. I don’t have to say, “The nuclear energy industry must have paid you to say that.” CesiumIsYummy may well be defending nuclear power because she believes in it, or her favorite uncle was a nuclear engineer.

We can fight the messages of Money Talking without attacking the messengers.
As an aside, I am concerned about this wonderful haven also being flooded with trolls and shills if it becomes as large and successful as we would like it to be. I have some thoughts about this and will share them in another diary.

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Thanks for posting it here.

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We can talk back using the language of money. For example, nuclear power costs something like 14 cents per kilowatt hour -- not including the enormous government subsidies, particularly in the form of free insurance for an otherwise uninsurable industry. Compare with wind and solar, at 3-5 cents per kwh.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

Bollox Ref's picture

You can never stop these people posting the same points, time after time. People present facts that counter the argument, and the very next day said poster is spouting a variation of his/her spiel.

Politeness only works for a while.

The Great Orange Hillary is an example petri dish. They will not shut up, no matter what.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

MsGrin's picture

... And in today’s world a tiny handful of people control the money and the facts"


Chalk my Dad's death this winter to it. Am as certain as I am about anything that he died of the infection I've been struggling with for going on two and a half decades. He was sitting next to me when I became infected - there were time-markers which make that quite clear.

My infection was latent for the first decade then went ballistic after I had a medical accident which compromised my immune system. Five years, 24 docs before someone suspected and tested me. My dad was not so lucky - he got a different label, and he and my stepmother bought into that paid-for explanation of what was wrong. There was a long string of signs I was correct, but I could not get them to finish testing to rule this out.

I realize this sounds heartless, but it's a relief he's passed. It was torture for me to not drag him (by the hair, if necessary) to someone who would finish the testing and actually provide a second opinion. They didn't want it. Didn't care that I felt they did not have complete information. Wanted me to shut up. I did. It was more ok with them that he die a really not nice death rather than rule out that fully that he could be treated.

The disease and the cover-up have stolen a lot from my life.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

riverlover's picture

I cannot be a caregiver to my failing 96 y/o mother because I was already done in by the death of my husband, who also had several mis-diagnoses and some unnecessary interventions. Yes, that did a job on me. So I understand anger and frustration quite well. I hope you are improving. I hope I am as well.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

MsGrin's picture

So very sorry for your losses... I hope we are both improving, too. Wink

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

but am glad your dad is no longer suffering. As you know, I share your anger at the medical authorities who make these misdianoses possible; their big lie about this is as bad as the tobacco industry. So, so angry.

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MsGrin's picture

I know how very much you absolutely do understand. My stepmother absolutely thinks I'm delusional.

Every. Single. Time. they gave my dad short courses of abx for small infections, he would rally HUGELY for a short while - be much more of himself again, only to fade back down. Um, hello? Doesn't that appear to demonstrate that HE NEEDS ANTIBIOTICS like I keep saying?!

But no, to their minds, it did not.

I hate myself for not flying out there and rushing him off to SOMEONE who could try another course. But they absolutely did NOT want me to do that thing. So to honor what they wanted, I did not go. Because if I went, I would not have been able to keep myself from doing exactly that.

My stepmother absolutely cannot fathom that my own health struggles had any similarity to his. If she had lived in my skin for a week back before I was diagnosed... if she'd lived with the perpetual 'it's nothings' from doctors for five years (when my life had been utterly turned upside down), maybe she's have a tiny glimmer of understanding that those of us who go through this begin to recognize the signs in others that doctors have a vested interested in NOT seeing.

* * *
But aside from all that grief and remorse.
Nice to see you here!

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

that they do not want. I have seen this over and over. People get VERY attached to their diagnosis ("I have arthritis" for example) and resist change in doctors, or change in lifestyle, that might address the problems better. People in that generation especially (like my parents) are committed to their personal physician as if he/she were a deity. I cannot question anything my dad reports as coming from his doctor. It is sacred territory. My mom however, to some extent, will consider alternatives and so I can help her, at least to some extent, and she can help herself better than most people in their 80's. I think it shows strength of character when you can go against everything your culture trained you to do, and not many people can rise to this.

Don't hate yourself for this, he did not want to do it. It was his choice. Believe me, I feel this frustration very deeply.

It's lovely to see you here. too! What a breath of fresh air it is to be here. Ahhh! Smile

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MsGrin's picture

I realize I made the best possible choice for us both given the conditions he/they set. Now that the time has expired to do anything, the anguish of sitting on my hands can subside.

I do believe there's something after being here, and that his having been freed of his bonds of earth he can understand what I believe and why. I hope that his and my relationship will improve now that it's less fettered.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

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Let's face it maggid, TOP is a psyops operation. Always has been. Once you've heard the voice of the owner there defend the CIA as a liberal institution, assassinations and all, AND say he almost joined the CIA, 'right up to like, signing that last paper' but went to work for Dean instead, doing something but what exactly? for money, and Dean the left progressive, we might recall, lost.
Those antibodies you mentioned should hopefully be picking up that you are under attack.
A funny thing, I saw a comment with a block quote, quoting the owner of TOP, saying that he had taken money from both Bernie and Clinton but more from Bernie, I recall he said Bernie paid A LOT more. If true that's got to be the one of the biggest WTF?!'s I've been aware of for a while. (I wasn't able to find where that quote was taken form but it was in a diary by the owner of TOP and I believe it was accurate, it wasn't hidden and I'm TU there soo. Maybe someone else remembers better about that quote.).
The point being anyway, helping them learn how to argue fairly is important why? We got better things to do friend Smile

Of course the rulers, the money, ever strive to create the narrative. That's required a tool of ruling. Rumors, rumors of wars, rumors of rumors. These skills are finely honed from long years of Royalty living within the proximity of pitchforks and torches. History is written by the victors, often as it is happening. It astounds me how few people give thought to what it would be like to be in the shoes of the rulers. They must make things work well enough and keep the people from becoming too angry or they face an unhappy end. In the past often an ugly, bloody end. Dividing the people has always been one of the very best tools. Lying to them is another. Confusing them also works. If you don't believe such things happen then seriously people, whoever you be, WAKE THE FUCK UP!. (not pointing at you maggid, at everyone).
Today the tools the rulers have are unprecedented and wildly beyond the scope any ruler could ever have of dreamed of in the past. The power of the computer with the internet added allows monitoring, disinformation, thought control and even the ability to change history, down to the individual level, from a keyboard!
Yes, Goebbels loved big brother no doubt.
We live in an Orwellian world with all manner of rabbit holes to send us down. My BS alarm is almost constantly going off. You can learn to be aware of and read through some of the doublespeak and disinformation but truly it's overwhelming .
I don't have all the answers. I wish more people were aware, I do know it's going to be a wild ride.
There's a strong message of 'being aware' in this essay. That's why I responded, because I wholeheartedly agree.

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge

maggid's picture

First of all, i have been following your writing and did chase down the links where Kos is praising the CIA. It caused serious cognitive dissonance.
Secondly, it can be exhausting to put ourselves in situations where our BS meter goes off every five minutes. that can cause burnout and exhaustion. We need refuges, like this one, where we can trust that we are safe and that things are what they seem to be.
Thirdly --and i have not seen this said elsewhere-- I think Kos of 2008 and Kos of 2016 are perfectly consistent: his goal was then and is now to get the most electable neoliberal Democratic candidate into the White House. In 2008 the question was whether the neoliberal agenda was going to wear a Black face or a female one. Obama had loftier rhetoric and came without the Clinton baggage. This time around it was always going to be Hilary. Kos knew --MUST HAVE KNOWN-- that BHO would tack to the center, be pro Wall Street, anti-leaker, anti journalist, pro drones, pro surveillance, pro MIC, pro Big Oil, etc. But many of us believed sincerely that he was the great progressive hope we now see in Bernie.
Fourth, the power to manipulate and shape minds must always remain hidden to work. One enormous victory of the progressive movement is that we have unmaksed some of this behind the scenes power. Kos, DWS and others have been forced to show their hands. the DNC power structure has had to use their power openly, thus weakening it.
Fifth-- you have given me the perfect opening to give you the entire Goebbels quote:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

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The marriage between capitalism and democracy is over. –Slavoj Zizek

But the thumbing doesn't work for me. I click the thumb but the number doesn't change (JtC Said he'd fix it when he can). Honestly everyone should add 1 thumb for every comment or Essay they've posted (except the 'boycott voting' posts). I read everything here. Thank god some of you sleep!
I think your reply is really terrific. I wanted to let you know that.
I don't think anyone ever said they followed my writing before. Not sure of the wisdom of that lol. But thanks. I'm just a fairly normal guy with too much time to think and worry about stuff.
'One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic' - Stalin.
Never underestimate the rulers, they are ruthless.

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge

Lenzabi's picture

Posted on one of Subirs' posts at TOP ;

Well, that with the town-hall we saw the attitude of Hillary and the DNC-Establishment when Maddow asked about adopting Bernie platform policies, and the response from Hillary was arrogant, condescending, and dismissive. It came across as “Why would I when I am so obviously the winner? I am the chosen one! the Anointed Queen, High Grand Plutarch? who are these Bernie supporters to me/us?” and that is the problem we have seen all along this primary season, and the Bernie supporters are aware of it.

We are aware of that and the shenanigans of affiliation changes and voter purges, polling centers shut down especially in strongly Pro-Bernie precincts, the a change of venues as well, and the broken machines, and nothing of those shenanigans hurt HRC at all. Closed Primaries are a shameful sham too. Open Primaries, in which Independents on the left lean supported Sanders whole heartedly.

Unite the party that chose to rip itself apart by acting like Republicans used to be before the insane ones took over? the same party that has ignored what the people want? the same party that acts as if they are appointing some medieval royalty to power over us when we want the more left leaning policies that would send relief and support to those who need it most, Not the FatCat Rich Billionaires/WallStreet Managers/Banksters/Big Oil and MIC suits, to name few who do NOT need help.

America NEEDS Bernie, it is not just a pipe dream, the nation is broken, it is damaged, and just saying as Obama did command to heal it is not gonna work, we need one who see what must be done.

Hillary just sees a shiny prize to be won, another trophy to hang on a wall in her mansion(s). She is not the best choice no matter her gender, 1st female president would have been better served by Warren, or Stein!

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Lookout's picture

There's is good media out there but you have to know where to look. I wonder if progressives need a youtube channel that collects the good videos in a daily catalog. We get over the air broadcast, but it is a wasteland of lies and deceit. Even PBS and NPR are now pro-corporate voices. For example this AM their only report on Bernie is the staff layoff...over and over again. Imagine if time after time they reported "Hillary and Trump share the same tax haven address in DE"
Or imagine a report of cash for arms deals and how the Clinton foundation is a slush fund. The race would be very different.

We need a progressive media platform.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”