I Don't Research My Essays

edited to remove html triggers... i like circumflexes, what can i say

I remember the rule in grade school was to have three references. The Holy Trinity of passing English class. You had to have an introductory paragraph, three supportive paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. I don't have any references, Google is just a click away, kids!

I remember PUMA, I remember Dean, I remember George W Bush, when I was scared to say anything lest the Black Morias came to visit. I'll say this, Cindy Sheehan is a hero to me, no matter what transpired after. She spoke out when no one would. No one. So, I remember that, also, because to me, it was a ray of sunshine. The aftermath, when she ran, and such, I remember being turned off to her. Hmmm..

Also, Diane Feinstein is a hero in our family. When my wife was beseiged by the IRS for exes' debt, she finally wrote to DF, who wrote her back and removed the awful curse of having a single Mom's (at the time) wages garnished. So yeah, DF is a hero in our family, we should hang a portrait in our hallway as if it were 1969. And she was Gil Hodges.

OT has been crafting our narrative for some time now. We have been the fish, swimming in the sea there, until it got polluted, for some years now. Today, a member posted a real Alex Jones lookin webpage all about Markos. I personally don't want it to be like that. But you all can research that. I'm feeling the bern! #feelthebern

I listen to the radio on line at Cuca's Mexican Drive-In. I turn off my car while I wait unlike these republican assholes in line with me who leave theirs running and roll up the windows when its 70 outside. I digress, the news on the radio provide so little detail about the primary race compared to the level I am interested in the primary race! I'm Nate Silver Level Orange here! Even NPR (GOP corporate tool, but the best there is, KPFK is playing Mariachi music atm) is like "oh, Trump (they always lead with Trump, you know), and then Trump.. then "Hillary" (they never mention Sanders, you know, well, until the end because he's filling more seats than the Mets these days).*

So in conclusion, There's a song in there somewhere.

*- I know, four paragraphs, you're like "Bluesee, wtf? Four supportive paras?" And I'm like "Yep, that's how yo get A's bro. Secret sauce right there..." circumflex asterisk, plus two man, plus two right there...

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C'mon, mash some keys.

You only think I care. I am 110% behind Bluesee on this. And I like barbecued iguana.

I like Mariachi Music.


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PastorAgnostic's picture

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The word "blog" is short for Web log. A post without any links is just bloviating.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."