Open Thread Saturday 05-23-15
Good morning, 99percenters! How's it going in your neighborhood today so far? Hope all is well with everyone.
It's a rainy Memorial Day weekend here. I'm preoccupied with the weather because there are flowers to plant! We've had rain every day for at least 2-1/2 weeks. Maybe more; I've lost track. And, the forecast doesn't look hopeful. I try to appreciate it because other areas such as California would love to have it. But, enough already.
This is a closeup of the flower on the first plant shown below.
Come inside and take a look.
Three Pink Plants
If the ground is ever not mud, here are a few flowers I will be adding to my small garden.
Top to bottom, Lychnis Atrosanguinea, aka Campion Rose, Echinacea Pink Double Delight Coneflower, Echinacea Rocky Top hybirid.
I already have 3 Pink Double Delights (middle picture) ready for planting,
and the other two are on hold, but only for a week at the local nursery.
Please wish me luck in keeping them alive on the front porch until the sun comes out.
Airbag recall
This is on my mind this morning because my car is one of the models affected, but my car does not have a recall on it currently. The web site where you enter your VIN says if your car does not show up on the recall, keep checking back because it will take awhile to determine all of the cars involved and have all of the numbers listed.
Then, the news says it could take years to get all the millions of cars fixed.
I guess you are expected to drive around a few years while waiting, and hope you're not in an accident.
Confusion reigns in airbag recall - New York Times
Takata, the Japanese maker of airbags, agreed to double to 34 million the number of vehicles in the United States that needed to be recalled. The vehicles may contain airbags that can explode violently when they deploy, sending pieces of metal flying into the cabin. Six deaths have been linked to the problem.
Honda, [and my car] the automaker that has been most affected by the recalls, said on Wednesday that it was working on the list [of affected cars] but did not have a specific timetable.
While the recall list will take days to complete, a more difficult problem lies ahead: actually replacing the tens of millions of Takata airbags. Federal officials estimate it could take months for some consumers and years for others to receive their repairs.
A different perspective:
Why the massive Takata air bag recall won't make driving much safer - The Atlantic
…air bags are embedded in a complicated system of sensors that is difficult and costly to work around in the repair shop. George Hoffer, an economist at the University of Richmond, suggested in some cases that it could be cheaper for companies to buy back a car instead of repairing its air bags.
So far, Takata’s air bags have been linked to six deaths. These preliminary estimates tend to grow over time; General Motors’s faulty ignition switches have been said to have caused more than 100 deaths, but at first that number was 13.Those deaths are tragic, they’re awful, they’re avoidable, and they deserve to be less than statistics, but some context might change the way conventional coverage of recalls looks. The two biggest recalls of the past year (GM’s and Takata’s) have probably been responsible for a couple hundred deaths over the course of about a decade. But in the past year, more than 30,000 people have died in traffic accidents. That means that it’s likely that during the average two-week period, more people are dying in car crashes than have died from the past decade’s recall-related product failures.
Train crash
I had planned to include a section on the recent horrible train wreck, …
but enough about the Jeb Bush campaign. -- h/t Bill Maher
Music for Saturday
"Everybody Knows" must be the most pessimistic song in Cohen's vast catalog. Here are things that everybody supposedly knows: The dice are loaded, the boat is leaking, the captain lied, the poor stay poor, the rich get rich, the plague is coming and moving fast. It's quite the bummer, but somehow packaged all together you get the feeling we're going to survive this parade of horrors together. -- Rolling Stone Magazine.
Thought I'd bring you something different this morning. So, ladies and gentlemen, a tender, sentimental Paul McCartney. (These songs are from an album released in February 2012, Kisses on the Bottom. The title refers to x's at the bottom of letters for kisses. xxxoo)
My Very Good Friend the Milkman
(Eric Clapton seen helping out at the opening, 3.45 mark and the end.)
It's Only a Paper Moon
Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive
Let's end with something inspirational:
I'm gonna tell all you fascists, you may be surprised
The people all over this world are getting organized
You're bound to lose, you fascists are bound to lose

Good Morning, All
It doesn't feel right to say "Happy Memorial Day Weekend." I do hope everyone enjoys the weekend, and maybe even has a 3 dayer. I'd like to take the weekend off from thinking about, as Rolling Stone Magazine put it so well, our "parade of horrors." Not easy to do.
On that cheery note - - Good Morning, everyone!
Good morning Linda and 99percenters...
thank you very much for taking the Saturday slot, Linda, much obliged, good job! I have family obligations this weekend so I'm taking a short vacation from the Evening Blues the next couple of days, soda pops, steaks, and family are in order for this old boy! Have a great holiday everyone!.
My pleasure, JtC
Have fun, we'll miss you. If you take off from EB for the weekend, that means we take off too.
A good idea for all to get away for a bit.
Oh yeah, too, also...
great job figuring out how to format your essay here!
Very nice of you to comment, JtC. I knew html (and CSS) well, and used it often a decade and decade plus ago. A few items come back to me when needed. The essay creator here is good, too. I liked using it.
CSS, huh. Know any PHP?
No, sorry.
HTML and CSS were all I used. Seemed like it was enough at the time.
This site's...
written in PHP and CSS, that's why I asked.
What about the PCP and LSD?
I only have experience with one out of two. That was a lonnnnng time ago, and limited.
I think I did LSD about 4-5 times.
Not something I wanted to continue but I had some interesting experiences. Two stories involved Hawaii and
the rock band KISS.
I remember...
PCP, that was some nasty shit. back in the late 60s and early 70s assholes would sell you what was called Angel Dust, almost always turned out to be PCP (animal tranqs), nasty, nasty shit.
I think I had PCP a couple times. I know one time and it
was the only time where I have no memory of what we did for hours. We smoked some stuff and went out
walking then it turned into floating. I remember we were in a park then nothing. All we remembered after that
was waking up in our apartment the next morning. Ya, that was some nasty shit.
We checked the headlines in the local paper the next night just to be sure we didn't do something stupid.
floating was one of the effects, and feeling giant sized too. Then it would knock you out and have some wild hellacious dreams.
and I don't remember LSD, I think that may be due to all the LSD I took back in the day.
Like the old saw goes
If you remember the '60s you weren't there.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Late sixties and early seventies were like a blur to me except for the bad marriage that I was in at the time. And that seemed like it was someone else's life that I was watching. LOL
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Closest I got to that was hash
Had it once, and it got me off of marijuana as I figured ganja would never give me as good a high as that. Haven't been able to partake of it since (was never much for buying on my own), which may be a good thing ;-).
Also tried a hit of amyl nitrate once -- just made me alert with a roaring headache (tequila seemed to cure it though). Then again, that was a night of some debauchery; weed, tequila, amyl, and a heaping of Steve Reich, Iron Butterfly (played at 78 rpm), and Zappa. Bizarre craziness. Felt fine though, even the next morning.
And a tiny bit frightened by that
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Good Morning fellow 99%ers!
If it's all the same to you, I'd rather not think of the "parade of horrors"; unfortunately, they're all too present
I'll add my thanks for the Leornard Cohen, and add one of my own if I may:
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Good Morning, LL
So glad you enjoyed the song. Thanks for the nice addition.
Best wishes for the weekend!
You too!
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
By coincidence it's a holiday weekend in Germany too (Pentecost)
♪ Hail thee, festival day … ♫
Guten Morgan wei geht es ihnen?
That's like good morning, how ya doing in German. When I lived in Germany I'd say that and other phrases I had
down pat to Germans. Problem was, I was so good at those phrases that they'd immediately engage me in deep german
conversation, thinking I was fluent, and I wouldn't know a word they were saying. Perfecting those phrases wasn't always such a good idea.
My garden is taking off. I've got corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, five kinds of lettuce, kale, spinach, carrots, green beans,
peas, strawberries, blueberries, zucchini, pumpkin, peppers, herbs and spices, cantaloupe and watermelon growing now. We've been
eating lettuce from the garden for a couple weeks now, have some green tomatoes, green beans and peas showing. Been great
weather here for the gardens.
"All you fascists" - I like it.
Ummmm Al...
you misspelled "wei", yeah, I'm a spelling Nazi
Man, I miss my garden. If Monsanto finds out you've been growing all those vegetables, you'll be labelled a terrorist.
You're right. My german spell check is down.
Ya, I like my garden. I've got a big back yard so plenty of room and places for sun. I'm all organic too so Monsanto and their
friends would not like that either. They can label me all they want, just stay the fuck out of my yard!
Good morning, Al
Your garden sounds delicious! And, big. That's quite a variety. I would love to have a vegetable garden. Don't really have a good spot for one, and also worry about how to keep squirrels and other critters out of it.
Am I recalling correctly that you were just beginning your garden when you left DK? Seems like I recall thinking, bummer, we won't get to hear how it's going. And, now here we are.
Glad you like the song. For some reason I thought of you when posting it. I don't know why.
I think I was a couple years into it then, but probably
was redesigning it at that time. I started small with a couple raised bed boxes, then expanded it to the point where
now it's 25 x 25 not counting the blueberry bushes. Squirrels are a problem here too, but they don't go after most plants.
I've got cats that help chase them away but the last few years I've had to enclose my corn in fencing and cover my
blueberry plants. The little rascals can get into about anywhere if they want.
Thanks for the diary and have a great day. The sun is supposed to come out today so I'm looking forward to that.
Mir geht es so-la-la ... :)
Good morning Al. I think if I were to meet you in person, I wouldn't say "Sie" to you. You sound to me like we can be on "Du" basis, right? Do you want to talk some "Kauderwelsch" with me?
I envy you for your garden. I tried to plant a lot in my little backyard beds. I imagine some larger garden and start all from scratch.
I am out of here. Sun is shining, sky is blue and I can't let that go by without going outside.
Have a good week-end.
Morning Mimi.
We can be on the "Du" basis , of course, we're all friends here. So far
Have a nice weekend too. I've got my coffee down so I'm going outside too. See what kind of trouble
I can get into.
Did you see the pictures of those biker dudes in Texas?
The bunch of mug shots that are being posted on the news sites? The first thing I thought when I saw them was
that they all have short hair! All of them.
What the hell happened to bikers?
Half of them are narcs.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good Morning OLinda and all of you,
thank you for writing this OT and special thanks for the Leonard Cohen song. I can't help but like his songs. Wishing you and your garden plenty of sun and a good memorial week-end.
I are not much into memorializing ... I am more interested into forgetting.
I wanted to ask if anyone of you has read the book "Terms of Service" by Jacob Silverman.. I started it, but am altogether too down and unfocused and can't stay long with the book. I know it's one of the books that's a must read for me. Problem is, that many of the applications Silverman talks about I haven't used consciously and all my involvement with them are involuntary. I get often annoyed over them and don't understand them anymore. Anyhow, I hope I get through the book.
Here you can read sample pages of the book. This is the amazon intro:
I am in such a negative attitude right now that reading parts of the book made me wondering, why it is legal for social platforms to own our comments. I wonder about the whole thing in my sig. "Thoughts are Free". Free in my head unspoken, free to be posted digitally they are for me, but not really, we pay a high price for it and someone owns them, surveilles them, stores them, shares them and makes a profit from them. The comments can't even be forgotten. What an inhumane technology. We don't die digitally. How do we get back control over our comments on social media platforms?
Any ideas? I realize that the caucus doesn't use advertisements. That is amazing in a way. Of course I like it and just want to "like" and "thumbs up" and say thank you to JtC for the platform he created.
Terms of Service
Thank you, mimi, especially for the sun wish. Glad you liked the song.
I'm not familiar with the book, but from what you posted, it sounds true and interesting.
Have a great weekend. I'm off to make breakfast here pretty soon.
I think...
too many website developers have money as their main incentive, that's not the case here at all, as long as we can raise the money once a year to cover the server costs there will never be any ads. I hate ads with a passion although I haven't seen any for years due to AdBlock, NoScript, CookieSafe, Ghostery and HTTPS Everywhere.
JtC, thanks for commenting,
I just was thinking of the overall issue of surveillance of social platforms, not thinking of anything specific and certainly not of this site (with the gos it's a bit differently, I am conflicted, like always, love-hate thingies). I think it's very nice to have no ads to look at here.
For my personal usage, I have still lots in front of me to set up a new working environment online for myself and procrastinate doing so successfully, finding for myself always new excuses. When I overcome those and that time comes I make sure I get all those ad blocking tools. I always wonder how much effort I should invest to learn a bit of coding and learn video editing. When retiring I was quite determined to pursue it, but have changed my attitude towards online video production. There is too much out there and too many related to propaganda, imo. So, I am still thinking one day I should get into it and next day to live off-grid digitally. Call me a complicated person. I am.
On Memorializing
My usual routine on Memorial Day is to take down my volume of Wlfred Own poems, which inspired me for this diary, along with a few other things as you can see. (But please don't ask me what the last video was as I have absolutely no idea whatsoever. Memory fades....)
And there's this video, a song sung in one of my favorite movies:
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
very beautiful, seldom that I hear something like that.
Toi, es-tu Français ou Française? I like the second line of your sig.
apparently there are protests going on in San Francisco and elsewhere highlighting all the black woman who have been killed by cops. some marchers topless, some not. Saw it on FB and HuffPo, no place else. They make quite the case that that black women matter too.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
afternoon olinda, everybody...
hmmm...99ers, 99percenters, caucusers... friends, romans, countrymen?
great job on the post, olinda!
it's one of those beautiful, sunny days here in bmore with temps in the 60's. i'm off to a birthday party for a friend and, well who knows, the sky's the limit.
have a great holiday weekend!
Thanks, joe
and thanks for stopping by on this holiday weekend. Hope you have a good one.
Late evening apology for morning Open Thread
I just talked to my son about me saying that I am not into "memorializing" on Memorial Day and he pointed out to me that this would
mean to many people that I don't honor the fallen soldiers and war deaths.
I certainly did mean to say that. I just was thinking of the many people I always saw at the Washington Mall and Vietnam War Memorial Wall on Memorial Day and that was often heart-breaking and a burdening experience to watch. My son stopped going down there, because he couldn't watch that. So, I wanted to say with not memorializing, that I rather forget about the pain and don't want to keep it in my memory.
I am sorry for my choice of words. Somehow I manage to make a mess with the words I use.
Hey, Mimi, you were not the only person
who expressed that sentiment. And, even though I will memorialize the passing of my Father (not military-related), the tragic passing of a young Marine during the Tet Offensive (he was my older Brother's classmate), and thank some for their service over this Memorial Day weekend--I sure didn't take the least bit offense to your words.
We all have our different ways of coping. If it is easier for some to 'forget"--so be it.
Have a nice Memorial Holiday!
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
thanks, UL, same wishes for the Memorial Holiday to you /nt
oh lordy, correx: I certainly did NOT mean to say that
well, I am cursed. What else could it be. Sorcerers ...
As was indicated above
my way of memorializing is much like yours (even if you don't call it that): Work like hell to make sure there won't be any more to memorialize. In the words of Mother Jones, mourn the dead. Fight like hell for the living.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Hey, Linda! Thanks for the interesting OT. We
also got a notice early this year about an airbag recall (Toyota).
Not quite the same problem, but pretty serious. They actually advise that the vehicle be temporarily put out of commission, or that no one occupies the front passenger seat.
Everyone have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!
Postscript: Agree with JTC, you did a great job formatting the photos, etc. You must have a fast learning curve.
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thank you, Mollie
Hope everything turns out well with your recall.
It's scary and frustrating which is a really crummy combination.
Have a great weekend and holiday!
I have a 2004 Honda Civic
I haven't checked the list yet. With the numbers, I doubt i can avoid it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Not to complain, but the system just called me schizo
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enhydra lutris
That's it, the whole screen. Now, I'm not saying we aren't / I'm not, but shouting it to the whole internets is not cool.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --