Are we ready to rumble? The People's Summit June 17 - 19
If it was even remotely possible, I would so go to this Summit. Maybe they'll figure out a way to nationalize it and or livestream keys parts of it. Maybe we could 'crowdsource' a few bucks here and send a few of our own?
SideNote: To the DNC, the CCC and the rest of the party faithful, this is about all I have to say:
My personal fantasy at the moment is for a Mass Walk Out: Anyone who is still registered Dem should switch to Indie, all on the same day. The day after the Convention Im thinking. Line in the sand. Buh Bye. But not just me, us. En masse.
Occupy Wall Street was 'just practice', heh. This 2016 primary season is our warm up and call to action. Now is the time to gather ourselves and be bold.
Hopi Elders Prophesy
To my fellow swimmers:
here is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift,
that there are those who will be afraid,
who will try to hold on to the shore,
they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
and keep our heads above water.
And I say see who is there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history we are to take nothing personally,
least of all ourselves, for the moment we do,
our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves.
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
For we are the ones we have been waiting for.
Anyway... here's the info paste on this Summit. Check out the website, the Partners page. The Speakers... so far they have Naomi Klein and Cornel West lined up already and they're still working on that and the overall agenda.
Chicago June 17 - 19 2016
At a time of tremendous turmoil and progressive opportunity, we invite you to participate in a historic convening of organizations and individuals committed to social, racial and economic justice. On June 17-19, in Chicago, after the party primary season and before the party conventions, we seek to bring together activists committed to a different kind of platform: a People’s Platform that can enhance and expand issue campaigns and hold all elected officials accountable to popular demands for justice, equality and freedom. We envision this Summit as further deepening the relationship between participating organizations rooted in principled anti-corporate politics, development of community leaders, direct action not based on partisan identification, and strategic organizing to build power.
The Summit itself will include plenary and workshop sessions devoted to key issues such as the Fight for 15, mass incarceration and criminal justice reform, voting rights and expanding democratic participation, a tax on Wall Street speculation to fund human needs and jobs, climate justice toward a sustainable economy, improved Medicare for All, the fight for free and debt-free higher education, secure retirement through expanding social security, ending HIV/AIDS, achieving Constitutional pay equity for women, and ending deportations and support for DREAMers, among others.
We will take action in Chicago against the big money system of politics that expands the power of the wealthy and corporations at the expense of the people.
We will also celebrate with music and a “festival of joyous rebellion.”
And we will adopt a People’s Platform to help build the broad movement for people and the planet.
We hope to see you in Chicago, June 17-19, at McCormick Place.
They have a new twitter account and also a facebook Event page too I believe (will go find it).
At a time when so few have so much, and so many have so little, we must reject the foundations of this economy as immoral and unsustainable.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 24, 2016

everybody knows
Maybe we could do a crowd source thing. Even small contributions add up.
I'm not physically able to go but I'd really like to see as many of you go as is possible.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Sign me up for this.
Only thing I would change is before not after the convention. Need to bring those superdelegates to heel. It is time for real Democrats to stand up and start taking them out - to their face.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
explain that to me
before rather than after the convention to bolt?
Yes, to bolt from the party....
Maybe I don't understand the process.
I assume the people at this event are not delegates. There is no need for them to belong to the party before, during or after. If true, the bigger the fuss before the convention and it is too late to influence its outcome is the time to stage a revolt. The bigger and louder the squeaky wheel before the superdelegates act is when the statement needs to be made. At least that is how I see it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Why wait?
I was considering changing my party affiliation after our closed primary is past (June 7). I'll vote for Sanders by the 7th and after that ...
Reformation works best when started on the inside
Martin Luther was a catholic who attempted to reform the Church while still a catholic. After excommunication, he was the leader of Protestantism. Perhaps the Luther-induced schism in the church could have been initiated by an outsider, perhaps not. Our own Revolution was fomented by British taxpaying subjects of the Empire. They were quickly deemed as traitors although their first major protest was the peaceful "No taxation without Representation." Remaining in the Democratic Party, trying to reform it from within is initially the best policy until we Berniecrats and other progressive thinkers are exorcised from the Party as if we are devils. If we be devils, then let us impale our tormentors (figuratively) with red-hot pitchforks. We should remain on the inside for as long as possible. Prematurely bolting from the party weakens our combined strength. In the General Election if the nominee is Queen Hillary, vote for whomever you wish--or don't vote at all--but return to the D party to fight for Progressivism.
Third parties fare badly and in national elections ALWAYS lose.