Remember when al-Qaeda was our enemy?

Remember way back. Long before ISIS was created in American prison camps in Iraq. Remember the guys who lived in caves in Afghanistan and killed roughly 3,000 Americans?
Remember how we were going to crush them?

"We will crush al-Qaida. That has to be our biggest national security priority.”
Obama, Oct. 7, 2008

Then Obama killed Osama bin Laden and the president announced that "al Qaeda has been decimated". Senator Kerry said said something similar.
“It took us quite a few years before we were able to eliminate Osama bin Laden and the top leadership and neutralize them as an effective force.”
- Secretary Kerry, 2015

Everyone who has ever watched a Hollywood action movie knows that once you kill the main bad guy, the movie is over. It's a rule.
Detective McClane hugs his wife. Sergeant Riggs and Sergeant Murtaugh tell each other bad puns. Everyone laughs because the world has been made right again. Fade to black. Roll credits.
Hell, the CIA even co-produced a movie to celebrate the victory over al-Qaeda.

We had already moved on, dammit. If only al-Qaeda had read the script.

Afghanistan's top defense official has warned that al Qaeda -- the reason the United States first invaded Afghanistan -- is "very active" and a "big threat" in the country.

Not only was this not supposed to happen, but the resurgent Taliban are working with al-Qaeda again.

That was the very reason NATO forces went into Afghanistan in the first place: to prevent al Qaeda functioning freely while the Taliban, which ruled the country until its ouster at the end of 2001, looked on.
"You see a more overt cooperation between the Taliban and these designated terrorist organizations," Nicholson said

American movie audiences and voters hate the kind of sequels where you have to start from square one all over again.
So, after 15 years of non-stop war against the largest, most powerful military in the world, how many al-Qaeda terrorists are there in Afghanistan? The answer is amusing.

Major General Jeff Buchanan, Deputy Chief of Staff for the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan, said the recent discovery and destruction of an al Qaeda training camp in Kandahar province meant previous U.S. estimates of the group's strength were being revised.
"If you go back to last year, there were a lot of intel estimates that said within Afghanistan al Qaeda probably has 50 to 100 members, but in this one camp we found more than 150."

In other words, we haven't a single clue how many there are.

Let's forget about Afghanistan for a moment, like the politicians have, and consider the much larger and more active al-Qaeda affiliate in Yemen, AQAP.
We've been bombing and droning this al-Qaeda affiliate for almost as long as we've been bombing Afghanistan. So it's with great interest that I read this today.

The United States is considering a request from the United Arab Emirates for military support to assist a new offensive in Yemen against al Qaeda's most dangerous affiliate, U.S. officials tell Reuters.

Wait a second. Forget for a moment that Saudi arabia and UAE are using American bombs to kill civilians.
How in the heck did we arrive at this point?

Once driven to near irrelevance by the rise of Islamic State abroad and security crackdowns at home, al Qaeda in Yemen now openly rules a mini-state with a war chest swollen by an estimated $100 million in looted bank deposits and revenue from running the country's third largest port.
If Islamic State's capital is the Syrian city of Raqqa, then al Qaeda's is Mukalla, a southeastern Yemeni port city of 500,000 people. Al Qaeda fighters there have abolished taxes for local residents, operate speedboats manned by RPG-wielding fighters who impose fees on ship traffic, and make propaganda videos in which they boast about paving local roads and stocking hospitals.
AQAP boasts 1,000 fighters in Mukalla alone, controls 600 km (373 miles) of coastline and is ingratiating itself with southern Yemenis, who have felt marginalized by the country's northern elite for years.

This is decimated?

Check out this map of Yemen.

You'll notice two things: 1) after a year of war all the Saudi coalition has managed is to drive the Houthis away from Aden. The capital of Sanaa is nowhere near being reconquered.
2) AQAP filled those areas and now controls nearly as much territory as the Yemeni government.

Al-Qaeda is also resurgent in Somalia and Libya.
However, nowhere is al-Qaeda stronger than in Syria where they have established an emirate.

Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra has gathered nearly 10 thousand troops around the city of Aleppo, according to Russian military officials. However, they denied an earlier claim by the Syrian government that they had planned to take part in an assault on the city.

10,000 huh? In one place?
It's important to recall how small of an organization al-Qaeda was in 2001.

By 2001, al Qaeda still had no formal branches or franchises. Its membership included a core of just under 200 people, a 122-person martyrdom brigade, and several dozen foot soldiers recruited from the 700 or so graduates of its training camps.

Al-Qaeda in 2001 was so small that you could fit all of them into a high school gymnasium.
Al-Qaeda in 2001, just before we started dropping bombs on Afghanistan, occupied no territory and barely existed outside of rural Afghanistan.

Now al-Qaeda can mass 10,000 soldiers for a single attack in Syria, while occupying a coastline in Yemen that can stretch from London to Edinburgh.
Now think about how many times the presidential candidates have even mentioned al-Qaeda in the debates. Nada. It's not even on the political radar for America.
After all, the CIA-produced movie said it was over. What more proof does Detective McClane need?

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Steven D's picture

where the old bad guy is resurrected.

Thanks for some real reporting. I bet CNN and MsNBC (probably Fox, too) haven't said a word about this.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

news reporting and the political debate about the so-called GWOT doesn't have anything to do with reality.
It's not even supposed to have anything to do with reality.

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detroitmechworks's picture

and it appears the CIA/DOD has followed suit.

This isn't a sequel. It's A REBOOT.

You can do the exact same things, maybe change a few beats, but it's ok to completely copy the plot.

Right in the 10-15 year movie reboot cycle too!

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Ken in MN's picture

(Same Shit, Different Generation)


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I want my two dollars!

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

We're just making enemies faster than we can kill them...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,

That's why Rambo is not a good foreign policy model.

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Sounds like a case for more weapon systems ;-(

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and the USA's when when both countrie's geo-politcial goals are aligned, as is the curret case in Syria. Assad rejected the Qatar/Saudi/Turkey and on to the EU pipeline from the south pars/north dome nat gas feild at the request of Puttin, the GCC was out billions, and Russia maintained its market share which the US PTB feel limits their clout in the EU, AQ is just a means to get that pipeline through Syria.

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Solidarity forever

snoopydawg's picture

I have read other articles that have stated that the US and its allies have been arming, training and funding AQ to fight alongside our troops in Syria to help overthrow Assad.
This is the same group of AQ that we fought against during the Iraq war.
If I was a soldier and had seen my fellow military friends get killed or seriously injured during the Iraq war because of AQ, I'd be seriously pissed to read that they are now our allies.

The United States via its Central Intelligence Agency is still delivering thousands of tons of additional weapons to al-Qaeda and others in Syria.

The British military information service Janes found the transport solicitation for the shipment on the U.S. government website Janes writes:

The FBO has released two solicitations in recent months looking for shipping companies to transport explosive material from Eastern Europe to the Jordanian port of Aqaba on behalf of the US Navy's Military Sealift Command.
Released on 3 November 2015, the first solicitation sought a contractor to ship 81 containers of cargo that included explosive material from Constanta in Bulgaria to Aqaba.
The cargo listed in the document included AK-47 rifles, PKM general-purpose machine guns, DShK heavy machine guns, RPG-7 rocket launchers, and 9K111M Faktoria anti-tank guided weapon (ATGW) systems. The Faktoria is an improved version of the 9K111 Fagot ATGW, the primary difference being that its missile has a tandem warhead for defeating explosive reactive armour (ERA) fitted to some tanks.

And no one in the media will report this so the rubes in this country will still believe that AQ is the enemy and we have to fight 'them over there so we don't have to fight them here'.
Has there been a bigger load of propaganda then that sentence?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

divineorder's picture

History? At a gallery season closing party tonight in the Bay Area where the female gallerist and a female patron were talking Bernie Hillary Cruz Trump horse race but pining for Obama to be President for life.l I was not too quiet in denouncing our Demo Prez. Gah.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Lenzabi's picture

World War I was intense, yet our involvement helped make it end faster.

World War II lasted a few years from 1937(including Japan in China), but we got in at 1941 it ended in 1945.

Korea, lasted 3yrs.

Then something happened, the Military-Industrial-Complex got bigger, it got hungry, short wars ending meant lean times for it. Viet-Nam lasted fro 1964 to 1975 for Us, Many new weapons were made and sold, the money flowed into their feeding trough. The the few conflicts we saw between the last years of the Cold War were trickles for them.

Jump to the war over in Serbia and such, we got to see new toys used, the MIC had another party time, it lasted months in comparison.

Hungry again it now had a new opportunity.....9/11, Had the US and world acted as if it were a major world criminal case, the appropriate, and short lived police forces would have been a different story,,,Afghanistan was a treasure trove of mineral wealth waiting to be plundered.....they got the mining consortiums to help back military intervention.

Oh wait, with this "war on Terror" we can now go kick in the door of another nation and plunder them as well,,,,Halliburton through Cheney and the whole Iraq debacle.....

Years later, Bin Laden is dead, and now we see more instability, and our long running war is still not enough, the politicians in bed with the MIC and other big corporations start wars as a first diplomatic solution, no wars won in 15yrs, I mean Iraq was quickly crushed, but that was so the other big corps could do what they wanted.

But they are still in Afghanistan,,,they may want to go into Libya, and of course the war talk from HRC regarding Syria. Just so they can make new weapons and make the sales pitches...they have failed at a newer self propelled artillery system, nothing has yet to be able to replace the vaunted M1 Battle-tank, and the F-35JSF still can't hold a candle to 30 yr old aircraft it is meant to replace! It cannot out fly/out-run/out turn/out climb/out fight aging planes, how is it supposed to be our new go to plane? But other toys are well worked out, we call them drones, ground drones for clearing buildings, flying drones that spy and kill, and newer pilot-less aircarft are on the way.

Video footage I saw in 1991, when they showed that guided bomb go down the chute of a building like the Movie Star Wars was impressive, and some folks said it was like watching Luke kill the death star, But me, I saw the technological power our nation wields, we are not the rebels, we are not the Republic,,,,,We are the Empire............... Sad

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

Is what happened...

"Then something happened, the Military-Industrial-Complex got bigger, it got hungry, short wars ending meant lean times for it. Viet-Nam lasted fro 1964 to 1975 for Us, Many new weapons were made and sold, the money flowed into their feeding trough. The the few conflicts we saw between the last years of the Cold War were trickles for them."

Ike saw it coming and warned us of it...


For decades they profited from building submarines, aircraft carriers, and other ships for the navy, bombers, interceptors, fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, ICBM's, and missile defenses for the air force, and tanks, anti-aircraft guns, and missiles, for our army. All of this to maintain readiness against an attack by the USSR or, China, at an enormous profit, while we flirted with disaster in a provoking chess game in the air, on the seas, and on land, moving our pieces in an antagonizing manner for decades, with a finger on the button...

We had a few hot little wars or, police actions, along the way, to induce sales and development of tactical weapons systems as well...

If you think about it we've really seen very little peace in our lifetimes, around 40% for us older ones, and some of our younger generation hasn't seen any, at least those born since 2001...

years of your life at war.jpg
You can click here to see a larger more readable chart at Zero Hedge.

It's enormous when you think about it, we spend more on weapons of war than any other nation on earth, in fact we spend more than the other nations in most of the top 10 combined...

If that wasn't enough, we supplied weapons to other nations and groups to fight proxy wars for us against the "Communist Aggressor Nations" in Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and even in Central & South America...

We also supplied weapons to countries to fight wars for us against countries which had fallen out of favor with us when a dictator or, "President for Life" was overthrown and a government less favorable to us came into power...

If you think about it we made trouble for ourselves by meddling in the affairs of other countries...

In Afghanistan we engaged in a "Proxy War" against the USSR which essentially proved to be their Vietnam, bankrupting them financially and mentally aiding in ending the cold war. Part of the "Mujahideen Freedom Fighters" we supplied and aided in training became al Qaeda and our future enemy. In Iran, our Shah, who we installed in a 1953 coup d'état to get the oil, in a moment of weakness while he was dying of cancer was overthrown in the Iranian Revolution and the less favorable government of Ayatollah Khomeini. As a countermove we supplied Iraq and Saddam Hussein with aid in building chemical and biological weapons against Iran sponsoring his war, and building him into a regional strongman. Yea, We found Saddam's WMD's, the components had our fingerprints all over them...

These are just 2 examples of the many actions we took on almost every continent where proxy wars have come back to bite us...

The questions we need to ask ourselves is...

Rather than engage in all these destabilizing regime changes and supporting regimes that would have been overthrown if we didn't make them into strongman puppets with our support in exchange for their resources bringing profits to our oil industry, or strategic location such as Iran as an electronic snooping post into the Southern Central USSR, and the Caspian Sea for spy ship operation, or Turkey with Incirlik & Izmir Air Bases, and easy monitoring of movements of the Russian Fleet in and out of the Black Sea into the Mediterranean Sea...

What would have happened if we didn't help our oil companies steal the oil paying off the Shah, and helped Iran invest in its oil money in agriculture, rather than F-14's, with support teams from Grumman, Textron, Hughes, and Northrop, and in some cases even building production facilities building products under license...

Would the population not have been adversarial to us?

Why do we keep on making enemies faster than we can kill them?

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Lenzabi's picture

Your post is a great complimentary one to mine, finishes the thought very nicely. We do spend too much on war toys, and we out spend many nations combined! Our present "War on Terror" seems to fulfill the MICs hunger needs.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Not sure if this was linked above, but here it is

Thanks to UK and US Intervention, al-Qaeda now Has a Mini-State in Yemen. It's Iraq and Isis All Over Again As has happened repeatedly since 9/11, the US and countries like Britain fail to combat terrorism because they give priority to retaining their alliance with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf monarchies

They have done it again. The US, Britain and regional allies led by Saudi Arabia have come together to intervene in another country with calamitous results. Instead of achieving their aims, they have produced chaos, ruining the lives of millions of people and creating ideal conditions for salafi-jihadi movements like al-Qaeda and Islamic State.

The latest self-inflicted failure in the “war on terror” is in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia and a coalition of Sunni states intervened on one side in a civil war in March 2015. Their aim was to defeat the Houthis - labelled somewhat inaccurately as Shia and pro-Iranian - who had seized most of the country in alliance with the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who retained the loyalty of much of the Yemeni army. Yemeni politics is exceptionally complicated and often violent, but violence has traditionally been followed by compromise between warring parties.

The Saudi intervention, supported in practice by the US and Britain, has made a bad situation far worse. A year-long campaign of air strikes was supposed to re-impose the rule of former president Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, whose dysfunctional and unelected government had fled to Saudi Arabia. Relentless bombing had some success and the forces fighting in President Hadi’s name advanced north, but were unable to retake the capital Sanaa. Over the last week there has been a shaky truce.

The real winners in this war are al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) which has taken advantage of the collapse of central government to create its own mini-state. This now stretches for 340 miles – longer than the distance from London to Edinburgh – along the south coast of Yemen. AQAP, which the CIA once described as the most dangerous protagonist of “global jihad” in the world, today has an organised administration with its own tax revenues.

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9/11 still matters to some

Saudi Arabia has told the Obama administration and members of Congress that it will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American assets held by the kingdom if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The Obama administration has lobbied Congress to block the bill’s passage, according to administration officials and congressional aides from both parties, and the Saudi threats have been the subject of intense discussions in recent weeks between lawmakers and officials from the State Department and the Pentagon. The officials have warned senators of diplomatic and economic fallout from the legislation.

Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, delivered the kingdom’s message personally last month during a trip to Washington, telling lawmakers that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750 billion in treasury securities and other assets in the United States before they could be in danger of being frozen by American courts.

Several outside economists are skeptical that the Saudis will follow through, saying that such a sell-off would be difficult to execute and would end up crippling the kingdom’s economy. But the threat is another sign of the escalating tensions between Saudi Arabia and the United States.

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Damnit Janet's picture


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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Big Al's picture

been a tool of U.S. imperialism going back to the Soviet Union intervention in Afghanistan. It's the entity the ruling class wants the serfs to believe is their enemy. Relative to Al Qaeda now, the problems with keeping ISIS alive are causing the imperialists and neocons to proclaim it's resurgence to keep the war OF terror going. One of the links supporting that is from the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), which is one of the main neocon websites, closely associated with PNAC.

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

The Saudi Government is a "Too Big To Fail Institution" then...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
PastorAgnostic's picture

We bribe you to shut the fuck up on how the Houses of bin Laden and Saud conspired to attack you, and now you turn around and do this? To us? After the billions of arms we bought through Hillary? After we bribed her with many millions via her Foindation? After all this, you backstabbers are going to tell the truth? NOW?

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Lenzabi's picture

This war we have been waging since 2001 has killed more people than 9/11 actually did! think, if the world had just made it a criminal investigation and such case, used a small surgical approach that succeeded when it actually needed to, less people killed, but oh the "poor hungry MICs"! they would not have had all that lovely tax money diverted away from our social programs to feed them. the 9/11 attack cost us roughly 3,000 people, friends and family to be sure of many, but we have had 56+k US casualties over the past 15yrs of un-ending wars, and the other side is that we have killed over a million more civilians than terrorists in our bomber attacks, invasions and drone strikes.

Does the demand for blood for blood not meet the call for the lost 3k? Have we not sacrificed enough American Lives? 56k for the 3k?

1.3million for 3k? Have we not dug enough graves for revenge? for the testing and selling of new technology weaponry? Have we not robbed the poorest of our nation to fatten the wallets of the richest?

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So long, and thanks for all the fish