Friday Night Photos Feathered Friends Edition

Welcome to Friday Night Photos everyone. Your once a week break from the daily madness of the crazy world we live in. Post any photos, memes, music, or whatever else you find of interest that helps you escape the madness.

After a very dry month with very low humidity we finally got a little rain this week on Sunday and Monday. Little being the key word. .21in. total. It wasn't much but it did help get the wildfires in the county under control. If we're lucky we may get a little more rain early next week. It won't be a lot, probably less than what we got this week, but every little bit helps.

A mix of some of the year round residents and winter visitors at Santee Lakes.

Great Blue Heron

Great Egret

Double-crested Cormorant

Male Mallard


Black Phoebe

Male Northern Shoveler

Male Bufflehead

Male Bufflehead

Yellow-rumped Warbler

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Pricknick's picture

Your ability to connect birds in flight with water is astounding! And the Bufflehead putting feet to the water before flight.......Awesome!

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Socialprogressive's picture

It took a lot of years to learn the finer points of good bird in flight photography and I'm still learning. Even now, for every good shot there's dozens that end up in the recycle bin.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

janis b's picture


It's nice to see you.

"putting feet to the water before flight" is quite an illustrative description of Social's photo of the bufflehead. I remember, when you talked about, or shared photos, of some of your canoeing or kayaking down peaceful waterways.

Wishing you well

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Although it is not likely it appears from the angle as if the Blue Heron plans to have a duck for lunch.

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Socialprogressive's picture

I don't think the Coot has to much to worry about, but you're right, it does look like the GBH is checking it out.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

snoopydawg's picture


Lake effect….


Guess we’re getting some atmospheric river effect for a few days. But it’s a bummer that the temps are going to be in the 40-50 range.

But Sam still has her little patch of snow to roll in under the big pine tree.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Socialprogressive's picture

With the lack of rain so far this winter we could use an atmospheric river or two. Hope Sam's patch of snow last until the next snowfall.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

janis b's picture


I hope it raises the water levels without any flooding.

Sam will just have to play in the rain!

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janis b's picture

Wonderful bird photos, thank you.

The Shoveler looks something like a totem to me.

I do hope you get rain, I can appreciate how precious it is. We had one good rain in the past hot month, and now it's dry, dry,dry again.

Enjoy the weekend Social

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Socialprogressive's picture

@janis b
You mentioned it being dry got me to wondering, do you get wildfires there?
Enjoy the rest of your weekend as well.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

janis b's picture


I would call them wildfires, but any of the fires in my surroundings could have turned into one. They were fairly quickly, in 2-3 days contained to a relatively small area in a very vast area of bush/forest. Being close to the ocean, many helicopters were able to drop water, in addition to the fire department on the ground.

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Socialprogressive's picture

@janis b
near Santee Lakes the helicopters will use it as a source of water to fight the fire. Great for fighting the fire. Not so great for the fish that get scooped up.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

QMS's picture


(within focal length)
great avian shots
photo meister

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question everything

Socialprogressive's picture

This Bird of Paradise was good enough to fly up my lens last May.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

QMS's picture

took me awhile to figure out it is either a
flower bird in flight or a flying bird flower
amazing color scheme

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question everything

Socialprogressive's picture

This one was at the botanical gardens. It's the only yellow one I've seen.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

janis b's picture

helicopters dropping materials off for road re-building that's finally starting after exactly 2 years since two devastating rain storms.

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Socialprogressive's picture

@janis b
Strange seeing above ground power lines. Since the 80's all the cable, phone, and power lines are installed underground.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

janis b's picture


California ; ).

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dystopian's picture

@janis b Hi Janis,

Very neat pic of the chipper!

Reminds of that I think UH-1, or was it -60? Huey I think it was.

I think of powerlines and helicopters not mixing well.

take care,

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hey SP!

Thanks for the outstanding bird photos SP! Wonderful images man!

back in a sec with a pic...

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Socialprogressive's picture

Looking forward to seeing your photos.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

dystopian's picture

Hi pixelators,

she sells seashells surely at the seashore.

I took pics of a couple here in the inordinately large collection.

First is the art image..


variation in a species - a tropical scallop
I hope that warmed your cockles... my understanding from the Pacific coast of North America was that cockles did NOT have the wings at the apex of the shell, and scallops do have 'wings' at the base..

These are Cone Snail, are are deadly as in lethal or fatal.

There are lots of very beautiful types, I will dig out some more. They shoot a harpoon out the pointy end with a powerful neurotoxin. Paralysis of heart etc. can be fairly quick. They thought for a long time they could only shoot out in the direction the cone pointed, which turned out to be wishful thinking. I have seen them take small live fish in aquaria, it is instant. We handled live ones with more caution than Blue-ringed Octopus. Live fancy depwater Hermit Crabs often come in the shells.

Happy trails all! remember to take photos...

7 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

QMS's picture


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question everything

janis b's picture


Thanks for that lively Irish song. This was a short entertaining read about Molly Malone ...

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Socialprogressive's picture

Pretty shells as well as nice examples of textures and patterns in nature. Thanks for the info on the cone shell.
I have a question about the yellow-rumped warbler I posted. Is it an immature myrtle or a different sub species?

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

dystopian's picture

@Socialprogressive Hi SP,

Sorry to be slow getting back... you'll soon wish it took longer. Wink

question about the yellow-rumped warbler I posted. Is it an immature myrtle or a different sub species?

I would say that is an Audubon's Warbler. I still call them by the original species names, Audubon's or Myrtle Warbler. Like countless birders, I feel it was a bad lump of them into Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Characters of Audubon's are the yellow throat. Then the tips of the undertail show broad black frame, all around tip of tail. Especially across tip. Myrtle only has narrow black wedges at corners without broad black tip and complete frame. This is actually useful when 50' up in a tree. The greater coverts are broadly white edged. These are the feathers with white tips that form the lower wingbar. That panel is uniform in Myrtle without broad white edges to those feathers. This broad white edging also indicates it is a male. Which due to limited yellow in throat and on sides, we can safely say is a first-winter male, Audubon's Warbler.

Definitive characters are of course the best. Things that cross over all age and sex classes which are unique to the species (or subspecies). The single character to use which is not seasonal (besides their call notes which are very different) is the shape of the throat patch. Forget the color. At bottom corners of the throat it is sharply cut off and squared here as in Audubon's. On a Myrtle the throat patch has an extension from the corner, running back along the jawline. Even imm. female Myrtles show thischaracteristic throat shape.

In CA I hardly ever saw a hybrid or intergrade. I see one or two annually here mid-country, in winter. I routinely check them and make sure all characters match. This one ticks enough Audubon's boxes for an Audubon's to not worry about it. I would say the throat is not fully bright yellow because it is only 8 months old or so, in its first winter.

Your pics are fantastic! Thanks again!.

happy birding trails!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

janis b's picture


Thanks for the photos from your shell collection. I will remember the look of the cone snail for future reference.

Be well and may the cockles of your heart always be warm.

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janis b's picture

I saw this large Kahu harrier land slightly below me in the bush on a Nikau Palm, 30 yards in front of me. It landed on the opposite side of the Nikau and was out of sight. I had my phone within reach and I stood there as still as possible for at least 15 minutes. I figured by then it was gone, but how could I not have seen or heard it fly off? I’m not sure, but I think its flight might have been a silent one down through the bush? I was surprised to see it land in the bush. Either I see them soaring high up over open ground, or above the bush, or on the road eating carrion. I was surprised to see it land in a fairly dense area.

An online photo of a Kahu, the harrier I saw briefly …

Enjoy and be well

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QMS's picture

@janis b
makes our local kestrels seem timid
in comparison

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question everything

Socialprogressive's picture

I saw a kestrel while out with the bird watching group I belong to. Unfortunately it was to far away for a good photo.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

dystopian's picture

@QMS Hey Capt.!

Yeah but if you are a mouse or grasshopper...

That Kestrel puts the fear of god in them!

In winter when no insect prey Kestrel will take small birds too.

But mice and grasshoppers are their biggest prey items in most places.

It was the last thing a lot of them saw...


All the way to the 60's and 70's it was called Sparrow Hawk. Kestrel is better as it is a falcon, not a hawk.

be well brother!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Socialprogressive's picture

@janis b
To bad you weren't able to get a shot of it. I don't know how many times I've sat and waited to get a shot of a bird only to have it fly off the moment I turn away to look at something else and turn back only to see departing bird butt.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

dystopian's picture

@janis b WOW Janis!

Awesome raptor! Holy cow! That must have been amazing!

GREAT photo of it too! Very cool!

you win! Wink

Now that warmed my cockles!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

janis b's picture


and seeing it in its magesty was arresting, and so beautifully graceful. I wish I had seen it take off again, but the experience was very satisfying as is.

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snoopydawg's picture


All its missing is the water skies. Oh wait…it doesn’t need them.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

orlbucfan's picture

I have watched (over the time I've been visiting here) a huge improvement in the images. They've gone from mere photos to paintings. I'm serious! Smile Sp, the Osprey and Cormorant stand out simply cos I see so many of them down here. That Bird of Paradise is exquisite. It and Poinsettias are my favorite FL flowers. I finally have a Poinsettia in a pot that is going gangbusters, and blooming. I normally can't grow anything. Sad jb, you are the one artist who can make a moving helicopter look good! Also, your quick raptor shot is very cool. snoopy, sure hope the Great Salt Lake has been getting some winter rain. Love that Great Blue Heron...incoming. LOL. Also, dystopian's shells and info, and QMS' kestrel. This diary is always a treat, and never disappoints. Rec'd!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

snoopydawg's picture


It’s been very dry here this winter with maybe 3 small snow storms since November.

Raining more this week but very warm. It will be heavy snow higher up but could melt the ski resort’s snow. And it will melt what’s left of Sam’s snow.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Socialprogressive's picture

Like you I'm not very good at growing things, though I do have two small orange trees that I've managed to keep alive.

Since you like Poinsettias. One of the many varieties of Poinsettias at the Carlsbad Flower Fields. ZS PMax.jpg

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

orlbucfan's picture

@Socialprogressive Lovely, Sp. Smile

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

janis b's picture


Enjoy the year of Pointsettias!

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