News about news

My most intense of many pet peeves is the way so many frustrated internet voices assume that cable news blather is "believed" by hordes of benighted fellow citizens. Such blather does get echoed across cyberspace, which is my gripe. They pay Rachel Maddow millions of dollars per month to pump out hard-nosed political advocacy for some reason I don't quite understand. Just as I do not understand why anybody takes cable news seriously, on any level.

For whatever reason, the movement of Neilsen numbers for cable news after the farcical election has lately become a topic of discussion. This is from something called AdWeek:

Cable News Viewership

This is TVNewser’s basic cable network ranker and cable news report for the week of Nov. 18, 2024.
All three cable news networks continued to see week-to-week declines in both total viewers and the Adults 25-54 demo in the period following the 2024 presidential election.
However, Fox News remained the most-watched of the three major cable news networks, stomping over its rivals as it continued to command a 72% share of the primetime audience and 67% of the total day share.

MSNBC and CNN received below 20% of the share across both dayparts, a trend that has remained constant since Election Night.


Nielsen live plus same-day data for the week of Nov. 18 saw FNC average 2.692 million total viewers and 323,000 A25-54 viewers during primetime. The network was down a respective -9% and -10% in both measured categories relative to the week prior.

Across total day, Fox News averaged 1.699 million total viewers and 206,000 A25-54 viewers for week-to-week declines of -9% and -13%, respectively.

Among all basic cable networks, Fox News was the No. 1 cable network in total primetime viewers, and finished second in the primetime demo. In total day, it led in total viewers and stayed at No. 2 position in the demo.

MSNBC’s primetime lineup averaged 658,000 total viewers and 60,000 A25-54 viewers for respective declines of -4% and -8% compared to the week prior.

During total day, MSNBC averaged 484,000 total viewers and 42,000 A25-54 viewers for week-to-week declines of -1% and -7%, respectively.


CNN averaged 415,000 total viewers and 79,000 A25-54 viewers in the demo during primetime for declines of -11% and -10%, respectively.

Total day audience average -–

Fox 1.699 million
CNN 415 thousand
MSNBC 658 thousand

Total 2.772 million

USA total population 335 million

The average total cable news network daily audience is Well below one percent of the population.

We live in a culture that was shaped by television in the last century when there was one big national audience for network broadcasting, including news. Technology has split the national audience into an infinity of shoppers -- net surfers primarily. A talking head looks and sounds just like Walter Cronkite or Chet Huntley, and now they don't have any namby-pamby journalistic ethics to keep them from marketing to a specific niche. The "free" market works its magic and we now have flavors of news.

I just don't know why any reasonable person would give a shit about cable news, or who gets to make the most money for advertising to a couple million people out of 335.

Nor do I understand why anybody takes their market exploitation efforts seriously -- or of having any real world significance.

10 users have voted.


QMS's picture

the data extrapolated seems cooked-up
unless they put recording devices on the teevees
how the hell can some outfit know who is watching what?
I know some people have their boob tubes on 12 or 16 hours
a day, probably with the sound down just as some background
images when they pass thru the room. The idea that an otherwise
engaged adult will sit and stare at a news show for 4 hours a day
is a stretch IMO. Especially with the crappy 'infotainment' programming
being broadcast. Some may watch sports, others cooking shows or
nature programs or shopping networks. It is the same as these 'polls'
inventing numbers of political affiliation. Independents supposedly
outnumber both major parties. Don't buy it.

7 users have voted.

question everything

@QMS about the unreliability of the numbers from Nielsen. With the end of land line phones and the ubiquity of voice mail, all polling is iffy at best. But these are the numbers they show to the advertisers to set rates. There is zero incentive to suppress the gross number of viewers.

So, while I share your skepticism about the supposed relative audience sizes, and I think that the 2.7 million figure could be too high, but it is extremely unlikely that the ratings undercount the total number of viewers.

7 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

11 users have voted.
QMS's picture

do not know the percentages
but advertisers have left that market
as well. No wonder, as the contents are
crapified and homogenized. Most people get
weather and sports from the internet or the radio.
The draw isn't for adverts IMO.

8 users have voted.

question everything

Cassiodorus's picture

@humphrey I mean, the circus has contortionists, and the NYT has Bret Stephens, no?

Key paragraph:

As for the suggestion that Thompson’s murder should be an occasion to discuss America’s supposed rage at private health insurers, it’s worth pointing out that a 2023 survey from the nonpartisan health policy research institute KFF found that 81 percent of insured adults gave their health insurance plans a rating of “excellent” or “good.” Even a majority of those who say their health is “fair” or “poor” still broadly like their health insurance. No industry is perfect — nor is any health care model — and insurance companies make terrible calls all the time in the interest of cost savings. But the idea that those companies represent a unique evil in American life is divorced from the experience of most of their customers.

Ratings can be faked. And the ones who are dead because they couldn't afford stuff or their coverage was denied? Their opinions can't be measured. As for the ones who went bankrupt because they bought life-saving care that wasn't covered? Look, buddy, one person, one vote.

4 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

janis b's picture


Gnu herds are constantly on the search for food and are active day and night. They communicate through sight and smell, but are also very vocal. Blue wildebeest males can bellow loud enough that the sound travels up to 1.24 miles (2 kilometers), according to the ADW.

No wonder the news is deafening.

9 users have voted.

The psychology of the crowd. Without a crowd, individuals don't submerge their individuality and critical thinking skills.
The media must propagate the myth that their control over the masses is real because it is the belief in the two Dem and Rep, liberal and conservative masses that allows their mythic election results to go unquestioned.
The myth of two crowds and only two crowds must be perpetuated.

3 users have voted.