Six days and still no Tat for the Iranian Tit

Of course there could be a mushroom cloud over Tehran at any moment, but for right now it looks like my skepticism was justified:

It is 10:15am on the west coast and NBC and ABC are covering the escalation of violence between Israel and its enemies. In a titanic wave of irony, both networks are referring to Iran's "retaliatory" missile attack, even as they cheerlead for Israel and the Pentagon's defense against it.

If Iran is "retaliating," that means that Israel started the ruckus. That blows up the propaganda about Israel just defending itself from "terrorists."

If one takes all this at face value, we will all be dead or envying those already dead from nuclear war within a few days.

I do not have a scintilla of evidence to support my skepticism about this CRISIS, but I suspect that we are watching another version of the Ukraine-Russia war that sure nuff kills a lot of people, as the fighting drags on toward its third year with nonstop bullshit perpetually claiming that Ukraine is "winning."

The imperative is war. But if somebody actually wins a war, the gravy train stops.

I also suspect that some other mysterious agenda is at work to establish a new world order.

It seems to me that we are being treated to a non-stop show of frightening waves of chaos. Covid, Ukraine, Hamas and now Iran. The scares are buttressed by a lot of dead bodies, making it hard to argue that it is all hokum.

If I am just wrong and there really are Zionism supporting Billionaire Power Mongers who imagine that Israel is winning, just like Ukraine is winning and like Pfizer won the war against Covid -- I won't ever have to be embarrassed about my error as we will all be dead.

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QMS's picture

seems the warmongers are replacing vegetables with bodies
the 'victory gardens' are now cemeteries. That's winning!

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Pluto's Republic's picture



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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Cassiodorus's picture

At the end, Andrew Napolitano brings up circumstantial evidence that Iran tested a nuclear weapon underground.

Have you seen anything to corroborate this?

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

usefewersyllables's picture


very closely, via The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and a couple seismology groups that focus on test monitoring. There’s nothing definitive yet, but knowing that they were building a test center in the vicinity there in 2019 certainly gives one furiously to think.

As soon as I hear anything, I’ll post it.

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

is mainly based on my contempt for any argument that begins or ends with calling somebody stupid as the final and binding explanation for apparently stupid behavior by a national government. Netanyahu
is evil and arguably insane, but he ain't a dumb bunny. We are not allowed to know the real objective which I take a wild guess and say that all this insane looking shit is part of The Reset establishing a new world order. Thus while I find Orlov's insights to be cogent and plausible, he is still describing the hostilities as serious warfare with serious military objectives. Lunacy, in short.

We'll see, won't we?

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.