Go to ground.

More recently:

A couple of months ago:

Trump tells donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests if re-elected

Presumptive Republican nominee calls demonstrations against Israel’s war in Gaza part of a ‘radical revolution’

This is all election-year rhetoric, of course. What it points to, however, is the power Zionist billionaires have over American society. Here's the Grayzone detailing what that's all about:

There is a lot of useful information in this video so even though it's nearly two hours long it's all worth watching. Of course, not everyone has all that time to spare, and a lot of the discussion is pretty gruesome.

The point of the two-party endorsement of genocide, for me, is that we really do need to make it clear to the world that America is nothing close to being a democracy. America is an oligarchy. Perhaps this needs to be explained in detail. It was imagined in the era of the Founding Fathers, the century before the century before last, that America had to be an oligarchy with a thin veneer of democracy sprayed over it, because the genocide against native peoples had to be controlled and it had to be universally "okayed" that half the country was to be a permanent concentration camp.

America's concentration-camp identity (and here we must remember that Crevecoeur told his audience to buy a slave or two) meant installing the institutional order discussed in the Federalist Papers. Of course, keeping the concentration camp going meant (at a later point) creating something like the Compromise of 1850, which didn't work out, thus the US Civil War and three-quarters of a million deaths to push America into a better era for the former slaves and the same old genocide for the native peoples.

Corresponding to the institutional order is a degraded social imaginary in which the institutional order is based on cult membership. In business we obey the cult of money; in politics we are either the cult of "we're nice" (as exposed by Chris Hedges in Death of the Liberal Class) or the cult of hatred for the "far left." It shouldn't be surprising, then, that though the two cults ferociously pretend to oppose each other, their combined activity leads in the same direction every time. It is this degradation of the social imaginary into a cult order that explains why the film "Death to America" has its title.

What rules America today is a conversation between Zionist billionaires demanding a genocide and a political class operating on puppet strings. (We certainly don't know who rules the White House: it's not Joe Biden, and it's not Kamala Harris. And they, whoever they are, like things this way, so why should we expect they'd ever leave?) The political class response went as follows: You want a genocide? Okay, we'll dutifully kick out anyone in Congress who dissents, have all the protesters fired, censored, and (here's the Trump-Biden innovation) deported, shut down the public sphere. That should insure Israel's victory, or so they think, it being implicitly assumed beforehand that the divine purpose of the United States is to "support Israel."

But here's a bomb expert to clarify the reality on the ground:

In short, when the wider Mideast war begins, a lot of people will be saved by going to the appropriate shelters once the missiles are confirmed as being en route. But Israel will take a very large amount of structural damage.

The rhetoric of the participants in the current conflict cannot be taken seriously. Today you can read about all sorts of controversies about prominent celebrity Scientologists. But it would appear that Scientology's main defense is that it, as a set of beliefs, can't be taken seriously. These people believe in Xenu or something. Perhaps, then, we ought to apply this sort of logic to our understanding of the endorsers of genocide, also members of cults. What importance do we wish to place upon the arguments of people who are telling us that genocide is okay because Trump is worse? This is, of course, not to exclude those who believe (as Trump proclaimed) that Joe Biden is a "Palestinian." They are even more obviously cult members.

This notion ascribed to Yeshua of Nazareth, of "love everybody," might be useful in the current situation. Protect yourself, not in the ordinary sense of buying a gun and leaving it around the house for your kids to play with it, but rather in the sense of protecting your role as a participant in the social imaginary. You don't want to be them. As for the outcome of the Presidential election, there's really no sense in which ordinary people can contribute meaningfully to what's going on, short of an actual revolution. It's really a matter of the flows of money, which people worship above all. Vote for Stein if you dare. But generally we should keep an eye out for the general cult paranoia that characterizes this era, with its consequent violence.

Here one recalls the mass extinction of 66 million years ago, with its great rock hitting the Earth. Many of the remnants that survived did so by burrowing underground. Hamas survives to this day because it burrowed underground. Hezbollah has burrowed underground, and I'm sure the Israelis have done so too. What is our US equivalent today?

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Lookout's picture

Who says you can't buy congress? Bibi's recent visit to congress showed us all what puppets they are. Someone last week said it reminded them of a Hitler speech to the German elite in the 1930's.

Hard to break the hold of a Zionist owned Government, media corporations, and banks. This may spell the end of Israel and the US. Hell it could spell the end of us all in a nuclear cloud.

Makes the election seem rather trite.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cassiodorus's picture

@Lookout The DNC wouldn't allow him to run as a Democrat, and if he was to get onto ballots he needed to have the support of a billionaire, and the billionaires are generally Zionists.

This is why the idea of revolution looks good: it bypasses the cult of money into which all are trapped.

4 users have voted.

"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

usefewersyllables's picture


4 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture

the two marketing firms hired by Kamala / Trump try to outdo each other with
warmongering / Israel / genocide BS. Meant to crush the opposition, it has
the opposite effect of clueing in the population of the deceit being enacted.

Stein is the only sensible option in my mind.

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture

As is this article on what the Ukraine vazis are doing in Kursk. Basically terrorism.


They drones apartment buildings, targeted and destroyed ambulances.

A few weeks ago Belousov called Austin and told him to get his Nazi dawgs leashed because he found out that the UK and Ukraine were going to try to assassinate Putin.


I can’t read this, but it comes from Paul craig roberts

Yesterday Israel bombed a school where refugees were sheltering murdering over 100 Palestinians. Apparently the WH slammed Israel for it, but then sent them almost $4 billion so they can buy more weapons. Nothing to see here…just more money laundering for defense contractors.

Smoltrich (sp) is sad that the world won’t let Israel starve 2 million Palestinians. Dunno what he’s smoking because the fcking world is letting them just do that. Along with murdering those same people.
MacGregor discussed what Smoltrich said in this video.

Other than that crappy news how’s your weekend going?

Sorry, Cass mi meant to post this in the OT.

Told y’all I’m having trouble seeing.

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Cassiodorus's picture

@snoopydawg It's better than to serve evil, which sounds nearly the same.

The mention of F-16s always reminds me of this song:

At any rate, thank you for asking. I am okay.

6 users have voted.

"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

snoopydawg's picture


It’s annoying that our government doesn’t give a damn about our wants and needs. It can always find tons of money for wars, but they can’t even look in couch Cushions for our social programs. And probably half the country is okay with it because people who have no boots should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. People are their own worst enemy.
Shitlibs went ape shit over Russia Russia Russia, but don’t give a damn that Israel bought our government at almost every level.

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

It's worth noting that dead Boeing whistleblower and quality manager John Barnett, broadly considered one of the most knowledgable & beloved QA managers in the industry, tried in 2016 to get transferred to the SLS program in Louisiana. But he was on an internal company blacklist

An 8 day trip to space has lasted 8 weeks. At the folks that set out on a 3 hour tour on the Minnow could at least walk on the earth. I wonder how they are faring? I think I’d be going nuts.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Don't think Iranians will go after apartments, etc. But they could go after Israel's industrial base including Intel fabs. Looks like Israelis did some deep serious preparations with bomb shelters.

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usefewersyllables's picture


with limited resources, would be for them to target infrastructure with concentrated attacks on air bases first, and then power generation and distribution- say within the first ten minutes. Then transportation hubs. Then water supplies. Leave the soft targets alone- for propaganda purposes, it’d be better to destroy the infrastructure needed to deliver and store food and water, and expose the erstwhile Zionist aggressors to a little of their own medicine in terms of slow starvation and dehydration, than to simply kill them outright.

Or they could simply nuke Tel Aviv, immediately after which all the rest of us would get to join in on all the dying fun.

A lot of innocent non-Zionist Jewish and non-Jewish people would die either way, of course, but we and the Zionists have taught the world that mere innocence is really no reason at all to not kill people.

All war is now total war, after all- we and our client states have made that very clear. This is what WE have wrought.

I, for one, am opting out. Am I going to vote for anyone who thinks that it is a good idea to keep doubling down on total war and the wholesale, indiscriminate slaughter of entire populations?


Fuck no. Hell to the FUCK no. Do you hear me, all you overpaid governmental psychopaths? Good day.

And there are no goddamned smiley-faces anywhere in this comment. That is all.

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.