Sanders names names

More specifically, per this article in Common Dreams, he's asking us to support three candidates:

The candidates Sanders is backing are New York's Zephyr Teachout, Nevada's Lucy Flores, and Washington state's Pramila Jayapal, all of whom are competing in primaries against more establishment Democrats. All three have endorsed the senator from Vermont in his presidential run, and all three embrace key planks of Sanders' populist platform.

This is a place where the movement, so far, has been failing miserably in my opinion. I think we've had a hard time getting focus on the down ballot races and the fundraising numbers show it. So here's me hoping that with Sanders shining a specific spotlight on three faces we can all show that the movement is real, it's powerful, and it's well funded.

Please share. I can't think of a better message to send to the establishment than our ability to money bomb down ballot candidates.

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link. Had an ask from Sanders to split 50/50 with him and her. I prefer to give directly to each.

We need to step up for these candidates. Many, I know, are stretching to give $5 to Sanders now and then. For those in more comfortable circumstances, this is how the political revolution happens. Time to put some $ where our dreams for a better future are, and that means extending financial support beyond Sanders.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

SnappleBC's picture

individually through their ActBlue links. That's a lot of money for me right now but as you say, we need to step up if we want a political revolution to actually happen. Bernie by himself gets us nowhere.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

GreyWolf's picture

Article of interest

KING: Here's why I totally disagree with the Daily News Editorial Board’s Hillary Clinton endorsement

I believe our Editorial Board offered what amounts to a thoughtful, if perhaps perplexing, endorsement of Clinton with a scathing, sometimes backhanded critique of Sanders.

Sanders could've written the first 12 paragraphs of The News endorsement himself.

As it railed on about how the middle class has been squeezed the past few decades, how typical household incomes have actually dropped over $4,000 since 1999, how far too many jobs offer low wages, bad benefits and part-time hours, and how the billionaire class now owns more American wealth than ever, I had no idea how the Editorial Board intended to contort itself to pivot from the stump speech of Sanders to an actual endorsement of Clinton.

I'm still miffed.

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boing boing's picture

Is there any chance the Hillbots could read this and still think this person should be the leader of the free (?) world? Nah! It is a conspiracy to keep the first woman ever from being POTUS. I say - being a female isn't nearly enough to justify the hype and no way can legitimize the phony stuff she is trying to con us with.

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I never get through a day without seeing what Huffington Post has up. Then I look at The Rude Pundit, Down with Tyranny (which often has links to other sources), Lew Rockwell (which must be dealt with carefully as they lean strongly Libertarian), and Craig Paul Roberts, who has become almost radical as he continues to distance himself from his past as Reagan's Asst. Treasury Secretary.

Less often, I check in with Thom Hartmann, Brad Blog, Consortium News, Truthdig, and Common Dreams. Cenk Uyger is again showing up regularly on my history list. Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Steven Colbert, and Bill Maher often catch my eye.

Lastly, I see what Google News has. By then, I've had about enough of the corporatist media and their lame offerings.

Offered for what it might be worth to you.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

Hawkfish's picture

This is my district, and Jim McDermott is retiring. There are at least three Dems running, but judging by the sea of Bernie stickers in our neighborhood, I expect her to do well. The only other yard sign I've seen around here is for Elizabeth Warren!

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

Yes, it's time to take their "Bernie doesn't support down ticket candidates" complaint and throw it right back in their faces. "Yes he does, he just doesn't support your candidates."

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I'm very surprised he's not urging everyone to support Tim Canova, who is running against the corrupt Debbie Wasserman Schutltz. I can think of few things more satisfying than watching her get tossed out on her ass by the very voters she doesn't care about.

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