I'm Noticing a Pattern

The last few days have witnessed a not so subtle change in attitude towards Joe Biden and his administration. This change is remarkable because it's coming from Democratic Party operatives, pundits and celebrities. What's causing these explicit warnings and outward movement away from the herd, when in the past the party sympathizers were in lockstep? The raison d'être for the current edition of the Democratic Party is, if for nothing else, to keep Donald Trump from power.

What's behind this peculiar anomaly, especially at this point in time? Are these changes of heart sincere or is there something else afoot?

First let's take a look at what's being said and afterwards I'll give my take on the situation. I'm going to use main stream media reports to help prove the point that there is a possible non-organic movement at play. One of the sources will be Fox News, mainly because I couldn't find the story elsewhere, besides Fox News has become more mainstream in the last few years anyway, in my opinion.

From about a week ago, party operative and strategist James Carville:

James Carville warns of Democratic Party’s ‘horrifying’ numbers among young minority voters: ‘They’re leaving in droves’.


James Freaking Carville!

From a couple of days ago, celebrity Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson:

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson says he will not repeat Joe Biden endorsement.

The Rock's statement begins at :50

Duane Freaking 'The Rock' Johnson!

From a couple of days ago, pundit Cenk Uygur:

Prominent far left pundit stuns co-host by saying he's considering RFK Jr. for president.

Cenk's statement starts at 5:55

Cenk Freaking Uygur!

What's my opinion on these wanderings from the fold?

This is my opinion and my opinion only.

I believe that behind the scenes there have been suggestions and maybe even a little nudging that Joe Biden step aside to avert a potential, if not probable, loss in the upcoming election. There's been rumblings about this very thing for a while now. The party wants to interject someone they believe more viable to possibly avert said loss.

I also believe that arrogant and corrupt Joe Biden refuses to step down leaving the party in a conundrum. If he refuses to step down the Dem Party needs another tact to change the top of the ticket, whomever that may entail.

If indeed this is correct that he refuses to step down, could this recent rash of Joe Biden naysaying be an attempt to make the case that Biden needs to go, opening the door for _ _ _ _ (fill in the blank) to step in? It's my understanding that they could do this if they wish. We're seeing some past ardent Biden supporters making dire warnings and admissions. Are they sincere? Is this organic?

I can't prove anything and this is just my gut reaction but it does seem odd at this juncture with the Democratic convention coming up on August 22 and the election in early November that some of Biden's most ardent supporters are straying from the narrative.

Something's up.

21 users have voted.


whatta' ya' think?

A tribute to Joe Biden:

15 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture


is that I'm looking forward to Biden getting his clock cleaned in November. I want to see him go down *hard*, for not taking any actions to slow our deliberate jog into WWIII.

I cannot vote for Trump. But at this point, I don't blame people who feel that he'd do a better job of not killing us all...

9 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture

are wandering into a different message frontier.
It is pretty clear they can't salvage the poison
Brandon brand. Because they hung all of their
mistakes around his arrogant neck. Failure in
Ukraine, open borders and the Bibi genocide
are not good looks. Can't seem to lawfare Trump
out of contention and RFK is looking like a better
alternative for the 'independents'. Whatever puppet
they pop-in at the 11th hour will still have the dem stink.
The crystal ball is foggy just yet.

14 users have voted.

question everything

are in conjunction, Q. I think the DNC is freaking out behind the scenes.

14 users have voted.

@JtC so concentrates the mind of a PMC apparatchik than the possibility of losing their job. What, Joe might not be able to pass out the goodies again?

And, in case you missed it, guess who is waiting in the wings? Madam herself, that's who. As a Kennedy supporter I (almost) hope she does run again, as that might just put my guy over the top.

11 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

not vote for Joe Biden or Donald Trump. But I am seriously thinking about voting for RFK Jr. if for nothing else but to give a big middle finger to Biden.

8 users have voted.

@Nastarana I was with RFK until I discovered how rabidly zionist he is.

14 users have voted.

@BORG_US_BORG All kinds of differences in the candidates on all kinds of policies, except Zionism.
Has Jill Stein said a word about her stance on the genocide?
Or any other potential write in candidate?

12 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

dystopian's picture

@on the cusp Hi OtC,

Saw this yesterday I think? About trying to get on the ballots in various states... she mentions Gaza and appears not OK with the Gaza genocide. Good for her.


12 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

janis b's picture

@on the cusp


8 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture

@janis b

that I bother to vote this cycle, I'll vote for Stein again. I'm a single-issue voter, after all, and she's the only one who has come close to having "peace" as a plank in her platform.

9 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

janis b's picture


when I tried to switch my voting address from my bother's in CT (after he moved), to my mom's address in FL. The process was so complicated by FL terms I gave up ... not that I would have voted for either Clinton or Trump.

4 users have voted.

@BORG_US_BORG I know, I don't like it either, but the other two are no better, and RFK doesn't talk like he would continue supporting Mr. Zelinsky's real estate purchases.

3 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

dystopian's picture

@Nastarana Is it that wicked witch of Arkansas then Yonkers?

This one?

The one that can't get over herself, nor will she let anyone else that last week told voters that didn't like two old people in a Biden vs. Trump rematch to "get over themselves"? The one they call hellabitch. The one that hopes it is herheinous vs. Trump again?

11 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

orlbucfan's picture

@dystopian How about somebody dropping her/it off the nearest deep cliff? Make sure it's a fatal drop.

3 users have voted.

Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

@orlbucfan to grow old in the realization that she blew the chance of a lifetime. Let her marinate in her failed ambition and willful incompetence.

She, and Kagan, had the chance to prove to the world, that, guess what, a woman does not have to be beautiful to be effective or a good person. All of us plain Janes across the country were rooting for her. Now guess it is back to the usual, where Janie gets the dullest, no talent needed job assignments, because, you know, resentment, she just can't be trusted with anything else.

2 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

@dystopian It surely no accident that, all of a sudden she is showing up on national media again. Newsome is a stalking horse, IMO, and might get a face saving cabinet post, or even ceremonial VP nod. From what I can gather, he never has been very bright.

6 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@dystopian Can you provide some footage of her saying that or something???

I'd have some people who NEED to see that!

4 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Pluto's Republic's picture


It is pretty clear they can't salvage the poison
Brandon brand....

There is one issue that they hear about more that any other from their constituents back home: money and the cost of living. People can no longer afford to pay their rent, or put adequate food on the table, or pay for their kids college education. Because Inflation never came down for them, their homes were no longer affordable and they have gone into debt. The rest of their savings and their disposable income is being sucked away by those sky-high interest rates that had been told would solve the inflation problem. That last bit of BS was pushed by a President who couldn't think, and by a Congress that avoided thinking. High interest rates have utterly failed to help them, while enriching only the banks and the very wealthy.

Gee, who could have seen that coming....?

The shock, arriving this month, is that the conditions for inflation (including the tariffs and sanctions still spewing from the neocon snake pit at the State Department) has built up a head of steam that is predicted to send the cost of living soaring for the rest of the year, for non-wealthy Americans.

There is nothing that speaks louder than money in American Politics. It may have dawned on the Millionaire's Club in Congress that the unthinking, propagandized policies they stood foreign Congress were, in reality, bad policies that harmed people's lives back home in the states. Of course People who feel betrayed are going to turn their backs on the Democrats and they may walk away from the election, as well, since there is no way to benefit from it. . Threatening them with Donald Trump won't work anymore. The Democratic Party has lied to them, it has shamelessly parroted known propaganda, and it has championed terrible policies that have also damaged the People's economic security. Thus, it is only natural for the noisiest members of the aggressively dumb Democratic Party, to scramble together a message that resembles reality to preserve their popularity.

You tell me: Since 2016, Is there any policy that was pushed hard by an Executive and his neocon/neoliberal handlers, that has succeeded, as promised, and has not instead resulted in policy blowback that harms the People economically and clamps down even more on the People's civil and social rights?

Once more, C99 has been 100 percent correct, 99 percent of the time — in all of its (controversial) political predictions and political positions and truthful revelations over the past 10 years. Bitter neo-liberal tears should fall.

16 users have voted.


The “uncommitted” campaign didn’t even exist at the start of the 2024 primary season. But now, more than 500,000 Americans in states across the country have cast Democratic primary votes for “Uncommitted,” “Uninstructed,” and “No Preference” ballot options to send President Biden a message about the urgent need to end the killing in Gaza. What started with the “Listen to Michigan” campaign, which shocked Democratic insiders by securing more than 100,000 votes for the “uncommitted” option on that state’s February 17 primary ballot, has grown into a national phenomenon that has won at least 25 delegates and continues to organize in late-primary and caucus states.

With the results from this week’s primaries, the total vote for uncommitted options on state ballots now stands at 530,502. The campaign has won enough votes to secure Democratic National Convention delegates from Minnesota (14), Hawaii (7), Michigan (2), and, according to local news reports, Washington (2)...

Across Wisconsin, the “uninstructed delegation” option won 48,162 votes—8.3 percent of the total—which is more than double Biden’s 2020 margin of victory. In Dane County (Madison), the Democratic heartland that is absolutely essential to the party’s November prospects, almost 15 percent of voters cast “uninstructed” ballots, and many precincts in Madison registered support in excess of 30 percent. In the state’s most populous county, Milwaukee, 12.2 percent of voters backed the “uninstructed” option...

Voters in Tuesday’s New York Democratic primary didn’t have an “uncommitted” option, so they were urged to leave their ballots blank instead. While the final totals have yet to be tallied, observers estimate that the “Leave It Blank” campaign could win as much as 12 percent of the vote...

And in Rhode Island, 14.5 percent of Democratic primary voters cast “uncommitted” ballots Tuesday, with the option gaining almost 30 percent of the vote in Providence.

I think it's more than just Gaza. Gaza is just the tipping point. We've also got Biden's broken promise on school debt, plus he complete inability to buy a house.
Every Dem operative out there can read the tea leaves. Young voters aren't going to turn out on November.

18 users have voted.

and correct me if I'm wrong, but after the 2020 election was it not touted that it was the young voters that voted in the majority for Biden and the Democrats were going to carry the elections well into the future because of that.

Carville said back in 1992 that "It's the economy, stupid". When young folks need two or three jobs to make ends meet I can't blame them for rethinking their positions.

If the young voters are now looking else where, that is a sea change in attitude.

14 users have voted.


it was the young voters that voted in the majority for Biden and the Democrats were going to carry the elections well into the future because of that.

This could've been true. Maybe if the Dems could have had a couple more elections like that.
But the Dems just can't get past "we may not give you anything, but at least we aren't Republicans".

I was thinking the other day of what the U.S. could be if actually had a decent president and an actual political party that offered something to the working class (like the Dems from 1933 to 1968). Now the very idea of having a good president seems almost impossible.

17 users have voted.
orlbucfan's picture

@gjohnsit Plus SloMoJoe also claimed he would be a caretaker/one term Prez. Ho-ha! I'm voting but leaving the POTUS choice blank. I have no kids so I have the luxury of doing so.

7 users have voted.

Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

those in control to stop mumbling behind the curtains and come out publicly.
It isn't the polls, as Biden's numbers have been horrible. It wasn't the swing state vote of "uncommitted". It isn't minorities swinging right. That has been going on for months.
Is it the push by various states to make being a citizen a necessity to vote? That has been happening for weeks, if not months.
The only thing that happened recently was those white people getting killed trying to deliver food to the Gazans.
At any rate, it seems coordinated and that the green light is on.

13 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp
are trotting out for some reason. I doubt it's organic. It will be more obvious if we see more of it in the coming days and weeks.

If they're going to make a move to take out Joe Biden against his will they are running out of time.

If they change the top candidate with Joe's consent that's one thing, but if they do it against his will, man, that'll be huge if they can pull it off.

13 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@on the cusp the numbers aren't really all that bad; maybe Trump is a few points ahead in most of the swing states. The problem is that there's next to nothing that Team Biden will do about those numbers, given their collective hubris, arrogance, and general bent toward escalating war rhetoric. And they are fenced in by the tiny Republican majority in the House. They are also doubtless worrying that their own numbers are manufactured to make them look good, by taking polls that leave Stein and RFK JR. out of the mix.

10 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

@Cassiodorus @Cassiodorus and other polls. Biden will be shellacked by Trump, according to the polls you and I and others do not see.

10 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


Trump got more money into people’s pockets either by direct checks or increased in social funding and they could breathe more. Gas, interest rates, grocery prices, ect were much lower and then Biden came in and revoked the money and gas prices shot up as did interest rates. Plus rents have gone up so high that people are skipping meals for pay for them.

Half of Americans are struggling to afford their rising housing costs, and the financial squeeze is so severe for many that over one in five skip meals to get by, a new poll has revealed.

The survey, commissioned by Seattle-based real estate brokerage Redfin and released on Friday, showed that 50% of US homeowners and renters have had difficulties making their housing payments. Many respondents said they had to make sacrifices to cope with inflationary pressures. For instance, 22% reported that they had skipped meals, 21% sold some of their belongings, and a combined 37% either worked extra hours or took on additional jobs.

“Housing has become so financially burdensome in America that some families can no longer afford other essentials, including food and medical care, and have been forced to make major sacrifices, work overtime and ask others for money so they can cover their monthly costs,” said Redfin’s economic research chief, Chen Zhao.

How many people heard Powell say that he was raising interest rates to keep wages low? How many saw their extra money taken away by Biden after the parasite class got $5 trillion during Covid that they didn’t have to pay back?

Plus Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. His transferring billions to Ukraine whilst homelessness has gone up 12% during his watch. Now giving Israel more weapons and refusing to admit that it’s breaking human rights laws left and right while millions of Palestinians are starving.

It’s not going to matter who democrats put in at the 11th hour because the economy is blamed on democrats and Joe Biden.

Let’s face it…we’re screwed. RFK Jr. Might have walked away with the election if he was sane about Israel. Lots of people liked what he was saying before he became an Israeli firster. Just like Trump and Biden. Yep…screwed!

19 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

see my reply to gjohnsit above. I probably published it as you were writing your comment. It can stand to repeated anyway. I think that's the main reason for the turnaround as well.

Let's face it, we'll be screwed as long as the establishment gets to pick the candidates and they can control third parties with policy and media control.

13 users have voted.


Plus Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

It was Biden's only non-MIC action.

16 users have voted.

except for the billions of dollars of equipment and weapons that were left behind that seem to popping up in the wrong hands all over the world.

9 users have voted.

@JtC maintain those poppy fields than to use immigrants to bring in fentanyl.
Fentanyl is the current big $ maker.

10 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Pluto's Republic's picture

@on the cusp

....in Afghanistan. And the US had no business in that country in the first place. In the end, Afghanistan changed the US more than the US changed Afghanistan. It's been like that for a thousand years. Empires only only bother with Afghanistan when it's time for them to die.

12 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


It’s the way he did that looked so bad and like JtC said it was leaving $81 billion in weapons that the defense companies are drooling over to replace. There was no urgency to get out that it happened like it did. Plus how much went into ISIS' hands to be used elsewhere?

And I doubt that the pro Zelensky, anti Putin folks would be so gung-ho ho about the money being sent to Ukraine if they knew how much isn’t going towards the fight, but into private pockets. Zelensky just bought a $20 million palace from Charles. That’s on top of all the other houses he’s bought. Plus 64% goes to defense companies and they buy back their stock and send it to congress members. It’s blatant money laundering. At our expense.

Plus a lot of the weapons aren’t going to the front either, but being sold as the black market.

12 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg was left for the Afghan army.
No one expected the Afghan army to collapse so quickly, and that was 100 percent of the reason for the chaotic withdrawal.
If we waited another year would the Afghan army not have collapsed so quickly?

3 users have voted.


RFK Jr. Might have walked away with the election if he was sane about Israel. Lots of people liked what he was saying before he became an Israeli firster. Just like Trump and Biden. Yep…screwed!

There is no question in my mind that there is absolutely no possibility of a third party Whitehouse in ‘24, or any other year, with R’s & D’s AND the Israel Lobby’s well funded trash talking about RFK jr.

Kennedy’s more recent expression of his pro Israel position seems to have been tempered with an unqualified and immediate cease fire in Palestine. Neither Biden nor Trump have gone there. When you add his overarching position on reining in our MIC & CIA interventions globally, there is miles of daylight on this subject between RFKjr. and all the other candidates. Not perfection, but the best of the three on todays horizon.

I have no illusions about RFK jr’s chances for victory. But I also strongly resonate with John Quincy Adams:

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” -

(I can’t imagine that Biden will make it even to September, certainly not to Inauguration day. There could even be another SC intervention if they pull a last minute switcheroo. Newsom has been brushing up on his foreign affairs of late. If it’s not for ‘24, perhaps it’s for ‘28. In any event I’m expecting anything but same-old same-old between now and Jan 20.)

5 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

QMS's picture


Biden economics doesn't work for the vast majority of the wage slaves.
Or the young debt laden, or the retired on fixed income. That is enough
to turn the voters away. Apparently the beltway crowd is blind to this.

11 users have voted.

question everything

snoopydawg's picture


It gets people a receipt that they have to pay on for the rest of their life. Weird that Democrats have never rolled back student loans not being able to be discharged through bankruptcy. And now some dems want to make it illegal for a president to give people amnesty. Schemer is one of them. Gotta serve their banking masters.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg not degrees.
I read that somewhere today.
Who can blame the young?

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

will pretend to be an opposition.

For a while.

Then, no matter who is elected, the activities will go back to usual and Yellen will again be representing the City of London and Wall Street and the Klaus Schwabs and not our country. The Fed will print money, the national debt will only be a thing when the PRICs (people really in charge) need some yelling across picket lines before they head off to the yacht for free drinks and pate.

So when Blinky goes flying off to NATO in whatever monster AF plane, just who is buying the gas? Where is the money coming from? That single mom living in a 40-yo single wide in a holler in Ohio tryin to live on a double-shift waitress job being hit on at the local truck stop while gramma is watching the kids is pretty pissed off when she sees some guy with a freebie debit card.

I don't think she is thinking dem or rep. She knows the system is a lie. (BTW, I borrowed this descript from someone in nakedcapitalism comment thread) but I knew that woman. Maybe not her exactly but her. In fact, she could have been the one who lived down the holler from us next to the guy who was living in the basement while he was picking up discarded lumber to finish his house. Died before he was done.

Couple years ago my BIL called me a Bernie Bro and then 10 minutes later accused me of loving Trump. In my book those are opposites but it never occurred to him. In that election we stayed home. And every one since.

Time to take away the unlimited credit card. From every dam one of them.


14 users have voted.

Carville has always been a snake, he even looks like one. And that's not to mention his wife, Mary Matalin, as well. Could you imagine the dinner table conversations between those two?

There's no doubt they'll rally behind the nominee, whomever that may be. I think this is all a show to make the case that Biden needs to step down and to justify that reasoning.

9 users have voted.

@JtC by saying that the PRICs have no idea about the unrest in this country, but then I realized that they don't care. They think they are figuratively bulletproof because they are getting away with everything. From open theft of livelihoods and savings to grifts. And both of those have gone beyond hurting the most vulnerable to grifting small businesses thru exploitive franchises.

We're sitting on a powderkeg and unless there are some serious reforms it's going to be rough. The biggest problem as I see it is that I don't believe that there's anyone with the wherewithal to implement the kinds of changes we need.

I see examples everyday of the holes in so many operations and the deliberate ways that are employed to make a simple complaint of a screwup next to impossible to report and have corrected. A couple of weeks ago I got a bill for a test that had been ordered when we were living in Tucson that had never been performed. Yesterday I stopped by Walgreens (only game in town) to pick up a couple of scripts which was filled as a 30 day supply but billed to my insurance and paid at 90. I cannot imagine what people who do autopay out of a checking account endure.

I cannot support anyone who is involved in our current or proposed gov't. But if they play games and deny DT I'm afraid there will be hell to pay. Actually we don't have any true gov't.

Interesting facturd I saw on NakedCapitalism in the Links from 4/6:

John Ʌ Konrad V
Fact: The US Navy is in charged of the Baltimore Bridge salvage effort
Fact: The US Navy has more Admirals that warships
Fact: there is not one Admiral in uniform today who is a salvage master
Fact: salvage masters were once among the Navy’s most respected officers
Opinion: If the US Navy had not divested all its salvage equipment, subcontracted most of its salvage work to an overseas company, and still promoted experience hardened salvage masters to the rank of Admiral… this bridge could have been cleared in a few weeks
But today’s Admirals won’t be found on the decks of shipwrecks wearing wrinkled khakis. The hundreds of Admirals in today’s Navy prefer wearing starched Army camouflage to office jobs.

Should I be so crass as to mention that White House spokesman John Kirby was also a rear Admiral? As was James G. Stavridis? And let us not forget the Admirals of the Fat Leonard scandal? The Navy really needs to tighten up on their Admiral selection process.


It’s not just the navy. Last I heard six months ago, we now have over 41 four star generals. During WW2, we had 4, commanding a much larger multi national force.

This was not a rant, just an observation.

Please use care... just because we're paranoid...

14 users have voted.


gotta play a song, in your minds substitute the word "rock" to "rant"

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

dystopian's picture

Hi JtC! and all!

There is something going on, but I don't know what it is... do you, Mr. Jones.

Ballad of a Thin Man blew me away when I saw it live.

I really thought they wanted Joe to cross the selection party line at the convention. Since an hour after that they could make any choice they want without explanation. Prior to that, it becomes a brokered or open primary. Which could be chaos.

Too bad the Dems don't have something besides a personality to sell. Like what were those things called? Oh yeah, a policy or a platform. And then barring that, how 'bout an whatchamacallit, oh yeah, an accomplishment to point to. Too bad they have none of that...

Either one could win it for them, over the cult of personality they try to sell. If only they had that?

It will be a bloodbath for the Dems in fall.

happy trails all!

11 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

snoopydawg's picture


Too bad the Dems don't have something besides a personality to sell. Like what were those things called? Oh yeah, a policy or a platform. And then barring that, how 'bout an whatchamacallit, oh yeah, an accomplishment to point to. Too bad they have none of that...

Democrats used to run on things that people wanted and then forgot about them after they won, but now I’m not seeing any of them ever talking about the issues important to us. I don’t think Bernie is ever dragging out MFA this time.

Here are the things Biden ran on and what he actually did.

10 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

it could be that these three detractors above are totally sincere in their introspection of the Dem Party. (Hah, just rolled my eyes so hard they almost popped out). Actually they're more likely to be concern trolling the american public.

When I think of party personality, I think of Dr. Sardonicus.

Careful with those whatchamacallits, if politicians throw too many of those out there, the public would come to like them and ask for more. Can't have that.

I also agree with your last sentence and your adieu.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


5 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

you got the eye roll and the ©2011 sardonic salad in one fell swoop. I loled.

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I thought you’d get a kick out of that. Laughter is good for the soul.


3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

janis b's picture

Why are comments made in response to your essay registered as earlier than the essay was posted? Does it have something to do with my being in another hemisphere and time zone?

3 users have voted.
orlbucfan's picture

@janis b None of them are perfect, and a great many are a PITA. Sad

3 users have voted.

Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

janis b's picture


not the gremlins ; ).

3 users have voted.

@janis b
I just went through all of the comments and I saw none that were posted earlier than the essay. I'm not seeing what you're referring to.

Do you have your time zone settings correct in your profile. Got to My Account/Edit to check the time zones and correct them if needed.

4 users have voted.
janis b's picture


All is in place in time. I think I was mistakenly reading am for pm, or pm for am ; ).

3 users have voted.

and the comments that it difficult to know where to begin. I'll start with the new blowhard naysayers. All of whom lulled themselves into believing that trashing Trump was all that was required to hold onto the WH and Senate. These jerks played a role in creating this mess, and still don't understand the how and why they and their precious Democratic Party screwed up and that it's been a long time in the making.

It has echoes of 1968, 1980, and 2016: tragedy, comedy, and farce. All those losses were of the candidates and/or Democratic Party honchos making. Yet, in '68 and '80 efforts to change course were made; they had the ability to read the room. Perhaps not early enough or decisively enough, but in 2016 they got the opponent they wanted and still lost. LBJ did know what needed to be done but not how to do it. Carter needed to be primaried out of office but by a stronger candidate than Kennedy. Biden has been far worse than Carter was, and that's an extremely low bar, and a rational party would have actively encouraged primary candidates. Instead, they kneecapped all potential opponents, not that a strong bench exists after a quarter century of corporate lackeys running the party.

Wish I could care or still believe that lesser evil isn't evil. I can't.

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