Our allies in Yemen - al-Qaeda
We've known for years that the U.S.-backed, Saudi-led invasion of Yemen has allied itself with al-Qaeda terrorists.
However, this might be a whole different level.
A new BBC investigation has found that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recruited former Al-Qaeda members to provide security in Yemen, and funded American mercenaries to carry out political assasinations in the country.In the report, which was detailed in a documentary released on Monday, a whistleblower told the BBC that former members of militant group al-Qaeda - which has long had a presence in south Yemen - were in fact hired to work with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in a security capacity...
The documentary shows leaked court documents that reveal that an al-Qaeda member said he was offered release from prison by UAE officers in exchange for carrying out assassinations.Nasser al-Shiba, a former high-ranking al-Qaeda operative suspected of involvement in an attack on the US warship USS Cole, which killed 17 Americans in 2000, was also now working with one of the STC's military units, sources told the BBC.
The report also includes testimonies from two employees of US security company Spear Operations Group, who said they were hired by the UAE to conduct targeted killings in Yemen.
Is it just me, or is "UAE hires U.S. merenaries for assassinations" and "UAE hires al-Qaeda for assassinations" just too close for comfort?

It's not just you.
Isn't this just part of our political leadership in the person of of Jake Sullivan saying Al Qaeda is/was "on our side in Syria," and John Kirby saying we were arming the moderates in Syria who were "mixed and marbled" with Al Qaeda? Isn't their clear message to us that we are fighting alongside Al Qaeda against the enemies of Al Qaeda?
Osama will be happy to hear all charges have been dropped
Now that his bad-guy status has been revoked, we can revoke his dead-guy status!
That's how it works, right? Right...?!?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I wish that was funny