RFK Jr. Speech on Ukraine negotiations

A close family member recently sent me a link to a speech by Robert Kennedy Jr. from last year, from before Oct. 7, I think from last summer, in which he makes a compelling and reasoned case for listening to the Russian government's position on Ukraine and for negotiating a settlement. Because he makes reference to his uncle's negotiations with the Russian government and includes quotations from his speeches, because he sounds and looks healthier, and because his voice is clearer than when I've heard him before, I found this speech to be encouraging, especially because my family members who disagree with me about Ukraine liked it.

I wondered how you all felt about it, and I apologize if it has been posted and discussed here before and I missed it. Here is the link:


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Pluto's Republic's picture

...right now.

It is a very clear picture of all the unknowns, beginning with John Kennedy's Presidency and assassination. Which was to be blamed sub consciously on Russia, if possible. We've been enacting the same psychotic drama, with the twisted and incoherent anti-communist obsession. Down through the decades it repeats, over and over again. And always the goal remains exactly the same: The US gains supreme power over the entire world and all of its resources.

Interestingly, China is the carrier of the message of Peace. Declaring again and again a vision of the world with shared prosperity and happiness for all humankind. A win, win.

RFK's cogent logic makes the US agenda clear immediately. We can easily see which leaders must be assassinated right now. Which nations must be destroyed immediately. Which reporters must be killed. Which populations must be wiped out. The Gaza genocide is merely there to establish our acceptance of a new standard in global enforcement.

RFK would never be allowed to live if he were a successful Presidential candidate.

I think most USians across the board would feel the truth in this narrative. But they are now thoroughly conditioned to select psychopaths to protect them. The generations alive today in the US will never feel secure without deadly violence behind them.

Thanks for posting it. I'd like to find a transcript.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

@Pluto's Republic

I wish I could find a transcript, but I haven't been able to so far. I know he's controversial, and I've heard that he has supported Israel after Oct. 7, although I haven't seen or read that directly, but if people here say that's true, I believe it. I haven't paid much attention to him until the link to this speech was sent to me.

I felt encouraged by it myself, but I mostly felt encouraged by the fact that people I love who have been supportive of Ukraine and opposed to Russia liked it very much. Because he pointed out that Russia has legitimate concerns about our foreign policy and legitimate security concerns that should be listened to, I am very happy to see my close family members agree with him.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@Linda Wood

RFK did say something positive about Israel. sounded like a memorized comment. However, my thinking about Israel and its genocide has evolved radically, and I no longer judge people by what they say about Israel — one way or the other.

I think the entire Israel narrative is a form of mind control, or brain washing, that's been going on for decades. The narrative is so alien from human nature, that it can only be an artificial construct. I'm not certain what its ultimate purpose is, but I do believe the genocide is being used to condition people's thinking in the US. Viewers are brain washed into accepting that genocide as a normal punishment for a population that does not obey (or that defies) the political authorities.

Considering who all the players are, embedding fear and triggering obedience into the USian psyche is a good explanation for what is going on..

The whole concept of Israel has always been a global triggering mechanism — still under construction.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

@Pluto's Republic

I think you've stated this so very well. The entire Israel concept has been based on accepting injustice - murder, displacement, theft of land, farms, homes and businesses - against the people of Palestine because reasons. As Snoopydawg points out here so often, "because reasons" means nothing. It means accept this without reasons, without reasoning, without facts. And we accept it. And we have accepted it for 75 years.

So, yes, the genocide is just the extension of that assumption that anything the Zionist forces do is acceptable. Suddenly we're aware of the fact that Israel has been doing this all along, and we're shocked.

And so, if RFK Jr. now understands the Russian perspective in Ukraine in ways he didn't a couple of years ago, I might sneer and wonder why it took so long, but I'm extremely grateful that he did.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

@Linda Wood

Guilt for having looked the other way (or worse, refused any assistance whatsoever) when the Nazis were pursuing their expulsion/extermination programs. And the Zionists have exploited this feeling masterfully, beginning with allowing it to override any consideration for the rights of the Palestinians. (Possession is supposed to be nine-tenths of the law - but not for brown people in far-off countries....)

Well, the camel's nose went under the tent, followed by his hoofs, hump, rump, bad breath and dirty footprints, and he kicked the previous occupants out. And he's still kicking.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

QMS's picture

enjoyed it, thanks!

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security