Distrust of Mainstream Media at all time high

Media Trust In America Incredibly Low As Americans Find Reporting Increasingly Biased

Recent polls reveal a continued decline in American voters’ trust in the news media, with 60% feeling that media bias is worsening.

Democrats, Republicans, and independents all view the media less favorably than before.
Additionally, respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the media’s coverage of the Biden administration and Hunter Biden’s scandals.

Notably, President Joe Biden’s supporters are more satisfied with the media’s coverage.
These findings reflect a long-standing trend of declining trust in the media, with Americans ranking the lowest in media trust compared to other nations.

So the Democratic support base believes the absurd and internally contradictory story of the Biden led government's "successful" campaigns against Putin and the Palestinians and in favor of the economic well-being of the American people. Somehow the Deplorable white folks in flyover states are sharp enough to know better -- yet stupid enough to want to vote for Trump.

Is this a great country or what?

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QMS's picture

when we are being lied to. Think it may be 6 groups that control the media now.
Alt media is giving them a chase at least.

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@QMS That's probably a handy thing to have committed to memory.

4 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

QMS's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

By 2011, 90% of the United States's media was controlled by six media conglomerates: GE/Comcast (NBC, Universal), News Corp (Fox News, Wall Street Journal, New York Post ), Disney (ABC, ESPN, Pixar), Viacom (MTV, BET, Paramount Pictures), Time Warner (CNN, HBO, Warner Bros.), and CBS (Showtime, NFL.com).

7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@QMS ...I'm pretty sure there's been some major mergers since then.

Whatever happened to AOL/Disney/Time Warner? Wasn't that a conglomerate?

Also, AMAZON is totally missing from that.

I find it somehow amusing that Disney owns ESPN; hasn't there been some "rubberbanding" in its relationship with Pixar, though?

4 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

TheOtherMaven's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

Whatever happened to AOL/Disney/Time Warner? Wasn't that a conglomerate?

No, Disney was never part of that conglomerate - there was talk for a while but it came to nothing. Eventually Time Warner got sold off, I think to AT&T, and was just traded off again to Discovery Inc and now there are discussions about merging with Paramount(!).

Through it all Marvel and DC Comics managed to remain separate entities, never being owned by the same conglomerate at the same time. (Marvel still belongs to the Disney conglomerate; DC never did.) Whether this has anything to do with the Marvel universe remaining semi-coherent while DC's has degenerated into an incoherent mess is...a good question.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

lotlizard's picture

it bought all of Fox’s non-news media properties.

Like Scientific American, NatGeo has now been reduced to the level of easily-digested pop culture — a mere shadow of its former self.

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QMS's picture


I grew-up on Nat. Geo. Travelled around the world thru those pages
by kindergarten and beyond. Gramma always gave us a script, from the 50's on.
Used to love going thru the 4 foot high stack of yellow bordered magazines.
Learned a lot more about the world than Spot and Jane stories.

Why can't German media point out the US deliberately destroyed their economy by
blowing the pipeline? Seems pretty obvious. And immigration is a slow moving disaster
they brought on themselves. US seems to be following suit.

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@QMS Everyone was sounding its death-knell when Rupert Murdoch acquired it; maybe they were right, or maybe that was just a step too soon.

Recall that its final issue before acquisition was "let's go all-out on the biggest issue we can talk about before we can't!"

2 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

snoopydawg's picture


something you once objected to? MSDNC and CNN used to mainly tell us the truth about things happening here and there, but those days are long gone and now we have Rachel Moscow acting more like Hannity and other Fox News reporters who just make up stories and pretend they are true.

Someone described Rachel’s monologue as a 'venn yarn.' It’s been awhile since I’ve watched her show, but she takes 20 minutes to get to her point after throwing lots of words to get to it.

I wouldn’t trust the corporate media if they told me that the sun was shining while I was looking out the window and saw that it was. They lost a lot of people’s trust during Trump’s tenure because they twisted his words and either added or deleted what he actually said.

Take that time they said that he loved Nazis because he said that there were good people on both sides, but they left out that he condemned both racism and Nazism before he said that.

And he never told people to drink bleach.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@snoopydawg I'd been wondering where that came from, since I'd never heard him say it; if it wasn't just my oddly choosing not to obsess over him of all things and he really never did say that, where did it come from? Was it a "Rush Limbaugh claims Al Gore claims he invented the Internet" kind of thing?

4 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

snoopydawg's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

Vit D and might kill viruses and was wondering if there a way that something already invented could kill the virus by sterilizing it.. I just tried looking for how he said it with no luck. But the media told people that he said to drink bleach but it was a total lie. I’ll try to find it.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@snoopydawg That seems like an awfully good integrity-test for the likes of Snopes and PolitiFact; there should be no reason they wouldn't correct that.

1 user has voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

lotlizard's picture

pick up and regurgitate every such lie and distortion, too.

In reporting on American politics, they never let on to viewers that the narratives promoted by their U.S. counterparts — such as “Hillary the Faultless was robbed, she only lost to Bad Orange Man because the Dark Lord Putin meddled” — have been disproven and are thoroughly bogus.

Or take Nordstream. German TV viewers I talk to seem totally unaware of the clip of Scholz standing next to Biden as the latter tells him point-blank that if Russia invades Ukraine, the U.S. will “end” the Nordstream pipeline, regardless of what he or Germany thinks — German MSM pretends that public exchange never happened.

German MSM regularly suppress reporting of things that are true but whose dissemination is deemed “harmful” (typically, facts about crimes or crime suspects that might reflect badly on migrants or the social consequences of migration in general).

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


corporations that own American media? I think it’s down to 6 companies. Wendy Davis posted a chart of the one media company like Reuters or the AP and then the other media companies repeat what they say. CNN, MSDNC, Fox News also repeat the same stories…

Hillary might have won the popular vote, but she didn’t win in the states that she needed to. And of course she didn’t win California who reported that she did a day before the state voted. Numerous ways that she screwed Bernie who just took it.

Not surprised by your media on nordstream, but do the people know the truth anyway?

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

lotlizard's picture

Most on the left, including Greens, now make a point of taking U.S. official sources at face value (Pentagon, NATO, CFR, leading Democrats, MSM, Hollywood, Big Tech, Wall Street). Disagree and you must be a Trumper, an agent of Putin, a racist, an anti-Semite, etc.

The only exceptions on the left are some of the old-line, “East Germany wasn’t all bad / many things were good” communists, plus a few mavericks like Sahra Wagenknecht or Boris Palmer or, when it comes to journalists, Mathias Bröckers.

In Germany, surprisingly, agreement with many “dirtbag left” positions (Caitlin Johnstone, Jimmy Dore, etc.) — the sort of views that tend to be popular among us here at c99p and among Naked Capitalism, Automatic Earth, and the Reddit and Saidit “Way of the Bern” communities — is more likely to be found among a segment of the far right.

For example, Jürgen Elsässer and his Compact magazine gave prominent play to Seymour Hersh’s revelations on Nordstream:

Hersh: Nordstream terror targeted Germany

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snoopydawg's picture


were broken by years of Russia Russia Russia and Orange man bad and they are now for so many things that they were against most of their lives like some wars are good and so is censorship, but it’s surprising that people there are thinking the same thing. Did those 2 issues break their brains too?

4 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

lotlizard's picture

their American and U.K. colleagues’ manifestations of TDS and Russia-China-Iran demonization as fact.

Friends asked me how Trump can still be so popular after having been impeached and now indicted, and I had to explain that in general, Congress, the judiciary, and state-level politicians in the U.S. can be very partisan and corrupt, something they never hear from the German cultural elite.

In the 1970s through the ’90s, left and Green movements were likely to be labelled “anti-American” because of agitating against the stationing of Pershing missiles, “free trade” treaties, the WTO, and Western policy of fomenting killing and tyranny in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Middle East / North Africa. European activists knew all about MK-ULTRA and Cointelpro and in no way idolized the FBI or CIA.

In contrast, all the younger post Cold-War generations have been raised on American movies, TV, and pop culture. The U.S. military and three-letter agencies are always the good guys — let’s trust their lies and censorship and even murder (Seth Rich?)! It’s for our own good!

Like the heroes in Hollywood movies, how are they gonna save us from Trump, Putin, Xi, Hamas, the evil ayatollahs, etc. if we don’t give ’em a blank check to “go to the dark side” à la Dick Cheney and play fast and loose with the truth???

And then of course there’s Israel — because of history, a whole other dimension of German “La-la-la I can’t hear you or see any of the first-person video coming out of the concentration camp.”

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snoopydawg's picture


In contrast, all the younger post Cold-War generations have been raised on American movies, TV, and pop culture.

because they know more history than the younger generations because of how education has been taught here anymore.


Plus people are saddled with debts and have to work more than one job to just to stay out of poverty and they have little time to search for the truth. Sad to see it’s the same over there. Just read how homelessness is rising in Germany and other EU countries…I’m thinking that this is the plan of the globalists…

Obama did real damage when he signed off on this. Of course the media lied to us before he did, but not on the scale we are seeing now. And who was it that signed the fairness doctrine that let the media only tell one side of the story? Reagan or Clinton?

I’m posting an article tonight in the blues about how Obama is guilty of insurrection because of how he planned to target Trump with false accusations of collusion with Russia. Clinton and Obama did more damage to the country than other presidents did IMHO. They got things passed that republican presidents couldn’t.

4 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt