The puzzling moment in Brave New World

Hopefully my reading audience here remembers reading Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Brave New World was a novel, published in 1932, depicting an imaginary future in which everyone was a designer idiot. The idiots were arranged by designer intelligence into a caste system, and the castes were labeled with letters -- thus the Brave New World had Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons, in declining order of intelligence. The Brave New World was run by "Controllers" who viewed the global society's primary social problem as one of restraining the human race's intelligence. Thus the Alphas were the group seen as most dangerous, the ones who (it is thought) must be corralled into idiotic pursuits for the sake of social stability.

There was a puzzling moment in this framework in which Mustapha Mond, a Controller, explains his view of intelligence. This is in Chapter 16 of the book, Mond described a social experiment within the Brave New World, of a society in which all of the inhabitants were Alphas. The outcome was not a good one. Here is Mond's description:

It began in A.F. 473. The Controllers had the island of Cyprus cleared of all its existing inhabitants and re-colonized with a specially prepared batch of twenty-two thousand Alphas. All agricultural and industrial equipment was handed over to them and they were left to manage their own affairs. The result exactly fulfilled all the theoretical predictions. The land wasn't properly worked; there were strikes in all the factories; the laws were set at naught, orders disobeyed; all the people detailed for a spell of low-grade work were perpetually intriguing for high-grade jobs, and all the people with high-grade jobs were counter-intriguing at all costs to stay where they were. Within six years they were having a first-class civil war. When nineteen out of the twenty-two thousand had been killed, the survivors unanimously petitioned the World Controllers to resume the government of the island. Which they did. And that was the end of the only society of Alphas that the world has ever seen. (from page 201)

What's puzzling is that, from the evidence of the novel, it's impossible to figure out if Huxley, the author, believed that a society of idiots was necessary to preserve social stability. Huxley appeared to be hinting that such a society might achieve its primary aim of social stability if there were a small cadre of intelligent people (one would be enough) directing the whole society. I think we can say, however, that the experiment of a society of idiots -- as it is being tried today -- is a failure. It produces neither a universal idiot-hood, nor social stability. We should elaborate upon this experiment, however, to examine what results it actually produces.

Much of the United States, for instance, is a society of idiots with guns, such that there are two mass shootings every day in the US. If you look through the catalog of mass shootings, however, you can see that typically these mass shootings produce injuries, and that most of them produce few or no fatalities. The phenomenon of a Stephen Paddock, who killed sixty people before turning his gun on himself, appears to be rare. Thus the society of idiots with guns appears to have produced -- merely -- a frightened society, and not a society capable of exercising population control by killing off its own members.

Idiocy in journalism:

Now, I suppose that journalists are idiots because they are in perpetual training to be "stenographers to power," pseudo-reporters who spend entire careers repeating the wishes of those in business and in government who control their organizations. They come out of the universities, and, from experience, I can tell you that American universities are good places for the production of idiot savants, people who are good at their specialties (at what Ben Agger calls "academic writing as real estate") but who are not good at anything else. But sometimes these people produce some particularly SMH moments. So here, for instance, is Robby Soave:

Must we review the history of Palestine for Robby's benefit? Does he know nothing of how the two mega-groups currently inhabiting Palestine got to where they are now? Oh, that's right, "Israel" was created mostly of land STOLEN from Palestinians. Say, Robby, if your neighbors had stolen nearly all of your wealth from you, would you just want to get along with them?

Of course, by the same premise the US was built upon land stolen from indigenous peoples. This is the challenge of peace in our time: how to "resolve" not just colonialism but also capitalism, another fun form of theft. Our societies would benefit from journalists who were taught, and who discussed, how the world got to be what it is. What we have are designer idiots.

And then, to go on about this topic a bit, there is the matter of religion, the motivator behind Israeli theft. The first few minutes of this video are about Alastair Crooke, describing the present-day mission of Israel:

So, yeah, once upon a time it was obvious to everyone in the core nations that settler societies were totally kewl and bitchen. Now it's not.

At any rate, the topic of idiocy in journalism brings us, dear readers, to idiocy in politics. Here's a too-typical example:

I am not bringing up this "xing" or tweet to denigrate Rob Reiner -- I'm sure he's good at movie-making. I do, however, wish to point out the commonality of the political appeal he makes -- that the primary appeal of Biden supporters is that running against Joe Biden means, for them, that you want to destroy democracy. So, in the name of democracy, the Biden supporters want to eliminate all opposition to Joe Biden by, well, removing from the ballot anyone who would challenge him.

Little does it occur to said supporters that, if this is Joe Biden's primary appeal, he's definitely not saving democracy, and he's probably not going to win re-election anyway.

At any rate, in each case, idiocy loses. Perhaps -- in writing Brave New World -- Huxley missed the point of creating a society of idiots. If we are elites, we do not create societies of idiots for social stability. We do not bombard populations with advertising, dominate their landscapes with convenience stores, highways, and restaurants, or pretend to occupy their minds with inane garbage masquerading as "news" or addictive cellphone chatter because we want social stability. Perhaps the Controllers of the Brave New World created a world of idiots for good reasons -- in his novel Huxley hinted at some disastrous war which leveled the ground for the society he imagined. But if we are elites living in our society, we are primarily interested in preparing the ground for domination.

One key thing to notice here about our world, in this regard, is that our oligopoly is a lot bigger than the inner circle of "Controllers" described in Huxley's novel. To use an overworked metaphor here: a large society of sheep can support a smaller, yet still large, society of wolves.

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I read both novels 50 years ago and now remember them leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I couldn't finish 1984; the scene with the explanation of enforcing social stability by denying humanity the vocabulary sufficient for complex and nuanced thought. (not the rats) I always thought Huxley's idea of the society of Alphas was cynical, that a society of elite equals wound find a way to manage differences of opinion without devolving into demagoguery, bullying, and fraud, if for no other reason than that such tactics would be instantly recognized for what they are. It is a society of idiots (a democracy of the uneducated?) that can be deceived.
I don't know if this story is true or just a schoolboy joke, but supposedly Orwell was taking an English literature class and submitted 1984 as a paper. The professor failed him. The professor: (as if you haven't guessed) Aldus Huxley.

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On to Biden since 1973

Cassiodorus's picture

@doh1304 Though the Eton page has him teaching English too.

And Orwell wrote 1984 in 1948, the title being the reversal of digits.

Your objection to the passage with the Controller's "Cyprus experiment" is duly noted. Sometimes I think we live in a reverse Brave New World, in which at least some of the common people are intelligent and the Controllers are designer idiots.

At any rate, one might benefit from reading Brave New World as a parody of life in the United States and of the utopian novels of H. G. Wells. It is kind of amusing, though, that, having parodied the United States in a novel, Huxley moved there five years later.

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

janis b's picture


since Orwell was a student of Huxley's.

Part of the puzzle.

3 users have voted.
janis b's picture

I appreciate your writings and references, cassiodorous. I find them informative and relevant.

The commentary of Alistair Crooke was quite revealing, and exposes in a very measured and experienced way some of the questions you present regarding the idiocy and ignorance of a significant portion of current western society ... no-thanks to the media that we are informed by.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@janis b with the extent to which reactionary ideologies, interestingly Nazi ideologies, have burrowed themselves into the minds of principal actors in "the West." Funding Ukraine to attack Russia for a year and a half, for instance, was a move of remarkable stupidity. What was the most recent estimate appearing in Simplicius' blog of Ukrainian dead? 490-something thousand people?

So, we might be able to say that reactionary ideology is generally stupefying stuff. It isn't, however, stupefying in any way that can be meaningfully used, unless your goal as puppet master is to get the masses so thoroughly riled up with hatred that you can then kill them off and significantly reduce their populations. Even so this is more theoretical than real. I was reading the MoA piece, US Plans to Ethnically Cleanse Gaza. It would involve, what, sending two million people to Egypt? And if Egypt didn't accept them, the US/ "Israel" would kill them off? Yeah, that won't look good in the history books.

And then you have this plan the US was attempting to push through, wherein the Saudis were going to recognize "Israel" and the US was going to give the Saudis The Bomb "nuclear technology." It's been tabled, of course, but how bright is that?

Bill Hicks was priceless. Hicks was born around the time I was born. Who'd he become reincarnated as?

7 users have voted.

"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

janis b's picture


but Hicks was certainly aligned with Vernon Howard ...

4 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

@janis b  
known for his psychedelic visionary art.

3 users have voted.
janis b's picture


to the work of Alex Grey and his sanctuary for psychedelic art.

2 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

of the Al-Alsa mosque in today’s OT. Recently Israeli settlers stormed the mosque, but the history behind this goes back decades as stated in the video. 3 red heifers waiting to be butchered in a disgusting sacrificial ceremony.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

TheOtherMaven's picture


Whoever held Jerusalem at whatever time kept trying to put their own stamp on the Temple Mount.The Israelis would like to clear it off to build the Third Temple (an important factor in Jewish eschatology), but there is no realistic prospect of this in the foreseeable future.

2 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

snoopydawg's picture


You’re right that this fight has been going on for centuries. I’m not as well versed in history as you are and appreciate it when I’m fact checked.

1 user has voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

QMS's picture

the idea of re-electing Biden

in the name of democracy

is quite a stretch.

Perhaps the alphas would care to establish what that nebulous
concept means? For us deltas, so we can rally around the flag.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security