Continuing resolution passed;

shutdown averted. The CR passed in the House, all Dems but one and all Rs but about 90 or so hard right grifters.

The one D no vote was someone who voted against because no money for Ukraine, according to the You Tube report from Sagar @ Breaking Points. I want to know that person's name, who thinks Ukraine, across the sea, another continent, is more important than his own fellow citizens. I do hope Justice Dems. can find someone to primary that member.

I would also point that every time Congress plays this game, they make our country look more and more like a circus where the clowns are in charge.

9 users have voted.


co-chair of The Ukraine Caucus, if you please. Here is the writeup from Chicago Sun Times

Does anyone here know anything about this guy?

6 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

Pluto's Republic's picture


Thanks for posting the update.

One could conclude that the vote sends a message about waning support for Ukraine among the Representatives of the People in the US.

The fact indicate that the Representatives in Congress are there to represent the priorities of Corporations that are primarily federally funded and investor-owned, such as those that comprise the Military Industry. The vote for the Continuing Resolution serves the pressing financial needs of the Military Industry to meet financial deadlines and replenish stockpiles of weapons that were given to Ukraine. The message to Ukraine supporters is that the uninterrupted funding of the Military Industry (which is included in the Continuing Resolution) comes first. Not Ukraine.

Some Members of Congress may have been motivated by the fact that Ukraine's core competency in Money Laundering can no longer be safely accessed by the Party Elite for fear of exposure. Additionally, it has been widely suggested that Ukrainian leaders have used their considerable skills to siphon off personal fortunes for themselves from the (unaccountable) billions in US 'taxpayer loans' that have been gifted to them. No audits allowed.

[edit=additional data]

9 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

“This bill is a victory for Putin and Putin-sympathizers everywhere. We now have 45 days to correct this grave mistake. I had a responsibility to my constituents to voice my opposition to this decision and raise concerns now, before Russia-friendly Republicans dig in their heels or claim victory in the next funding agreement.

“The fight in Ukraine is our fight and anyone who tries to argue that a choice must be made between Ukraine and the American people is presenting a false dilemma. Protecting Ukraine is in our national interest.”

If you are a Federal Govt. employee who would like to be paid for your efforts in a timely fashion, Mr. Quigley thinks you are a Putin-sympathizer, and possibly even, horrors, a Russia-friendly Republican.

I have seen and heard assertion after mere assertion to the effect that supporting Ukraine is in our national interest, but I have yet to read or hear any compelling reason why that is so. I do know that Russia was our ally in the Revolutionary War and during both world wars.

12 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

snoopydawg's picture


of the UN-American hearings?

Mr. Quigley thinks you are a Putin-sympathizer, and possibly even, horrors, a Russia-friendly Republican.

I’ve seen lots of dem voters saying that exact same thing. All the republicans that don’t want to keep sending money to Ukraine are in Russia’s and Putin’s pocket and they are traitors to the country. And shitlibs are outraged that the republicans have blocked money from the budget. Seriously outraged.

Imagine how Biden would have fared if the country was shutdown because he couldn’t get his billions for Ukraine. People laughed at Trump’s America first, but Biden tops him with Ukraine first.

“The fight in Ukraine is our fight and anyone who tries to argue that a choice must be made between Ukraine and the American people is presenting a false dilemma. Protecting Ukraine is in our national interest.”

I don’t agree with this dumb dude one bit. He should tell us that Ukraine and especially NATO had the chance to stop the war by just upholding the Minsk agreement that Russia made in good faith with France and Britain. Twice. And how we promised Russia that we wouldn’t move one inch east after Germanys reunification. And the very last plea from Russia in December 2021. And when there are half a million dead Ukrainians I don’t see how we are protecting them. McConnell already spilled the beans on why we are sending so many weapons to Ukraine and that’s to launder money for the defense-congressional complex. Lots of people are getting filthy rich off those dead Ukrainians and soon the vultures will land there and pick clean their bones. I wonder how the pro Ukraine people can’t see that?

12 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg but while I agree with your take on our involvement in Ukraine, I don't think terms like 'shitlib' are of any use. Such an epithet neither intimidates nor impresses me. There are some so-called liberal and some so-called conservative policies I like and some I don't.

3 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

@Nastarana Shitlibs has been on the site for as long as shitlibs have been in existence, and that is an apt description and identifier.
Good essay, timely and informative. Thanks.

10 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


Maybe you can come up with a better word that describes people who were once against wars, bigger military budgets that take money from we the people, were once against big pharma, the intelligence agencies, spying on Americans, censorship, and numerous other things that they now embrace which just disgust me because that’s a big mouthful to describe the people I’m talking about.

Such an epithet neither intimidates nor impresses me.

I wasn’t trying to impress you. And is that all you got from my comment?

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Pluto's Republic's picture


....because we have yet to agree on an 'official' term to describe Members of Congress who pose as Liberal with Lefist values — and readily betray the well being of the People by voting for the Neocon war agenda.

I hope they come up with a stronger term for this offensive and dangerous duplicity... but until then... I, for one, can live with 'shitlib.'

Didn't they once call fake Democrats, Blue Dogs? You know, candidates who lie about who they are and what they believe in order ro win an election or an appointment to the Court? Their entire purpose is to neutralize the voice of the Left in the US and neuter democracy on certain issues. Today, this type of deception is standard operating procedure in the Democratic Party (along with influence peddling and insider trading). Perhaps the reason this influx of psychopaths has taken place among the Democrats is because we used such a 'weak-tea' term like Blue Dogs to describe them.

The philosophy of the Left is the only principled thinking that can delay the nuclear inferno that will vaporize, and then poison, life on this planet. When it happens it will be caused by an unfortunate accident among those who have access/control over such weapons. This is inevitable with the uniparty psychopaths in control at the Federal level. If you are truly sentient, then you are aware that we are now living on borrowed time.

9 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

@Pluto's Republic

The philosophy of the Left is the only principled thinking that can delay the nuclear inferno that will vaporize, and then poison, life on this planet. When it happens it will be caused by an unfortunate accident among those who have access/control over such weapons. This is inevitable with the uniparty psychopaths in control at the Federal level. If you are truly sentient, then you are aware that we are now living on borrowed time.

What philosophy of the 'Left' is it that you are referring to?

In what way is it superior to the Non-Aggression Principle - considered an essential concept in libertarianism, voluntaryism, anarcho-capitalism or minarchism ?

Speaking of uniparty psychopaths in control, how are things in the PRC these days? All those new coal-fired plants, lithium mines and such coming in on schedule? Hope the CPC can keep those rice bowls filled. If not, history shows that Mandate of Heaven can evaporate pretty quickly...

Borrowed time?

"I'm just about certain that the end is always near."

- The Doors 'Roadhouse Blues'

1 user has voted.

@Pluto's Republic opportunists and collaborators. Not a catchy, easy to remember slogan.

3 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

Pluto's Republic's picture


...for the subset I described in my example. 'Collaborator' betrayals destroyed the lives of many people in World War II. Smart, deceitful politicians like Kristen Sinema come to mind. — a fake progressive who used her votes in Congress to scoop up a small fortune in tips and bribes. But she was in it for the money, not the politics, and promptly retired. I must admit, her grift was nicely played. Rather, it's the fakes who stay on (and their admiring colleagues) that I find profoundly odious and dangerous..

However, as Snoopy correctly points out below, I skipped over the real Shitlibs — the unprincipled and corrupted members of the Democratic base, the ones who have been voting to enable the imperial murder and mayhem by the US military, to further the quest for Empire pushed by the Neocons who control the brain-addled chicken-hawk in the White House. Among them are many who also call themselves 'progressive'.

Now that I reflect on it, calling them 'shitlibs' actually seems to suggest that Americans do not deserve the deceitful congress that they put in place with their lazy thinking and easy denial of truth. The consequences of their votes are naturally deserved — and are being delivered by that same Democratic base. Calling them names is an expression of anger and disdain, but it is certainly not going to shame them or halt the ongoing evil that the US brings to the world. It's too late for that.

The DC politicians have never represented the will of the People in International Affairs. These matters have always been decided by private groups of the corporate, media, and wealthy elite, such as the Council on Foreign Relations. I can see how voters who were mainly concerned about Domestic issues were easily bamboozled by the promises made by Democratic candidates. However, due to their elected Representative's fear-based votes supporting the Empire's violent quest for global supremacy, those Domestic promises will never be kept. There is no money left to help the People or to improve their iives. There is only additional debt to heap on their backs.

6 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

The people who once held the values that I still hold and I’m still against everything I listed.

People who have embraced Neocon war agenda that they once rejected when republicans were doing it, but now find it acceptable because it’s their party who is now doing it.

Their entire purpose is to neutralize the voice of the Left in the US and neuter democracy on certain issues.

Lots of the base willingly neutralized themselves because they believed the propaganda that has been relentless since Obama rescinded the Smith-Mundt act that made it legal for the government to use propaganda against us. I just found this excellent article by Patrick Lawrence inside his impeachment article on the subject of propaganda and how much NATO’s involvement is.

IMPEACHMENT: ‘Cognitive Warfare’ on Capitol Hill

Not quite three years ago, NATO published the final draft of a lengthy study it titled Cognitive Warfare. This 45–page document, reported in various independent publications but in mainstream media not at all, outlined what its authors termed “the battle for the human brain.”

The brain, the study reads,

“is unable to distinct [sic] whether information is right or wrong; is led to believe statements or messages it has already heard as true, even though these may be false; accepts statements as true, if backed by evidence, with no regards to [sic] the authenticity of that evidence.”

And then it made this observation:

“At the political and strategic level, it would be wrong to underestimate the impact of emotions…. Emotions —hope, fear, humiliation — shape the world and international relations with the echo-chamber effect of social media.”

Along with others, I read this diabolic document as referring primarily to geopolitical rivalries, strategic competition, great-power maneuvering, and all manner of psyops and covert operations. It has since become clear that cognitive warfare is waged on many fronts, domestic as well as foreign.

I highly recommend reading the 2nd link because he goes further into describing how effective the propaganda has worked. Thanks again, Obama you POS president that sold out every person who voted for you. The damage that he did is still coming out. And we can thank Clinton for the blue dawg democrats who came into being after his decision to sell the party to big banks and businesses.


And now both parties keep moving further to the right with democrats being more authoritarian than republicans. I don’t recall Trump calling for censorship and banning of voices that disagree with what the government is saying. Good grief we just saw the evidence of how hard the Biden administration pushed for that with the twitter files and the court case that went against them. The shitlibs are outraged that the court told them to cease and desist. Biden is taking the case to the Supreme Court and gawd help us if they decide in his favor. Free speech is the 1st amendment because of how important it is and if the Supremes gut that then they should be called enemies of the Constitution. Their role is to make sure that the Constitution is upheld.

Blue MAGA is what Aaron Mate calls them.

I hope they come up with a stronger term for this offensive and dangerous duplicity... but until then... I, for one, can live with 'shitlib.'

Blue MAGA definitely isn’t a strong enough word.

Great comment, Pluto.

ETA I mixed up the links which I’ve corrected. Mornings..sheesh!

I recommend reading both articles by Lawrence and I think this one on the effectiveness of propaganda is a must read.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture


Does anyone marching here understand the issues in Ukraine that made Russia go into Ukraine to protect the people in the Donbas that Ukraine has been killing since 2014? Would they even know that the people were Ukrainians who didn’t accept the coup government that was put in power after NATO’s coup on an elected president and were disgusted by how the Nazis were put in the national guard? No they have just been told that Putin is the new Hitler and they believe it.

Canada exposed how many countries have embraced the Nazis and not only by Canada, but many countries including Germany!

Do they know that enforcing a no fly zone over Ukraine would mean ww 3 which risks nukes coming into play? Americans are amazingly ignorant of the history of their own country and they can’t see that the military doesn’t fight to uphold our freedoms, but to uphold the evil empire. And if you try to explain that to them they will reject it outright because propaganda has warped their minds.

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Pluto's Republic's picture


And the hard-hitting overview. It explains how emotional gaslighting can sweep over the nation like a wildfire.

The foolishly simple brainwashing technique of constant repetition is very difficult to counteract. That's how we learn. However, the government/media does it in such a dopey way, it should be obvious to anyone paying attention. How many millions of time did Americans have the word 'unprovoked' drilled into their brains? The media had the term "unprovoked attack" set to go within hours of Russia crossing into Ukraine. Why didn't USians see it for what it really was? There were months of build-up, diplomatic demands gone unanswered, increased shelling prior to the attack.

The first time I heard "unprovoked attack" I thought, "What a dumb lie." In the eight years following the overthrow of Ukraine's government, there have been Open Letters of Concern, cease fires, peace talks, signed agreement — all designed to mute Ukraine's deadly provocations against ethnic Russians, to say nothing of the red line of the potential NATO installation. However, there's a reason why USians are regarded as the most isolated and uninformed people on the planet. They are all 'blanks' waiting to be stamped with propaganda. Lucky them. The first time I heard the term "Chinese Spy Balloon" I could feel my brain freeze up, followed by a migraine.

"How to Spot Propaganda and Avoid Brainwashing while Listening to the News." — This should be a handy pocket book available on this topic. This is where it starts. Once people have the basics, they can protect their minds. They can start to see what's real and spot the false flags, themselves. Maybe we should write that.

8 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic

a handy reference book to interpret the worn-out lies and rhetoric.
Sort of like the 'brain-hikers guide' to understanding BS. Without
commercial interruptions. Cross between Douglas Adams and
Fodor's travel guide.

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

since we have been wondering why so many people have fallen for it. Guess it comes down to the simple thing that Goebbels said…

Repeat a lie often enough and people will come to believe it.

Look at how many people still believe that Iraq had WMDs and that Russia helped put Trump in office even both have been totally debunked. And Putin didn’t just help Trump, but he has captured a lot of republicans who are working for him and against the US. How could they seriously believe that they would be allowed to serve a foreign country…screech!!….oh wait. Look at how many congress critters have been captured by Israel. Smile I digress.

How many millions of time did Americans have the word 'unprovoked' drilled into their brains?

Summers and kos use unprovoked at the start of every diary they write on DK and usually more than once.

I got a big kick out this from the once known as anti war Kos.

And then there are the strategic considerations. Russia is a big part of the reason that the United States’ defense budget is north of $800 billion … and fast approaching $900 billion. Not only does Russia’s battlefield defeat have budgetary implications, but it will inform whether we have to fight a hot war against either China or North Korea that would cost trillions of dollars, claim untold lives, and destroy the world economy.

This is all quite clear to Democrats and old-guard Republicans. But Trump’s MAGA cult has lined up behind their authoritarian pro-Putin leader, rupturing the Republican Party and leading to a seemingly inevitable government shutdown at midnight on Sept. 30.

Experts say President Putin has ordered assassinations across Europe, cheated on arms control treaties with the U.S., and seeks to work with China to force our decline,”

Today the Republican Party is at odds over aid to Ukraine. The price tag so far is $76 billion. But is it in our best interest to degrade Russia’s military for less than 5 percent of what we pay annually on defense, especially when there are no U.S. soldiers in the fight?”

Seriously? The defense budget has been steadily going up since 2003 when America launched its illegal war against Iraq while lying about the reason why it just had to do it. And already being in favor of fighting 2 more countries that have nuclear weapons just so America can be the biggest bullish empire in history. No word about how just like America provoked the Russia/Ukraine war it’s also trying to provoke China into one between it and Taiwan.

Which country has pulled out of all the treaties that were made to try to keep the world safe from nuclear weapons? BTW Russia is having a country wide nuclear drill soon where the scenario is that martial law has been declared and possibly 70% of housing will be destroyed. Plus they are going to test a nuclear weapon soon. I’ll be back with the story on this.

Some of the biggest idiots on the planet who once made fun of the right for its support for the war on terrorism. It’s not hard to see that the MICC just changed its focus from the WoT to the war on countries standing in America’s way of dominating the world.

And who cares that Ukraine has lost close to 500,000 dead and twice the number of wounded. Hey as long as it benefits America why should we care that Ukraine people are sacrificing themselves for American hegemony? Nothing like being a callous little shit, kos. This is what 4 years of heavy Russia Russia Russia propaganda does to people’s minds.

"How to Spot Propaganda and Avoid Brainwashing while Listening to the News." — This should be a handy pocket book available on this topic. This is where it starts. Once people have the basics, they can protect their minds. They can start to see what's real and spot the false flags, themselves. Maybe we should write that.

Nah…. I’m not interested in writing that book because look at how many times we have tried to inform a few people here about the truth of the war and how we were the ones who started and why Russia had the legal right to protect the Russian citizens in the Donbas after Ukraine Nazis had been killing them for 8 years. Nothing we said would break through the massive propaganda assault they have been under. I doubt if I tried explaining the truth about the war in Ukraine to the brainwashed folks on DK that I’d convince even one person there. I have seen what they have done to a few people who have tried.

ETA this first comment:

I agree with the author's suggeston. We need to emphasize the Russia-Iran-China-North Korea Axis. We need to point out that Gaetz supports not only Russia, but also North Korea and Iran. Imagine what happens if Putin takes over the US and gives the Bible Belt to Iran as a part of a “deal.”

That’s a doozy that he just made up in his brain.

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture


At some point, reason will likely prevail and Ukraine aid will pass through both chambers with overwhelming bipartisan support. But that doesn’t mean the issue will be domestically dead. Expect the MAGA crowd, fueled by an aggrieved Trump, to keep agitating against Ukraine and building more opposition to further U.S. assistance. How it plays in the 2024 presidential election remains to be seen, but I wouldn’t assume it plays to President Joe Biden’s advantage, particularly given how reluctant he and many of Ukraine’s European allies are to provide Ukraine everything it needs to win quickly and decisively.

Slow-rolling Ukraine aid hasn’t served anyone’s interests except for Russia’s, using the delays to further entrench itself in occupied territory.

The headline for the linked article:

Give Ukraine everything it needs, and promise it all at once

Every once in a while, a major new weapons system makes an appearance, be it HIMARS rocket artillery, Patriot air defenses, M2 infantry fighting vehicles, or M1 Abrams tanks. Maybe F16 fighter jets will make that list someday.

Thing is, while the total amount of aid is set in advance by congressional authorization, the piecemeal announcements are becoming a political and practical problem. It’s time to promise it all, to give Ukraine the certainty it needs to plan its future operations, to shut up the pro-Putin MAGA seditionists who are trying to make Ukraine aid a political rallying cry, and to let Russia know that waiting for the 2024 presidential election isn’t a viable strategy. Donald Trump won’t bail him out.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

declining to support forever war in Ukraine, supporting the principle of voting on single-issue bills (as opposed to mega omnibus ones that no one even gets to read, resisting the continued funding of failed or malevolent government operations (DOJ weaponized against dissent (while protecting the connected), failure (or complicity in) open Southern border, disastrous Covid/vax policies, support of Censorship Industrial Complex, etc. etc.) makes one a 'hard-right grifter'?

Not that there aren't some contenders in the R division of the Uniparty (see Mitch McConnell) but when it comes to grifting, they're up against world-class competition from the likes of Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Mendez and such...

"Biden and his crime family’ may owe Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, but ‘America doesn’t owe him a damn thing."

(Far-right deplorable grifter) Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-9)

5 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

@Blue Republic

Especially since there is no Left in Washington. The Left has never had an organized political voice or representation in the Federal Government of the US, or in most states.. This has been quite deliberate. This has made America into what it is today.

6 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic

would be useful for political discourse
but I doubt it would have much traction with the MSM

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Pluto's Republic's picture


operated by private groups of Capitalists (like the Chamber of Commerce and the Council on Foreign Relations) who are influential at the Federal level and exert control over Federal government policies in the interest of global Capitalism. They are global predators and promoters of the US Empire. The goal of the US shadow government is to tear down communism and People-centric governments (such as China's PRC) and dismantle People-owned national assets (nationalized resources or industries) and to expand Capitalism and private ownership of national assets. They lavish money and luxury travel on cooperative Representatives in the Federal government and fund their election campaigns. They also fund a wide array of political operatives, lobbyists, think tanks, and NGOs worldwide. They are not involved in domestic issues, and most US voters have no interaction with them. They are involved with major industries, like the MIC, which command a major portion of Federal discretionary spending, starving social spending and infrastructure investment.

They own and control the MSM.

I don't believe there is any political mechanism that can stop them, at this point. They have controlled the nation's destiny for at least the past century.

3 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

@Pluto's Republic n/t

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981