Yep, let's follow the science
Submitted by ggersh on Fri, 08/11/2023 - 9:41am
first there was this
You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it.
— U.S. FDA (@US_FDA) August 21, 2021
and today there is this
“FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.
But Pfizer still insists that no one was forced to take the vaccine, JD
w/Bret Weinstein easily debunk that shit

Not sure how reliable the source is but it is out there.
Following the science.
That phrase has been misused and therefore been made meaningless when uttered by the corporate media. 'Following the science' used to be a good thing if done with honest intent. But when the scientific endeavor is corrupted by the profit motive, all bets are off. This is unfortunate because it means ordinary people have to determine which scientist is honest and which is not. This is a difficult determination to make but one that must be done for our individual well being. I am having to make these kind of judgements constantly as I take elderly relatives to medical appointments, and ER visits. I am horrified by what I have encountered in this process.
Look what the 'establishment' figures have done to those who run counter to the "consensus driven scientific evidence"
Thanks for the info ggersh, I hope the news travels far and wide.
Big groan
Science isn’t determined true or false by consensus you dolts. It’s determined by facts.
And how wheezy is this?
In other words they are trying to say that Marik and McCullough have already been proven to give out false information when it was the corporate media including Rachel Maddow that made the claim. In case you missed the story about hospital ERs were being overwhelmed because people were overdosing on horse paste ivermectin and they showed people in coats lining up supposedly to get in the ER but couldn’t because of how many people were being treated for ODing on horse paste…which happened during the summer, but the people were wearing coats.
And any doctor currently being reprimanded for prescribing ivermectin should have their case dismissed because what the FDA just said in court.
But it’s interesting that when monoclonal antibodies and Paxvolid were approved that didn’t nullify the EAU for the jabs since they were both supposed to be treatments.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I remember that story
We knew the story here at C99
HCQ (hydroxychoroquine) also. Not to mention Vit D, Zn, iodine mouthwash/nasal spray. The disease was manageable. We just refused to manage it because the profit was in the vax and remdesiver, etc.
The Dose had its detractors, just as we do with the Ukraine proxy war.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ever notice the we are 100 percent right about everything?
From Hillary losing the election to the total Russia Hoax. From the utterly obvious false flag attacks to the CIA white helmet crisis actors. From the avalanche of lies about China to the NAZI shitshow in Ukraine. From the Democratic war mongerers to the heinous Republican psychopaths. From the stability of the BRICS to the triumphant promise of the Belt and Road Initiative. We stand with the enduring truth, while the delusional slink away.
The truth, clean motives, the forces of good, and constructive benefits to humanity are obvious — and apparent — right from the very beginning. How do so many get it so wrong and wear the lies like a shroud around their necks? But right or wrong, we will all be punished by the dreadful, economic karma that will roll over us.
I want to know why that is
Why were so many of the people who joined this blog able to see through the blatant propaganda while others were not? Also a lot of people on the way of the bern have also seen through it and many of them were members here before they moved on. Did it have something to do with the selection of members from the original members of this site when the Hillary shitshow started and they recognized fellow thinkers?
Up until the Covid pandemic started many held true to seeing through propaganda, but that seems to have split the site in twain. Lots of people were upset with what we said in the Dose which has now been proven to be accurate. Just look at how the ivermectin debacle has now turned on its head. Same thing with remdisiver and ventilators being more harmful than good. And the mRNA jabs wouldn’t work because they were non sterilizing and would drive the variants and cause ADE which seems to be why the people who had the most are now constantly getting sick with the Rona over and over or from other things.
I did fall for a lot of the Qanon stuff when it first came out and I followed a lot of links that educated me more about what was happening, but I finally saw that it would never lead to anything and I gave up on it. But still happy with what I learned. Remember the Awan scandal that involved Debbie What’s her name Schulz and how that even though there was tons of evidence showing it was true it just folded into a distant memory.
Just wondering why we were different from so many who used to think like we did and now pro intelligence agencies, pro war, pro censorship and pro a lot of things that they used to be anti against. And can see that there is no GD difference between the two parties! Or that democrats have been lying about what they would do for us.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Evidence based reasoning...
and finding trusted sources. We all helped each other learn facts from a variety of sources. We all chase ideas down the wrong rabbit holes, but like SD story of Qanon, we figure it out and choose another path.
This mutual research is much of the beauty of this site. I miss several members like CB, who was so good in the dose. I think our troll burnt him out. Anyway I learned much from him...and both of you!
Thanks to you both for staying the course and continuing sharing ideas, stories, and sources. We are better together.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Much better
if that Aussie rep had recognized in the moment that the weasel from Pfizer was deliberately taking her "forced" word so literally and dishonestly. But that's all TPTB have left now on this issue to avoid responsibility.
I will await further developments in the RW on that Ivermectin story, as I still use it weekly and would love to have my local PCP be able to prescribe it without fear of being fired from her large university employer.
Meanwhile, Dr Kory's remarks from Oct 2021 about 100-200 members of Congress (plus their families and staff) quietly taking IVM wouldn't surprise me at all. Probably many more by this time. He also notes how none have spoken publicly about it to date.
I am traveling.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Over the weekend I noticed a smattering of
....Covid stories in the news. The reporting didn't dive too deeply into the science of the virus, but instead discussed evidence that indicates that the US will see a significant surge in Covid-19 infectious this Fall. At the same time, there is a lack of media attention about the ever evolving virus, and no one seems to have a solution "long Covid" — its chronic, long lasting form that is impacting the lives of so many. The public's growing risk from a virus that has become smarter and more infectious is not mentioned at all. Never before in modern history has there been such a level of sheer indifference to what continues to be a huge public health disaster.
Authors of the WSWS article posted below, touch on the contradictory aspects of treating or preventing Covid-19. Those who experience serious physical health damage at some point after they are vaccinated for the virus — and those who experience serious physical health damage at some point after after they are infected by Covid-19 (unvaccinated) — present very similar spontaneous disorder: heart damage, diabetes, infertility, kidney damage, blood disorders, strokes. Some researchers believe the high of excess death rates that we see globally may come from these two groups, because their deaths are very rarely reported as Covid deaths, which fits the criteria of excess deaths.
The Authors add: "As bad as the response was in 2020, at that time governments were forced to implement limited public health measures. Now, in the worst case scenario in which a far more dangerous variant evolves with total immune-escape, a higher fatality ratio and greater infectivity, one must assume that the response of world governments would be to do nothing. The capitalists are determined to never go back to the prior era of public health."
Just imagine the outrage from democrats if Trump
was still president when all Covid restrictions were lifted like they were during Biden. Biden has been much worse on Covid than Trump was and the death toll has gone up much more than during Trump. And how many Democrats would have gotten jabbed if Trump had won the election after Biden and Harris said that they wouldn’t take the Trump jabs because they had been rushed and no one knew if they were safe or effective? Lots of people agreed with them, but in less than 30 days they were lining up for them. Make that make sense. It would have really made their heads spin if Biden then started recommending ivermectin and HCQ!
Remember when Biden dropped the mask requirement and cut the isolation days down from 14 to 5? I guess that’s following the science. Now people including doctors and nurses are required to go back to work even if they are still testing positive and feel sick.
When I started working at the hospital I got 2 weeks vacation and sick leave, but now people are lucky if they have 5 days for both and they usually have to build it up over years. Or take time off without pay. Boy the oligarchs sure have rigged things against workers very well in such a short time.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Intentional dismantling of the Public Health System.
An article printed 3/16/23 in SSRN [Social Science Research Network] titled
“Pandemic Necropolitics: Vulnerability, Resilience, and the Crisis of Marginalization in the Liberal Democratic State” (forthcoming) [Stefania Achella & Chantal Marazia, ed., Vulnerability in Post-pandemic. Medicine, Politics, Humanities] brings up similar issues as the above quoted article in WSWS. Namely that there are certain groups of people who are hit harder by this pandemic than others.
The WSWS article notes that;
Something that I notice though is that the very people who will be most negatively impacted by a society that is devoid of public health infrastructure are among those who are cheerleading its dismantling.
What a great description of what’s been happening
Pandemic Necropolitics
Absolutely this is what the government has been practicing on its own people and not just during Covid. Denying us universal healthcare and a decent living wage just to name the obvious, but allowing big pharma to harm us while making obscene profits by making drugs that not only don’t work to fix the problem, but that also kills us. Vioxx killed 100,000 people with heart attacks and numerous other drugs have done the same. Fauci authoring AZT that he knew was toxic instead of using antibiotics and other repurposed drugs just like he did with remdisiver and ivermectin.
And you’re right about people being against things that can help all of like universal healthcare, higher wages and more unions. Instead they hate all those things because they have been told to.
And while we got daily updates on how many people died and case numbers the PTB aren’t too concerned about the number of excess deaths that are happening all over the world in countries that have high jab rates. Their silence is deafening isn’t it?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
It does seem like a repeat
of history Snoopy. You may have posted this article before, but it tells a scarily similar tale about the delay in treatment for AIDS. Some clinicians knew that Bactrim was an effective treatment for Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) but they needed help in publicizing this information and getting it accepted as a treatment option. This did not happen. According to this 2014 article in Huffington Post;
It made no sense to ignore frontline clinician's recommendations for treatment ideas back during the AIDS crisis just as it made no sense to actively prevent frontline clinicians from trying various treatments during COVID.
edited to add: Yes the silence is deafening about vaccine injuries, Long Covid, asymptomatic spread of Covid, the increased risk with repeat Covid infection, what happens to children who get repeat infections starting when they are so young, the serious damage this virus can do to the body with multi-organ damage, vascular damage, neurological damage, and the various mitigation measures we could take to decrease our risk of getting this disease. Silence about all of this.
The PREP act made what Fauci did legal
Read how the act gave big pharma immunity from almost everything they created.
Why in hell would the government give vaccine makers total immunity from liability instead of insisting that they make products that were safe unless they had ulterior motives? Seriously people should read this and see how far government has gone to make sure that anyone injured or killed by the vaccines which are really classified as counter measures.
The CARES act added more protections to the PREP act that has been modified 11 times during Covid.
And yes I have posted the article before, but I’m glad you did again in case people missed it. And almost everything Fauci did back then he has repeated doing it again.
I doubt anything will come from this, but at least it’s been said.
Shitlibs laughed at Johnson saying that it’s now okay to prescribe ivermectin. Every time they are faced with the truth about something they reject it because of…reasons. Hillary did use a private email server which was not approved. She did make up Russia gate which both Mueller and Durham showed. Vaccines don’t block infection or transmission and they are neither safe or effective. Democrats should change their avatar to ostrich because that’s what the base is.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Comment from IM Doc on the ivermectin kerfuffle
Also known as a midwestern doctor on substack.
From naked capitalism post on this.
I will post this elsewhere if it doesn’t get eyes on it. I think it’s that important. I think that the dumpster fire that hospitals have become was done deliberately to crash the medical system that has been being destroyed for decades with hospitals closing and making less beds available including ICU beds. And hedge funds buying up both hospitals and doctor practices and making doctors nothing more than just people who will follow rules that are intended to increase profits whether that risks people’s lives or wellbeing.
And didn’t anyone find it strange that all of a sudden the government was concerned about our health and that’s why it mandated the jabs instead of giving us universal healthcare which would have helped a hell of a lot more? But the biggest creepiness that came from the epidemic was that the government paid hospitals more if a patient got a Covid diagnosis and then they were put on the most expensive protocols instead of if the patient walked out alive and fully healed? Covid was cover for money laundering. 100 people became fcking billionaires while more people were dumped into poverty!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
FDA In Court For the Ivermectin Statements
"Dr Bean" starts in on YT regulations before dealing with the lawsuit.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I agree
On a slightly different topic, Dr. Pierre Korry has an article up in USA Today about excess deaths but he has an important qualifier to that article in his Susbstack piece regarding the USA Today one.
It's worth a read.
Thanks for the conversation Snoopy, I couldn't keep up with you yesterday....
so I will continue to mull over some of what you wrote. Thanks again.
edited for clarity (I hope)
Yes one thing that comes across in his
essays and comments is his genuine caring for his patients and the doctors who he trains. I did see the USA article and was surprised that it got published. I think enough people were able to read behind the lines and understand what it was that happened 3 years ago that is causing lots of excess deaths. But even when things are spelled out some people will just not let go of the narrative. If you read the comments in the NC article on ivermectin there are 3 people that still think it doesn’t work and shouldn’t be used.
I don’t know if this media covered the FDA hearing but the shitlibs think that Johnson just made up the fact that they said that doctors should be allowed to use it and they still think it’s only horse paste. They will never be reached.
IM doc said that he isn’t seeing unjabbed patients being constantly sick or having any of the problems his jabbed patients are having. Shitlibs are complaining that they are on their 4-5th infection and they can’t wait to get the new jab coming soon. I’d think they would start questioning why the jab hasn’t worked and why they keep getting sick. It’s so obvious to me what the problem is.
I hope people have read the PREP act article to see how bad the act is. It’s an eye opener.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
F/U on the destruction of medical care in America
I’m guessing that most people here remember when healthcare was nothing like it is today and that back then you got to choose any doctor you wanted to see and you just paid your copay and didn’t have to worry about your claim being denied. I worked in healthcare my entire life and I watched how the insurance industry changed and got worse with each change that came along. And who made the changes possible? Our own damned government of course. Why? Because they were bribed to do it by the medical industrial complex. So what is it going to be like in 10 years? In 20?
One other thing. Congress keeps bitching about how much of the budget Medicare costs. So why did they allow for the biggest payments to hospitals if people were put on the most expensive Covid protocols? Why maybe to further deplete the money in the Medicare program….hey just because I’m cynical….
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Hey snoop, this is an outstanding thread.
I could be mis-remembering, but it seems that a mechanism of action that IVM uses is as a Protease inhibitor. The way the virus attaches to a cell is a neat lock and key. The IVM provides a protein chain which effectively blocks the receiver site by laying in a long chain protein across the lock. This is really old back of the brain info but I remember either Dr. John or Dr. Mobeen showing drawings depicting this idea.
I had no idea IM Doc and A Midwestern Doc (AMD) are the same person.
Terrific stuff. Thank you.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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It is interesting
if it is true the unjabbed aren't getting sick. It doesn't help that the data collection is compromised. Dr. Kory explains how even in hospitals, the patient data is intentionally misleading. You were not able to tell, as a physician, which patients had had a jab and which ones didn't. It was obfuscated, on purpose, in the patient's records.
I will read that Jessica Rose link. Thanks for that. It looks long but interesting.
It’s called hide the salami
Hospitals get to claim that patients are unjabbed if people got their jabs at places besides hospitals, but inside the charts nurses write down that they have gotten one. And lots of doctors and hospitals treated the unjabbed patients differently than those who they knew were jabbed. Lots of doctors said that they wouldn’t even see people who weren’t jabbed and of course lots of people including the media said that unjabbed people should be sent to the back of the line if hospitals were overwhelmed. Right out of the 3rd Reich playbook. I never thought I’d see this in America. But it happened.
I see lots of people saying that anything that happens to the jabbed makes them happy and I’m appalled that they can say that when we know that many people who didn’t want to take it were forced to or they would lose their jobs and not be able to take care of their families. It’s just as sickening as those who cheered when the unjabbed died. What the fcking hell happened to people? And I’m betting every one of them thought that there was no way that they would be the good Germans. They failed!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Good question snoopy,
and one I think we are all grappling with. It’s hard to make sense at a highly surreal time.
“What happened to everyone?”.
Yet, it is also empowering to become more and more dependent on the logic and sentiments that guide us individually.
"Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds"
As valid today as when it was first published in 1841.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Yep the go along to get along belief system at work
How many people turned their thinking skills on its head just so that they wouldn’t be excluded from others and then started believing in the narrative. So many people who refused to get jabbed paid a high price for it because they lost friends and family who believed what the government told them to? Or even lost their jobs and careers that they had spent a lifetime in and even higher costs. I really don’t see how we can come back from what the split has caused. But I’m sure that the PTB aren’t too concerned about it. Just more division.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.