Caitlin on Space Goon Tales

Funny How The UFO Narrative Coincides With The Race To Weaponize Space

These stories about the space militarization race aren’t getting the attention the much more entertaining UFO stories are getting, but it seems likely that those who are responsible for moving the war machinery around are paying a lot more attention to the former than the latter

Here is the key part for her:

But for me what really stinks about all this UFO stuff is the timing. Here we are in the early stages of a new cold war which features a race to militarize space, and we’re hearing congressional testimony about mysterious vehicles posing a threat to US airspace which have the ability to go up and down between earth and space very quickly. That smells off.

I mean, does it really sound like a coincidence that we’re seeing all these news stories about UFOs and aliens at the same time we’re seeing news stories about a race between the US and China and Russia to dominate space militarily? A Foreign Policy article from last year blares the headline “China and Russia Are Catching Up to U.S. in Space Capabilities, Pentagon Warns” with the subheading “The militarization of space is picking up pace.” These warnings are echoed in articles by Defense One and Time. An article on the United Nations website from last year carries the title “‘We Have Not Passed the Point of No Return’, Disarmament Committee Told, Weighing Chance Outer Space Could Become Next Battlefield.” A 2021 report from the war machine-funded Center for Strategic and International Studies titled “Defense Against the Dark Arts in Space: Protecting Space Systems from Counterspace Weapons” warns of the urgent need to build more space weapons to counter US enemies. A Global Times article from last year carries the title “Chinese experts urge avoidance of space weaponization amid commercial space capability deployment in Ukraine.”

These stories about the space militarization race aren’t getting the attention the much more entertaining UFO stories are getting, but it seems likely that those who are responsible for moving the war machinery around are paying a lot more attention to the former than the latter. The US Space Force took its first steps toward becoming a reality in 2017, the same year these mainstream UFO stories started coming out, with the explicit purpose of countering Russia and China.

And it just seems mighty suspicious to me how we’re being slowly paced into this UFO narrative (or UAP narrative for those hip to the current jargon) right when there’s a mad rush to get weapons into space. I can’t actually think of any other point in history when the timing of something like this would have looked more suspicious.

How weird can this Dystopia get? Maybe the Brass Hats are just as stoopid as Biden and his gaggle of knuckleheads who imagine that Putin is Hitler.

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to try to take advantage of dementia. Somebody told Biden he was Alan Moore's Ozymandius, but he got Shelly's.

4 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

usefewersyllables's picture

They are bringing back Project Rover/NERVA under a new name: DRACO...

Can't *wait* to see how they test it this time. The Rover/NERVA reactor cores were made of ceramic fuel elements made by Coors up in Golden- they had to withstand insane temperatures without failing. So, of course, they often didn't withstand them: the occasional bright white flashes you see in the exhaust plumes are from fuel elements failing and vaporizing. Yup, vaporizing and being completely atomized, *while running at max power*...

And then, the plume(s) from all the tests (~23 of them, more or less, from '59 to '72, most conducted AFTER the atmospheric test ban treaty of '63) simply blew across the rest of the country on the breeze. Oopsie, bygones. Sorry about that, downwinders...

For the interested student, look up Project TNT as part of the series.

Coulda been worse, though- they could have completed Project Pluto (SLAM, or the Flying Crowbar). At least sanity took over on that one before they went much further than a few tests.

Not a fan.

8 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture

another black hole to throw
money and weapons into ..
we will fight them in outer space
so we don't have to here

personally not afraid of space sharks as much as
the idiots in charge of the exceptional dream

9 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lily O Lady's picture

won’t Klatuu destroy the Earth? : D

Could it get any crazier?

7 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

usefewersyllables's picture

@Lily O Lady

at her very best! "Gort- Klaatu barada nikto!"

8 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.