An interesting read
I enjoyed this author’s reflections on the covid pandemic in particular, but also about freedom in general and how we can practice what we have learned in order to support a stronger approach to future pandemics and challenges to freedom.
We are not okay.
“There can be no future unless there is peace. There is no peace unless there is reconciliation… True reconciliation exposes the awfulness, the abuse, the pain, the truth” - Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
An excerpt from the long article ...
3. Lean into, not away from our core values in times of uncertainty
With the unprecedented impact of the pandemic, many thought it justified to compromise on core societal principles and freedoms in the name of public safety. Government and leadership need to recognise that when facing pressure and uncertainty, this is the very time we need to lean into our core values of liberty, autonomy, informed consent, freedom of information and speech - to be our guide when we can’t see through the fog. When the outcomes are not clear, it’s these values that allow us to navigate difficult times with our integrity intact no matter the outcome.
Governments used propaganda to scare the pants off people
and then grabbed power to cancel civil rights that they had no right to take from us. And unfortunately because people were scared they were okay with the power grabs that cost people their businesses and jobs. Too many thought that it would be okay to lock people up or take away their kids or keep them from eating if they didn’t get jabbed even though pharma didn’t test for efficacy or safety and now Marks who is the head of the FDA says vaccines shouldn’t have to protect against infection. No we are definitely not okay because if the PTB run another scamdemic on us it’s doubtful that people will stand against another power grab.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Hi snoopy
"No we are definitely not okay because if the PTB run another scamdemic on us it’s doubtful that people will stand against another power grab."
It's highly unfortunate that humanity was taken advantage of, but isn't it a good thing that people now will stand up differently?
On further reading
Science is never settled and it should never be censored, but that’s not what the PTB wanted. We’ve seen from the Twitter files that even correct information was not allowed if it went against big pharma’s narrative which I’ve now found out wasn’t just theirs.
People wanted everyone who didn’t do what they did to be harshly punished and even be locked up without due process and have their kids taken away. The highest number of people who thought that would be just grand were those who identify as democrats. Republicans were more fit individual rights. Never thought I’d live to see that.
This is covered in the essay I posted in the blues tonight. Pfizer had to pay the biggest fine in history and yet when they rolled out an experimental jab it seems many people forgave them their crimes and instead of being able to question the jab people were told to stfu and get jabbed for the greater good. Seriously when’s the last time our government was concerned about our health or our lives? If they seriously were concerned about us living through the pandemic they would have given us universal healthcare so that people could get healthy and have a better chance of surviving the Rona.
This paragraph says it all.
I’m not certain that if the next planned pandemic comes along that the people who willingly gave up their rights and insisted that anyone who didn’t do what they were told should be ostracized won’t do that again because too many are still believing the lies the government told them.
I strongly doubt that will happen since governments worldwide are working with the WHO to put them in charge including Biden who is willing to do away with the constitution and the bill of rights and what we went through the last 3 years will much worse the next time. I wonder how many people who reacted horribly will get on board with Biden doing that? Would they have acted differently if it had been Trump doing what Biden did? Yep because they were all over Trump for every death that happened, but when the death toll continued going up and Biden undid the things Trump put in place they gave him a pass and blamed Trump’s supporters for not minding Fauci and Biden.
Whoever says that history doesn’t repeat itself might be in for a big surprise when in a few years it might just do that, but on steroids. Stay tuned folks….
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
How did so many people forget the swine flu vaccine?
Only 1 person died from it and 13 were hospitalized, but big pharma rushed a vaccine to market without proper testing and safety studies because the government told them that they should take it to protect themselves. Many people got Guillain–Barré syndrome, but many more got other serious injuries that the media didn’t tell us about. How many lives were ruined by this jab?
I hope people will read this essay that is both about Carlson being fired and the way the Covid epidemic was handled. Read what Carlson said at the heritage foundation event. I think he was fired for 2 reasons. 1- he spilled the beans on what big pharma did with the media and 2- he would have given RFK Jr. a platform to run against Biden that the DNC wants to avoid at all costs. The pentagon is also very happy that he’s gone because he was one of the few people speaking out against the Ukraine war. And the woke military.
Big Pharma's Destruction of American Journalism
Did you know that going back to the Clinton era or before that every president declared an epidemic and told people that they should take the newest 'vaccine'? Fauci warned us in 2017 that there would be one during Trump’s presidency and lo and behold 3 years later there was. And this time the government pulled out all stops to make sure that people were very afraid and used ungawdly amounts of propaganda against us. And then they shut down the country and lots of people lost their jobs and businesses and their freedoms. Have we gotten them back yet?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
some things will never return
you know this. It is how it is framed. People die en mass to fortify the needs of their
clans, or so it is projected. We both know better. Elders, poor, and
every other demographic the rulers want diminished are being shown the door.
question everything
Speaking of swine flu
I saw this a few days ago ...
Is this what recycling means?
Thanks for that, janis b
I fell for the story that the novel virus was much worse than the flu. Well, about 3 months before this hit the headlines, I had the flu. It was a 3 or 4 month ordeal where I developed double pneumonia and walking pneumonia. I missed exactly 4 hours of work, but felt tired and coughed constantly for months.
So, after that, when the magic health officials tell me something out there is worse than the flu I had, I was willing to stay away from people, stay home. Only later, after the antibodies tests were available, did I find out that the flu I had in Dec. 2019 was the really, really scary and deadly COVID! Hell, if I got it again, I might miss 8 hours work!!!
At that point...I started scrutinizing this entire pandemic in a different light.I still do.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Tutu reminds me that without peace there is no justice /nt
It presupposes the govt. didn't release the virus for the very purpose of stripping away our freedoms.
Whether the virus
was released intentionally for the purpose of stripping freedoms, or the stripping of freedoms was the sadistic response of disaster capitalists and insatiable power, the results are the same.
Hi Janis, and all
Don't have time to read the article right now, but... always have a minute for an opinion
Have closely followed the dissenting voices from day one, and like what RFK Jr. is saying.
There is nothing Pfizer, the media, or the government, could have done to make more sure the people will not listen to them next time, than the way they handled this one. They all cried wolf over and over. They know it too. Which is why now America and other countries owned by corporate, are all in on a WHO Pandemic Treaty. The people will not comply with the next order from the same people, so they will do it this way. They are truly evil, as they are not advancing society in any way, shape, or form, but only corporate interests. Wish us luck!
Sorry I missed yer post on Barry Humphries... but long live Dame Edna!
Have a great day! All!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Who says we have to follow WHO
; )