Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will be running for President
Robert F Kennedy Jr to challenge Biden for White House
Yep, this is the guy who wrote the book attacking Fauci. Here's Reuters:
"If it looks like I can raise the money and mobilize enough people to win, I’ll jump in the race," he wrote.
"If I run, my top priority will be to end the corrupt merger between state and corporate power that has ruined our economy, shattered the middle class, polluted our landscapes and waters, poisoned our children and robbed us of our values and freedoms."
It's a really good time to run for President right now. Maybe a lot of Democratic Party presidential candidates could band together to end the media blackout. I figure it would take at least four or five. After all, it was a group effort that brought down Bernie Sanders in 2020.
As for the rest of them, I really don't know why they think Joe Biden is the "safe" candidate. I'm imagining a headline sometime later this year: "America in ruins: President to meet with Joe Manchin to beg for half-measure in response."
Postscript: Have you noticed how nobody's talking about Don't Run Joe anymore?

If any one candidate
could stymie a media blackout, it would be a bold, savvy Kennedy like RFK Jr who knows how the establishment works and knows how to work around it. And his chances of forcing a fair primary process would be enhanced if either the economy goes south in the next yr, or Ukraine heats up again and becomes a major liability for Biden. Kennedy can already plausibly argue that Biden Ds have blatantly rigged the primary system to favor Joe, with Biden-friendly S Carolina replacing the more independent NH as the first primary contest.
I wouldn't doubt that party apparatchiks are also arranging to limit or eliminate debates in 2023-24. RFK Jr, even with a disease-impaired voice, would run rings around Joe in a debate.
As for the rest, the establishment pols, including Gavin Newsom, Adam Schiff and Liz Warren, will all be backing Joe, so unlike 2016 and 2020, there shouldn't be a very crowded field of candidates. Maybe only a small opening for some indy-center-right Manchin type, who would be un-nominatable.
What's Joe going to run on?
Media blockade is now their last line of defense. I vote lots of candidates -- the more the merrier, and it doesn't matter what their ideological background is at this point. Break that media blockade. Here, this can be their group theme song:
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Media blockade
There is also the dwindling public confidence in the MSM, excepting Fox viewers perhaps, so a mass media blockade will be of limited impact and possibly, as noted, will be made into a rallying cry for the Kennedy team.
More likely the MSM, which actually carried the story of his FEC filing, will try character assassination. Just look at how CNN and Politico described RFK Jr in the news of his filing -- "anti-vax" and proponent of "conspiracy theories". No doubt they will also get around to playing the Neville Chamberlain card against him on Ukr/Russia. Other personal issues, real and imagined, will probably have far less impact as Clinton and Trump scandals have inoculated the body politic and RFK Jr against these traditional tactics.
Yeah RFK Jr. run buddy
take some of the power away from the neocons. I just wonder if old uncle Joe
will even make it that far. Harris is a total non-starter if she gets the bump.
Maybe run with Bernie as the veep? Watch the neolibs melt
question everything
@QMS Bernie won't run for any
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Countdown to the
"unforeseeable accident" that he will almost certainly encounter, starting in 3... 2... 1...
The CIA loves to kill them some Kennedys. It's been a while since they did it last, so they've gotta be getting a little antsy.
Once again, as a note to the humor-impaired: This Is Snark.
It'll just be really sad when it actually happens.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
It's the obvious first line
It's the obvious first line fear to have. He must know it.
I wish him luck, he should run, I feel it is good for the USA
if he runs. How can I support him?
If I am able to find a campaign website --
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
link to sign up to contribute/volunteer:Thanks wokkamile!
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
His condition is
I think if there was anything to be done about it, he would have undertaken that treatment long ago.
In a few talks, he's mentioned that his speaking voice actually improves the longer he speaks at an event.
A clip from a
1978 tv interview, RFK Jr age 24, just published his book on Judge Johnson, and before the onset of his voice problem (which would come at age 42)
I signed up for his emails
but I am in disagreement with him on certain policies.
I will not donate, will not attend a rally, will watch him if he is allowed to debate, and if his emails start to look like typical marketing, I will unsubscribe.
Too many politicians have betrayed their base for me to get invested in their attainment of power.
Hoping he might be different.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
For me, he checks all the major boxes, Ukraine and war, vaccine mandates and vax safety generally, getting Big Money out of our politics and regulatory agencies, environment. And he's very smart and well versed in these issues, not just a Kennedy running on the name.
I will wait on his formal
Before I write him off, which I do not want to do, I want to get his positions.
I am being vague intentionally. I have no desire to dampen enthusiasm because I have some particular priorities.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Just remember as you get excited about this dawg and pony show
That democrats have said that it’s perfectly legal for them to adjoin to a back room and pick their candidate whether people voted for them or not and on top of that they have their delegates who can override the votes of the people and on top of them they have the super delegates who can decide who to give their vote to.
But on top of all that there is the money that billionaires will flood into any person’s campaign that they want to win and then there’s Israel’s lobbyist AIPAC who guard dawgs every candidate for government at the state and local levels that decides who get the nod. And if all that ain’t enough there is the dominion voting machines that can flip votes to whomever has been chosen.
Other than that good luck folks! Let the great money laundering shit show begin.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I don't really see enough in this announcement --
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Our current two party system is an illusion
I doubt very much that he would aspire to run on either party’s ticket. Both are malignant at their core. The kind of radical change he has called for with regard to our captured national health agencies suggests a top down purge of personnel and structural changes in the regulatory-pharmaceutical relationship, primarily financial and their chronic revolving door personnel conflict of interest. Neither party wants any part in such a revolutionary platform. They both are already doing quite well for themselves with the status quo.
His best case scenario is making it as far as the “debate” stage, where he could expound on his vision for change. His worst case scenario could be winning the presidency without any meaningful support in Congress, and perhaps martyrdom.
We don’t need any more political assassinations, either overseas or here at home.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
We don't need any more political assassinations.
We don't seem to need Congress, either. We would all benefit greatly if the majority of those in Congress were dispossessed of office, and replaced by others with genuine notions of public service. Or, better yet -- make Congress irrelevant.
The political assassinations of the Sixties were symptoms of a society which needed saviors if it was to move forward. Unfortunately, that society, the society of the Sixties, was also the last incarnation of the last historic Age of Utopian Dreaming to display any political creativity. To the extent to which an RFK Jr. candidacy displays any political creativity, it's a good idea.
Today's society has put itself in the position of needing Joe Biden to be its savior, when it's obvious to all that Joe Biden will merely exhaust America through idiotic foreign policies. Watch as all of the useful idiots crow: "omigod RFK Jr. is hurting the Democrats!" Meanwhile, more and more of America lives in tents and cars and eats at local charities or Food Not Bombs installations.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Spot fuckin' on.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Political campaigns can build a movement even as they lose
Bobby Junior has an infinitesimal chance of becoming President for all the reasons mentioned on this thread so far. I'm pretty sure he knows that. But we need something to rally around. This is a somewhat more plausible vehicle for crystalizing opposition to the Loony Toons social order in place than the idea of Jimmy Doar giving it a shot. I can imagine getting involved in supporting either one.
Don't mourn. Organize!
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Being President or growing up in a family of polititicians
who are 'presidential material' is just like any other job. Jobs run in families. Papa journalist, kid journalist, Papa firefighter, kiddo firefighter.
I just remember him talking against the establishment at times. At least I believe so. In today's political climate that is good enough for a start. But may be I mix it up.
I have bigger problems. How do you dispose of around thousand plus of books, if your guts and heart tell you, that you never throw away books.
Sigh. I hope you all have shelter, food, warmth and at least one person who can be there for you if you need it.
peace and love.
Give the books to the local library?
Anything they don't want to keep, they will probably put into their next book sale, and so the books stay in circulation (sort of).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Excellent suggestion.Also, a local/nearby shool
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
They don't want them - They don't even take one box.
AWO (Arbeiter Wohlfahrt = Worker's Welfare Association) neither.
We all have too much of everything. Sigh.
The rank and file 99%
In fact, part of that appeal of the Hope guy, Bill Clinton, was that he would champion the poor. We see how that turned out.
As anti-dynasty as our history is, we do seem to bow to the greatness of Roosevelts, Kennedys, Bushes, but it has never been a lasting gift to the poor and middle class.
I am so sorry you are so alone, mimi.
At the very least, you have friends here, and we will help you if we can.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
oh, I did say nowhere that I believe they are better
qualified. Contary I wanted to express, that they are as other families. Some things run in the family, that is all I wanted to express.
Alone ? I have a bunch of great friends here on C99p and I am grateful for it.
Thank You for your kindness. And I will make it out of my situation here in the old house of my parents.
I will for sure.
I send you some easter eggs. Which ones do you like most?
You all have a great Easter Weekend.
The one good
Mixed bag of dynasty family presidents. FDR and JFK strongly on the plus side, both families having a long tradition of public service. The lives of many poor and middle class improved on their watch. Bushes are less about serving the public than about taking what they feel is their rightful position as CEO, Governor and President -- with considerable backroom help from their well-placed family and friends to arrange all that.
A decade ago during major remodel, I donated hundreds of books to several local libraries. Had to hire a local teen to help me haul them away.
Little Free Libraries.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo