Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2

We found that SARS-CoV has the restriction site fingerprint that is typical for synthetic viruses. The synthetic fingerprint of SARS-CoV-2 is anomalous in wild coronaviruses, and common in lab-assembled viruses. The type of mutations (synonymous or silent mutations) that differentiate the restriction sites in SARS-CoV-2 are characteristic of engineering, and the concentration of these silent mutations in the restriction sites is extremely unlikely to have arisen by random evolution. Both the restriction site fingerprint and the pattern of mutations generating them are extremely unlikely in wild coronaviruses and nearly universal in synthetic viruses. Our findings strongly suggest a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV2.


The virus was released on purpose. It wasn't so that Pfizer could make a financial killing on the vaccine. It was so Pfizer could make a killing with the vaccine.

The problem with using bioweapons is that they blowback on the attacker. You can't control their vectors. But if you use mass propaganda efforts to terrorize people into taking the vaccine created in record time to fight the virus, you can avoid the entire blowback by simply not taking the poison vaccine.


Of course, it's not like they didn't openly prepare for this entire scenario - The SPARS Document (6 years ago, prior to COVID):

What are the potential consequences of health officials over-reassuring the public of the potential risks of a novel SPARS vaccine when long term effects are not known?

Asking the big question well before we ever heard of their Gain of Function, lab designed Covid plague. But they go on - Nostradamus himself couldn't have predicted with such accuracy. They acknowledge that millions will die from the experimental vaccine and ask how would the hypothetical president go about addressing the nation?

The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the president to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them over their grief over that sacrifice.


This was not an accidental leak.

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At the moment, this growing awareness of the hand of human hacking of the virus is being used to cudgel China with blame for being the source of the outbreak.

Even if the government misdirection and disinformation were to suddenly cease, the effects on the ‘understanding’ of the population will likely persist for decades, perhaps even generations. No one wants to admit they were snookered and the perpetrators certainly are not going to want to take responsibility for the still unfolding downstream disaster.

Evidence COVID-19 was present in the general population in both SoCal US and Europe months before the Wuhan outbreak. COVID-19 specific markers were found in blood bank and sewage samples, respectively.

Some of the Event 201 participants, minimally Avril Haines (Former Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency; Former Deputy National Security Advisor), were likely aware of US Bio lab leaks, including one at Fort Detrick which

was temporarily shut down in August 2019 for at least two "breaches of containment"

This could help explain both the eerily accurate details of the EVENT 201 “simulation’ as well as the absolutely lock-step global response of masks, lockdowns, jab mandates, travel restrictions and etc.

8 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

snoopydawg's picture


Distrust in Fauci? Well it’s well deserved. A small video of the lies he’s told and then walked back.

Later is better than never.

Kurt ruined this for me. Hey asswipe it’s not anything to laugh at! People died.
Also a reminder of what Fauci did during AIDS

3 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Is that what they are? I know that furins were discovered in the virus cells very early on. I saw videos from 2 or 3 scientists from Europe way back in 2020, and they asserted that furins are the definitive proof the virus was a gain of function, engineered virus.
If anyone wishes to correct my terminology, feel free.
I am not a scientist. I only play one on TV.
edit: rant across it tonight. Furin cleavage.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

In September 2019 the WHO publication published a report that said that there would be a coronavirus release of a respiratory pathogen.

David Martin Uncovers The Continuing Coverups & Politicized Misdirects: "Transparently Hiding...Again"

Two days ago David Martin produced a YouTube video further establishing incontrovertible evidence that the entire COVID-19 operation was a criminal conspiracy years in the making.

His presentation is germane to today’s earlier article on the Republican COVID-19 declassification bill that is ultimately more of the same obfuscation blame game and further vilification of China; to wit:

…the Wuhan Institute of Virology was not merely funded by the CCP, but was for all intents and purposes created by the CIA, DoD, Pentagon, BigPharma and Fauci’s network of tax theft agencies and institutes. All of the Gain-of-Function technology that Wuhan was weaponizing came from Fauci’s bioweapons research point man Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina. In other words, this is not a China operation, and the intentional lab leak was not ordered by the CCP.

Martin references a research paper published in early 2016 whereby the scientist team and their funders implicate themselves by their very own admissions. They confess to performing illegal Gain of Function (GoF) research during the GoF moratorium.

Of course, the virus was leaked so that the real bioweapon "vaccine" could be deployed.

The Rona virus was deliberately created to be very infectious to humans at the university of North Carolina by Ralph Baric during the time gain of function was outlawed by Obama.

Everyone in both parties voted to authorize the release of files related to the Wuhan lab, but they are ignoring this smoking gun that shows that it was cooked up in America by Americans. He also talks about how Fauci is on the patent and just got a kickback from Moderna for $400 million and just before he left office.

This was a deliberate bio weapons attack on us and on the world and all the information about it has been known for years. The paper was written in 2015.

Think that Rand Paul, Ron Johnson and others who have been tipping their toes into the Covid scam are going to do a damn thing about this?

Smoking gun. Screenshot of Article and links in essay.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg with first person evidence.
Glad you shared it, Snoopy, although the content makes me wonder if my government is out to get me and you.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

That Baric made the virus extremely contagious to humans and then injected it into humanized mice and then released it pretty much says it all. It also shows that it isn’t just Americans that were involved in it, but a global campaign or conspiracy. That’s why almost every country went draconian in their response to it and all the rest that followed. Plus at the time of the article Trump’s team did an epidemic trial run to see how prepared the country was to one. It’s obvious that they failed the test and it’s also obvious that they didn’t give a damn about failing it or our safety.

Health care workers couldn’t get PPE which Trump had to know was in short supply, but then if people were properly protected then how could the virus spread and get people afraid of catching it? We have covered so much information about this during the last 3 years that we have probably forgotten a lot of it. We learned that we were subjected to military grade propaganda and fear mongering to make us more compliant when the jabs finally came out and made health care workers get it first so we’d be more trusting of them.

I’d love to go back and read the dose essays from years ago and I might if I get bored someday. Plus there was the 201 pandemic preparedness meeting just before it hit Wuhan with people from the intelligence agencies and doctors and people who had no medical training. Plus the massive attacks against early treatments and the assaults on any doctor who were using them. This is still going on today in many countries. Don’t toe the line and face prison and losing everything you worked for. The guy calls the willful capture of the health agencies racketeering and criminal conspiracy. But he also says that no person in government will do anything about it which makes them just as complicit in what I call mass murder. Lack of early treatments to putting people on ventilators just so doctors and nurses don’t get infected to sedation with respiratory depressants and remdisiver that was shown to cause kidney damage and death. How could anyone come to a different conclusion?

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg that PCR tests were shelved as defective.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Creosote.'s picture

And strong stomach. Perhaps constructed during your early med work?
A close relative of mine who's run 12-step groups brushed off her two or more booster jabs saying she feels fine.
This is someone with a masters in medical anthropology but who can't even follow Dr. Campbell.

2 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Yes I think it has a lot to do with my early work in the lab when I had just graduated from high school and started working as a phlebotomist. I had already known lots of the people who worked in it and they all offered to share their knowledge with me. I picked up pieces of information from them and went to college studying to be a med tech…but that got derailed when I fell in love with photography and switched to being an ophthalmic photographer which let me keep my toes in medicine.

The reason I was suspicious of the jabs was because they were made too quickly. I knew that there was no way they could be deemed safe or effective because not enough time had passed. I had just talked with my uncle about it and he said it’d take years before one was developed and next thing you know one was….

I have lots of time to read about different viewpoints and I’m following some smart people who know a lot more than I do.

Remember that we have been under massive psychological pressure to hear only what they want us to hear and believe and it might explain why people can’t see or hear other facts about this.

Also there is this explanation that makes a lot of sense in case you missed it before.

Hope things have slowed down for you and you are enjoying the spring?
Take care.

2 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Creosote.'s picture

What a deep map of the poison Martin sets out.
Great thanks for your grit in putting this map under the lamp.
Perhaps you studied with Sy Hersch?

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snoopydawg's picture


He outlines the whole timeline quite well and it’s basically just what many of us have written over the years. Seeing it all laid out like this shows just how much of a scam it actually has been. Sums up what I wrote above too.

This essay shows the timeline of the plandemic.

- Some kind of lab leak occurred in 2018/2019 which spread around the world. As with most leaks, this was mild and killed very few people, maybe only some near the actually leak itself. As it mutated and spread it attenuated and became weaker. Perhaps this was the origin of Omicron;

- This may have been in Fort Detrick or similar and a surge in EVALI vaping deaths were used as a cover story for the virus deaths;

- Event 201 was held to discuss how the plan would dovetail in with a pandemic;

- On the same day, the Wuhan World Military Games began where an infectious clone was released or some funny business happened at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). This was done for a number of reasons. Firstly, because it was an infectious clone or had just leaked it was more deadly (but would attenuate quickly) and so would make the future pandemic seem worse.

- Secondly, it would provide excellent cover with people left arguing over zoonotic spill over in the wet market or accidental lab leak from the WIV. And Finally it would provide ammunition to accuse China of releasing a bioweapon.

- Propaganda was key and spread like a virus using social media. Faked videos of people collapsing in the street were spread around the globe with bots used to generate panic;

- Videos of hospitals being built in 10 days and people being locked in their houses also went viral. This planted the seed in Westerners that this virus must be super deadly and the only way to control it was with lockdowns;

- Then, either the initial more deadly infectious clone or lab leaked virus spread to other cities around the globe or other infectious clones were released in theses cities. Either way, these very quickly attenuated, only killing a few of the people infected early on.

- Early treatments, off-patent drugs, vitamins and supplements were all removed to make the virus seem more deadly and to make vaccines seem like the only answer. Sunlight and exercise was also discouraged. All things that made people more likely to get ill;

What other proof do we need to confirm that this was done deliberately to both cover up the financial crimes that would have come to light if they hadn’t done these things and how it set the stage for the great reset and digital money coming our way?

Kudos to those who saw this for what it was…either from the beginning or a bit later.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt