"It’s getting too big to hide"
Narrative Collapsing, Unexplained Deaths: A Shift in the Story Is Coming Soon – @DowdEdward
"One of my sources in the government told me that ... the White House is potentially preparing to declare an epidemic of sudden death and that they might blame long COVID ..." pic.twitter.com/QEvy0FYwYO
— The Vigilant Fox (@VigilantFox) January 16, 2023
Midwestern doc again
Do the Mysterious Fibrous Clots Really Exist?
Recently the documentary Died Suddenly came out. It made the case that a wave of sudden deaths was happening, and linked them to highly unusual blood clots, which embalmers all over the world are finding in cadavers. I had mixed opinions about the movie because on the one hand I felt that it was persuasive enough to break through the malaise and denial that people had on this issue (which needed to be done), but on the other hand it was unnecessarily conspiratorial, full of erroneous information, and therefore, likely to make many who saw it think the whole subject was conspiracy theorist hogwash.
Eric Burnett was one of the most vocal critics of Died Suddenly’s thesis that these clots were bad news (Steve Kirsch addressed many of Burnett’s arguments, such as the fact the embalmers who saw them did not understand what they were seeing here). I did not hold as much animosity towards Burnett as many others did because some of his points were correct, and because I sympathize with just how difficult it is for most people to accept that something radically outside their paradigm could be true, especially if they lack any first-hand experience with it.
I then decided to write a piece on Died Suddenly to address one of the central challenges to it: there is no possible way these clots could be forming, so they must not exist (when in fact significant evidence exists to support a mechanism for their formation):
Briefly my model was this:
•The spike protein causes the fibrin clots the body forms to be misfolded.
•Because the fibrin clots are misfolded, the natural mechanisms the body has to break these clots down don’t work.
•This results in the clots continuing to grow until they hit a critical size.
•Additional characteristics of the spike protein exacerbate this process.Since the time this topic initially emerged, significant evidence has emerged to support that they are in fact real. For example, this abridged segment from The Highwire provided some of the best evidence supporting the existence of these clots that I have come across:
Here, Ryan Cole concisely presents the best evidence I have seen that the mysterious fibrous clots from "Died Suddenly" do indeed exist.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." pic.twitter.com/0BAY7cChhN
— A Midwestern Doctor (@MidwesternDoc) January 18, 2023
Chris Martenson also just interviewed two embalmers who have been noticing these clots since the start of the vaccine rollout and in that segment further discussed these survey results. This is an excellent presentation and provides further confirmation that these clots are real (I agree with his arguments).
In an earlier article, I discussed the process Western medicine normally follows when a catastrophic illness emerges, which is due to an environmental trigger no one wants to discuss:
What Is The Story Behind Sudden Death Syndromes?
Essentially, the medical establishment will repeatedly deny it is happening until enough time has elapsed from when the syndrome started that people will forget what caused it, and its presence is normalized in the population. After that, it will be relabeled as a “syndrome” which states what happens, but provides no explanation for what causes it. As detailed in the above article, this has happened repeatedly, and one of the saddest examples is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, something also caused by vaccination.
However, while it has been easy to hide causation of an illness in the past, as the recent shifts in public opinion show, I do not believe any amount of propaganda will be able to cover up what the vaccines are doing. I view this as a very positive development, because it illustrates that the traditional forms of propaganda which the oligarchy has relied upon to enforce their policy decisions are no longer viable due to the internet. Instead, our leaders must shift to a collaborative model where the general public agrees with their policies, not because they are forced to, but because they make sense. Put different, as this article shows, we are at the point that even if everything possible is done to suppress science we need to be conducted, it will still get done.
This new future is being made possible by members of the public taking an active role in trying to set things to rights, and I am immensely grateful for all the efforts I am seeing, such as the evolving process which created this survey. I sincerely appreciate the involvement many of you have with this Substack, and much of what I am doing would not be possible without your collaboration (quite a few of the stories here are identified and/or produced with the assistance of readers). Thank you for all that you do and helping to get the message here out to the public.
Here is the video doc is talking about if you haven’t seen it yet.
Save a life! Share Died Suddenly with a friend or a foe. https://t.co/JEudrdefUW. #diedsuddenly
— DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) December 15, 2022

Big Pharma
may have over played their hand.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I am under treatment for a clot again.
My first one was 12 days after my second shot. Now I am 1.5 years after Vax and dealing with a clot again. Moderna. I am 54. I wish the med establishment was taking this seriously. First clot they refused to even consider that it could be a side effect. Has eroded my trust in Drs so much that I hardly believe anything they say anymore. If they could not consider that a clot 12 days after V, then would they even consider that I might now have a long term clotting disorder caused by V?
My heart goes out to you!
Again, with all my heart, stay with us!
I don't know exactly how to put this, but I love you. You are a human alongside me, and all of us. That is the qualifier. I not only wish you well, I wish you long life. Walk with me and all of us for a long time.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
What a Suckage
situation, Mega condolencesI’m NOT a doctor nor do I play one on the toobs
Check the FLCC website on recommended protocols for Clearing
spike from your system
Fasting has been shown to help by kicking your body into
Autophagy(cellular self repair and clearing) as well
As otc says above, continue to walk with us as long as you are able
Sending positive vibes to you and yours
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
@Tall Bald and Ugly Thank you both for your
I am on my second round of blood thinners. I know many people take them for decades with few problems. But per their own studies "death" occurs between 1-10% of the time when these products are used!
I have been reading more about natural remedies. Garlic, turmeric and a few other diet changes. Weight loss. And maybe I can not need blood thinners. An aspirin a day?
Anybody else watch "Anecdotals"?
intra-family dynamic in the Age of Bullshit
My half-brother is ten years older than me and we were therefore never kids together. We have the same mother, and we lived in the same house as I was growing up, but when I was ten and just beginning to be conscious of my place in the world, he was 20 and going to college. He moved out when he got married when I was 11.
He got a draft notice in 1966, and after speaking with the members of the local draft board, instead of going to Vietnam, he joined the Dallas Police Department. As the decades rolled by, our family remained in regular contact -- not just at the holidays. We never became strangers, but we never hung out together without the rest of the family including our two sisters and their families.
Our working lives were very different -- as I was a lawyer and union representative, and he was a cop. WE never discussed politics until after he retired, when he became a Clinton Democrat. He was never active in campaigns and such, but he became an avid MSNBC watcher and we wound up getting into an argument in 2016, when I told him at a family gathering that I could not vote for Hillary. He thought I had lost my mind, and jumped to the conclusion that I must be going for Trump.
So it came as no surprise when the covid crisis arose, that he would be an enthusiastic supporter of THE science. He was aghast when I told him in a 2021 phone call that I was not vaccinated and he gave me a ration of shit about it, quoting statistics to the effect that I had a 90 times higher risk of dying from covid than if I would just look at the facts and get vaccinated.
As someone who spent a career in the persuasion business, I knew that I was dealing with a True Believer who saw no value in taking anything I had to say seriously. So I followed my usual practice of coming as close to his consciousness as I could without lying to him and pointed out that the total number of reported covid fatalities at the time amounted to far below one percent of the population, and that I was ready to take that chance against the utterly unknowable chance of vaccine side effects. And it mollified him when I told him that I wore a mask whenever I was in public. In all, I was just glad to get the conversation over with.
At Christmastime just past, he called me to let me know that he had covid. A couple weeks earlier, he had said in a previous call that he had been fighting a head cold for a few weeks, and had gotten tested for covid twice, both times it showed negative. I flashed on telling him that the test was obviously bullshit, and remind him of my own ridiculous experience in the hospital a few months earlier, when a positive covid test disrupted my therapy toward recovery from a stroke. But I decided not to argue with him about his own health problems.
Now with this thread and some other material I have seen recently, I am in a position to turn the tables on him for ragging on me about getting vaccinated. But I can't do that. He already got jabbed, and you cannot get unjabbed. I don't want him to have to live the rest of his life wondering if he has vaccine caused blood clots in his body. Besides that, he would just not believe me and figure that I am still the crazy guy who would not face the facts about Trump.
I get frustrated every time I see on this board and similar internet forums the idea expressed that people like my brother lack critical thinking skills. He believes that science is fully behind his decisions. My alternative to dismissing his mental acuity is to look at this whole covid business as a religious dispute. People have faith in "America." Our leaders other than Trump are honorable people, and you have to be crazy if you try to convince them otherwise.
I suspect that I am not the only skeptic wrestling with how to relate to family and close friends who truly in their hearts believe in the fundamental legitimacy of the social order.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Try living that
when it’s your Wifeand being accused of being ‘radical’ ‘cause hellabitch
same on the jab
Still not sure how
or when this Might resolve
Thankfully the Open pressure
to get jabbed has abated somewhat
still a lot of ‘sly digs’ happen
and EVERYone in the fam that Has
been jabbed
has had the ‘rona
And thankful they are to be jabbed or it Would have
been So Much Worse
fell out Laughing when they pulled
That chestnut out of the fire
didn’t go so well
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Your sig line about Germany tells the story
My quixotic notion is that we can get to a more comfortable sociability if the tiny minority who were right avoid trying to jam it down the throats of all the Good Germans who have shamelessly been fucking with us. I also think this generous attitude will help us prevail in the correction process of turning our society around from its current course toward hell. I'm calling for a secular form of christianity, based on turning the other cheek. As Gandhi supposedly said, an eye for an eye and pretty soon we'll all be blind."
Do we still love our family, even as they ran with the pack, rather than stand alone like us?
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Nay nay
pretty much the
only timesI get pissy is when it’s tried to be forced down
My craw
which is why I have no patience for the
Holier than Thou crowd
virtue signal This bitches I
my flex on that
Like when I had a Cold before
Thanksgiving holiday and
was Told I would get tested
or else
never did figure out
what the ‘else’ was
Damn sure didn’t get the
Condolences and sympathy for those
who thought they were doing the ‘right thing’
without the righteousness
The rest?
as my dear departed ol’ da would say
fuck ‘em to Hell and Gone
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I understand.
I will not violate my own philosophy and try to argue with you. Instead I urge you to keep in mind the idea that with everything, at some point enough is enough, including fuck em to hell and gone.
Like Kilgore says in Apocalypse Now: someday this war is going to end.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
belief and faith vary within individual preconceptions
As a for instance, one can believe in certain aspects of western medical practices,
but not have faith in the overall system of providing good heath care
I do not have faith in various physicians or hospital group administrators, but I
believe in the efforts of other health care workers who still try to make a difference.
Due to the cost of medical interventions, I believe there is a need for insurance
but I have no faith in their ability to fairly protect us from outrageous charges
perhaps I am splitting hairs here, but I think we need to make some rational
choices regarding our bodies, and just believing on faith that your practitioner
has your best interests in mind requires becoming informed and asking questions.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Rational faith is not religious faith
In 2016 when my brother and I argued about Hillary, I told him the deal breaker for me was Her vote for the Iraq war. He rolled his eyes sarcastically at my naive apostasy and said with a weary tone of certitude, "That was just a case of faulty intelligence," basically quoting scripture from the Gospel according to MSNBC.
My thesis here is that many people who make a life and death decision to get vaccinated don't just have confidence in the good intensions of the authorities, they hold an ethereal faith in the social order that produced the vaccine. To adhere to a skeptical and conditional understanding of the venal nature of our society is to cast oneself into a hostile and utterly insecure universe.
Instead of congratulating ourselves for critical thinking skill at seeing through the fraud, we should take a more sympathetic view of our fellow victims and recognize the existential crisis posed by criminal government. I offer no specific strategy for waking people up from this stupor -- I am only suggesting that we should have more sympathy for the psychic pain our fellow citizens will have to experience as they give up their practically religious faith in Santa Claus.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
As I have sometimes reminded people,
"Government" and "Criminal" are not opposing alignments. (From the Illuminati card game.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
A few questions for the Pfitzer CEO caught on camera at Davos
mostly ignored, but good questions nonetheless
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The rats are beginning to abandon ship
Jacinda Ardern: New Zealand PM quits citing burnout
Absence of A-listers at Davos is not just deep trouble for the World Economic Forum, but for globalisation too
Adjusting to the reality of the situation is going to be extremely painful for the many who put their faith in the ‘miracle’, ‘Safe and effective’ mRNA products. I can very much empathize with them. We have all been betrayed and lied to.
As for those in positions of power who continued to tout universal vaccination and mandates, while knowing of their ineffectuality and significant danger to the public; may they rot in Hell after serving their life sentences for their criminal behavior.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963