Has the ship already sailed?
Do we already have a one world government?
I do believe the 2020 covid-19 pandemic revealed a provable global conspiracy. Most folks think the conspiracy was intended to engineer a one-world government. But I wonder if we’re way beyond that. I think the pandemic may provide irrefutable evidence that WE ALREADY HAVE A ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT. A secretive, hidden, elusive one-world government.
But just for a moment there, the mask slipped, and its grotesque countenance was fully revealed.
The evidence appears obvious in hindsight. Basically, over about a three-week period in March, 2020, every single government in the entire world implemented the exact same draconian, totally anti-constitutional lockdowns and rabidly unpopular mitigation measures — without a peep of meaningful protest, debate, or question from their elected officials.
In other words, it looks a lot like somebody just made a phone call.
Human governments never agree on much of ANYTHING, much less something like napalming their own economies. The Chinese agreed with the Japanese. The Venezuelans agreed with the Grand Bahamians, who agreed with the Cubans. The Indians agreed with the Pakistanis. The Italians agreed with the French, who agreed with the British. The Iranians agreed with the Israelis. The Greeks agreed with everybody, and so did EVERYBODY. Even the Canadians.
Give me a flipping break.
All that agreement — also known as “coordination” — is plain evidence that something bigger was unfolding behind the scenes, something above them that could govern and coordinate all the governments. The law says that absent a sufficient alternative explanation, coordinated action alone is prima-facie evidence of a conspiracy. Just ask any anti-trust lawyer about coordinated pricing in a particular market, or ask an employment lawyer how to prove discriminatory hiring practices.
But there was something else, something that confirms the conspiracy hypothesis. It was something that was MISSING from the 2020 coordinated world action, the absence of something that SHOULD have been there, and its absence constitutes evidence. In 1892, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle explained the simple concept via his famous detective, Sherlock Holmes, who noticed the significance of the dog that DIDN’T bark:
Scotland Yard detective Gregory: “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?”
Sherlock Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.”
Gregory: “The dog did nothing in the night-time.”
Holmes: “That was the curious incident.”
What was missing in 2020? What dog did not bark?
What was missing was any POLITICAL DEBATE about HOW to respond to the virus. When the first lockdowns rolled in, where were all the legislators, the parliaments, the ministers, and the delegates? How could such a monumental, universal, economy-wrecking, border-mangling decision be lawfully made, world over, without ONE SINGLE GOVERNMENT VOTING ON ANYTHING?
Don’t tell me it happened too fast. They can call emergency sessions.
“Fear” is usually offered next as a sufficient explanation, but instantaneous, 100% uniform, worldwide fear that bypassed every single democratic institution and every skeptical government is even less believable than a conspiracy.
No nation of any significance said, you know what, we don’t trust the Americans. We’ll wait a couple months and see what happens. The North Koreans didn’t thumb their noses and go their own way. The lockdowns were a single mitigation that dropped right into place just like the last puzzle piece. And everything that happened for the next twelve months happened without any meaningful public democratic debate. (A couple rogue African nations briefly resisted until their executives were visited by the Clintons.)
As evidence that SOME nation should have done something differently, just look at the U.S. states, which operated somewhat independently. What do we find? Not all of them locked down. Look at the counties: even fewer followed the uniform action.
Why didn’t ANY nation follow the same mixed pattern that we can see in U.S. states and counties?
The alleged mechanism of coordination was “executive action.” In every single country. Executive action appears, for all intents and purposes, to be universally all-powerful, that is, when it is REALLY necessary, it does whatever it wants. Conveniently, every single nation out of 175 countries apparently had laws allowing unilateral executive action instantaneously bypassing every democratic safeguard.
And, bizarrely, every executive agreed with the same plan. Apparently. Or, ‘someone’ bypassed or overruled them all. It proved that our legislators, parliamentarians, delegates and ministers are merely window-dressing, when push comes to shove. They’re just actors, whether they know it or not.
Someone made a call.
It’s fair to wonder: who is this ‘someone’ who can make a call and every world executive gets right into line and the entire world locks down? But on the other hand, who cares? What difference does it make to name the person? It’s probably someone we never heard of anyway. The more important and much more pressing fact is that THERE IS SUCH A PERSON.
It’s not Klaus Schwab. Don’t make me laugh. He is a joke, a living caricature, a pathetic, disposable, cartoon front-man who never accomplished anything. He’s the German version of Sam Bankman-Fried.
And I doubt it was a group. It happened too fast. You can speculate all you want about the Illuminati, the freemasons, the Rothschilds, the Bilderbergers, and the Jesuits. Like all human institutions, even those, if they exist, are hierarchical organizations. Meaning there’s someone — one person — at the top. And that person has no reason to come out of the shadows.
So I ask you, based on the plain pandemic evidence, are there REALLY any more sovereign nations? Or have we now become aware that the nations are mere distractions, a puppet show, only providing a distracting illusion of democratic self-government?
The existence of military conflict does not disprove the hypothesis. I’m sure you could think of a dozen reasons why the Ukraine proxy war might be a useful distraction just now, not to mention a handy way to shift a LOT of money and resources around quickly.
And if you look around, you’ll find plenty more evidence to support my global-government theory.
I’m just a lawyer. I’m not an élite global conspirator. But I think we may need to face facts, that ‘Agenda 2030’ itself might just be another distraction, a useful distraction from the fact that the battle for sovereignty has already been lost, and the one-world government everyone fears is already here, installed, and to some significant extent, in charge.
Also too
Were acts to suppress the use of HCQ carefully orchestrated? You decide.
Might these events have been planned to keep the pandemic going? To sell expensive drugs and vaccines to a captive population? Could these acts result in prolonged economic and social hardship, eventually transferring wealth from the middle class to the very rich? Are these events evidence of a conspiracy?
Here is a list of what happened, in no special order. Please help add to this list if you know of other actions I should include. This will be a living document, added to as new information becomes available.
I have penned this as if it is the "To Do" list of items to be accomplished by those who pull the strings. The items on the list have already been carried out. One wonders what else might be on their list, yet to be carried out, for this pandemic.
Next up is the number of farms that have been ordered to be plowed under. 3,000 farms in the Netherlands alone.

I can't argue
with this lawyer.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This has been bothering me from the start
Within the USA, it was not the Federal Government that started the closing down of public life -- it was the National Basketball Association that abruptly stopped playing games. College Basketball had just decided to limit attendance, while still planning on playing the games of March Madness -- but just as abruptly followed the lead of the NBA, and cancelled the championship tournament. Individual state governments then started to fall in line.
Personally, I could not understand how it was happening, and I still don't.
One person? Somebody had to provide him or her with the names and phone numbers to call unless this god is Itself an Artificial Intelligence program.
I agree twith the argument that there already is a world government, but it is just too weird to imagine that it is just one sumbitch. Maybe just a few dozen Big Kahunas or so, representing trillions of bucks worth of assets, but how could one individual have instant credbility with all the governments on the planet?
This argument will of course be ignored or ridiculed, but I think it behooves everybody to think it through. If not One Invisible Authority, then what drove this universal campaign?
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
I will take the bait,
and argue just for arguments sake. And I will start by saying the writer might be correct. But.....
Here are my quibbles- I don't think the global response was as uniform as this writer does. obviously Chinas response was very different than anyone else. Mongolia did some different things than anyone else. Cuba did some things different than anyone else. And some of the similar responses just make sense. If the world fears a pandemic there are a number of things that DO make sense to do until we have had enough time to study the virus and figure out what the best response would be. Handwashing, mask wearing, physical distancing, fresh air. And start hustling looking for the best medicine. SO the fact that many nations did similar things shouldn't surprise us. What is surprising, and I think would support the OP- that so many nations stuck with things once they were proven to be INEFFECTIVE. And also that when there were some cheap and quick fixes that so few took advantage of them. HCQ and IV to name two. And I will add, quite odd that China for all it has tried to do still has not embraced the concept of AIRBORNE.
So, this isn't a hill that I want to die on, but I disagree that we have a full global singular power. Maybe most of the world is under the spell of one power? I find it interesting how the world is split on the Ukraine issue. Something like a 80/20 split? 80% siding with the East, 20% siding with the collective west. I think the west has done everything it can to bring the rest of the globe to heal. And they have influence in lots of places. Maybe it is time to rewrite the old adage? "You can CONTROL some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time. But you can't control all of the people all of the time."
And I am going to take the bait on the farms shutting down in the Netherlands. I did some research on this and it seems there is reason to think that some of their farming techniques are bad for the environment. I DO believe that nations should enact some reasonable laws forcing farmers to act in environmentally conscious ways. I DO think that in the past the US has done some good things in this way. Forcing farmers to "strip crop" on steep slopes. Paying farmers to leave some land idle. And keeping farmers from tilling too close too waterways. The dairy farm that I grew up on had a creek running through it. About half a mile or so, and all through our cow pasture. The cows would defecate in the creek every time they crossed it. I noticed that now, 30 years later, the current farmer has the creek fenced off. Cows are not allowed to stand in and defecate in the creek. Surely this farmer was forced to do this. And I think that is reasonable.
I have a lot of exposure to big ag. I spend hours every week out in farm country. Honestly I think governments need to do more rather than less to keep farmers from destroying the environment.
But again, not a hill I want to die on, but wanted to throw out another perspective.
Happy New Years to all.
Instead of shutting down farms...
they could transition to regenerative production techniques.
Transitioning to regenerative farming ‘not quick and easy’ but it can be done
In the 30's FDR created the SCS (soil conservation service) to stabilize erosion. We still have terraces on our property from that program. The Dutch could choose to help farmers transition to regenerative practices that actually sequester carbon if the goal was climate mitigation and environmental health.
To my mind this isn't about the environment. My understanding is they want the land to create cities where people are easily controlled.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
How to get there
from here?
Definitely agree that a lot of farming practices are environmentally destructive and unsustainable.
That doesn't mean that the current official version of the green agenda is at all what it purports to be.
Yes, reducing nitrogen fertilizers, regenerating wetlands, etc. are desirable goals, but the current rush to tear into and disrupt the existing system due to the 'climate emergency' looks a lot like just one more track of an agenda to bring about societal collapse and conditions in which people will be desperate enough to not just accept but demand to be rescued - by the pre-packaged global surveillance state. (Crashing of national currencies, transfer of sovereignty to the likes of the WHO, undermining of gender identity and family relationships, capture/compromise of educational, scientific, cultural, political institutions & etc. also being employed to that end).
In which the .1 percent will no doubt continue to enjoy grass-fed steak on their private island enclaves while it's Chinese i-phone worker or Delhi slum-dweller conditions and Soylent Green for the rest of us...
In natural farming advocate Masanobu Fukuoka's famous book 'One Straw Revolution' (his educational and professional background was conventional Ag science) he relates his experience of deciding to reject convention in the management of some orange trees he had inherited and simply stopped pruning them. While this might have been OK with trees that were allowed to grow up into a natural shape from early on, it was a disaster with the trees that had previously had always been conventionally pruned.
Which he took as an object lesson in the need to give careful consideration about how to go about such a transition. That doesn't really look like what is going on with the sudden drastic changes being imposed on the food supply system - all in response to a climate 'emergency', the very existence of which is disputed...
I think BRICS+ provides a road block
to one world government. That aim, to my mind, is a Davos, WEF, big corporation, western goal.
The pandemic was a useful tool to impose control and TPTB had gamed the scenario starting over a decade earlier. They had a game plan, media superiority, and government/corporate tentacles.
None the less, seems to me the BRICS+ nations have had enough, and are ready for a "fair" world order with respect for national sovereignty. Bullying tactics only go so far. YMMV.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for posting...
Both of those are worthwhile finds - I wan't familiar with the Coffee and Covid blog (source of the first article). Don't really buy that the control is that complete or centralized (yet) and disagree on a few other points (some addressed by Wouldsman). But the trajectory in that direction is not something we should be comfortable with or complacent about.
I'd very much recommend people having a look at the first and last parts of the article (what was posted is the middle bit). The first part - which focusses on former Communist turned whistleblower Whittaker Chambers deals with his take as to what constitutes the profound appeal of Communism; the prospect of humans as gods - which seems to dovetail nicely with what the likes of Alex Jones have been saying for quite a while: that the elite think they can have greatly enhanced longevity and well-beyond normal human powers by merging with machine intelligence.
This is very much along the lines of another current read of mine (which I'm only part-way through) 'According to Plan: The Elites' Plan to Sabotage America' by Kevin D. Freeman. Have some points of disagreement with him, too - but minor, overall.
At $1.04 (e-book version) you can't go too wrong (not to be construed as support for Amazon, but):
Link to the Coffee and Covid article:
"A man’s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box. Let no man be kept from the ballot box because of his color. Let no woman be kept from the ballot box because of her sex.”
Fredrick Douglass speech - November 15, 1867
How big pharma corrupts health care
‘Evidence-Based Medicine’ and the Expulsion of Peter Gøtzsche
We saw how big pharma and their paid henchmen destroy using FDA approved drugs for early treatment of Covid no matter how many trials showed that they worked. We watched as the paid and corrupt henchmen destroyed many doctors careers for daring to use those drugs anyway and save their patient’s lives. Meryl shows the war against HCQ and others have detailed the war against ivermectin.
Weird how people were able to stay alive because doctors knew how to treat illnesses before the Rockefeller created the pharmaceutical drug industrial complex and that knowledge has gone the way of the dodo. I grew up thinking that chiropractors were quacks so imagine my surprise after just 1 treatment had me walking more freely and in less pain. Big pharma attacked any alternative treatment that didn’t use drugs.
I applaud the many people who fought back against what big pharma has done to health care and our lives, but they knew that they would win their war if enough time went by and those who fought it died off. We might fight tooth and nail against what WEF wants for us, but unless those younger know that they must keep fighting WEF will eventually win after the oldest people die off.
Look at what has happened to the anti war movement from the 60's on.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg You may have pulled that
If not, this whole thread is worth digging into.
But that whole thread is one of those "if I had to explain it to you you would not get it". Thank goodness this is not that kind of community.
I did
I didn’t know how interested people would be in it. I listened to a few of the videos in the thread. Some doctors have been trying to keep medicine safe for decades only to have died or been ignored.
How many people died because government shut down doctors who had a different opinion? Mccoulgh thinks hundreds of thousands.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
In this vein…
…pun not intended.
Forensic Evidence From the Clotshot
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Snoopy -- 21st Century Propganda boils down to:
The world's not nuts, you are.
Bush v Gore
Hope and Change
Clever meme, "The world's not nuts. You are." People tend to repeat it.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
It’s not only propaganda
but it’s how history is rewritten too. Look at what we learned in school that wasn’t true and see how the propagandists are changing history from just 20 years ago. I posted some excerpts from kos on yesterday how NATO hasn’t invaded any countries recently or destroyed civilian infrastructure when they did like Russia is doing in Ukraine. I didn’t see one person correct him even though the site rose because of the anti Iraq war sentiment there. It’s like what Caitlin recently pointed out. Russia went into Ukraine unprovoked, but boy we’re trying to end Russia and especially Putin and it’s really good for US interests all in one sentence.
B said he looked in the mirror and asked himself if it was just him seeing things differently and decided that he wasn’t wrong. It’s also what Taiibi pointed out. We know that there is something wrong, but is it just us? Nope. The world hasn’t seen this level of propaganda since the 30's.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A must read on the insane vax propaganda
What Was the Most Insane Piece of Vaccine Propaganda You've Seen?
Remember that Pfizer never tested to see if their jab blocked transmission! They knew from the beginning that it didn’t. But the government did its psyop on us anyway!
Biden declares war on the 80M unvaccinated Americans
Because the government spent at least a billion dollars to promote these vaccines across every media platform, it was inevitable some pretty trashy promotions would occur. One of the most well known examples was from this late night talk show.
Stephen Colbert sadly was not the only one to create trashy musicals to promote these poisons:
The entertainment industry did everything they could to promote the vaccines, so not surprisingly celebrities also got on the bandwagon:
Some of the most trashy campaigns (which fortunately raised more concerns about the vaccines than it persuaded to take them) were the vaccine lotteries seen across the country.
It was the massive coercion that got me.
Free coffee, museum tours and dildos: Growing list of discounts, prizes for those who get the Covid-19 vaccine
This campaign was particularly egregious because everyone knew the vaccines did not protect against transmission (so it was irrelevant if a relative was unvaccinated), but our public officials intentionally lied about that so that they could have another argument to justify their unlawful mandates.
There’s much, much more in the essay. Read and share what your favorite is.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Worth a read.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It’s the "Western" bias. It looks like a closed system because we are inside that system. Most of the world is not, and they’re becoming more vocal. Ok, you can’t hear that either, because of the MSM, but it’s real and it’s out there.
What you’re saying is true, but only within the colored areas of the map above.
The USA has this idea that ‘everyone’ agrees with us, and does things like we do, or at least they want to do things like we do. It isn’t really true. And moreover, most of the people in the world do not live in those colored areas. It would be great if USians would get a grip on that fact. All of us, including me.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Maybe just a few run things.
Depopulation is on everyone's mind, and directly ties in to pandemics and pandemic responses.
Some people do have heads of government on speed dial.
The group of well-meaning ( S/)and well connected do-gooders (gag) are a phone call away from everybody running a government.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thank you for your strong stomach SNDG
My own doc, who as a teenager had the grit to help grind up meds for a beloved terminally ill aunt who wanted to leave early, arranged (likely for all his patients) my jab setup.
So much for trust.
Anyone reading reader comments on Dr. John Campbell's posts will find many whose nose for rats was far more accurate than mine from the beginning. Yet even Dr C was faked out at first.
Doctors have been corrupted by big pharma
They are wined and dined by pharma reps and paid with trips to nice resorts and dinners.
People have lost their trust in their doctors who they see just toeing the pharma line. Doctors rely on peer reviewed articles, but recently it seems that the reviewers don’t look into the numbers and studies behind the information. They just take people’s word that they are correct. I posted about this last month if interested.
Doc Brown writes about how they have changed
Good to see you!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Big pharma runs the research...
...and controls the recommendations as a result. Additionally they run the Dr's professional development to make sure they toe the line. All backed up by a captured FDA. It is check and mate. Step outside the lines and we'll take away your license to practice.
Better learn to tend to our own health.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It’s much worse than that
They not only run the research, but they have taken over the schools and publications that doctors rely on to see what is safe and to learn about new stuff. And just like our education system has been dumbed down so has how new doctors and nurses learn things.
Before Rockefeller took over medicine doctors used to rely on natural remedies that the earth provided.
I’ve been following Meryl Nass' case. She was stripped of her medical license and was ordered to take a psych evaluation without due process. I think once she started fighting back through the trial she came out on top, but not sure. She is a brilliant doctor who has testified to congress numerous times about anthrax and other biological weapons developed around the world.
I highly recommend reading this essay on her 30 years of fighting and educating.
Dr. Mercola just featured 30 years of my work in an article today titled "Why Is Protecting COVID-19's Origin so Important?" But it also goes into biowarfare, vaccines, lab leaks, coverups
Katherine Watts is exploring the ways that informed consent can be nullified by an presidential executive order. They see us as enemy combatants and therefore we have no right to body autonomy or to refuse the jabs. If congress can make no law to invalidate the 1st amendment then I don’t see how they can vote to take away our other rights. But they have been doing just that for decades without our knowledge.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Research without Consent in the Emergency Room The Doctor's Tablet blog June 19, 2014 (date not a typo)
It is hard to get people's attention of harmful activities, until they or someone close has been harmed. Even then they need to move past the denial phase of possibly not a random event.
Informed consent is a fairly new idea, about 50 years from minimal requirement to today's laws. There has been a continual counter push to reduce the restrictions impacting researchers (who are brilliant and know best actions to take for humanity -snark).
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Vexing ethical questions huh?
Doctors swear the oath to first do no harm before they are taught anything because of the things they learn can give them too much power in their minds.
Informed consent for medical treatment came from the Nuremberg hearings from what I understand. Remember what happened after the supremes made their determination on the smallpox vaccine. Lots of women were sterilized against their will and that only ended in the 70's IIRC.
I don't know the answers but that just seems creepy as hell to experiment on people close to death or not.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
experimenting, or proving a postulate?
semantics do not matter much in this case
human death as a money making venture is
more to the point on this
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Gawd what a sickening thought
Trying to save lives is one thing, but making a profit from it is another. We hardly know what the human body is like, but lots of people think that it’s okay if they meddle with it without knowing the consequences of doing it.
Lots of people are on too many drugs because they take others to deal with the side effects of the other ones.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
furiously deny most health care workers are in it
for the money. They start with a humanitarian desire to
improve life. Then the machine gets a hold on them and they become
money makers for the system. Most burn-out by 35. Damn shame.
We can do better than this.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Actually they don't swear such an oath, though I think that either dentists or nurses do swear something similar to what it is falsely alleged that doctors do.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The Hippocratic Oath.
Hmm. Where have I heard this sort of thing before? Oh, right!
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJVBvvS57j0 width:400 height:300]
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Simply put, "Don't fuck it up"
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --