Saudi Arabia – Religious, Extremist Ideology – Former Secretary Hillary Clinton
Wow, I've known for a long time these cats (Saudi's) were not my favorite, and that the US has a deal with them to insure OPEC maintains the PetroDollar in exchange for military support. There's a lot of “bad” shit, as it were, I've know about this government, which I'll not detail here, but I do want to provide some information I've come across you might be interested in.
Of course I would be remiss, if I didn't provide the obligatory slam against Mrs. Clinton, so here goes.
Mrs. Clinton is a champion of women's rights as she and her surrogates proclaim, but while she was at the State Department, she oversaw the largest weapons sale to Saudi Arabia in our history. A country that technically should not be receiving any weapons because of their horrible human rights record.
From IbTimes:
Under Hillary Clinton, the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments had given millions to the Clinton Foundation.
In the years before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia contributed at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, the philanthropic enterprise she has overseen with her husband, former president Bill Clinton. Just two months before the deal was finalized, Boeing -- the defense contractor that manufactures one of the fighter jets the Saudis were especially keen to acquire, the F-15 -- contributed $900,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to a company press release.
The Saudi deal was one of dozens of arms sales approved by Hillary Clinton’s State Department that placed weapons in the hands of governments that had also donated money to the Clinton family philanthropic empire, an International Business Times investigation has found.
From RT:
Many of these governments that received weapons sales and also donated to Mrs. Clinton's foundation, preach and promote an extremist version of Islam, especially Saudi Arabia, who ranks up there on human rights and repressive societies as North Korea. (See the Documentary embedded below)
Saudi Arabia is engaged in a war with Yemen, a country, what about two years ago our president held up as a model for how the US and our “allies” fight terrorism. Which was the very country our democrat president killed an American civilian, and his 16 year old son, with drones and in direct violation of US and international law, but hey as Bush was reported to have said, the “constitution is just a fucking piece of paper”. (See Jeremy ScaHills documentary – Dirty Wars.)
Oh, did I mention, apparently, little ole Yemen is sitting on large oil and gas deposits. From Sputnik International:
While Western media outlets usually refer to Yemen as a "small" energy producer, the truth of the matter is the country is sitting on substantial oil and gas reserves, which Saudi Arabia and its allies want to control, Butler notes.
In addition, Yemen lies at the Bab el-Mandab, a key checkpoint for maritime transit of oil, with 3.4 million barrels of oil passing through it each day.
In one of his previous analytical reports for New Eastern Outlook, Phil Butler called attention to the fact that Saudi Arabia's oil wealth is doomed to falter:
"Given the nature of the country's [Saudi Arabia's] oil reserves, and almost unlimited production for decades, it's possible the Saudis could simply be running out of gas," the American analyst stressed.
The analyst points to the fact that the Obama administration has long been aware of Yemen's substantial gas capacity. He quotes Ambassador Stephen A. Seche's 2008 secret cable, published by Wikileaks, which reads "that the governorates of Shabwa, Marib and al-Jawf have high potential for significant gas deposits."
As for oil, according to the detailed 2002 United States Geological Survey (USGS), Yemen possesses vast offshore oil reservoirs in addition to its 3 billion barrels of proved oil reserves, the analyst underscores.
That is why neither the Obama administration, nor European governments are rushing to help the Yemenis being bombed and shelled by Riyadh: all of them have their own vested interests in the Middle East.
Gee, we all know Mrs. Clinton was a bit short sighted when she, and a bunch of other spineless, gutless DNIO's, went ahead and voted to give GWB carte` blanch to launch an illegal war, in complete violation of the US constitution as well as international law.
Well, one would think that she would have learned from her shortsightedness with her Iraq War vote, but, gee what's Saudi Arabia up to with all those weapons they purchased while Mrs. Clinton was Secretary of State, and after donating millions to her charity foundation?
From a report published byteleSUR:
Saudi Arabia is bombing civilians with U.S.-made bombs, which violates both U.S. and international law.
Saudi Arabia has engaged in war crimes, and the United States is aiding and abetting them by providing the Saudis with military assistance. In September 2015, Saudi aircraft killed 135 wedding celebrants in Yemen. The air strikes have killed 2,800 civilians, including 500 children. Human Rights Watch charges that these bombings “have indiscriminately killed and injured civilians.”
Oh, nothing new here. More war crimes that go un-reported in our media. Or if it is, it's someone else's fault, usually Putin. He's a big target for regime change. Remember, Mrs. Clinton has referred to Putin as Hitler, this paving the way for demonizing later, which the sloppy journalism (ahem, propaganda) by the Guardian, well, is just another “set-up” (public framing of the issue) if I do say so myself.
But take a look at this article from the World Socialist Web Site. It's basically a review of the documentary I mentioned, embedded below, but, wow. Spelled out in, well, internet page, it reads;
The programme explained that the Saudi ruling family had spent $70 billion exporting its particularly repressive form of Islamism through books, the media, Islamic welfare institutions and charities.
It reiterated that there was evidence of Saudi involvement in the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon in 2001, noting that 15 of the 19 suspects were Saudi citizens, while Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was a member of a prominent Saudi family.
It then referred to the Saudi High Commission for Relief of Bosnia and Herzegovina (SHC), ostensibly a charity for the relief of Bosnian Muslims during the Balkan wars in the 1990s, which had collected £375 ($600) million by 2001. The largest fundraising effort undertaken in Muslim and Arab countries, it was a front organisation for Al Qaeda in the Balkans and was used to facilitate arms shipments to break a United Nations embargo on the former Yugoslav states from 1991 to 1996. Jihadists attached to the SHC carried out a car bomb attack in 2001 after the war had ended, in an effort to reignite the war.
The SHC was set up by prince, now king, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who was the Saudis’ chief fundraiser for the mujahedeen in Afghanistan in the 1980s and later the Bosnian Muslims in the 1990s, at the direction of his brother, King Fahd. His role was to fund the Islamic mercenaries used in the US and its regional allies’ proxy wars in the Middle East and Asia. Salman helped to recruit fighters for Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, an Afghan fighter who trained Osama bin Laden and the self-confessed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, providing them with generous funding.
It's worth the time to both see the documentary and read the full article(s). It's enough to make one sick, as it does me.
Here is the ITV Documentary - Exposure: Saudi Arabia Uncovered
I found this video from 2010 with Dylan Ratigan explaining exactly the issue, and why Saudi Arabia is not our friend. (Skip to about 2:50)

Not surprising
Didn't you all know this is how you get things done and line your own pockets even if it kills innocent people. She keeps saying she is a champion of women's rights but I think we are misunderstanding what she is really saying is a woman's rights, her own! Make no mistake this is all about the Clintons and their kind. Like GC said its a big fucking club but you ain't in it!
Nice job gathering this info
Isn't interesting how Assad must go!!! But the Saudi behead people in the city square every Wednesday, and they're our buddy.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Funny about US$ for oil, or petrodollars
They're a bulwark of maintaining the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. Saddam announced he was gonna stop that, and shortly afterward, boom! The invasion. Then Gaddafi said the same thing, and once again, we got the bastard who dared to threaten what remains of US hegemony. Back at home, problematically, that doesn't sell wars; the public will always be pitched "human rights" or some other pretext for US attacks for these reasons.
And another piece (read the first 2 comments): Petrodollar Warfare:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Rec'd for the sad truth of currency hegemony and violence.
BTW: I've used "" as a source over at the other place and got shot down summarily - an issue of closed minds I suppose.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
OT but I really love that guy...
Dylan Ratigan. When I watch a video from YouTube in various posts, I tend to follow it up with watching the related videos that show up after the main one.
One of the ones that came up after the Saudi video with Ratigan is this one with DWS on Obamacare in 2009 where he nails what has happened:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I've been collecting
a lot of videos of him going off.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I haven't see all of them yet
but am working on it. I love the energy.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass