OPEN THREAD: Who Has Volunteered/Canvassed/Phone Banked for Bernie? I'm Finding NYC Electrified.
I can sometimes get pretty impassioned when I believe in something. Occupy Wall St was an epiphany to me, and #BlackLivesMatter has been a labor of love, cementing my belief in the strength of activism as the cornerstone to real change. The Bernie Sanders campaign to me is the confluence of both, as well as a return to the kind of FDR populism this country so desperately needs now.
So I was lying in bed last night wondering how we could better communicate with each other about some of the things we’re each experiencing in our own neck of the woods during this amazing campaign season.
My loose idea was to create a thread for Bernie supporters to state where you are in the country and what your involvement has been/what it's been like (if you wish to share), and to share some fun personal stories/anecdotes. I’ll start in a minute.
But first I wanted to describe what I’m feeling here right now in NYC. It’s like the electricity in the air when the barometric pressure changes before a storm. The scene at St. Mary’s Park in the S. Bronx last week was, to use a popular culture analogy, a little like the Beatles arriving at JFK in Feb 1964, the electric reception at the airport serving as a harbinger of what would soon turn into full-blown Beatlemania.
There is a current of energy that is just waiting to be tapped into here. Like the feeling one gets hearing the hum of Niagara Falls from a distance, at imperceptible intervals growing greater and greater with anticipation of a magnificent revelation.
Berniemania has just touched down in NYC, and it’s a full on. The lovable aged moptop and very reluctant hero, who was compared to St John The Baptist by a Liberty University graduate in a blog posting after he spoke there, is eliciting powerful emotions out of people, different from the kind of collective relief and proud broad support of Obama. I expect it to be exponentially bigger next week when he’s holding a rally in Washington Sq Park and then off to the Vatican to speak about climate change and economic inequality.
Two stories of serendipity:
The electrical current is surging through the city's streets. Last week I parked on Atlantic Ave in Brooklyn to get some spices in that wonderful Middle Eastern section. I was wasn’t out of the car with a Bernie campaign sign for more than two seconds when I heard someone in the car next to us in the street waiting for the light yell something. He had been blasting the Who (5:15 from Quadrophenia, to be exact), but as I stood erect with the noticeable blue Bernie campaign placard he had instantly turned it all the way down.
“Hey, you got any more of those?” I was slightly stunned for second and having not heard him thought he was a friend who recognized me or something. Then repeated, “Can I have one of those?” Oh, yeah man. But look, these aren’t for hanging in your bedroom or something. If you have a really visible window then that’s something. “I know the doorman in our building and he’ll definitely let me put it up.” He then looks quickly over the buttons on my jacket that say “Bernie 2016” and “Tax The Rich” and says with a big smile, “I love you man. Thanks!” And he was off.
Not more than a couple of seconds after he scoots away, having held up traffic for a moment or two, the ambulance in back of him calls out through its loudspeaker, “Let’s go Bernie!”
I thought I was hallucinating.
I was not even out of my car door for even a split second and all this happened in about one minute. Wow, I’m going to see if I can parlay this into some shop windows on Atlantic Ave!
The first shop I walk into is one I’ve also been going to for some years. After ordering some paprika I ask the kind man with the ever-present smile if he’s following the presidential campaign race. He looks at me for a second and says, “not really” and makes a comment about Trump. I then say do you know who Bernie Sanders is?, as I show him the sign. His expression changes. He says, “before you were even going to show me the sign I would say he’s the only one I would vote for. He’s the only good one.” We talked about voting for another moment, then he said without hesitation, “sure, I’ll put that up.”
Then yesterday, I’m returning from the LIC office that just opened the day before on my way back to Astoria, and texted a teacher friend to say that I had lawn signs if he was interested. I look down on my phone to see “Yes please!!!”
When I get there he comes out and we exchange greetings for a few moments. Coming down the street is a guy in his mid-20’s/early 30’s who looks on at us approvingly. Sensing he’s a supporter too I say, “hey man, do you want one of these?” He lights up and says definitely, he says he lives in a basement apartment but the sign could be seen from the front of the street.
As we’re saying our goodbyes I look down the street to see a young guy holding a clipboard who has a blue button on his jacket. No, it can’t be. But yes, this is Berniemania 2016 and of course when I drive up to him I see clearly that he is canvassing by himself on that very same block. I’m thunderstruck by the quick succession of affirmative events, just like in Brooklyn last week.
I thank him for being out here and ask how things are going. “Well, this block had a lot of Hillary supporters.” Yeah, I said, Astoria is kind of lame, conservative and a bit older in places; it’s a big knock on the place I’ve lived for two decades. We don’t even have a used book store or live music venue here. “But the last two were for Bernie!” I’ll take those two out of three odds any day!
So, a show of hands: What have you been up to?
For my part so far I’ve been donating money to Bernie for about six or seven months at least, and multiple times. I’ve attended local phone bank parties, but with a four month old found I decided I could do more here at home. I’ve attended volunteer events and stopped in at two local campaign offices (now that they’re opened, and more to come) to see how I could help. I’ve gotten window signs up in Astoria, Greenpoint (at my favorite falafel shop where a young worker spotted the Bernie button on my jacket and smiled, leading again to another sign being put up) and Carroll Gardens. I plan on canvassing for the first time tomorrow in my neighborhood.
Has it been as electric as it’s been here where you are?
And, to my fellow my New Yorkers, what’s the vibe from your vantage point? But more importantly, what have you done/are you doing for the next 10 days?
We're gonna win this fucking thing!

Thanks for the note- I am hoping for the best for New York
I am in Washington state. I caucused for Bernie, donated to the campaign, attended his rally in Seattle, and phone banked for him. However, I can do more and I will.
By the way, I am also a precinct delegate for him at the county and district level.
Must have been amazing to be such a part of that huge win in WA.
Won every single precinct.
The past four wins seem unprecedented, by such completely dominating margins. Only lost Milwaukee, by a slender margin. How many precincts/counties is it that he's won consecutively?
People here really do seem ready to pop about Bernie. Let's hope it's straight through to the polling places.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
It was great
Mark, it was wonderful to see some many people out for Bernie especially the young people.
In my precinct alone, Sanders won all 6 delegates- 48 total voters- 46 to 2. I felt bad for the Clinton supporters.
By the way, out of all the 48 voters, at least 40 of them were younger than 35 years old. Moreover, they said they were there to vote for Bernie and many of them (75% or more) do not care for/like Hillary and say they would not vote for her in the general election. The Clinton camp is in big trouble with young voters and independents.
I have a different view regarding Clinton supporters...
I can certainly see why you'd feel empathetic to the 2 Hillary supporters when all 42 others in the precinct were for Sanders, but I want to offer a different way of looking at it. I think it is safe to say that like Bernie (and unlike machine Democrats), we his supporters would never engage in dirty tricks nor political schemes to keep them from campaigning and voting.
But I sure can form an opinion of their judgement and/or moral compass (depending on how low-information or high-information a voter they are), just as I do when learning someone is a Trump supporter, and for me at least, the sentiment does not include feeling sorry for them--sorry for the country, perhaps, but not for the individuals who have chosen to support politicians who are genuinely bad people.
I see the Clintons as the epitome of everything I've tried to teach my kids to NOT be: greedy, amoral liars, self-absorbed careerists, hypocrites, and, in probably the only agreement I've ever had with Herbert of the NYT, "vulgar" (not as in cussing, but as in devoid of culture and manners).
I don't think any of these traits are hidden: their entire lives show a pattern of using people and issues for their own financial and political gain and resume padding (for example, Hillary worked only a few months at the Children's Defense charity before taking a job with Rose Law firm, but she's gotten years of mileage out of that short stint).
The few Clinton supporters I've encountered were of the very, very low information kind. When they said why they were for Hillary, I just offered suggestions of things they might "read up on" and offered they might consider Bernie, who I felt better matched what they expressed they wanted in a candidate. (Happy to report all voted for Bernie in the WI primary--but that's not a big deal, as so few people I encounter were for Hillary!) I do know a retired finance guy who is an avid Clinton supporter; he greatly admires politicians like Rahm and Debbie W-S. I might not be so easy-going in a political discussion with him, if he started in on"Sanders can't win because he's too honest and you have to play dirty to be in politics"...
Though I am almost 70, I am in total agreement with the young voters you met, and will not vote for Clinton under any circumstances. I think the Dem party finally has a real opportunity this cycle to return to being the party of FDR. But if the DNC and party bosses prefer to promote corruption rather than good citizenship, they can do that without my support.
Shaylors Provence
Great comment!
Twain Disciple
This thread is inspiring. I'm in awe of Mark's, Borkrom's, and the other reports.
My efforts have been mostly little things so far. Have done some phone banking and a lot of one-on-one with people I know, have a yard sign (well, a farm sign), bought a bunch of buttons to pass out (gone in a few days), and post some stuff on FB. Have donated whenever I can and was lucky to get to Bernie's rally at the Orpheum in Madison, WI. Took a few people to the polls, and called a few more to remind them on election day. Every little bit helps...
Shaylors Provence
The youth vote is notoriously unreliable
but consistently left leaning. Bernie has this population fired up and ready to go! All my friends(I'm in my late 20's) are generally apolitical, but something is different this year. I think if HRC is to secure the nomination, the youth vote turnout will be low, maybe even lower than normal.
The millions of eager young voters such as myself that are just starting out in life want to elect someone who can make our lives better!
Oh and think of the coattails... those millions of otherwise apolitical 20 somethings certainly wont hurt down ballot candidates and measures.
Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.
So true
If it is not Sanders then you right the young vote just will not turn out.
Great comment- thank you
I still felt bad for them because you are right they just do not get it or understand any of Hillary "policies".
Happy News!
Mark, thank you for sharing your happy stories! Yes, I believe we will win!
I'm part of Bernie's 20% in South Carolina
I canvased for him, but don't have any fun stories to share; heck, this is North Charleston, it is fairly drab here, and full of Trump supporters.
The WWF Trump phenomenon is so bizarre.
Ran into two old ladies here in Astoria at a diner I was asking to put up a Bernie placard in. I looked over and couldn't believe they were scowling at me. I was like, "What, who are you voting for?" The old folks, glued to the teevee as their connection to the outside world, have bought into the celebrity, Worship The Rich, Idiocracy of Drumpf, because "he tells it like it is" and "has money."
It still blows my mind to come across them in the flesh. Like we've been sucked into some kind of an alternate reality vortex in the Twilight Zone.
I blame the Democrats and the corporate media, just as much as the Repug Hate Machine media propaganda, for creating the TrumpFrankenstein. The Dems put all their eggs in one basket by foisting Hillary on us, while the media both complicitly blacked out Bernie and cravenly gave Trump 24/7 coverage without compunction because they're so desperate for ratings. As Thomas Frank has explained in his latest book "Hey Liberal" the Dems ceded the economic populist high ground when they abandoned the middle and working class and minorities in favor of Wall St campaign cash and the white upper middle class "professional" voting bloc.
There will be so much to ruminate on when this presidential campaign season becomes history.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
So GrayWolf you are in SC?
I am in Texas, but spent a couple of years in Greenville SC, and campaigned for Inez Tenenbaum and John Kerry there.
How are things?
North Charleston, highest crime rate in the state ;->
Very inspiring. You had me at Atlantic Avenue.
Bernie went to high school somewhere around there.
I think a running comment stream on activism experiences would be a fantastic resource. This Reddit site has some of that:
You should post your story there.
Thanks PR, will check that out.
So much on Reddit, isn't there? Like a bee colony of Bernie activism and volunteering.
Haven't gotten the hang of navigating it though.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
The /r/KossacksforSanders sub
is a nice compliment to this site, and is constantly suggesting that new members there also sign up for C99%. The two sites are complimentary, as you've probably noticed (you mention the beehive there! good description!). Reddit is mostly for short news items and action plans: links to videos and articles take you directly to those pages in a new tab but keep your place in the thread as the Reddit page stays open. Whereas here, as you well know, long-form diaries and lots of pics and videos and not-just-Sanders postings are welcome. It is such a nice balance to be able to participate in both.
I am slowly learning the ways of Reddit and must say the KforS folks are very helpful. If you do decide to dig further at Reddit, you might want to "ease in" at the Kfor S sub first, as the huge Sanders for President sub has 223,829 members, usually 4 to 5 THOUSAND of them online at a time, so it is pretty fast moving, kind of the full adult dose at once. KossacksforSanders usually has only 50 to 100 people online of the 1,119 members, so the pace is slower and most of us are very new to Reddit.
There is a KforS Wiki (how-to) link on the right side of the home page, right below their 4 rules:
No Drama!
Be civil and kind
Feel the Bern
The main purpose here is activism to elect Bernie Sanders as POTUS. Please do not detract from this effort.
Want to add how grateful I am to JtC and the crew here for their welcome and hard work. I am slowly learning to navigate C99% and appreciate the kind vibe.
Shaylors Provence
I give money.
I can't phone bank. I have no tolerance for idiots, and I couldn't deal with people on the phone. I am toying with being a delegate. I am just so anti-social, anti-crowds, anti-lines, seriously, that I don't know if I would follow through. I am going to go to the meeting and go from there.
For all of you that are pounding the pavement and manning the phones, my heartfelt thanks to each of you.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
if you decide NOT to be a delegate
you will still have done your part with your excellent posts here (and at Kos if you are still there--I don't know as I rarely go there, don't want to contribute clicks). You are one of the many writers I was thrilled to see here after the Ides.
It is no small thing to post such consistently good info and opinion, so if you aren't suited to the crowds and hoo-hah, delegate that task (groan) to others who enjoy it but please keep posting here!
Shaylors Provence
Ha. I've always admired that spunk and no nonsense, dkmich.
It's not easy sometimes. But I plow through.
The young man flying solo canvassing in my neighborhood was inspiring. Lots of that going around.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Oregon for Bernie!
For months the only lawn signs and bumper stickers I've seen have been Bernie. A couple of Hillary signs have suddenly appeared but are overwhelmed. The first official Sanders office in the state just opened on our street in Eugene (beating PDX by at least a week). We're housing a volunteer who's been on the road for Bernie for > 4 months. We take the location of the new office as a sign--well, many signs. And banners.
The opening-day events were electric and included multiple training sessions that seemed filled to capacity and a kick-ass band of grayheads and graybeards rockin' out to classics and a lot of left-behind lefties of all ages with open and excited faces. It was great! There's constant action at the office, with pedestrians, cyclists, and cars pulling in and out all day.
We donate regularly and have pitched in with supplies for the new office and meals for the staff and volunteers a few times/week (thanks to all who came through with vegetarian recipes when I asked!). Someone's there often 'til midnight.
Thus far, I haven't talked myself into phone banking, but I might do some canvassing and registration work with the gentle encouragement of our guest.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
It's weird that our state matters this late!
I've seen all of two HRC stickers/signs in the Portland area, and 2 for Rubio. Bernie signs and stickers and shirts and everything are uncountable!
Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.
Great involvement there in OR, 2andfro.
Thanks for all that you are doing. The movement thrives when it has support and assistance from people like you.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I'm Doing What I Can
I just found out that I really am 80. I went to a rally for Bernie prepared to do something for the cause. It turned out I was tired rather quickly so there goes any idea of canvassing. I can't really see myself with a laptop which I don't own or a cell phone I don't know how to use being much help at phone banking let alone whatever facebanking is. So I've volunteered to do some tabling on the 16th here in California. I know how to talk with people, take donations, and sit at a table so that's what I'll do.
I started a recurring contribution to Bernie in May 2015 and have steadily increased it until it is now ten times the original amount. I doubt I am alone in this behavior and, therefore, think this fact should give some credence to the belief that we are a movement. And I'm happy to know I'm part of it.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
That's it exactly -- we all do what we reasonably can
There are so many ways to support the campaign and the movement. And yes, it is a movement! (hum a few bars of "Alice's Restaurant") Isn't it wonderful for the older Sanders fans among us to see the enthusiasm, the awakening and reawakening?
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
real-life face to face
is the very best way to interact with people. Us people from an older generation (I'm 62) often know how to do that really well. So if you can't do the strenuous canvassing, managing a table and talking with people is great!!! A huge contribution.
Does New York have early Voting?
LOL time jump to the General with wrong link
The answer is no early voting in NY.
Fixed: New York Democrat
Contribute and /Canvassed
I canvassed two weeks ago in MD. It was Easter weekend so I knocked on approx 30 doors, 5 people on the campaign list were at home. 4 of the folks I spoke with were for Bernie 100% and 1 was leaning Hillary. We had a great discussion and she said she was impressed I was willing to do this. I am scheduled to canvass this Sunday. We have a lot of work cut out for us in Maryland.
Bisbee, Arizona for Bernie
I got sucked into the movement from the time I hosted the first house party event in July. I attended rally in Phoenix just a couple of weeks before.
I live in a small liberal community near the border and in a county dominated by Republicans. With 50+ the average age group facebook was the best way to communicate with Bernie supporters. Recruiting volunteers the way the national campaign suggested wasn't working for me. I'm not practiced nor have any interest in the art of the hard sell. I did get a good number of email contacts though. Tip: People were reluctant to sign up for the volunteer list so I switched it up and sold the idea that the email list was to keep them informed about our events. The emails sent out would include a call for volunteers. I had a handful for any given event and that turned out to be sufficient for what we tried to do. The majority of people did not want to volunteer through the campaign website. I gave my best pitch to direct them there and I hosted all of the campaign live stream events. I think people felt more comfortable being involved with the local group rather than the national campaign. So I acted as the liaison between the campaign and the locals.
Living in a small community, we had the advantage of knowing business owners and graphic artists who were Bernie supporters. We were able to host events at different venues. Tip: I found that hosting organizing meetings at public spaces often drew in some people who noticed us and wanted to join in. We had successful debate parties as far as getting people enthusiastic about Bernie. Local artists offered their skills designing Bisbee for Bernie tshirts and buttons. I took them to the farmers market and events. We raised money for the campaign and paid for the literature/posters we needed for Bernie events. The group took advantage of the holiday parades to promote Bernie. At that time there were a lot of people who didn't know who Bernie was. I created chalk art for a music festival weekend and a vote for Bernie Light Brigade sign. We printed business cards for Bernie and Bernie's issues for tabling. We got a hold of the list of Independent voters to call and ask if they would register Dem for the PPE. On the ground, the national campaign swooped in during the last weeks. Really too late as far as I was concerned. Early voting had already started. I was surprised to see a lot of people on voting day so I had to admit that I underestimated how many people waited. Many of those people couldn't vote for various reasons. I was a voter center observer and knew the Bernie supporters who were turned away. I'm truly disappointed with what came down that day with the election suppression and possible fraud or the very least derelict SOS.
You know, the best action I took was wearing Bernie shirts every time I left the house. I had countless interactions with people who I probably would never had the opportunity to speak to. I could speak from the heart, face to face. It was not forced like phone banking. Canvassing was difficult. Our city boasts about its thousands of stairs to the tourists. I was sore for days after spending just 4 hours on the task. It was more rewarding than phone banking though. But that might be me, I really hate talking on phones.
Some photos here: (edited link)
I'm sorry my description is rather jumbled. Your essay is so enjoyable to read. You have a gift for writing. I have high hopes for NY. Bring it home!
She's too modest sometimes
Just one example of her creative, attention getting projects. Lots more at the link to her Flickr page.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Please don't apologize! This is so impressive, and creative
about recognizing barriers and finding ways of dealing with them. I don't have a T-shirt, but I try to remember to grab my Bernie button when I leave the house. Then again, I'm in strong Bernie territory.
I appreciated your first-hand description of an area very different from mine. Thanks much for taking the time to write it.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I'm going to pitch in what I can in Oregon.
It's going to be a landslide for him here, hopefully I can help make it a bigger one! I'm too financially limited to donate money, and my time is limited as well with a full time job in social services and full time school. But I'm going to do as much as I can! There's an organization meeting I'm attending this Sunday, hoping to meet some cool people and see how I can help!
Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.
Good, keep us posted
Of the outcome of the meeting. I would enjoy hearing about it.
It was nice
being around so many like minded people! But I do live in Portland, where nearly the entire population is like minded I suppose! About 100 people showed up, ranging in age from 8 to 80; lots of women there as well (what's all this about young white males being Bernie's base!?).
There were some good ideas, I think a lot of the people that attended are going to phone bank and canvass. I didn't know this, but apparently if Bernie gets 85% of the vote in Oregon, HRC is shut out and receives NO delegates! That got everybody pumped!
One older gentleman brought up a very good point that didn't get nearly as much attention as I thought it should have: the elderly vote. Turnout among the elderly is the highest of any demographic and by reaching out to those voters there could be a real potential to rack up tons of votes. The imagery that came to my mind was some of us younger folks in the crowd reaching out to our elders and pitching the ways that Bernie will improve the long lives we have ahead of us in a way HRC won't. Tug on the heart strings if you will
Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.
You gotta see this
Tried to post this video earlier, but the site locked up. Nina Turner is a force of Nature.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Canvassing the Streets in Pittsburgh Area
...since last August. Mostly in minority suburbs.
A few highlights:
While holding up a #feelthebern sign at the Labor Day Parade in downtown Pittsburgh I had a sitting Republican US Congressman come up to me and Tell me that "Bernei is my colleague even though we are on different sides. I like and respect Bernie a lot. Bernie is a man who will not hesitate to speak his mind."
Same parade: Hundreds if not Thousands of marching workers giving the thumbs up for Bernie - they scarfed up our buttons and pamphlets like they were gold. The Union Big Wigs in the Cars ignored us - in fact the Only Hillary T-Shirt we saw that day was being worn by a Union Executive in a limo.
More Parade: Joe Sestak, candidate for US Senator in PA stopping and commenting to me "Wow. I can't believe just how many Bernie supporters with signs are here today!" He was sincerely amazed. We were berning everywhere that day. At least 100 of us were working the Parade route - remember - this was early September.
More Parade: Being noted in a newspaper article as the man who was bellowing out "Feel The Bern" to VP Joe Biden as he walked by us. (I can bellow with the best of them - was using my Protest March Voice heard in DC on many an anti-war march- and it's a loud one.)
Canvassing in a largely African American suburb, we encountered 2 young college age girls. We gave them literature - they had not heard of Bernie...when one saw my #FeelTheBern logo on my T-shirt she said - "I am going to vote for him just for that hashtag - it is so exciting! Can I have your shirt?" My wife told her no,
After that remark we talked for a while and she seriously said she liked what we were telling her and what she was reading and would be voting for Bernie.
A few hundred Berniacs Marching in a 'trendy' area full of restaurants, bars and shoppers on one Saturday Morning: We were amazed that peeps of all ages were coming outside and cheering us on as we shouted our pro Bernie Slogans. Hundreds of cars honked in support. One middle aged black lady told us there was No WAY in Hell she was going to vote for a Clinton; her son was in jail as a direct result of the 96 Crime Act. An elderly black man came up to us, took some literature and said "Fuck Obama". We were all shocked.
Working a Bernie Voter Registration table at a local Fair: Finding out a member of the local Democratic Committee was all in for Bernie. And talking a Trump voter down off the ledge.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
Thanks for all of your hard work everyone
I do phone bank as I am able, and donate when I have a couple extra bucks, but with a full time job and running my own business on top of that, I still don't feel like I do enough, or have the time to do more. This is THE most important election and movement I've ever seen, and I feel like I could and should do more To help Bernie defeat Hillary in the primary. We all could do more. But I sincerely want to thank all of you that truly put me to shame by devoting the majority of your time, creativity, and money in vastly greater amounts than I am able to right now to the single most important cause there is, electing Bernie Sanders. Thank you all! I can and will work harder! WE HAVE TO WIN NY!!!!!!
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
Thanks for all of your hard work everyone
I do phone bank as I am able, and donate when I have a couple extra bucks, but with a full time job and running my own business on top of that, I still don't feel like I do enough, or have the time to do more. This is THE most important election and movement I've ever seen, and I feel like I could and should do more To help Bernie defeat Hillary in the primary. We all could do more. But I sincerely want to thank all of you that truly put me to shame by devoting the majority of your time, creativity, and money in vastly greater amounts than I am able to right now to the single most important cause there is, electing Bernie Sanders. Thank you all! I can and will work harder! WE HAVE TO WIN NY!!!!!!
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website: