Homeland INsecurity tried to fake antifa terrorists for Trump
The Department of Homeland Security launched a failed operation that ensnared hundreds, if not thousands, of U.S. protesters in what new documents show was as a sweeping, power-hungry effort before the 2020 election to bolster President Donald Trump’s spurious claims about a “terrorist organization” he accused his Democratic rivals of supporting.
An internal investigative report, made public this month by Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat of Oregon, details the findings of DHS lawyers concerning a previously undisclosed effort by Trump’s acting secretary of homeland security, Chad Wolf, to amass secret dossiers on Americans in Portland attending anti-racism protests in summer 2020 sparked by the police murder of Minneapolis father George Floyd
Shades of COINTELPRO all over again. This is how Nazi's behave, not free nations. I got a kick out of the article's naive spin:
The report describes attempts by top officials to link protesters to an imaginary terrorist plot in an apparent effort to boost Trump’s reelection odds, raising concerns now about the ability of a sitting president to co-opt billions of dollars’ worth of domestic intelligence assets for their own political gain
Uhhh, Iraq war anyone? Vietnam war anyone? Patriot Act anyone? Where has this guy been for the past 108 years?
Questioned by investigators, the agency’s chief intelligence officer acknowledged fielding requests by Wolf and his acting deputy, Ken Cuccinelli, to create dossiers “against everyone participating in the Portland protest,” regardless of whether they’d been accused of any crime, the report says.
You know who else had a list.... https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/hitlers-hit-list-revealed-wanted-6...

Where have *you* been?
For the last six or so?
Weaponized DOJ, huh? Does Russia Gate ring any bells?
Most Portland (Minneapolis, NYC, DC, St. Louis, Seattle...) rioters were never even charged, despite wreaking massive destruction, while people like Michael Flynn and Roger Stone - never accused of violence - endured ruinous federal prosecutions
As have J-6 protesters, not one of whom has been able to get trials moved out of DC - which voted for Biden at a higher rate (92%) than the Bluest congressional districts in the country (none of which were over 90%) and numbers of whom have been incarcerated in horrific sub-Gitmo conditions - in some cases for going on two years now *pre-trial*.
J-6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Put in Isolation in Maximum Security Prison for Recording Audio for TGP – HAS NEVER BEEN CONVICTED OF A CRIME, HAS BEEN JAILED SINCE JAN 2021
Wyden likely has his facts straight, but his (and more than a few on this site) outrage is very selectively and ideologically targeted.
Talk of 'Trump's' DHS/DOJ & etc. is akin to saying 'JFK's FBI' or 'Carter's CIA' - obvious oxymorons.
Of course 'Biden's DOJ' would be a misnomer, too - since it would imply he knew what was going on and actually calling the shots. Nevertheless, it's clearly gone off the rails and run with it's ill-deserved 'anti-terrorism' mandate to go after legitimate political dissent - SWAT team raids on and felony charges against peaceful pro life protesters being one recent and egregious example.
But, hey - nationwide white supremacist domestic terror threat, you know?
Oh, yeah - about that. It seems that, in departure from normal Feeb/DOJ procedures that investigations related to J-6, instead of being handled where the actual event took place have been farmed out to local offices around the country and labelled domestic terrorism cases. Voila! instant existential threat demanding the harshest of responses.
Even if it entails SWAT-type raids to arrest non-violent people, many of whom have already been interviewed by the agency and would, in all likelihood, have just come in on their own if instructed to. Even if this entails pulling agents off current cases such as child sex trafficking.
Don't take my word for it...
get it from Special Agent Stephen Friend:
Blue Republic - AKA 'Battle of Athens'
I had debates with right-wingers
and they were absolutely convinced that antifa was some sort of organized terrorist organization. i.e. that there was a headquarters, regional affiliates, and a military structure.
They thought I was an idiot to believe otherwise.
They also refused to believe that there was right-wing elements that had infiltrated the protests in order to instigate violence. When I produced lots of newspaper articles backing up my claims, it was all fake news.
What Trump was doing was to try to put some anecdotal facts behind a story that he had already created...and broke the law in the process.
'Military structure' ?
Well, no. But that doesn't mean that Antifa,BLM,Redneck Rebellion, etc. are not controlled/manipulated/establishment-financed opposition.
Probably the useful way to think of them is in terms of their historical antecedents: Brown Shirts or Red Guards - manipulated and weaponized by higher powers (Hitler and Mao in this case) to further political objectives and to summarily be done way with when no longer convenient.
While many participants in such groups are motivated by idealism, excitement, feeling like they are on the right side of history, or simply out to engage in institutionally-sanctioned violence you can bet that things are being given direction by professionals and that considerable resources are coming in from something besides cookie sales.
It's not like the corporate establishment has no history of ties with "the left" - from the Bolsheviks (more on that here) to America 2020.
Time Feb. 4, 2021
Of course, that should read "Stole the 2020 Election" since that is what the article really recounts.
Remarkable how people who pride themselves on being able to spot a Color Revolution continents away can be right in the midst of one and have it completely go by them...
Transition Integrity Project: Is this Soros Linked Group Plotting a “Color Revolution” Against President Trump?
September 4, 2020
read on Revolver News
Apparently it is important to someone - in this case Google/Youtube that you not be exposed to such - note what happens when you try to play this excellent interview with Revolver publisher, Warren Beattie:
Tom Cotton questions the FBI on Portland and J-6
This interview with Beatty from a year ago must have slipped through the censorship cracks, somehow:
Just how hard is it to slip in a ringer?
Fifty years ago, i organized my precinct in Dallas for McGovern. The delegates to the next level of the Democratic Party presidential nomination process would be selected at a precinct convention. I knew from family history that you could get a fast gavel from the "chair," and I brought that possibility up at our planning meeting. Some bozo, who just showed up in our ranks, offered the idea of climbing up the power line pole, and cutting off the electricity to the elementary school building where the official precinct convention would take place. That way, he explained, the Chair's microphone would go dead and "we" could control the proceeding with bull horns. I was only 19, but I could see through this jerkoff. and I asked the group if anybody thought that was a good idea -- effectively shutting him up.
Thereafter, I relocated to Austin as a student at the University of Texas and got involved with the anti-war demonstrations. There I met the Mother Fuckers Club, a handful of guys who were always in favor of violent action against the pigs. Their bullshit was so obvious that none of the hippie-type activists in our group took them seriously.
Finally, in my professional life as a union representative in 1984, I was directing strategy for a strike against Safeway. About two frustrating months into what turned into a three-month strike, one of the union business agents for our union took me aside and offered to get some dynamite and blow up one of the Safeways. I knew this guy was no ringer, but I recall the story now to get across how many loony birds there are in this world -- and it is frightening to contemplate how easy it is to wind up a guy like that and aim him at the target of opportunity.
I draw no conclusions from any tale I hear about ringers within a group that is trying to rock some boat or other.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
got your keyboard, BoBM?