The exercise will be called Event 201 in honor of the, uh, potential pandemic
See how they planned for the response to the upcoming Covid pandemic and who was involved in the planning.
Excited to announce today that @JHSPH_CHS + @wef + @gatesfoundation partnering in Oct 2019 exercise called "Event 201" that will engage leaders from global business, national governments, international orgs in response to novel pandemic #Davos2019 1/2
— Tom Inglesby, MD (@T_Inglesby) January 23, 2019
Event 201 will shine light on need for pub health, global business, science, finance, security & political leadership to be fully engaged + working for common purposes to meet challenge of new pandemic. Business will need gov, and gov will need business #wef #Davos2019 2/2
— Tom Inglesby, MD
(@T_Inglesby) January 23, 2019
Exclusive: The Dossier uncovers WEF-Gates Event 201 launch announcement from Davos 2019
The Dossier has obtained the audio from the first announcement for Event 201, the Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum sponsored war-game simulation that took place in October 2019, in which a fictional coronavirus passed from an animal reservoir to humans, where organizers warned of a “similar pandemic in the future.”
The remarkable similarities and the timing between Event 201 and the actual coronavirus pandemic has led to questions about whether the parties to the simulation had prior knowledge of what would happen in the coming weeks and months ahead. Moreover, the stakeholders who sponsored and participated in Event 201 would unanimously benefit enormously from the pandemic and wield monopolistic power in pandemic policymaking.
As the Dossier recently reported, we discovered that the first public announcement for Event 201 was made on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum’s 2019 annual meeting in Davos. Thanks to the work of our valuable online sleuths, we’ve obtained the recorded audio from the panel, which was not available online.
Before we get to the clip, here’s some background:
On January 23, 2019, Tom Inglesby, the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, announced the plan for Event 201, in partnership with the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. His organization would later host the event in New York City just weeks before the pandemic broke out. Inglesby, for his part, would later become a senior adviser in the Biden White House. He tweeted out the announcement after he delivered his remarks. As the Dossier has reported, the first person to retweet the announcement was Ron Klain, who would later become the Biden White House chief of staff.
Don’t forget that Fauci also warned in 2017 that he expected a pandemic was going to happen with absolute certainty. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that over 190 countries all did the exact same things to deal with it. The plans had been made decades in the past along with all the unconstitutional legislation put in place that nullified our rights. Plus almost every president beginning with Clinton did a trial epidemic, but they faltered because people weren’t scared enough. They made sure that we were this time.
Mike Yeaden used to work for the Gates foundation and he is calling BS on the epidemic. I can’t embed the video but you can watch it here.
Dr. Mike Yeadon: "There never was a viral pandemic of a novel pathogen."
I think the evidence is very strong from independent researchers, that there never was a viral pandemic with a novel pathogen.
The deaths that we saw were medical malpractice at best and murder at worst.
Basically, we were lied to from the beginning. I don’t believe this has been a novel cause of illness and death other than our governments’ responses to the fake pandemic.
They’ve lied about the public health emergency, they’ve lied about the necessity and usefulness of the measures, and they’ve lied about the design, research, development, and use of these so-called vaccines.
… I didn't get there in one leap. I started my journey when Boris Johnson said: “ I have to tell you, you must stay at home”. That was the moment I knew we’d lost the country. And then seeing lots of other countries doing the same… I thought: My God, we are in danger of losing the free world.
The outcome does not matter to me. I am absolutely serious.
If I perish attempting to avert this it will be fine. It’s about my children and grandchildren. - Dr. Michael Yeadon

This is an exercise in futility
I know you are not suggesting there was no pandemic, but it reads a bit like it was
something else? I can't quite stretch my imagination far enough to think the whole
enchilada was not cooked-up by the Gates/WEF/pharma blob for the multiple
purposes of making money, scaring people and destroying liberty. The amazing
part, to me at least, is how inept the medical establishment responded. I do get the
pressures practitioners were placed under by their respective administrators to
adhere to the guidelines being enforced by WHO, FDA, CDC, etc. Local, state, federal
and global compliance was a requirement. Even against professional ethics. Many
health care workers had to make some distasteful decisions. The result is an increased
distrust in the entire industry. And there are still mandates being enforced? Color me
cuckoo, but what more evidence do
peopleconsumers need?Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Th epistemological conundrum from the start
@#11 has been if the shit we hear from just about every respectable source is wrong, what the hell is right?
This is j'accuse wihthout any doubt. It is one thing to conclude that the profit motive coupled with the brazen corruption of the 21st Century have created a tsunami of errors that the corrupt assholes will never acknowledge. You are not obligated to set your hair on fire or believe that we are all waiting in line to get murdered. It is quite another thing to believe that it was all a massive conspiracy. If you believe that, self-preservation dictates that you join some sort of revolution.
I'm riding out the storm, hoping that it is all just a bunch of poor decisions. But I just don't know what is going on. I know it is insane. Beyond that, who knows?
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
I have followed Yeadon, among others,
Nothing about the pandemic seems logical. PCR tests were so deficient, they never got approved for use. Then, voila! Remdesvir causes kidney failure, was not used or approved. Another voila! mRNA was not designed for vaccines...voila!
Just today, pure anecdotal, a friend is raising $ for her niece's dr. bills. She is 30. Was healthy. Got colon cancer then liver cancer. She was vaxxed. Cancer is not prevalent in that family.
All the while, Gates and the WEF advocate depopulation. Openly.
I want to believe good intentions, lack of knowledge and understanding.
It is just very tough for me to get there.
I will keep an open mind.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Not sure what you mean
The main point is that they practiced for something that happened just a few months later according to the what we were told. Again Fauci said that this was probably going to happen a few years before it did. There is now plenty of evidence that the virus was circulating months before China started having cases. First there was that weird pneumonia in early 2019 that was said to be from vaping and then just went away. Lots of people are saying that they got sick with something earlier too and it was unusual from what they experienced before and that they were way sicker than they ever had been.
Yeaden is saying that the death tolls from Covid might not actually be from Covid but due to ventilators and remdisiver. Between 70-90% of people who got vented and remdisiver died while those who didn’t get either recovered. Another thing people have looked at is that all cause deaths didn’t really go up the first year. In fact looking back at case counts it looks like infections were going down before people started getting jabbed. It might have died off by itself but we got a leaky ‘vaccine' that caused the virus to mutate. It’s still mutating and joining with other variants.
Big pharma got obscenely rich from the jabs, but also remember that there has been a huge transfer of money upwards. We now have more billionaires than ever.
We have been lied to all through this. How many times did we hear that get jabbed and the virus ends with you? In other words it stops transmission. Except that it never did and BTW they didn’t test it to do so.
Gates and his friends are still running the show and they want to make sure that if another epidemic happens everything we’ve gone through will happen again because the WHO will be in charge of the world. Hopefully India steps up again and blocks it from happening.
Maybe I misunderstand your comment?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Standing with you, SNDF and OTC
brilliant, tough, eloquent, centered, ethical, and growing
No, you probably understood it OK
My phrasing was off.
Tried to imply if what happened was what they had planned
it was a man-made disaster.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Yes that seems to be what happened
There are lots of coincidences around terrorist attacks too where drills just happened to be taking place at the same time as an attack happened just like there was one for the current epidemic. Drills were being done on 9/11 and we’re told that was why no jets were scrambled which hijacked planes were flying for over an hour. Another drill in progress during the London subway bombings as well as the Boston bombings. And anyone who thinks that this is just CT should remember operation northwoods when the military told JFK that it would be fun to fly planes into buildings and and other attacks to kill Americans and then blame it on Cuba. Apparently JFK walked out of the room and said, and we are the human race. Something like that. RFK spoke about it in the Fauci movie. I’ll look to see if Sage still has it up.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Well, heck, “a new Pearl Harbor” worked so well the first time
and most folks never caught on — or if they eventually did, it was too late to make any difference — coz by that time everything was already a fait accompli — and in people’s minds, the bogus official account was already history-book narrative set in stone.
So, you know they were gonna do it again.
Well, if the goal was to
create another wedge issue to divide us, they did a bang-up job. The resentment is certainly there from people whose entire existences were disrupted, and I can't blame them. Calling the stuff a "vaccine" when it does nothing whatsoever to prevent infection or control the spread of the disease was in fact a crime. There is a lot of hate out there for the CDC and Fauci and his lot as a result, and I'm seeing more and more people calling for essentially a pogrom to extract their revenge on all of them, from their primary care physicians on up. In short, they (whoever "they" are) did in fact create the perfect wedge issue, as if we needed another. Once you gin up the hate, it isn't going to go away.
Regrettably, the knock-on effects are already being seen, as those people who have decided to take it to extremes and skip out on *all* vaccinations (read: the children of same) are starting to turn up with outbreaks of formerly eradicated or well-controlled childhood diseases. That's the baby going out with the bathwater, and it is really sad. In my rural home town in the 50s, beyond the reach of what was then modern medicine, I had measles, mumps, and chickenpox all within a 2-week interval at age 5, and it damned near killed me. If rubella had entered that mix when my fever was at 107, I most assuredly would not be here today.
Nobody should have to go through that, because there are vaccines that freakin' *work* for those. I sucked the sugar cube, but there are people who are now opting out of even the modern equivalent of that. Can't wait for polio to make its inevitable resurgence in this county, as it is now only a matter of time. The Point Must Be Made At All Costs, apparently.
Meanwhile, while all this hate is being ginned up and carefully directed at the medical profession and the CDC, the people who really *are* robbing us all blind are sitting back, having a good laugh, and drinking Cristal. Same as it ever was...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
But was it the vaccines that stopped the diseases
or was it that sanitary conditions improved and people got healthier? There have been many papers saying that it’s the last one. Besides pharma doesn’t test for safety on the vaccines after they got total immunity from being held accountable for damages in 1986. I think it was Kennedy that brought it to my attention but others have too. In fact the guy in this video has something on it. He is looking back at the 1918 fluu epidemic and what actually caused it. It was more of a bacterial infection possibly the flu vaccine created by Rockefeller that caused bacterial pneumonia. Others have written about this too, but this is a good presentation. About 14 minutes and very interesting.
Lots of people have opened their minds up to what they believed was settled science and I don’t think that is a bad thing. As you said they lied to us about the current ‘vaccines' so how do we know that they have told us the truth about the others?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
There are papers that say absolutely anything: one can always find a paper, or many papers, that support any position whatsoever, and do so with utter certainty, and with amazing gravitas. Once again, it has always been so.
Your mileage is certain to vary, but I personally am unwilling to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Believe whatever you wish, with my blessing. This is now a religious argument. Please excuse me while I opt out of it.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Pick your flavor of helplessness
The best weapon in the propagandist's arsenal is this question: so who are they? There is no concise answer without an open end. "They" has to include an incomprehensible array of governmental functionaries from multiple nation states, the top layer of management of a near infinity of corporations all over the world, huge numbers of non-governmental organizations and universities Who leads and how did all this nefarious shit get organized? Any attempt to answer this perfectly legitimate question ends in a swamp of unprovable assertions and wild guesses.
So most people who see that they are being lied to narrow their indictment to some thing more manageable -- it's the military industrial complex, it's big Pharma, it's the neo-cons or the neo-libs or simply some small portion of the One Percent. Specific names like Gates are often cited along with the WEF. No one can ever paint a comphensible picture of how all this hangs together -- and so we try to point the finger at the things that you can see in the open.
We wind up with a wide variety of digestible portions of The Big Picture that nevertheless pose impossible to overcome challenges, leaving us mainly sounding like Chicken Little.
And the bullshit rolls on.
Nobody wants to feel helpless, so most avoid thinking about the deterioration of The Future and just muddle along. What the hell else can anyone do?
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Interesting thread
You were only considered vaccinated 14 days after you got jabbed and now we know that they initially lower immunity for about 14 days. More lies are being exposed almost daily.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.