Anthony Fauci movie part 2 and other news


The Real Anthony Fauci-The Movie: Part Two, #2
The Bioweapon Emergency Security State, Operation Northwoods, Vaccines and Autism, Trump Reneges on RFK Vaccine Safety Committee Following Meeting with Bill Gates
(19 minutes)

Sage again posted snippets of the movie on her site.

From Sage Hana

Oh snap.

Warning: This post could send you down the rabbit hole for hours. Wade in carefully.

The following are my spicy hot takes, and not directly reflective of the precise content of the Fauci film.

This is the one, fam.

This is the one to share.

RFK, Jr. rips the Band Aid off in this clip.

Actually rips a bunch of Band Aids off.

Smoke show.

My goodness.

Operation Northwoods was your lovely Military Industrial and Intelligence Complex (MIIC) plotting back in the 1960s that they could…you know…

Murder American citizens with a variety of familiar sounding false flag crises to further their war goals with Cuba.

In case you are wondering why the modern day “honorable” DOD and IC would be creating and pushing bioweapons into the veins of all humanity (and their own troops).

In case that all seemed too far-fetched and Tinfoil Hat to you, Normie.

Yes, really.

The document was made public in 1997, with little public response. Those who do not believe the official JFK assassination story, could attribute Kennedy’s rejection of the plan to his assassination.

Oh, look! Smile

Look who was hanging out that fateful day at Dealey Plaza!


Click on the pic of Herbert Walker if you like and actually watch that whole movie.

Yes, it’s like four hours.

Red Pill on steroids.

Read the rest of Sage's essay.

Both parts of the Fauci are free to watch just by signing up.

The real Anthony Fauci the movie


2 Katherine Watts essays that explain why there is such a massive push to jab every person and she rips the mask off of who is in charge and how congress willfully nullified the constitution.

COVID-19 injectable bioweapons as case study in legalized, government-operated domestic bioterrorism.

Or: why there won’t be any civil suits, or compensatory damages for injured victims or survivors of dead victims.

This is a reworking of information posted previously, including at the bottom of the American Domestic Bioterrorism Program post.

Since first realizing the implications of the many Congressional statutes and Health and Human Services regulations adopted to create and operate the bioterrorism program, mostly between 1997 and the present, I’ve been intermittently finding the specific citations for each statement while researching related issues.

Some statements are simply logical deductions from the first premise, corroborated by the observable actions and inactions of Food and Drug Administration officials as the observable injuries and deaths mount up in the American people.

Others are specifically written into the laws, but I don’t yet have the citations because I’ve prioritized my research time investigating other issues related to the bioterrorism program.

I sent the following to attorney-warrior Warner Mendenhall, whistleblower-warrior Brook Jackson and a couple of others this morning by email.

I sent the following to attorney-warrior Warner Mendenhall, whistleblower-warrior Brook Jackson and a couple of others this morning by email.

Remember that Brook Jackson is suing after blowing the whistle on the fraud she saw in the Pfizer trial, but Katherine is saying that the trial will probably be dead in the water because of what she exposed in the first essay. When Bush signed the patriot act the lawyers and courts were silent about how government doesn’t/shouldn’t have the right to pass laws that totally nullified our constitution. And when Obama permanently rescinded habeas corpus. Maybe someone did try and we just didn’t hear about it?

One more video on this topic

Tess Talks with Professor Dolores Cahill

Professor Dolores Cahill is an inventor, immunologist and molecular biologist who has been at the forefront of claiming sovereignty in the face of unlawful Covid-19 restrictions. She is co-founder of World Freedom Alliance, the World Travel Alliance, and, a community networking site. In today’s talk, Dolores sheds light on the law, and the unlawfulness of the legal system. This is eye-opening and important information that can empower us to truly understand our unalienable rights and personal sovereignty.

For more information about Dolores, please visit:

Where did the founding fathers give congress the ability to rescind our inalienable rights? What part of inalienable do they not understand?

One more essay that is worth reading.

He says that giving the mRNA shots to pregnant women and to children have ulterior motives than just big pharma’s greed. And that motive is beyond evil.

Both Virus and Shots May Have Similar Impacts on Pregnancy

The Washington Post seems to go out of its way to not implicate the COVID shots, laying all the blame on the virus itself. But even then, they fail to address the fact that it’s the spike protein that is the most likely culprit. The obvious reason for that is because the spike protein is also what your body produces in response to the COVID shots.

However, when you read things like, “last fall and winter, Amy Heerema McKenney, a Cleveland Clinic pathologist ... began receiving eerily similar reports of stillbirths,” you realize that “last fall and winter” refers to the winter of 2021, not 2020 or 2019.

In other words, we’re talking about a time when most people had received one or more mRNA shots, while the virus itself had mutated into milder forms that were rarely associated with severe blood clotting issues and other anomalies.

That said, it’s by no means impossible that SARS-CoV-2, even in its milder expressions, might have an adverse impact on pregnancy. After all, we’re likely talking about a genetically engineered bioweapon.

The respiratory effects may have mutated to be less severe while other organs may still be more adversely impacted by the spike protein. We also have the “shedding” issue to contend with, so just because a woman is unjabbed doesn’t mean she’s not affected by COVID jab spike protein.

Unique Damage to the Placenta

The Washington Post goes on to describe what McKenney was finding in the winter of 2021:

“Almost as soon as she began looking into [the stillbirths], Heerema McKenney recalled, she became ‘pretty panicked.’ A normal placenta is spongy and dark, reflecting the nourishing blood flowing through it. The ones she was looking at in her lab from the mothers who lost their babies were like nothing she had ever seen before: firm, scarred and more of a shade of tan.

‘The degree of devastation was unique,’ she said. Flipping through case files, she noted that most of the women were in their second trimester, unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated, and infected with the coronavirus within a two-week window before their pregnancies ending.

Heerema McKenney herself saw fewer than 20 potentially coronavirus-related stillbirths over about six months. But her findings matched up with cases colleagues were seeing in other parts of the world.

And they also echoed those in a paper from Ireland that looked at seven cases — six stillbirths and one second-trimester fetal death in pregnant people infected with the coronavirus — resulting from what the authors called ‘a readily recognizable pattern of placental injury.’ She said, ‘That's when we realized we were all looking at the same thing.’"

While McKenney claims most were either unjabbed or partially jabbed, other evidence clearly implicate the COVID shots. For example, in November 2021, Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, British Columbia (BC), delivered an astonishing 13 stillborn babies in a 24-hour period, and all of the mothers had received the COVID jab.2 In a typical month, there may be one stillborn baby at the hospital, making 13 stillbirths in 24 hours highly unusual.

Watts and many other people writing on substack are saying that the mRNA shots are bio weapons meant to reduce the population in order for the folks behind the Great Reset can handle us better after they take over the world. They have said it more than once that they planned to decrease the population and lots of people are showing that it’s happening now. Not only are death rates soaring, but birth rates are declining rapidly. How many other billionaires have blatantly said something like this?

We are now being told that we must take an mRNA shot to not be protected, but only to reduce the seriousness of the disease, but that is a huge fcking lie! We WERE told by many that they were 100, 95, 70, 50, 15 percent effective when the real number was less than 1 percent! and of course they were also safe.

From IM Doc

To overcome the widespread public resistance against these highly controversial vaccines, a variety of approaches that have previously been utilized to promote many other vaccines were implemented. One of the most critical ploys was to claim the vaccines reduced disease transmission and created herd immunity, thereby making your choice not to vaccinate both selfish and immoral since not vaccinating allegedly put the most vulnerable members of society at risk of dying. As I showed in the previous article, vaccine manufacturers, healthcare authorities, and the media all continually asserted this lie, yet are now attempting to gaslight us by claiming they were transparent from the start about their vaccines not preventing transmission.


Here’s the horse’s mouth saying that they do stop transmission.

From a October 2020 article

Yet the current phase III trials are not actually set up to prove either (table 1). None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.

And yet….

I highly recommend reading IM Doc's essay. It’s long as usual and full of good links but he goes into great detail about other vaccines and especially the flu one. It’s hard to keep viruses down when they are usually in the nose and the vaccines go into arms. Same with the ones for the Rona. Many here already know that.

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This doctor tells it like it is.

Doctor Warns: Covid 'Vaccine' Designed to Infiltrate Every Part of Your Body, 'That's Why People Are Dying'

“These are life-shortening injections. Everyone who gets shot after shot after shot of these covid-19 shots is shortening their life with each and every single injection. The covid shot does not stop you from getting covid; it actually makes you more likely to get covid by three to four times,” he told the crowd gathered outside the Astra Zeneca offices in Mississauga. “Stop them right now, I say to every premier in Canada, do what you can to discourage your people from getting these vaccinations.”

Dr. Shoemaker presented a litany of shocking statistics. “We now have 80 doctors between ages 25 and 55 who have died in the last 60 days in Canada. And it’s only the physicians who are getting third and fourth shots which are dying suddenly,” he said. Doctors, he explains, are taking the shots for all the right reasons; because they are told to do so. They have been led to believe that it will protect their patients because they’ll work to reduce covid. But none of this is true.

According to Dr. Shoemaker, “once you get your third, and certainly once you get your fourth shot, your immune system is so fried and damaged that you get covid more easily. So, in other words, after your first shot, you are on a slide into immune deficiency.” Any efficacy of these shots last approximately three months, but the side effects and immune-destroying capabilities last a lifetime.

The slide into immune deficiency brings with it not only the increased risk of catching covid but a whole host of other health problems. “When you have slid into immune deficiency, you’re going to have cancers more likely in your lifetime because your immune system is responsible for keeping you from getting early cancer,” he explained. “And you’re going to get other infections, from monkeypox to hepatitis to who-knows-what; you are more prone to these things. When you have taken three and four and perish the thought, more of these covid immune damaging injections.”

Dr. Shoemaker explained the sheer magnitude of what’s in the shots at the most basic scientific ingredient level. A regular polio vaccine has around 80 viral agents, whereas these covid shots contain 40,000 billion mRNAs delivered via nanoparticles. Our bodies only have 30,000 billion cells. And it’s these mRNAs that cause the problems as they induce an ongoing immune response that encourages the body’s own system to attack itself. This manifests in heart damage (peri- and myocarditis, hearty failure), brain damage (stroke), failed pregnancies, and fertility issues, among many other things. “These slippery little nanoparticles – they’ve gotta’ be awfully tiny to get 40 trillion into your body in one little shot. So, these particles are tiny, and they’re pretty tricky. They cross the blood-brain barrier, and they create long covid and damage to your brain. They cross the ovaries and make you infertile. They go into the testes and make you infertile for at least six months. It takes six months to recover from a covid shot. If you’re an adult male and have received it, your sperm count goes down 50 percent for the six months following the shot.”

“This shot was designed to cross into the ovary; this shot was designed to cross into the brain barrier. This shot was designed to go everywhere. And that’s why people are dying in such strange circumstances, unexplained circumstances, and the numbers are horrific,” he told the audience. “Sixty-seven percent of people who get the vaccine while pregnant lose the pregnancy.” Pfizer’s own numbers showed that 28 out of 29 pregnant women lost their baby.

Dr. Shoemaker referenced another study performed in the U.K. using data from the Office of National Statistics from 2020 to 2021, comparing children aged 10 to 14 years, those vaccinated and those not. Results released in February this year showed that “10-to-14-year-olds are 82 to 100 times more likely to die if vaccinated than those who are not.”

On the ground, pathologists, funeral home directors, and life insurance companies bear witness to the hugely increased rates of excess mortality. That increase is “somewhere between 25 and 40 percent. Insurance people and the mortuary professionals are saying we’ve had a death rate increase worldwide of 25 to 40 percent,” said Dr. Shoemaker. “Well, it’s even worse in the vaccinated countries.” While mainstream media will have you believe that Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, strokes, and heart issues in children are all new and unexplained phenomena, medical professionals worldwide will tell you the shot causes it.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture

How Many Lives Were Saved, and Lost, Due to the COVID Vaccines, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (13 min)
Megyn Kelly is joined by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., author of "A Letter to Liberals," to talk about the truth about how many lives COVID vaccines saved and lost, the lack of important data needed to understand the rise in deaths post-COVID, government incompetence, lack of studies on important COVID issues, the outlier case of Sweden, "antibody-dependent enhancement," and more.

Long COVID and adverse reactions are caused by the spike protein...(8.5 min)
Dr. Paul Marik explains the dangers of a buildup of spike protein in the body, from inflammation to autoimmune disease. Full video here

I've not seen Falsie the movie but I'll check it out thanks for the links.

Jimmy had an interesting Dr...36 min
University of California-Irvine professor and physician Dr. Aaron Kheriaty ( was fired earlier this year after refusing to get the COVID vaccine since he’d already had COVID and developed natural immunity. Since then he’s become an outspoken advocate against vaccine mandates and the torrent of disinformation and misinformation spread by very powerful interests pushing vaccines and mandates while downplaying natural immunity and possible preventive measures.

Thanks for the dose!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

another "booster" injection. her arm was sore, she's been sick with "the flu" for months
and yet, she is coerced into keeping up with the injections by her work place (health care).
It makes no good sense to me. I got the last 2 bugs that were going around, GI and colds,
but faired much better. Slighter symptoms and faster recovery. Never been shot. So, if the
resultant reactions are of any indication, these experimental drugs have the effect of
lowering natural immunity, extending recovery time and generally making people less
resistant to common viral infections. Just an observation.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

snoopydawg's picture


I posted with Dr. Shoemaker? It’s not just an observation, but many doctors have established it as fact.

“These are life-shortening injections. Everyone who gets shot after shot after shot of these covid-19 shots is shortening their life with each and every single injection. The covid shot does not stop you from getting covid; it actually makes you more likely to get covid by three to four times,” According to Dr. Shoemaker, “once you get your third, and certainly once you get your fourth shot, your immune system is so fried and damaged that you get covid more easily. So, in other words, after your first shot, you are on a slide into immune deficiency.” Any efficacy of these shots last approximately three months, but the side effects and immune-destroying capabilities last a lifetime.

The slide into immune deficiency brings with it not only the increased risk of catching covid but a whole host of other health problems. “When you have slid into immune deficiency, you’re going to have cancers more likely in your lifetime because your immune system is responsible for keeping you from getting early cancer,” he explained. “And you’re going to get other infections, from monkeypox to hepatitis to who-knows-what; you are more prone to these things. When you have taken three and four and perish the thought, more of these covid immune damaging injections.”

Remember when we were told that it was the unjabbed who were dying in hospitals? It was a lie because the jabs lowered immunity for a few weeks and it’s why people weren’t counted as jabbed for 2 weeks after they got one.

The ‘vaccines' as Savior

“In a recent Twitter thread, a Twitter user named Daniel Hadas lays out an excellent description of what the last three years were really about:

“The debate over whether, when, and to what extent lies were told about COVID vaccines preventing transmission misses a central point: No matter what the trial data showed, the vaccines were ALWAYS going to be pushed on entire populations, by fair means or foul.

Very early on, the COVID response was locked into a specific narrative. The world would lock down and stay safe, while brave scientists hammered away at a vaccine … You may recall that, in the first months of COVID, there was a lot of breathless talk about whether there would EVER be a vaccine.

This was all nonsense … Our authorities would not have adopted the strategy of lockdown-till-vaccine unless they were certain a vaccine could and would be made …

The purpose of sowing fear that there might never be a vaccine was to increase gratitude and enthusiasm when one came along. Indeed, every part of the early COVID response can be understood as (in part) pre-release marketing for the vaccine …

That’s why COVID risks for the young were wildly amplified. That’s why there was unending obfuscation of the central role of infection-conferred immunity both in protecting individuals and in ending the pandemic.

The plan was that the vaccine would be met by a perfectly primed population: immunologically naive, desperate to be released from lockdowns, terrified of COVID, eager to do the right thing, i.e. protect others through taking the shots.

Once so much effort had gone into priming, it is UNIMAGINABLE that authorities would have pivoted to telling us … ‘Well, actually, the vaccine’s safety profile is only so-so, efficacy is murky, and most people don’t need to worry about COVID anyway. So best most of you not take this … Sorry about the lockdowns.’

That was not in the script. So it was inevitable that the vaccine be pushed on everyone, and inevitable that the best arguments for universal vaccination would be used. Those arguments were: COVID is super-dangerous for YOU. Distrust in this vaccine is distrust in science. Refusing to get vaccinated is immoral, because you will infect others.

The veracity of these claims didn’t matter: they were in the script, and it was too late to deviate … Accordingly, the stage was also set for vaccine mandates.

None of this is conspiratorial. It is descriptive … Clarifying the details won’t alter the essence of the picture — The COVID response was determined by a script of vaccine salvation, and societies’ investment in that script was too deep for mere realities to divert its execution.”

Another good essay if you have time.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

ggersh's picture

are more likely to get Covid

JAMA Study of Essential and Frontline US Workers: The Vaccinated Are Roughly TWICE as Likely to Get Symptomatic COVID Than Are the Unvaccinated

5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

ggersh's picture

Tens of thousands protested against the skyrocketing cost of living and against Macron in France October 16, led by left-wing politician Jean Luc Melenchon, but there were few front page or top-of-the hour headlines in the U.S. Huge protests occurred in Rome the same day to demand an end to Italy’s involvement in NATO, but no coverage on the west side of the Atlantic. Thousands protesting in Paris October 22 against NATO, but little notice in North America. Massive protests against NATO and inflation due to sanctions on Russian energy in France, Germany and Austria in September, but little news of it here in the heart of the empire. German police beat citizens protesting energy shortages and record-high inflation, both due to Russia sanctions, the week of October 17, but that was not covered in the USA. Seventy thousand Czechs protested in Prague September 3 against NATO involvement in Ukraine, demanding gas from Russia (before some mysterious imperial somebody with means and motive blew up Nordstream 1 and 2, probably to nip the political effects of those protests in the bud) and ending the war, but that got little coverage in U.S. corporate media.

9 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture

instead of just 8 mice.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

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snoopydawg's picture

control. Yep it does and it was Kissinger that created it and it was signed during Ford's tenure.

National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200), also known as the "Kissinger Report", was a national security directive completed on December 10, 1974 by the United States National Security Council under the direction of Henry Kissinger following initial orders from President of the United States Richard Nixon.

NSSM200 was reworked and adopted as official United States policy through NSDM 314 by President Gerald Ford on November 26, 1975.[1] It was initially classified for over a decade but was obtained by researchers in the early 1990s. The memorandum and subsequent policies developed from the report were observed as a way the United States could use human population control to limit the political power of undeveloped nations, ensure the easy extraction of foreign natural resources, prevent young anti-establishment individuals from being born and to protect American businesses abroad from interference from nations seeking to support their growing populations.

Believing that future generations birthed throughout the world posed a danger to wealth accumulation, wealthy individuals and the US government backed a policy of global population control in an effort to avoid blame

IM doc has an excellent essay on population control with many examples of when it’s been used in the past. And present? You decide.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

program rolling. The people are being offered red pills daily, data point after data point from around the globe raising the evidence of more harm than good. Excess mortality data among the young in highly ‘vaxed’ countries that have yet to be addressed or explored by official “health authorities” scream for a pause in the program, yet the program continues.

Perhaps those who continue to embrace this ‘public health’ intervention and shun the CT nay-sayers do so not for lack of evidence, but out of fear of dying and their need for assurances of protection.

This illusion of ‘protection’ can now only be maintained by choosing the blue pill. Contemplating the possibility that this ’public health’ intervention has other, perhaps nefarious, aims is perhaps simply too troubling to contemplate or acknowledge.

For those who may have missed The Matrix, it is well worth watching and highly relevant today.

The terms "red pill" and "blue pill" refer to a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in contented ignorance with the blue pill. The terms are associated with the 1999 film The Matrix
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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

snoopydawg's picture


Have them watch the Fauci movie. Has anyone watched it yet? Today is the last day to watch it for free. Just sign up.

I’m almost done watching part 2 and I’m full of sadness, disgust and lots of anger that some people think that they have the right to exterminate those who they don’t think have any value just because they are old or disabled. If I had lived in Hitler’s Germany I probably would have been murdered by the medical staff.

The film also goes into the many times that Pfizer has been fined for criminal acts, but not one person has been charged for it.

Pfizer and Fauci knew how dangerous the jabs were, but they not only released them anyway but they also hid the information from us. The first batch after the court ordered them to release it showed how many adverse effects they were aware of. And after the 1st 90 days they knew that 1,223 people had been killed by the jabs. But Fauci kept adding more people to the jab schedule and lied about there being no deaths caused by them. It’s close to 40,000 deaths now according to VAERS and gawd only knows what the real number is.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

and happy people are easier to control - for a while. Then they start refusing to be controlled by fear and the elite masters stop having fun. People start refusing to be controlled and it's really hard to be a (former) elite master. That's why people who think they're smart think population control is good for them. Fewer, happier people seem easier to control for a while, but they turn nasty when you try to take their happiness away.

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On to Biden since 1973

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the horrible things done to the unjabbed from the Atlantic

“Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty”—Not

Let’s not declare a pandemic amnesty. Let’s declare a real pandemic inquiry.

Read the replies to the tweet. People have been hurt badly in too many ways for them to just move on and especially when there is no apology for the things they did that caused the harm.

I’ll admit, I nearly spit out my coffee when I saw Brown Professor Emily Oster’s new headline in The Atlantic this morning. It’s the headline we’ve been waiting to see—and, in the revisionist, gaslighting style that’s become the journalistic norm on the response to Covid—it’s about the closest thing to an outright admission of guilt that we’ve seen since Covid began.

The article is about as pathetically transparent as it is self-serving. Gee, I wonder what Oster did and said during Covid for which she might want amnesty… (See essay for the many things she said to get people who didn’t want to get jabbed, jabbed.)

There’s a lot wrong here. First, no, you don’t get to advocate policies that do extraordinary harm to others, against their wishes, then say “We didn’t know any better at the time!” Ignorance doesn’t work as an excuse when the policies involved abrogating your fellow citizens’ rights under an indefinite state of emergency, while censoring and canceling those who weren’t as ignorant. The inevitable result would be a society in which ignorance and obedience to the opinion of the mob would be the only safe position.

Second, “amnesty,” being an act of forgiveness for past offenses, first requires an apology or act of repentance on the part of those who committed the offense. Not only has no such act of repentance been forthcoming, but in most cases, establishment voices like Oster’s have yet to stop advocating these same policies, much less admit they were wrong. With no accompanying act of contrition, these calls for “amnesty” in light of rapidly-shifting public opinion have a real ring of fascist leaders calling for “amnesty” after losing the War.

Of course Sage Hana wrote about it in the only way she can.

Especially when the harm is still being done!

The university requires all students, faculty, staff, and postdoctoral/postgraduate trainees — other than those with approved medical or religious exemptions — to receive a primary COVID-19 vaccine series and to obtain a booster shot within 14 days of eligibility.

Additionally, students — other than those with approved medical or religious exemptions —must receive an updated, bivalent booster by the start of the spring semester (in any event, no later than January 31, 2023), regardless of how many previous monovalent boosters they received.

In the name of gawd why are universities still pushing for young people to get jabbed and with the ones that didn’t ever work and is causing to too many? Fauci and Walensky have both admitted that they do not stop transmission and they aren’t keeping people out of hospitals either. Europe is going through another increase in people being hospitalized and dying and it’s mostly those who have been jabbed to the max. But sure let’s forgive and move on.

Key point. They are insisting that people must take 4 mRNA shots within 14 days. Are they insane? Loading up the body with that many spike proteins in 14 days and with no studies showing whether that is even safe is beyond words. At least for me and to keep this a family friendly website! It’s usually the 2nd jab that is where young people’s adverse effects start happening. Might as well let people play Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Looks like I will be busy tonight, watching it.
There are numerous articles and vids in your essay I intend to read/watch in the next few days.
Seems Canada just passed a law that says that anyone who visits a website with information that does not track government policy will be required to read a site with the government policy or viewpoint.
Not sure how the hell they track that, or what penalties are built in. Glad I am not a Canadian or ex-pat.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Eichmann had a defense, he was surrounded by Nazis - his employers, his neighbors, his children's teachers, everyone he could expect support from. And even if he somehow had the moral compass the cost of standing up to the Nazis was too great. Fauci has no such excuse.

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On to Biden since 1973

having watched Part 2 yesterday.
I have read the book.
For those who do not have time, or do not want to spend the money to buy it, please, PLEASE watch this movie. It is 9 pm where I live. Hopefully, you can see it all.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

I’m sure I got the same information from the book, but hearing the facts from people seems more real to me. It’s too bad that the people who need to see it won’t even consider watching it because of how Fauci and his friends have smeared him as an anti vaxxer. After congress had an investigation into vaccines causing autism someone confronted Fauci about it and he lied to the country and said that there is no evidence that the measles and mumps vaccines causes it. They weren’t the ones that did. He’s been lying to us his entire tenure and his evil actions has caused lots of misery and deaths. Too bad that republicans won’t do a damn thing to hold him accountable! Maybe hell will. I can hope.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg Got derailed as some religious nutdome. I actually represented a client who made it a point for the judge to find that she had control of vaxxes, her hubby/father of the child could not force them. What got me was her stance that vaxxes were of fetal tissue from aborted babies, blah blah, and she was a super hyper xtian married to a druggie who didn't give a shit, but who had fathered the child, married her so the baby had health insurance. She was anti-abortion. Most important xtian value she had.
I had known of, but had not researched about, Rk's anti-vax stuff. At the time I represented that young mother, i was led to assess Rfkjr was a nutjob, Catholic anti-abortionist, fetal tissue guy.
If i could speak to him personally, I would apologize from the bottom of my heart.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

boosted a month ago and she now had the Rona. Guess what? She has tested positive for it again.
Gee maybe instead of taking the pfake ivermectin she could try the real stuff. I’m sure enough people have told her about it. Smile

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

for a colleague who almost died from COVID. He is directed by his dr. to stay home until January, and avoid crowds.
One of his drs. told him that he doesn't believe the current, horrific wave consists of variants. That dr. believes it is new strains.
My friend got through the past 2 years with the HcQ regimen, but it didn't work this time. I will help him pass all his pending cases, or anything else he needs. I just hope he will be able to work again.
He isn't vaxxed, and one of his drs. told him he wouldn't have survived if he had been jabbed.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981