Another SS Raise, Another Medicare Clawback
The compliant media have been publicizing and lauding the recent Social Security increase, the largest in recent years. But of course they have let slide, silent and unmentioned, the accompanying raise in Medicare deductions, taking back much of what they have so grudgingly given.
There is a sinister kind of sense in this, as mass mailings have been sent to all Medicare recipients telling them how they can reduce their Medicare payments - by switching to a Medicare Advantage plan. Never mind that the "Advantage" is temporary and illusory, and that those who are suckered in will in the end find themselves worse off.
The Uniparty is not your friend. Remember this on Election Day (coming up soon, and early voting is already in effect in many jurisdictions).

Medicare Advangage is such a scam,
but since "both sides" want to privatize Medicare, it is surely coming our way.
I am inundated with advertisements in the mail. I read them as hysterical demands to save money and live well, 'cause Medicare just costs too damn much!
Enjoy Medicare while it exists.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Medicare Advantage
I got lucky here in Florida, they have something called Extra Help. It pays for my Medicare deduction every month. Nothing that Medicare Advantage is going to offer me will get me to change. They've even called me and wanted to come over to compare plans.
Recently I had a chance to see how good the Extra Care was. I spent a few days in the hospital. Just got the letter which showed how much they paid and how much I owe. Nothing. No providers out of network. Like the old credit card commercials used to say. Priceless.
Good for you, Enchantress!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Much Better
Thanks. I am doing so much better. There is actually good medical care in this country, sometimes.
This is a great excuse for me to limit my typing today, at least. My Medicare will pay for any complications, and I will not need a referral from a primary care giver.
Wonder what kind of specialist deals with staple injuries?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981