Only the U.S. still pretends that Juan Guaidó still matters

It was Donald Trump that anointed Juan Guaidó 'Interim President' of Venezuela in 2019, so it seems only fitting that the U.S. is the last nation that still maintains that fiction.

Venezuela’s opposition parties are discussing a plan to wind up their “interim government” and abandon Juan Guaidó’s claim to be the country’s legitimate leader — belated recognition that the US-sponsored attempt to unseat President Nicolás Maduro has failed after nearly four years.

The end of Guaidó’s “interim government” would close the chapter on one of the world’s more bizarre diplomatic experiments.... “There is an overwhelming conviction among the majority [of the opposition] that the figure of Guaidó and the interim government is at odds with reality.”

Three of the four main parties in the Unitary Platform opposition alliance — Primero Justicia, Acción Democrática and Un Nuevo Tiempo — backed the move and had a majority of votes to push ahead with it, the person added.

The EU dropped this fiction a about 20 months ago.
Of course the party of "if we just wish hard enough it'll come true" won't let go of little Juan.

Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida accused the Biden administration Wednesday of eroding the legitimacy of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó.

In a letter to the president, Cruz and Rubio said they were concerned that Biden’s policies "are threatening to erode the international recognition and legitimacy of Juan Guaidó as the Interim President of Venezuela and of the National Assembly."

Guaidó hasn't held an elected office in years.

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enhydra lutris's picture

might believe that Guidolt once had some legitimacy and, in fact, still does. It's sad to see who we are governed by.

be well and have a good one

11 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

A battle for the control of more than $1.8bn worth of Venezuelan gold stored at the Bank of England has swung in favour of the government of Nicolás Maduro after an appeals court in London overturned an earlier high court ruling concerning whom the UK recognised as Venezuela’s president.

The court of appeal granted an appeal by the Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV) and set aside July’s high court judgment, which had found that Britain’s recognition of the opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the “constitutional interim president of Venezuela” meant the gold could not be released for the Maduro-backing bank.

The BCV sued the Bank of England in May to recover control of the gold, which it has guaranteed it will sell purely to finance Venezuela’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.The Bank of England, claiming to act independently of the Foreign Office, had refused to release the gold.It cited a British government decision in early 2019 to join dozens of nations in backing Guaidó on the basis that Maduro’s election victory the previous year was rigged.

A British commercial court will now be required to re-examine the issue.

The appeal court suggested the Foreign Office now provide clarification on the issue, but added it was up to the Foreign Office to decide whether to do so.

From past actions I have my doubts that Maduro will get his gold as the UK keeps doing the US's bidding.

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Pricknick's picture

1.8 billion is a blip on the radar screen.
Incoming or outgoing?

4 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Pricknick's picture

Damn. I forgot the /s

6 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Pluto's Republic's picture

... that President Biden and his handlers took over the US Pesidency?

The EU dropped the [Juan Guaidó] fiction about 20 months ago.

I think that Donald Trump leaving the White House must have signaled to European leaders that they could stop pretending that Venezuela had elected a new President in 2018. Their embarrassing display of Orwellian thought control had finally ended. The Europeans were traumatized by Donald Trump and the State Department. They were terrorized when Trump spoke privately to Putin about something...something. Twenty months ago, they convinced themselves that they had been rescued by Biden's Presidential win. They assumed that the Biden administration would dilute Trump's crazy world-view. But they failed to factor in the synaptic void that had grown inside Biden's brain, making him unfit. And they misread the true meaning of the constant entourage that surrounded Biden at all times.

During Biden's first year, many conflicting signals came from the White House, while the neocons were deciding which US enemies to blame for the domestic economic adversities caused by the unintended consequences of bad US foreign policy decisions. By the end of that year, it should have been crystal clear to alert observers that President Biden was moving in lockstep with President Trump's foreign policy doctrine — which had been crafted by the Neocons who surrounded Trump. The pandemic provided some distraction.

Little did the Europeans know — or the American people, for that matter — that the anti-communist fever dreams, which were programmed into their minds from childhood, had successfully hidden the rise of NAZI mind-control governance in their own established governments. As this slowly begins to dawn on them, the people run around trying to convince each other that the NAZIs were really Communists. Or that the Russians were the real Fascists. Or that Right Wing dictators actually come from the Far Left. They are so confused. But the Parties will surely tell them what to think.

To me, the Guaidó story serves as a reminder that Presidents may come and go, but the Neocon psychopaths will occupy the Anglo governments forever, in service to the Supreme Elite who stand ready to rule the world and oversee the thinning of the population.

Even before Trump encountered NATO, it had already congealed into a Frankenstein-ish proxy force with a "Terminator" mentality. Its synthetic structural inhumanity and fractured loyalty poses the greatest potential threat that the world currently faces. In a sane world, NATO would be disbanded immediately rather than being groomed as a global enforcer for the Elite Overlords. I think anyone with intelligent good sense is aware of the ominous danger that is bristling, here.

Russia knows that it is fighting for its life. China sees the threat and hopes to outlive it.

This is my considered world view.

[edit = typos]

15 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic

astute. Thanks for sharing!

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security