Truths and cover ups


The Real Anthony Fauci-The Movie

You can watch part 1 of the movie for free just by signing up. Sage Hana has made 6 clips to whet your appetite.

Part 1

Part 2
Event 201

Part 3
Masks and Compliance

Part 4
Hospital Death Protocols and Denying Treatments

Part 5
"Please may we start saving lives now?" The role of the media in demonizing effective treatments

Part 6
PCR Tests, Lab Origin Cover ups, and Five Eyes Global Surveillance

If the Covid pandemic is over will we get back our rights that have been taken from us since it started? Nope because they are already planning the next one and things will be much more worse for us.

Joe Biden announced his administration’s plans to combat future pandemics this week. Promising a game-changer to protect from the threat of future pathogens, the President asked Congress for $88 billion over five years to cover the initiative.

Biden plans to use this money to develop the U.S.’s capability to develop new vaccines, drugs and treatments in record time. The aim is for health officials to be able to develop tests within 12 hours, and a new vaccine which can be rolled out to the entire country within 130 days. The President also plans to support at least 50 countries in their systems to prevent, detect and respond to new outbreaks, and to work with donors to back a further 50 countries to do the same.

Hardly any safety testing was done on the mRNA shots for Covid and next time there won’t be any done on the next ones either. If you haven’t heard the CDC has voted to include the only authorized under emergency action mRNA shots for kids to have to take to go to school. This vaccine was only tested on 8 mice and when they were exposed to the virus they became infected. Since they released the mRNA shots VAERS has been screaming that they are causing lots of injuries and deaths and yet the CDC, FDA, Fauci and Walensky are ignoring it. They still say that the mRNA shots are Safe and Effective when they are neither. Effective vaccines prevent infection and transmission and it’s obvious that the current ones do not. Nor do they appear safe.

The September 30th 2022 VAERS update: the total devastation the original injections have done over 18 months.

Since these original wuhan version injections came out in December 2020, used for a time span of 21 months, these numbers are just flat out appalling.

31,313 deaths

58,606 permanent disabilities

179,287 required hospitalization

1,179 birth defects (that we know of)

In total, we had 1.6 MILLION adverse incidents and deaths among 1.4+MILLION people from the original two poke wuhan injections. How many adverse events/deaths/fetal deaths/birth defects are not reported? Many. It has been speculated that VAERS only captures 1-10% of the actual injuries that happen due to the injections. Given the disability applications going through the roof, we can guess that number above is woefully under-reported. As are deaths, where they listed anything but the injection as cause of death in many cases. The Ethical Skeptic has shown that very eloquently in how they have hidden cause of death to manipulate data

Here is an earlier essay by Jennifer Brown on the Pfizer data that they wanted to keep hidden from us till long after we were dead that is also worth a read.

*Updated* Pfizer Vaccine data from the data release on 4-1-22

First, of interest, Pfizer notated that they hired 600 additional people to “address the multitude of adverse events being reported due to the vaccine”, and they planned to hire another 1200 people by JUNE of 2021 to handle these incoming reports. Like I mentioned in the original Pfizer data post, THEY KNEW how bad this thing was early on. If you have to hire 1800 people just to deal with adverse event reports, there is a huge issue with vaccine safety here. IN SPRING 2021. Yet it remained on the EUA market. 1800 people…..if each of them addressed 3-4 vaccine injuries reported per day……that is a lot of reports coming in. I am hoping future data drops show more detail as to WHAT HAPPENED beyond February 28th. Clearly the injury reports increased. That is pretty profound. Considering that we have been told by media that side effects are rare and the vaccine is safe. I tried to research other drugs in the past and the number of adverse event employees they needed to hire and no data found. Waiting for the May 1st drop to see if they start to release data POST February 28th, 2021 so we can see what the vaccine did beyond the 90 day mark data we have seen thus far.

Yes they knew. They also knew before they released the jabs because their trial information told them they would. They recently admitted in court that it doesn’t matter if they committed fraud because the FDA knew that they did, but authorized them anyway.

I posted one of Katherine Watts' incredible essay on the actions congress has taken that has rescinded the constitution and our rights. Here is another one that isn’t as deep, but just as informative as the other one. Congress has made it so that the courts have no power to overrule what Fauci and his agencies are doing and they have willfully abdicated their duty to we the people.

Legal horror movie pitch: The World According to Darp.

Same issue came up in a recent reader comment:

I have not had time to read all your postings so if I have missed something forgive me. You mention "laws" passed in 2020, which if they violate the Constitution cannot actually be law.

To prosecute these people, provided a court could be found, would not the U.S. Code criminal and civil penalties for acting under color of law apply?

My reply, revised and expanded:

The key phrase there is “provided a court could be found.”

If/when such courts can be found, then yes, color of law challenges could be successfully brought.

A massive amount of unconstitutional law has been passed since around the 2001 PATRIOT Act, and Congress continues to pass unconstitutional laws to the present.

But because of the declared national emergencies (re: terrorism in 2001, renewed every year since and re: Covid-19 in Jan. 2020, extended several times since), all the constitutional provisions for checks and balances between the three branches, particularly judicial review of legislation and executive orders for constitutional muster, have also been putatively suspended.

As have the checks and balances between the federal government and the respective 50 state governments.

Almost all the federal courts have gone along with these pretenses. They have refused to openly declare the constitutional crisis that began around 2000 and became much more visible to the People in January 2020. They have refused to address it or take action to resolve it.

History cannot be totally erased.


The horse and water thing applies here so I hope that you have time to look at what I’ve posted. And in case you didn’t know Boston hospital just did another gain of function and created another SARS Covid virus for mice that killed 80% of them.

11 users have voted.


Thanks for the Fauci movie. I found the following hopeful article by TRUTH PRESS this morning. The Biden news overwhelms it a bit. Will we live long enough to see the good guys win?


A federal court on Friday ordered Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top officials to testify under oath at depositions in a case that’s uncovered evidence of alleged federal government collusion with big tech companies to censor users.

The attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri and other plaintiffs allege that Fauci, director of NIAID and President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, and other defendants, colluded and coerced social media companies to “suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content” regarding COVID-19.

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty went a step further than a previous ruling that forced written testimonies and ordered Fauci and other defendants to testify under oath at depositions.

“After finding documentation of a collusive relationship between the Biden Administration and social media companies to censor free speech, we immediately filed a motion to get these officials under oath,” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said in a statement.

“It is high time we shine a light on this censorship enterprise and force these officials to come clean to the American people, and this ruling will allow us to do just that. We’ll keep pressing for the truth.”

New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) joined the lawsuit in August, representing renowned epidemiologists Drs. Jayanta Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, as well as Dr. Aaron Kheriaty and Jill Hines.

NCLA attorney Jenin Younes said she looks forward to learning just how far the accused government officials went to push their COVID-19 “perspective.”

“For the first time, Dr. Fauci and seven other federal officials responsible for running an unlawful censorship enterprise will have to answer questions under oath about the nature and extent of their communications with tech companies,” said Younes in a statement to The Epoch Times.

The judge also ordered the depositions of former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, Director of White House Digital Strategy Rob Flaherty, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, CISA Director Jen Easterly, and FBI Supervisory Special Agent Elvis Chan.

Fauci’s ‘Self-Serving Blanket Denials’

In his ruling, Doughty said he agreed with plaintiffs that Fauci’s previous “self-serving blanket denials” about his role in censoring views on social media couldn’t be taken at face value.

“Plaintiffs argue that even if Dr. Fauci can prove he never communicated with social media platforms about censorship, there are compelling reasons that suggest Dr. Fauci has acted through intermediaries, and acted on behalf of others, in procuring the social-media censorship of credible scientific opinions.

“Plaintiffs argue that even if Dr. Fauci acted indirectly or as an intermediary on behalf of others, it is still relevant to Plaintiffs’ preliminary injunction motion. The Court agrees.

“Lastly, Plaintiffs argue that Dr. Fauci’s credibility has been in question on matters related to supposed COVID-19 ‘misinformation’ since 2020. Specifically, Plaintiffs state that Dr. Fauci has made public statements on the efficacy of masks, the percentage of the population needed for herd immunity, NIAID’s funding of ‘gain-of-function’ virus research in Wuhan, the lab-leak theory, and more.

“Plaintiffs urge that his comments on these important issues are relevant to the matter at hand and are further reasons why Dr. Fauci should be deposed. Plaintiffs assert that they should not be required to simply accept Dr. Fauci’s ‘self-serving blanket denials’ that were issued from someone other than himself at face value. The Court agrees,” Doughty said in his ruling (pdf).

Censoring Lab Leak Theory

The plaintiffs argued that Fauci allegedly insisted on the censorship of “speech backed by great scientific credibility and with enormous potential nationwide impact” that contradicted Fauci’s views.

Fauci, for example, communicated in a long-shielded phone call with some scientists to discredit any theory that COVID-19 was the result of a “lab leak” in Wuhan, China. The scientists went on to write a paper severely reprimanding others who were open to the theory.

If the lab leak theory were true, in turn, it would mean Fauci could be potentially implicated in funding the research on viruses that caused the pandemic which killed millions worldwide, plaintiffs argued. This is because Fauci funded risky “gain-of-function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through intermediaries such as EcoHealth Alliance.

In late January 2020 and early February 2020, Fauci was also in touch with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in oral communications about the government’s COVID-19 response. Facebook then allegedly went on to censor the lab leak theory, plaintiffs argued.

‘Overwhelming’ Need to Depose Officials

The court also found that Flaherty, Slavitt, Psaki, and other officials also have personal knowledge about the alleged censorship issues and ordered them to be deposed.

Doughty said there is an “overwhelming” need for Flaherty to be deposed to determine whether fundamental rights to free speech were “abridged” as a result of alleged collusion between senior Biden administration officials and Big Tech.

Plaintiffs argued Flaherty had “extensive” oral meetings with Twitter, Meta, and YouTube on vaccine hesitancy and combatting misinformation related to COVID-19.

The judge said there is a “substantive need” for the deposition of Slavitt, who served as the White House’s senior COVID-19 advisor. Doughty noted Slavitt’s remarks on a podcast which “showed he has specific knowledge as it relates” to the issues in the lawsuit.

The court order cited a series of public comments made by Psaki when she served as White House press secretary, including calling on social media platforms for consistency in banning disfavored speakers.

“Psaki has made a number of statements that are relevant to the Government’s involvement in a number of social-media platforms’ efforts to censor its users across the board for sharing information related to COVID-19,” Doughty said in his ruling.

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snoopydawg's picture


I really appreciate her posting them like she did because I haven’t had time to watch the full movie yet. But boy it looks just as hard hitting as the book.

In the one about Fauci talking about remdisiver I had very bad thoughts watching him brag about how AZT saved people who had AIDS. The truth is that AZT is a very toxic drug which he knew and more people died after they started taking it. Brix knows that he’s lying about it too. Watch her as he brags about it. She knows.

As for how toxic remdisiver is…

Sudden kidney failure, RemDEATHivir, and hidden signals

It’s too bad that when republicans take congress and Rand Paul climbs on his soapbox to go after Fauci nothing will come from it. Fauci will take some heat and squirm and that’s it. People in our government are rarely held accountable for anything they do.

11 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


In 1783, George Washington warned that if “the Freedom of Speech may be taken away,” then “dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.”
- George Washington, Address to the Officers of the Army (March 15, 1783).

Trial documents

The freedom of speech in the United States now faces one of its greatest assaults by federal government officials in the Nation’s history.

2. A private entity violates the First Amendment “if the government coerces or induces it to take action the government itself would not be permitted to do, such as censor expression of a lawful viewpoint.” Biden v. Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia Univ., 141 S. Ct. 1220, 1226 (2021) (Thomas, J., concurring). “The government cannot accomplish through threats of adverse government action what the Constitution prohibits it from doing directly.” Id.

3. That is exactly what has occurred over the past several years, beginning with express and implied threats from government officials and culminating in the Biden Administration’s open and explicit censorship programs. Having threatened and cajoled social-media platforms for years to censor viewpoints and speakers disfavored by the Left, senior government officials in the Executive Branch have moved into a phase of open collusion with social-media companies to suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social-media platforms under the Orwellian guise of halting so-called “disinformation,” “misinformation,” and “malinformation.”

El gato

these practices begin long before covid and appear to have been a widespread program by which one political party stifled the views of the other, enhancing left leaning messaging and suppressing the right.

it’s been part and parcel of a behavioral package dating back to at least the beginnings of the obama administration, the politicized weaponization of the IRS, the FBI, and who knows how much media right up through such hit singles' as “the hunter laptop is misinformation but the steele dossier is real” and “questioning the 2016 election is patriotism but questioning 2020 is insurrection.”

in an exemplary act of evasiveness, tony made written response to questions to which he was required to provide verified answers under penalty of perjury but failed to sign them.

they were instead signed by an underling.

Yeah the double standard for democrats is something else ain’t it? The heavy censorship of Hunter Biden’s laptop vs the unverified Steele dossier. Non existent Russian interference vs some questionable activity surrounding the 2020 election. In 2004 15 democrats refused to certify the election that Bush won which was legal for congress to do, but when republicans refused to certify that Biden won its treason and they shouldn’t be allowed to run ever again! Guilty without a trial.

2 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

Walensky got the new bivalant booster shot a month ago to protect herself from getting Covid, but today she is reporting that she has the Rona. Of course it’s mild and she will work from home till she is cleared of the virus. Hopefully she doesn’t plan on taking Pfizer’s-mectin because her recovery period will be doubled. There’s that proof of how effective it is.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

that from the get go, Pfizer edited it's initial report to the FDA and CDC for getting their jab approved. I mean, Big Pharma put $ over lives from the very beginning.
The push by government to plan for more warp speed mrna injections for the pandemics they guarantee are in our future seems almost like some plan we ain't in on!
And the financial planning and funding for what can only be described as future mass propaganda to further demonize and marginalize the unjabbed, before such jab are even NEEDED, seems pretty damn peculiar.
I think funding and improving VAERS would do nothing. Nobody listens to them anyway.
Thanks for keeping this topic discussion going, snoopydawg.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

They have been ignoring the safety signals since Pfizer’s trial showed that they were unsafe. A group of jab injured traveled to talk to people in the CDC about their injuries and the people who should have shown up did not. The same thing is happening in Europe too.

Steve Kirch has been emailing and calling the bigwigs in charge of this shitshow for over a year and telling them about the problems, but they just ignore him. They get the evidence…they just shrug.

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture

...this research must STOP. Gain of function research in the USA today using enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research

Russell is a bit less reserved than John...
As scientists at a Boston lab create a new deadly Covid strain with an 80% kill rate, we ask…. WHY?!!!!!!

And then there's the excess deaths across age groups despite (perhaps because of) vaccinations. With risk from vaccination now exceeding risk from COVID for most people. More here.

But no reflection, no examination nor, instead vaccines for children who are rarely impacted by COVID are now recommended by the CDC.

Pfizer executive admits COVID-19 vaccine was never tested to prevent transmission: 'This is scandalous'

The COVID power grab is obvious and shameful. The power and reach of big pharma is disgusting and the complicity of the media revealing.

Thanks for another Dose SD.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Way back in January 2021.

and EMTs were being lied to and shamed to force vaccine uptake. Below is my Jan 11, 2021 blog post with updates

Pfizer admitted the vaccine does not prevent Covid infection, and other vaccine problems; and how EMTs are being lied to and shamed to force vaccine uptake

People have asked why I was not blogging about the Covid vaccines. To be honest, I felt there was not enough information for me to be decisive, and I was waiting for more information to become available.

However, someone called me this morning and told me about a lot of allergic reactions, including one anaphylactic reaction, at a local hospital after 30 doses were given. Staff were instructed to keep this quiet.

Today I watched a short Ben Swann video about the vaccines, in which he read the "Declination form" to be signed by EMTs in Maine who refuse the vaccine. It contained false and misleading statements, and I realized I should no longer delay discussing what I know about the vaccines

Unfortunately the link she used is gone to wherever dead links go to. But she has been on top of the Covid scam since day 1. The Maine medical pharma’s shills canceled her medical license and insisted that she go under psychological evaluation and she is currently on trial for doing everything in her power to keep her patients alive. Imagine looking into someone who saves lives instead of looking at the doctors who take them by following Fauci’s deadly remdisiver/ventilators scheme that has a high death toll. She is live blogging her trial on her substack.

As for making the emergency use only mRNA shots mandatory for kids when many countries in Europe have banned kids under a certain age to get them, the CDC ignored the over 90,000 comments from people who were against them doing it. Plus everyone out of the 15 people who authorized them said that they have no conflicts of interest which is a flat out lie.

If these jabs were about keeping people alive and not dying from Covid then early treatments would not have been banned and people wouldn’t have been told to go home and infect their families and only return when they couldn’t breath. How ghastly was that? Old people who lived alone were cut off from family who could have seen to their needs like they do when old people get sick and need help. That was so fcking cruel to do to them. How many died alone?

But if you read the Katherine Watts essays I linked you will see that there’s a good chance that they will get away with it. So no Nuremberg trials #2.

11 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

now they call it ‘Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogen research’ (ePPP). Therefore the law and directives prohibiting domestic gain of function research do not apply. Amirite?

It’s difficult to consider this reckless behavior anything short of TOTAL INSANITY!


You might also be interested in the two most recent posts by Jessica Rose on her SubStack page.
….and the beat goes on.

11 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

snoopydawg's picture


and her current essay is another good read. I’ve left out many of the people I follow on substack just so I don’t overload the information. If you like detailed essays then A Midwestern Doctor is excellent too. Yves Smith likes to excerpt his comments on Naked Capitalism. This one is on the weird adverse effects he is seeing.
Lots of people are waking up to the fact that they have been lied to about Covid from the beginning, but the number of injuries is getting more attention daily and more people know someone who has been.

This is scary.

A New Cancer Epidemic

The tragic thing about this experience was that the cases I alone encountered had previously been sufficient to consider pulling a vaccine from the market. Unfortunately, like many other red flags, they were instead ignored. Within this compilation, the cases I encountered pertaining to the focus of this article are summarized under the section titled “Immune Suppression and Cancer”

11 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

The Real Anthony Fauci-The Movie, #7

Gene Editing Injections, Propaganda, African Pharma Colonialism, Vaccine Injuries, Collapsing Athletes

The Real Anthony Fauci-The Movie, #8
VAERS and Vaccine Injuries, AIDS and the Rise of Fauci, Kary Mullis and the PCR Test

She might post more so check her website.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

attorney, died from kidney cancer last week.
No history of cancer in his family history.
He actually wrote a letter to his primary physician asking the dr. why was his treatment, his early testing, so defective? Like, nothing my friend complained about was taken seriously. He only got a biopsy because he demanded one! He was peeing some coffee colored urine, and his dr. didn't suggest ANY testing. Strange times.RIP, Mark.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

injuries or in any way add to vaccine hesitancy. It’s what is behind the California bill that takes away their right to give informed consent to their patients. Lots of doctors know that their patients have been injured by the jabs, but if they report on it they can lose their license. And all of this is legal under the Prep act that Watts has documented so well. Has anyone read it yet? You should so you can see how congress removed your rights.

Facebook keeps removing any group related to vax injuries and leaves people who are trying to find help and answers in the dark. How callous and cruel is that for people who have been abandoned by the medical industry?

Most of the health care providers I have spoken to have also observed an increasing trend in vaccine injuries (especially cancers). For example this was a recent conversation with a friend who works in a major hospital (over the course of the year they identified a severe and a critical vaccine injury which were listed in cases below):
Me: Have you been noticing a change in the frequency of adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines?
Her: Yes. Last night we had a 26 year old come to out ER with a retinal infarction (this is a very rare condition that primarily affects older patients). The medical residents here are starting to talk about it, and I’ve heard many of the supervising doctors reference America’s Front Line Doctors. Huge change from 6 months ago. The whole thing is really painful to observe and it’s now difficult for me to recall all the injuries I am seeing.

I can attest to how rare this is if patients have no underlying pathology and especially in someone so young. The infarction was most probably caused by a blood clot.This adverse effect is not rare either in people who have gotten jabbed and can lead to more loss of site because of how damaging it is to the retina. Gee no wonder people call the jabs the clot shot.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg a day or so ago. Just an overthrow of government, because pandemic. I cant believe this is happening, as it is like stepping into The Twilight Zone.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

showing Less than 7% uptake for
the Boosters in the US

had an encounter with a fully jabbed and onboard
with the bivalent(?) for his two year old kid specimen
the other day
tried to mention that it wasn’t even Tested on Humans and
was accused of being divisive

Left the convo to die right there the
Chutzpah to suggest the Control group were
the ones being ‘divisive’
mind Blown

so I guess I should Encourage all those
beLIEvers in the narrative to
please, Please, PLEASE line up
every two to three months for ‘Life’ to
receive your ‘boosters’

just leave the rest of us
the fuck Alone in
the meantime.

Thanks to all those who’ve posted the Dose over the last couple of years
and to jtc for the platform

6 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

snoopydawg's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

Here’s an excellent article about how or why the good Germans saw the Jews as they did. And as someone recently said, history never ends and it’s why it keeps repeating.

The day I understood the 'good German'

The greatest mystery of World War II has been solved. The enigma lasted more than eight decades.

"Hospitals in multiple countries reportedly declined to treat a 3-year-old boy with a serious heart condition because his parents weren't vaccinated against COVID-19", says the story published in NewsWeek

He is a boy from Cyprus. He tried to go to Germany to have surgery. "At the last minute, the Frankfurt hospital told authorities in Cyprus that the surgery wasn't going to happen. The hospital reportedly cited the parents' lack of a COVID-19 vaccine as the reason", the news reports.

What is the difference between the health professionals in those hospitals and the doctors who applauded Dr Jost Walbaum? What is the difference between them and those who saw the trains full of children going to Auschwitz and didn't care? None. They made me understand the "good German". A contempt for the lives of others.

"Recipients are heavily scrutinized to qualify for hard-to-come-by hearts or any other organs for transplant. They have to go to the patient most likely to survive," commented an anonymous "good German" in the news, behaving like the people who were afraid of the starving children in the Warsaw ghetto.

"Ignore the rules, engage in high risk behavior and get tossed off the list for transplants. Same rules that have always been in place," commented a North American who appreciates rules being obeyed.

Since the jabs don’t protect from infection more people are put at risk from the jabbed because too many people don’t know that and they let their guard down. But some get to play high and mighty no matter what it costs others. We have known for some time that they don’t and it was a bombshell to others when the Pfizer lady admitted it, but still too many people think that unjabbed and uninfected people are a threat to them. And that’s why the manipulative people keep telling them that.

Sage also has a hard hitting essay on this

In it she talks about Noem Chomsky's remarks about the unjabbed when he said that they should be locked up and no food should be sent to them. She includes lots of others saying that.

So now we have a great insight to what happened long ago.

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

The government is fighting against the whistleblower and for Pfizer. Only in corrup America.

A Judge is About to Rule on Pfizergate Case to Hold Big Pharma Accountable for Covid Vaccine Fraud

The last shred of hope for holding Big Pharma accountable for fraud now rests on a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturer Pfizer. In an update provided to Becker News, a judge is soon expected to issue his ruling on whether or not the ‘Pfizergate’ fraud case proceeds to trial.

“The judge is deciding, as I type, whether we go to discovery or the case is dismissed,” Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson tells Becker News.

After the CDC this week voted to add the Covid shots to its Childhood Vaccines Schedule, under the PREP Act, it has effectively been granted legal immunity to lawsuits. There is no legal immunity if Pfizer committed fraud, however.

In September, Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson came forward with her explosive report about the company’s alleged malfeasance, citing ‘falsified data’ and manipulated clinical trials. In January, she filed a lawsuit against Pfizer for committing fraud against the American people, In February, the judge ruled that the lawsuit, being led by attorney Robert Barnes, can proceed to pre-trial discovery phase. It is now on the verge of potentially going to trial.

“Jackson has told The BMJ that, during the two weeks she was employed at Ventavia in September 2020, she repeatedly informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns, and data integrity issues,” the report added. “Jackson was a trained clinical trial auditor who previously held a director of operations position and came to Ventavia with more than 15 years’ experience in clinical research coordination and management.”

The U.S. government has moved to dismiss the case, which cites the False Claims Act.

“The United States remains a real party in interest in this suit under the False Claims Act, even though it has not intervened in the case.,” the motion states. “The False Claims Act is the primary statute on which the Federal Government relies to combat fraud against the public fisc and to recover taxpayer dollars lost to fraud or false claims. The Government therefore has a substantial interest in the development of the law in this area and in the correct application of that law in this and similar cases. While fraud on the Food and Drug Administration or the failure to comply with clinical trial protocols could potentially give rise to False Claims Act liability in an appropriate case, in the instant case the complaint does not plead a sufficient nexus between the alleged clinical trial violations and the alleged requests for payment from the Government to support such liability.”

I think people in hell will get ice water before Pfizer is held accountable, but there’s always hope.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

And this piece of shit is charged with the duty to protect the health, among others, of children. I guess kids who are jabbed make better sexual play things. Less likely to get pregnant.

People like this woman and her bf test my limits on non-violence.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

It was set in the early 1900's

And of course Fauci destroyed it by doing what he has done since he got his position.

How We Got Here: Informed Consent Under Fauci and Grady

In1986, Christine Grady and Anthony Fauci argued that having an ethical physician in charge of decision-making was more important than informed consent, reversing 70 years of ethical standards first set forth for the Post-WWII era world by the Nuremberg Code. Christine Grady, Chief of the Department of Bioethics, is Fauci’s wife. (See: Grady & Fauci, "The Role of the Virtuous Investigator in Protecting Human Research Subjects" (Paywalled).

Their position is that the world can trust people in white coats conducting medicine and human experimentation to be “virtuous” while, at the same time, writing their own rules and setting their own standards for “virtue” - and that physicians’ say over the disposition of patients in medical research is more important than the patients’ say because the physicians understand more.

In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act not only indemnified Pharmaceutical companies against claims of injury and death from vaccines; it created a permanent prospective (ongoing) human subjects research trial in which the long-term safety of vaccines is studied after they are administered to the public under the euphemism of “Pharmcovigilence”.

The Act also established pediatricians as “learned intermediaries” who petitioned to not have to describe all of the risks and benefits of vaccines to each parent every time and ensure the parent is sufficiently informed. Instead, they brokered a deal to shirk this responsibility, subtending informed consent activities to mere “Vaccine Information Sheets (VISs)” they only have to hand to patients in lieu of describing the risks and benefits.. In many cases, VISs are handed to parents after the child is vaccinated.

More recently, pediatricians have been encouraged to adopt a strategy of “presumed consent”, by telling parents “Ok, it’s time for Bobby’s MMR vaccine” or “Today, Susie’s going to have the chickenpox vaccine”… a far, far cry from the administrative requirements codified by prior supreme court rulings.

Under Fauci and Grady, and under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, informed consent in the US is now only barely better than it was in Medieval times, when

“physicians considered themselves extensions of God and did not deign to confer with patients about their care.”

When you go to your doctor or a hospital you are urged to sign away your informed consent authorization if you check the box stating that you authorize the doctor to do what he thinks best. Now that I know that I will either not sign it or add that nothing is done without my consent unless my life is on the line. If you agree that it shouldn’t just be negated then inform your family and friends about this.

I got a terrifying informed consent before my jaw reconstruction. He went on and on about all the things that could have gone wrong and it quite frankly scared me. I only had one minor problem that he talked about and so it was worth it.

Interesting read if you’re interested.

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