Newsgard wants history rewritten

Fake News

The Response NewsGuard Rejected

On June 2, Consortium News responded to NewsGuard’s allegation that CN was publishing “false content” on Ukraine, a response NewsGuard rejected when it gave CN its red mark.

The Pentagon and State Dept.-linked outfit, with an ex-N.S.A. and C.I.A. director on its board, is accusing Consortium News of publishing “false content” on Ukraine, reports Joe Lauria.

Consortium News is being “reviewed” by NewsGuard, a U.S. government-linked organization that is trying to enforce a narrative on Ukraine while seeking to discredit dissenting views.

The organization has accused Consortium News, begun in 1995 by former Associated Press investigative reporter Robert Parry, of publishing “false content” on Ukraine.

It calls “false” essential facts about Ukraine that have been suppressed in mainstream media: 1) that there was a U.S.-backed coup in 2014 and 2) that neo-Nazism is a significant force in Ukraine. Reporting crucial information left out of corporate media is Consortium News‘ essential mission.

But NewsGuard considers these facts to be “myths” and is demanding Consortium News “correct” these “errors.”

Who is NewsGuard?

NewsGuard set itself up in 2018 as a judge of news organizations’ credibility. The front page of NewsGuard’s website shows that it is “partners” with the State Department and the Pentagon, as well as with several major corporations, such as Microsoft. The nature of these “partnerships” is not entirely clear.

NewsGuard is a private corporation that can shield itself from First Amendment obligations. But it has connections to formerly high-ranking U.S. government officials in addition to its “partnerships” with the State Dept. and the Pentagon.

Among those sitting on NewsGuard’s advisory board are Gen. Michael Hayden, the former Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency director; Tom Ridge, the first U.S. Homeland Security director and Anders Fogh Rasmussen, a former secretary general of NATO. NewGuard says its “advisors provide advice and subject-matter expertise to NewsGuard. They play no role in the determinations of ratings or the Nutrition Label write ups of websites unless otherwise noted and have no role in the governance or management of the organization.”

The co-CEO, with former Wall Street Journal publisher Louis Gordon Crovitz, is Steven Brill, who in the 1990s published Brill’s Content, a magazine that was billed as a watchdog of the press, critiquing the role of the media to hold government to account. NewsGuard is a government-affiliated organization judging media like Consortium News that is totally independent of government or corporations.

NewsGuard has a rating process that results in a news organization receiving either a green or red label. Fox News and other major media, for example, have received green labels.

Getting a red label means that potentially millions of people that have the NewsGuard extension installed and operating on their browsers will see the green or red mark affixed to websites on social media and Google searches. (For individuals that do not already have it installed and operating on Microsoft’s browser, it costs $4.95 a month in the U.S., £4.95 in the U.K., or €4.95 in the EU to run the extension.)

According to NewsGuard, libraries in the U.S. and Britain have had it installed on their computers, and it is also being put on computers of U.S. active duty personnel. Slate reported in January 2019 that NewsGuard:

Consortium News was contacted by NewsGuard analyst Zachary Fishman. In his request to speak to someone at Consortium News he said categorically that CN had published “false content” and that the interview would be on the record. “I’m hoping to talk with someone who could answer a few questions about its structure and editorial processes — including its ownership, its handling of corrections, and its publication of false content,” he wrote in an email.

As editor-in-chief, I informed him that our founder, editors and writers came from high levels of establishment journalism. I told him that in thousands of press interviews I’ve conducted over nearly half a century in journalism I had never known anyone accusing a prospective interviewee of misconduct upfront and then determining that the interview would be on the record, when the ground rules are usually set by the person being interviewed.

Fishman apologized and tried to say his mind wasn’t made up about Consortium News, when he had clearly stated that it was. “I do apologize that the wording of my email insinuated that I had come to a predetermined conclusion on whether your website has published false content, when I have not — be sure that I am interested in your responses to my questions,” he wrote in an email.

Charge: There Was ‘No US-Backed Coup’

NewsGuard alleges that Consortium News has published “false content” by reporting that there was a U.S.-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014 and that ne0-Nazis have significant influence in the country.

Fishman took issue with a:

“February 2022 article ‘Ukraine: Guides to Reflection,’ [which] asserted, ‘Hence, the inflation of Russian behavior in Ukraine (where Washington organized a coup against a democratically elected government because we disliked its political complexion) … .’

Fishman then wrote:

“The U.S. supported the Maidan revolution that ousted then-Ukraine President Viktor Yanikovych (sic) in 2014 — including a December 2013 visit by John McCain to Kyiv in support of protesters — but there is no evidence that the U.S. ‘organized’ a ‘coup.’ Instead, it has the markings of a popular uprising, precipitated by widely covered protests against Yanukovych’s decision to suspend preparations for the signing of an association and free-trade agreement with the European Union.”

Viktor Yanukovych was democratically elected as president of Ukraine in 2010 in an election certified by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a fact not mentioned in NewsGuard’s writings on the change of government in Ukraine. Even though Yanukovych agreed to an EU political settlement and early elections, violence forced him to flee from the capital on Feb. 21, 2014. Reporting that the neo-Nazi Right Sector was at the forefront of the violent overthrow, The New York Times (green check) wrote earlier that day:

“Dmytro Yarosh, the leader of Right Sector, a coalition of hard-line nationalist groups, reacted defiantly to news of the settlement, drawing more cheers from the crowd.

‘The agreements that were reached do not correspond to our aspirations,’ he said. ‘Right Sector will not lay down arms. Right Sector will not lift the blockade of a single administrative building until our main demand is met — the resignation of Yanukovych.’ He added that he and his supporters were ‘ready to take responsibility for the further development of the revolution.’ The crowd shouted: ‘Good! Good!’

A study on the violence used to overthrow the government, by Prof. Serhiy Kudelia, a political scientist at Baylor University, says the overthrow succeeded because of “the embeddedness of violent groups” in a non-violent protest. The violence began on Dec. 1, 2013 when these violent groups attacked police with “iron chains, flares, stones and petrol bombs” and tried to ram a bulldozer through police lines. The police viciously fought back that day.

As the International Business Times (IBT) (green check) wrote about these groups at the time:

“According to a member of anti-fascist Union Ukraine, a group that monitors and fights fascism in Ukraine, ‘There are lots of nationalists here [EuroMaidan] including Nazis. They came from all over Ukraine, and they make up about 30% of protesters.

Different groups [of anarchists] came together for a meeting on the Maidan. While they were meeting, a group of Nazis came in a larger group, they had axes and baseball bats and sticks, helmets, they said it was their territory. They called the anarchists things like Jews, blacks, communists. There weren’t even any communists, that was just an insult. The anarchists weren’t expecting this and they left. People with other political views can’t stay in certain places, they aren’t tolerated,’ a member of the group continued.”

The violence by far-right groups was evidently condoned by Sen. John McCain who expressed his support for the uprising by addressing the Maidan crowd later that month. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and then U.S. ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt visited the square after the violence had broken out.

NewsGuard’s account of the events of Feb. 21, 2014 says that even though Yanukovych agreed to the early elections, “angry protestors demanded Yanukovych’s immediate resignation,” and he fled on that day after “hundreds of police guarding government buildings abandoned their posts.” NewsGuard then says “protestors took control of several government buildings the next day.”

There’s much more to the article that you can read, but this should wet your appetite. Almost every corporate media site has written about the neo Nazis in Ukraine and the role they had in the coup that happened with our help and support during Obama’s tenure. And that Joe Biden was given charge for what happened afterwards. And that John McCain was in the country at the time and he and Lindsay Graham told the Nazis that after Obama was out of office they would be getting lots more support and weapons. Unfortunately the Hellabitch lost to Trump and everything was put on hold until Biden became president and everything was put in place again. But even before he won the CIA , BlackWater and others were training Ukraine’s military and stuffing the country with weapons.

What do you bet that Newsgard has contacted every corporate media site and told them to scrub their history of the Maidan Square massacre and our role in the 2014 Ukraine coup?

The government has connections to Newsgard which makes their actions unconstitutional, but then they have been telling social media companies what content isn’t allowed so I’m sure they will get away with colluding with them.

Democrats have been the ones pushing for censorship so make sure that you vote blue no matter who this November so that republicans don’t take over congress.

17 users have voted.


The control of content is almost absolute. The vast majority of the public is unaware of this and as a result is brainwashed.

I noticed during the last primary multiple supporters of Bernie were removed from twitter for telling the truth while khive was allowed to spew their venom.

The tentacles of control are embedded everywhere from sports, UN, EU, USAID, OAS to name a few.

It is frustrating but all the we can do is vent until a further crackdown emerges.

Fahrenheit 451 comes to mind.

15 users have voted.

is considered as facts. LOL

Can't forget the State Department's continual distortions.

16 users have voted.

@humphrey The Germans have declared that they know who blew up their own pipeline but will not reveal the source for national security reasons. Sure, Putin is waging war on democracy.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


stayed silent for 8 years while Ukraine killed fellow Ukrainians living in the Donbas even though there was an agreement against them doing that. So MANY people are not aware of the history of this conflict, but I do my best to inform them and boy do I get called lots of names. Some people just want to stay ignorant. Nazis! Putin propaganda even though many corporate media sites have covered it for the last 8 years.

6 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

@snoopydawg than Zelenski. Strange thinking, especially from the left.

9 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

as to what is acceptable news. Customized for your enhanced understanding of
geo-political issues. Homogenized for easy consumption! Don't think twice,
cause it's all right.

8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

I am going to vote for internet(social media, etc) censorship. The reason is that the term internet censorship now more and more implies the utter destruction of the individual to function in society. We saw the beginnings in such acts as VISA cutting off donations to Wikileaks. Has now snowballed into Patreon, PayPal, Gofundme, etc.

But the most chilling part was all the covid related wiping out of an individual. In Canada it extended to wiping out everyday people contributing to trucker protests who had their bank accounts frozen.

So Google is getting better and better it seems to effectively disappearing search results from potentially forbidden queries.

12 users have voted.
QMS's picture


That seems to be the problem. Only those sites that are contrary to the accepted meme
seem to get censored. I can't see how this tool working on peoples understanding will be
used any more effectively either way.

9 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS @QMS lay in the behavior and content of major media.
it has been absolute censorship through false or vacuous content,
while real things are happening in the world that impact our very lives.
they shut down our airwaves, cut us off from independent venues, persecute, arrest or shoot journalists and allow war criminals to determine boundaries of discussion.
I think the question is moot.

11 users have voted.
QMS's picture


I believe you are saying that major media can not be legally censored - free speech and all -
So the issue becomes to who's advantage does pre-cenesoring news by algorithms
fall under the umbrella of free speech. It is not difficult to see which memes are allowed
to pass for acceptable news broadcasts. Do computers have free speech now?

8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS @QMS Legal or not (and I imagine we have even sweeter prohibitions than the UK) these consolidated crooks are not in the same business that was the 20th century media in the US.
They are there doing the job they are there to do.
keep us stupid and blaming ourselves for their sordid works.

11 users have voted.

8 users have voted.