Obama speaks about Ukraine
Barack Obama on the Ukraine War
From Pod Save America a few days ago pic.twitter.com/mAm0QCzwB5
— Compton Jay (@ComptonMadeMe) October 15, 2022
"They are our allies."
He pretends that he isn’t privy to what Biden’s doing.
He’s concerned about the lines of communication. There were diplomatic channels during the Cold War that are not open now. He blames the Russian regime and especially Putin for lack of communication. Hey did you forget that Russia did try to communicate and offered ways to stop what has happened?
Lots of people are saying this:
I couldn't listen to the whole thing. His voice makes me sick to my stomach.
am glad we don't have to listen to Obama's 10 minute answers to a simple question as president anymore
Mass murderer says what???
Obama took part in the Ukraine coup 8 years ago...he should not be asked what to do with Ukraine also Ukraine is using kill lists something Obama codified during the war on terror he also passed a kidnapping law where they lock you up without charge or trial...US Citizens....
Typical Obama
that was like an obstacle course to eventually state nothing
4 minutes coulda been condensed to 20 seconds or no time at all with that word salad. The need for dialogue was the only thing he said worth mentioning.
Why is anyone listening to the opinion of a war criminal on this issue? We are being abused by our “leaders.”
bunch of word salad from a mass murderer.
Perhaps assisting in the 2014 coup in Ukraine wasn't such a good idea. Typical partisan, no reflection.
Hey didn’t Biden promise to get permission before he started touching people without their permission?
Name one word that best describes this video...... pic.twitter.com/njiHlyiUSO
— Diamond and Silk® (@DiamondandSilk) October 15, 2022
But then he joked about doing it so I guess young girls are still open prey for him. He did it just a few days before too and sniffed a woman’s hair while getting ice cream. He’s sick in more ways than one!

Obama's hair might be turning grey but his bank account keeps
turning greener.
One heck of a job for a supposedly community organizer.
Mission accomplished!
Must have taken Hillary's advice to heart.
Also too:
Biden sill got it!
Hi humphrey
You must be feeling especially cynical tonight ; ).
Unfortuately the way things are developing this is becoming
my normal attitude.
Edited to add this as it seems fitting. LOL:
I get it
The choice of most that is normal is not an option.
What else would you expect
from a country where sheep and cows rule the land and farmers expect normal.
I wish it were different.
I could not listen past this comment ...
… "Zelensky himself has risen to the moment his biography would not have necessarily anticipated” ???
What does Obama mean by that, and how did he become so mundane?
he sounds better if he says nothing,
can't believe that in another former decade I listended to what he said., just because he had an African father like my son. Thank God, my son didn't turn out like him.
The guy has weird allies. Nazis to be precise. Period.
Nausea, Early Sunday Morning
Thanks, Snoop. \s
I could barely listen to this drivel. The entire pretend to be deeply thinking shtick O's got going on turns my stomach.
He and his accomplice Tommy Vietor have a lot of surprises coming in the next few weeks.
Ground is freezing in the Eastern Ukraine/Russian fields. Movement of the UKR forces will be limited.
They will be caught in a trap as the superior Russian air assaults continue. Artillery will force the UKR forces either to flee or surrender.
Meanwhile, power sources and Russia's enemies will find their supply depots severely disadvantaged. No fuel. No lights.
Babble on Obama, if it makes you feel good. America will not be listening much, I bet.
It's not a huge
surprise that Obama would tread lightly in areas where it might be seen as criticism of his former VP.
But he came surprisingly close with his remark that lines of communication between the US leadership and the Kremlin are actually "weaker" now than at any time during the Cold War, which is true. Also noteworthy his comments about how the US needs to carefully consider the extent of its support for UKR. I detect there a reference to his comments w The Atlantic from a few yrs ago as to how UKR is far more in Russia's core interests, not in ours.
That said, it was a softball interview w Pod Save America which is all ex Obama/Clinton people, so few fireworks or major news could be expected.
Not talking with threats is the US diplomatic policy
"Diamond and Silk", huh?
Could anyone tell me a bit more about them?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
In terms of mass psychology what happens when January comes
If Colonel Doug Macgregor is correct (https://www.youtube.com/c/ColonelDouglasMacgregor) that when the ground freezes in Ukraine (Nov or Dec) Russia will begin a major offensive. And the offensive will be regular Russian soldiers and not local militias, etc. He believes Odessa might be taken in the offensive.
When it becomes clear that the Russians have achieved their objectives, basically won, how will all the pundits in the West/America react as they all seem to think that Russia is losing the war. Many normie democrats especially have become emotionally invested in a Ukrainian victory with regime change in Russia.
normie democrats especially have become emotionally invested
to say nothing of heavily invested monetarily (not their money but ours)
after spending trillions, it would be another look alike Afghan adventure lost.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare