The reality of the democrats inflation reduction act

It’s one of the biggest turds ever passed and just like Obama made the Bush tax cuts permanent, Biden and democrats have made the Trump cuts permanent too. Republicans screwed up on it and many rich people got screwed so they had to fix parts of it and democrats were right there helping them do it. I’m betting that if we looked inside the bill we will find that Pelosi was able to get the SALT tax fixed so her friends don’t have to pay higher property taxes.

The Democrats are celebrating the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act over unified Republican opposition, claiming that the legislation is a historic breakthrough. Sadly, it's not.

Though the new legislation takes some steps in the right direction on climate and drug prices, it falls far short of what is needed. The Democrats, with control over the White House and both houses of Congress, squandered the historic opportunity for a progressive breakthrough.

There are four big reasons to be skeptical of the Democratic Party's self-congratulation.

1.Despite its title, the new legislation will have essentially no effect on reducing inflation during the next few years.

Calling the legislation the "Inflation Reduction Act" was a marketing ploy, not reality.

2. Most of President Joe Biden's original social agenda was left out of the legislation.

Unlike the first draft of the legislation (under the original banner of "Build Back Better"), the new law stripped out most of the social programs in Biden's original program, essentially because conservative Democrats blocked all of the proposed tax hikes on the rich that would have paid for such programs. The Dems abandoned earlier proposals for universal pre-kindergarten and subsidized child care, paid family and medical leave, free community college and expanded child tax credits, among other initiatives.

3. Democrats once again sided with campaign donors and lobbyists over everyday voters.

Biden's initial plan called for at least partly reversing the unjustified giveaway to the rich in former President Donald Trump's 2017 corporate tax cut. It also called for raising personal income taxes on the richest Americans and on ending some egregious tax loopholes. These tax objectives were abandoned when conservative Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona protected the rich rather than their own constituents. They went with the campaign contributions, not the voters.

With no meaningful tax increases on the rich, the federal government will continue to run chronic and rising budget deficits as a share of GDP, even with the legislation stripped of important social initiatives. Federal outlays as a share of GDP are rising over time as the US population ages, health care costs rise and as money continues to be squandered on record military budgets and overseas wars. Direct outlays on wars since 9/11, including the current war in Ukraine, have cost $2.3 trillion and many trillions more in other costs, such as veterans' care.

The long upward march of the debt-to-GDP ratio will therefore continue. When former President Ronald Reagan assumed office in 1981, the federal debt was 24.6% of GDP. He sold the American people on the idea that they could have their social programs and tax cuts at the same time. Yet the real result has been a 40-year build-up of public debt. In 2021, the debt was 96.9% of GDP. According to the most recent projection of the Congressional Budget Office, the debt will grow to a staggering 185% of GDP in thirty years on the current tax and spending plans.

4. The much-touted climate actions will deliver modest results despite the headline promises and bravado.

Here's a hint why: Sen. Manchin, owner of two coal companies and darling of the oil lobby, let the bill pass. He knows the truth that the Democrats won't admit. This bill will not come close to putting the US or the world on the path to energy decarbonization.

According to much-touted claims, the new law will direct nearly $370 billion to clean energy and will reduce US greenhouse gas emissions as of 2030 by around 40% below the 2005 level. Yet this claim is easily misunderstood. The Princeton study used to support it actually asserts that the legislation will reduce emissions by around 15% of 2005 emissions, with the remaining 27% reduction as of 2030 predicted to occur based on pre-existing trends, even without the new legislation.

A staggering 85% of Americans say that the country is on the wrong track. We are often told that this is because America is divided. The real reason is that our political system represents narrow interests, not those of the vast majority of Americans. Alas, there is far too little to celebrate in this regard with the new legislation.

#4 will allow drilling in the Alaska wilderness and the Gulf of Mexico. Schumer and Biden made a deal with Manchin for his vote and they helped him get his pipeline deal passed that will benefit his companies.

But during its first year in power, the Biden administration approved drilling permits at a faster pace than its overtly industry-allied predecessor.

And last month, the Biden Interior Department sparked outrage among environmentalists by suggesting it would be willing to greenlight new oil and gas drilling in federal waters off the coast of Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which Biden signed into law earlier this week, contains provisions that mandate fossil fuel lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska, a giveaway to the oil and gas industry and its leading Democratic ally in the Senate, Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

Gee I’m seeing shitlibs saying that Biden has lots of leverage on Manchin to get him to go along with passing the good parts of the bill that would help we the people, but… instead Biden and Schumer are giving Manchin everything he asks for. Of course shitlibs are singing democrat's praises for passing the bill, but I doubt any of them even know how bad it truly is.

As we see there could be plenty of money to help poor Americans, but congress doesn’t think that they should be a priority. We’ve given trillions to defense companies and private mercenaries who in turn funnel the money back to congress while more and more veterans cannot get health care nor get off living on the streets.

Also Biden is terminating free vaccines, testing and treatment after I’m sure that insurance lobbyists said it’s time for them to start making more obscene money and gawd only knows what people without health insurance are going to do. Die I guess.

Recipe for disaster, unless you are a pharmaceutical company or other profit center in the healthcare market."

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) plans to meet with representatives from drug manufacturers, pharmacies, and state health departments on August 30 to "map out" how to shift the bill for coronavirus jabs and therapeutics from the federal government to individuals, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The looming transition that many have anticipated and resisted since the onset of the ongoing pandemic is expected to take months.

"We've known at some point we'd need to move over into the commercial market, and we're approaching that time now," said Dawn O'Connell, assistant secretary at HHS for preparedness and response. "We don't want to do it by fiat."

Transferring the acquisition of Covid-19 shots and therapeutics, which also owe their existence to years of taxpayer-funded research, to the commercial market portends billions of dollars in additional profits for Big Pharma.

Alan Greyson only got it half right. Sure republicans just want us to die instead of having universal health care, but democrats have always been right there with them wanting the same damn thing! Biden promised that even if MFA passed congress that he would veto it. 81 people voted for him anyway and today I’m seeing lots of shitlibs bitching about their health insurance. They did the same thing after voting for the Hellabitch instead of Bernie. Something about cutting off ones nose….?

Democrats keep letting the parliamentarian decide what they can pass through reconciliation while republicans just ignore it when they are in charge. None of the prescription drugs will be lowered until 2025 which gives republicans plenty of time to roll it back after they take charge next year. Plus Schumer deliberately left out insulin and then he let the parliamentarian rule it out. Trump made it so insulin doesn’t cost more than $35, but Biden canceled the executive order because of course he did. I wonder if we will ever know how many diabetics have died because they couldn’t afford their insulin which the creator of sold it to us for $1? Is anyone in government even looking?

On my local rag this morning was an article about how more people are becoming homeless and lots of money is being thrown at the problem, but nothing mentioned on building affordable housing. Then there’s an article on how Biden is sending another $775 million in weapons to Ukraine and how many Ukraine refugees are doing living in America. So we see that there is plenty of money for we Americans…, but!

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positives in this bill. It looks like the right people get a huge benefit, and the middle class foots the bill.
Manchin and Sinema do not seem to have any regard for anything except power and money. Good Democrats, amirite?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

is that Democratic historians will refuse to record everything he did and said since 1973 and blame it all on Alzheimer's.

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On to Biden since 1973

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snoopydawg's picture

It’s just sad that the minders and Jill have no qualms or empathy to let him continue when it’s obvious that his mental faculties are no longer there. The media was covering and questioning it before Obama cleared the field for Biden to win. But he’s actually a great representative for America since he’s following in the footsteps of Reagan and Trump. Obama is recognized as a great speaker, but I doubt many people know that he took lessons on how to speak like he does and if you actually listen to his words you see that he’s not saying anything. He was the first person I remember who filibusters whilst speaking and he’s actually just as bad as Kamala IMO.

America has lost everything that once made it great and it’s fitting that Biden is president of it now.

I’d feel bad for Biden if he had been a decent person when his mind was intact, but frankly my dears I don’t give a damn!

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

We call him Death Satan here in Florida. Our primary is next Tuesday. If I have to watch another Matt Gaetz commercial, I may shoot myself. I constantly mute the TV.

That inflation reduction act bill doesn't do a damn thing for anybody. I heard the other day that Biden is going on a road trip to 23 different states to sell it before November's election. If there was anything good in it, he wouldn't have to sell it. It would sell itself.

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snoopydawg's picture


He’s going to lecture people into being nice to their friends on the opposite side like he does with republicans even knowing that they will never help democrats pass their legislation. IMO it’s congress that is dishing out the hate because they haven’t done anything to help the working class in decades. Our government is at war with most of the people and has been passing legislation that only helps their donors for decades.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg targeted the hated blacks is gonna lecture people about getting along?
How much stupider does it have to get before even Blue No Matter Who ditches him?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@snoopydawg With inflation so high why don't they raise EBT to help people. You should see the free food lines here. I'm expecting this country to explode one day. Hungry people riot.

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snoopydawg's picture


So many states have such low amounts for food stamps that it barely gives them enough to buy one meal. Food banks are also overwhelmed with the number of people who are going to them and still congress does nothing to help. And trying to get affordable housing from state agencies means you are on the list for years before something comes available. And then what does become available is so gawd awful that they should be condemned. We’ve been throwing billions at the homeless problem for decades and it’s just gets worse every year, but no one does anything different. I think some people are getting rich off the problem but I’m not sure how they are.

And people’s attitude towards the homeless needs to change. Look at any comments on it and most say that people want to stay homeless because they are addicted to drugs or alcohol. It’s a way for them to shrug off any empathy they could have and let’s them look the other way. I’m doubtful that parents with kids are willing to let them live on the street just so they can stay drunk or high.

Utah just sold an old historic theater for $1 dollar so some rich developer can build luxury apartments and didn’t insist that they make some affordable or so homeless people can live there. Lots of NIMBYs too. I don’t think that we need to reinvent the wheel to solve the problem, but it never seems to get solved.

Sorry this hit a nerve. The UN did a study on the problem a few years ago that should have had every congress member hanging their head in shame, but the media ignored it and few people saw it.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


We’ve been throwing billions at the homeless problem for decades and it’s just gets worse every year, but no one does anything different. I think some people are getting rich off the problem but I’m not sure how they are.

That reminds me of a line in a comedy record from the 1960s: "in the War on Poverty, the only one winning is the person passing the ammunition".

Soooo many NGOs and "public/private" partnerships, so much money disappears. It doesn't end up in the hands of the poor (or even somewhere near them) so it probably stays with "the person passing the ammunition".

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snoopydawg's picture


They’ve been throwing millions at the homeless problem and the money has gone down some rabbit hole because the problem never gets fixed and so more money is thrown at it and someone has to be getting rich off of it since it just continues to get worse every year.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

to Floridians for DeSantis, but we in Texas have Abbott, so we are even.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

It sure explains why congress did it the way they did doesn’t it? That tree that needs watering is close to withering up and dying. I have no idea how we can change the system without a lot of pain and sacrifice for we the people. A general work stoppage and people not paying taxes. The system is so corrupt and it’s us who is paying the rich people’s way of living. Life’s not fair, but who would have guessed that it’s this unfair?

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

America doesn’t only insist that countries take predatory loans, it flat out steals resources it wants just like it’s doing in Syria with their oil and putting horrific sanctions because Assad refuses to step down. Good lord so many Americans need to buy a fcking mirror and see what their own country is doing.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Pluto's Republic's picture


...Danny Haiphong, who drew the contrast between the US and China.

That nice lady was trying to express the misinformation that was pumped into her head by her deceitful, war-mongering government, poor thing. Too many Americans believe these lies, which is why we currently stand on the threshold of an apocalypse that could kill billions, including Americans.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange