About that $30 trillion debt

Trying to do the math on this. It appears foreign nations are selling off US Treasury bonds (debt)
at record rates.

Foreign Governments Dump US Treasuries as Never Before, But Who the Heck is Buying Them?


So who is buying all these Treasuries when the formerly largest buyers – the Fed, China, and Japan – have stepped away, and when in fact China, Japan, and other countries have become net sellers, and when the Fed is thinking out loud about shedding some of the Treasuries on its balance sheet, just as nearly $900 billion in net new supply (to fund the US government) flooded the market over the past 12 months?



The Federal Reserve raised its funds rate so Treasuries should be rising in yield, they've barely moved. Somebody is buying the debt that China is selling, somebody who isn't concerned with financial loss. I suspect the Fed itself, as it can't allow our debt to become worthless in the world-wide market.

... The seizure of Russia's foreign assets has made the businessmen of many nations nervous about American debt ...

-- commenter Tom Worley



Inflation? Devaluation? Unsupported debt? And then sanctions?
It is way beyond my pay grade to understand how the US economy stays afloat
but I have a feeling it's global dominance is fleeting.

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studentofearth's picture

appear to own a larger portion of the debt than China.

Found this info with a quick search. not advocating the site for personal finance planning.
Article has a few good graphs. The Balance

The U.S. national debt is the sum of public debt that is held by other countries, the Federal Reserve, mutual funds, and other entities and individuals, as well as intragovernmental holdings held by Social Security, Military Retirement Fund, Medicare, and other retirement funds.

Many people believe that much of the U.S. national debt is owed to foreign countries like China and Japan, but the truth is that most of it is owed to Social Security and pension funds right here in the U.S. This means that U.S. citizens own most of the national debt.

12 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

investing, but since I am largely dependent on Federally managed programs, such as;

Social Security, Military Retirement Fund, Medicare, and other retirement funds.

it seems I will have little choice in the matter. The insolvency horizon may be upon us much sooner than we have been led to believe. In God We Trust may soon become all we have left of our retirement safety net.

Now let me tell you about this really fantastic Build Back Better Great Reset that we have all ready to roll,out. It will cost you nothing, and you will own nothing, but, You. Will. Be. Happy! (or else)………..

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

karl pearson's picture

The Social Security Trust Fund holds a good portion of the US debt. I remember people making fun of AL Gore when, in his 2000 presidential campaign, he wanted to put Social Security funds in a "lock box". I wonder if these same people will be laughing when their full SS benefits are cut. All this debt seems unsustainable to me, but I'm not a finance person.

12 users have voted.

the National Debt republicans and democrats agree. It's Social Security and Medicare that's the cause. Katfood Komission here we come.

7 users have voted.

'Are you paranoid, or are you paranoid *enough*?' territory.

BUT, if the system described below is already in place - for a privileged elite - it could help explain the apparent mystery of where these assets are going:

In December of 2021, a man with a background in high level operations in the intelligence field was contacted by a trusted friend; this man shall be known as Gideon, and his friend shall not be named.

The friend communicated to Gideon that they were in contact with IT professionals contracted by the governments of certain European nations to conduct "stress tests" on a new type of software being developed.

These IT professionals are also known as "white hat hackers." They had told Gideon's friend they were upset about what they were working on, and wanted to blow the whistle on it.

These IT professionals had all signed contracts and already had high level clearances. For them to break their silence and break their agreements could, in fact, cost them their lives.

From this point forward, Gideon, his friend and the IT professionals carefully coordinated on how to release this information. They took steps to ensure all communication between all parties was encrypted. They took steps and planned on how to release the information most effectively, through third parties they could trust.

The information at hand was of grave concern for various reasons. It appeared to be software that would be used after a "reset" or complete overhaul of the worldwide financial system. It also contained extensive modules relating to social credit scoring and management of the population.

The software itself is called CSRQ-SM. C stands for Common Class, S stands for Sovereign Class, R stands for Restricted Class and Q stands for Quarantined Class. The SM stands for Social Management.

The software is a back-end web-based suite that will be used to manage Billions of people and their social credit profiles. It will also interface with the world's banks, and integrate a new digital currency, likely to be called the USDR.

The software is, in short, the operational software that will be used for the so-called Financial Reset. It combines two purposes, social credit and banking management.

The IT professionals communicated that the class system in place was disturbing to them. It showed that Billions of people would be classed as Class C, or Common, and receive extreme limitations on property and asset ownership. It showed they would be carefully monitored based on social behaviour, and fined and punished for misbehaviour.

The other classes were even more disturbing. Both Class R, or Restricted, and Class Q, Quarantined, were extremely restrictive in what they allowed. Anyone with these classifications would not be able to own between more than $250 to $500 in USDR at any time, or virtually any type of private property. Their free speech and movement was also severely restricted.

The Common, Restricted and Quarantined classifications also require Covid vaccinations to receive any kind of capital at all, including monthly stipend deposits. Fines and demerits are in place if vaccine booster shot schedules are not adhered to. Enforcement also appears to involve physical detainment.

The S Class, or Sovereign, is a limited classification that appears to only apply to a very small percentage of the world's population, far less than 1%. It offers unlimited funds, no restrictions on asset holdings or private property, freedom of movement, no sections for fines or limitations at all, no requirement at all for vaccination. Hence, the term "Sovereign" is used, which means "one possessing or held to possess supreme political power" among other definitions, which we recommend you review here, as these definitions are extremely important.

It was quickly apparent to the IT professionals who were hired to work on this software that it would be used worldwide and would apply to every person on Earth. The software contained Millions, in fact, Billions of human profiles of individuals.

The IT professionals explored the system, and managed to find themselves (they were classed as S, or Sovereign, to their relief), their friends, family (nearly all classed as C or Common) and various politicians and celebrities as well (virtually all of whom were classed S or Sovereign). Political dissidents and those they suspected may be troublesome to the system were also searched, and it was discovered many of them were classed as R or Restricted or Q or Quarantined. This included Millions of Trump voters.

The IT professionals also noticed a constant flow of capital into the Sovereign Class accounts. It appeared various assets were slowly being converted into the new currency, the USDR. What was alarming was the ratio of conversion was extremely high and favourable. If, for example, a bank wire of Euros was sent into the system for $10,000, it was converted into $430,000 in USDR.

They also noted a lot of "activity" relating to the S Class accounts, suggesting certain select individuals already had access to the software, or at least a third party, such as an asset manager, was using it to transfer funds and wealth into the new currency. The other account classifications had no activity at all...

Balance here

Reset Software.jpg

Couldn't embed - link to explanatory video here

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QMS's picture

@Blue Republic

Not that people in the C,Q, and R classes will go along with it...
dystopian future or present nightmare?

4 users have voted.

question everything