I Got Your Critical Thinking Skills Right Here


Video footage of Sri Lankan protesters taking over President's office in Colombo

From Caitlin Johnstone:

The video footage coming out of Sri Lanka right now has been the recurring nightmare of every ruler throughout history.

Thousands of protesters outraged by the deteriorating material conditions of the nation's economic meltdown have stormed the presidential palace of Sri Lanka's President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and I guarantee you the aerial footage as they poured into the building en masse has made every government leader and plutocrat a little uncomfortable today.

[Video footage of Sri Lankan protesters taking over President's office in Colombo]


Just look at that. Look at all those people flooding in there. That is some truly awe-inspiring power. Imagine how terrifying it would be to find yourself on the receiving end of it.

Every ruler throughout history has spent time envisioning what would happen if a crowd that size decided to storm their base of operation. If their numbers became too great to suppress, or if your forces who would be doing the suppressing joined the ranks of the people instead, the best-case scenario for you is that you'd have already fled the building by that point, as Rajapaksa had the good sense to do shortly before the building was stormed. If enough angry people get their hands on you, it won't matter if they're armed with rockets or pistols or their own bare hands; you are in for a violent end.

If you've ever wondered why so much energy goes into keeping everyone propagandized in our society, this is why. If you've ever wondered why our rulers work so hard to keep us divided against each other, this is why. If you've ever wondered why we're always being instructed to take our grievances to the voting booth even though we learn in election after election that it never changes the things that most desperately need to change, this is why.

Our entire civilization is structured around preventing scenes like the one we're seeing in Sri Lanka today. Our education systems, our political systems, our media, our online information. Religions that have been around for thousands of years because the powerful endorsed and promulgated them are full of passages extolling the virtues of obedience, poverty, meekness, and rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's. From the moment we are born our heads are filled with stories about why it's good and right to consent to the status quo and why it would be wrong to take back what has been stolen from us by a predatory ruling class.


This is why we're always inundated with messaging about the importance of civility and politeness any time people realize that they can simply confront corrupt officials in restaurants or at their homes to push for what they want. The managers of the oligarchic empire which rules over us are terrified that we will one day notice that there are a whole lot more of us than there are of them, and that there's really nothing they could do to stop us if we decided to replace them with a system which benefits ordinary people instead of an elite few.

Things are getting worse and worse because the systems that are in place are designed to exploit and oppress rather than to uplift and help thrive. Those systems will protect their own ability to continue to exploit and oppress until the people use their numbers to replace them with something healthy. The people will never use their numbers to replace abusive systems with something healthy as long as they are successfully propagandized away from doing so.

This is why our political and media institutions act the way they act and why our systems are set up in the way that they are: to keep us from realizing how easy it would be to shrug off the old mechanisms of oppression like a heavy coat on a warm day and build something new that works for all of us.

Things will keep getting worse until we find a way to cut through the propaganda brain fog and rise like lions.

From Me:

This may or may not be the start of a global movement over the next few months. But it is the only way to change the course of world history in this decade. For still incomprehensible reasons and through inconceivable methods of Big Money cooperation on a global scale, all politics and all social communication are under ever tighter control.

Of course there is a vibrant underground, made up of a scattering of internet voices like Caitlin Johnstone. This is a necessary element of the gathering resistance, but it cannot change the insane route that "Western Civilization" is now following as dictated by the unaccountable Expert Class of Ivy League National Security Ghouls and the zillionaire members of the World Economic Forum.

We can try to explain to our fellow citizens how the public pronouncements coming from The Propaganda Machine is in error. I remember in 2016 discussing the election with my Hillary supporting brother. I cited her vote in favor of the Iraq War Resolution as a deal breaker for me. He replied, 13 years after the fact, "Oh, that was just a case of faulty intelligence."

Employing my critical thinking skills, in my head I said, "Freddie, what does faulty intelligence mean? It means wrong intelligence, doesn't it?" But I was already sick of the conversation and I knew that I would get nowhere with him.

Only a tiny minority of human beings ever utilize what we call critical thinking skills. People make their political decisions almost always by asking themselves what kind of person they are? Some are red state, rural minded people who hate liberals. Others are blue state, urban minded people who hate Trumpers, religious nuts and racial bigots. Both sides consider the other side crazy.

This is the deadlock the authorities want.

The scene in Columbo today is what the authorities dread.

19 users have voted.


QMS's picture

This is what happens when people have had enough.
I hope to see more of it going forward.

15 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Leaders who lie, cheat, steal, kill, need to be shown the exit door.

10 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp
those currently in DC. (I'd like to think that it was much less a few decades ago, but memories tend to fade.) Instead all we've seen so far a bunch of yahoos that stormed the capitol to keep a lying, etc man in office after losing the election and a pink pussy hat parade that wanted to install a lying, etc. woman who lost her election.

8 users have voted.

Months of non-violent protests. Massive, organized, and non-violent takeover of the presidential palace.

Based on the visuals, the police/security forces don't seem to have their hearts and minds in attacking the protestors.

Within living memory, the people of Sri Lanka have done this before. Therefore, it's less unique or unprecedented to them than it would be for the fat, disorganized, and divided westerners.

9 users have voted.

about SL comes mainly from that excellent movie, Bridge on the River Kwai, back when it was called Ceylon. And all I know about Colombo is from that popular tv show from the 70s.

If there were major fuel shortages or major spikes in food prices here, who knows. Or the next civil war might come more from a political angle. The Rs lose again in 2024 and they cry foul as the heavily armed far right militias, learning from their failed J6 exercise, this time are better prepared and will seek to finish the job.

Or it could come from the Left as they are on the receiving end of another outcome-driven far-right decision by a group of 5 unaccountable elitists taking away important rights.

A House divided against itself cannot stand, and that's about where we are now, in the couple of years leading up to 1861 and in the wake of a Dred Scott type momentous decision. Unlike some on the left, I don't underplay what happened on J6, a violent attempt at overturning an election. So, yes, It Can Happen Here.

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All I know about SL comes mainly from that excellent movie, Bridge on the River Kwai, back when it was called Ceylon. And all I know about Colombo is from that popular tv show from the 70s.

but somehow am not confident that you are aware that The Bridge on the River Kwai was set in (based on a true story) *Thailand* - not Ceylon/Sri Lanka. And Colombo set/produced in LA not the capital of Sri Lanka. (but hey, you were only off by 9361 miles)

OK, hope that clears that up.

As for J-6, you appear to have the media talking points down, but on the off chance you'd like to pad that with some relevant *facts* you could do worse than this:

Attorneys Claim Government Manufacturing Evidence to Charge, Incarcerate Jan. 6 Prisoners


or this:

Link to Lee Smith interview of journalist/author Julie Kelly

Or this:


J6 Truth screenshot.jpg

Damn, I'm old enough to remember when it was the Left that had slogans like 'An injury to one is an injury to all'. Don't seem to be hearing that WRT the J-6 political prisoners and the DC Gulag...

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@Blue Republic part of the post clearly was intended in a humorous vein, as a matter of fact I was aware the real events took place in THAI and that the movie was filmed in SL. http://movie-locations.com/movies/b/Bridge-On-The-River-Kwai.php

As for the Colombo reference, I couldn't resist the obvious, but didn't expect anyone here to take it all so literally.

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that part of the post clearly was intended in a humorous vein, as a matter of fact I was aware the real events took place in THAI and that the movie was filmed in SL. http://movie-locations.com/movies/b/Bridge-On-The-River-Kwai.php

As for the Colombo reference, I couldn't resist the obvious, but didn't expect anyone here to take it all so literally.

While it *did* seem unlikely that you were being serious with your River Kwai/Columbo comments, your demonstrated willingness to opine in no uncertain terms about J6 unencumbered by factual information about what actually *happened* (nor apparent interest in acquiring some) then and subsequently...

Made it difficult to rule out the possibility.

Let's see. To list a few of the more salient J6 issues:

  • - 4 demonstrators killed by police action - others seriously injured, some permanently disabled w/no repercussions for police
  • hundreds of people who engaged in no violence and in many cases let/invited in by police facing felony charges
  • numerous arrestees placed in sub-Gitmo conditions - solitary confinement, denied medical treatment, contact with lawyers, denied bail and speedy trials - some for a year and a half now.
  • individuals and families facing loss of livelihood and financial ruin from the expense of mounting any sort of defense while the government expends basically unlimited resources in prosecuting them
  • - government unresponsive to legitimate requests for potentially exonerating evidence (when they are not actively manipulating or manufacturing it)
  • government refusal to say whether it had agents or informants in the crowd and whether they participated in or incited violence
  • government refusal to explain why certain individuals such as Ray Epps, and the megaphone guy on the tower urging people forward and in to the Capitol remain uncharged or even identified as persons of interest.
  • refusal of DC judges to grant changes of venue out of DC despite the high percentage of people connected to government and that the district voted 92% for Biden (Biden only cleared 60% in five states and over 70% in none)
  • - not to mention failure by Pelosi to explain her declining of Trump's offer of 20,000 National Guard troops for enhanced security...

Are those the sorts of things we should be good with? Incurious about?


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@wokkamile .

The argument is that it already did happen here, several times. Arguably it happened in Philadelphia when they wrote the Constitution. I firmly believe it happened in 1876 with the overturning of the Tilden Election. Another arguable case would be in 1917 when Woodrow Wilson crapped all over his campaign slogan, "He kept us out of war." It happened for sure in 1963. It happened in 2000 when the Supreme Court tossed out the results of the Florida vote and installed George W. Bush as President.

All of those examples, plus more, are top-down insurrections, increasing the level of tyranny specifically to thwart popular democracy. We have never had a successful coup coming from the bottom up.

You can make a case that January 6, 2020 saw an unsuccessful attempt to usurp democracy. The first thing I would want to know is whether the affair was Astroturf. That would make it just like all those other Power Moves. Or, it could be a true, bottom-up Wingnut Rebellion. So far I have seen nothing to suggest that to be the case.

I do not claim to know anything for sure about the who, what, when, where and how of the January 6 riot and related illegal activity. My question to you is what do you mean by "underplay?" My own take is that the Democratic Party now has one of its own serving as Attorney General. The Justice Department has the very legitimate authority to seek indictments, and has done so. But the Dems are not satisfied with their own responsibility to enforce the law against "insurrection" and they, in my opinion, overplay it as part of the perpetual Mutt and Jeff Show of American politics.

In short, to the extent that anybody engaged in a serious effort to change the result of the Electoral College tally through violence or intimidation, there is no need for any "debate" or "playing" about the topic -- judges and juries exist to make those decisions, not bloggers and indignant observers. And certainly NOT the House of Representatives

Finally, the point of Caity's rant was that it SHOULD happen here. I agree with her.

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

@fire with fire by some on the left and indy lefty(ish) bloggers to downgrade the importance of the J6 events, one example being the comment above about Dems "overplaying" the J6 events.

I don't think the angry, violent mob storming the capitol on J6, some with weapons or makeshift ones, was there to get an official tour or to politely present Nancy Pelosi with a written petition listing grievances or to just have a quiet civil moment with Mike to try to persuade him about a stolen election, and I don't need to wait for a judge or jury to guide me in my thinking on that.

So far, the J6 committee is doing a fair job of presenting the damning evidence, serving the public by providing them with important information, and info that can also be sent to the DOJ. But did you expect them not to openly inform the public but instead hold hearings only in secret, keeping the public largely uninformed in order to quietly then send referrals to the DOJ?

In a democracy, or what's left of it, we still have the right to form our own opinions based on what we see and hear, and to express them publicly if we so choose. It's also the duty for our elected reps to keep the public informed, which the J6 committee is now doing. If it comes to it, you can be sure the big players who might eventually get indicted will have plenty of legal counsel, including the Jonathan Turleys and Alan Dershowitzes in addition to other legal assistance paid by Trump.

As for Caitlin, she might have a too-narrow or naive view of what constitutes the aggrieved, oppressed public as various groups view their situation. Many with such feelings will likely be heavily armed and not very interested in preserving the constitution beyond the Second Amendment. That might lead to a very unfortunate outcome in the It Can Happen Here scenario.

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We have some disagreement about the appropriate use of Congressional Hearings. Lots of interesting history including my faves -- from Joe McCarthy and Ray Cohn through to Sam Ervin and the Watergate Tapes. By definition, that is a political question and not very interesting at this point.

Our more significant disagreement is epistemological. We make significantly different assessments of what the Dems in Congress are doing. Here is the best way I can convey what my dim view of their intentions: This is reprint of the text of a text I got from Nancy Pelosi this morning:


CNN BREAKING: Trump eyeing early 2024 campaign launch

This is the most important ask I have ever made of you. CNN just revealed Trump may be mere DAYS away from announcing another bid for the White House. And his allies have $124 MILLION in the bank to help the GOP win.

I’m calling for a historic response to make Trump's plans for a GOP House BACKFIRE. I will never allow him or Republicans to hold the reins again. Will you rush $20 to help me protect our House Majority? >> electdems.us/0711b2v4?t=9B1vi

I need you to make a critical choice at this moment.

-- We can either let Trump and his GOP buy their way back into power...

-- Or we can rise up, send a historic response, and show Trump and his Republicans they'll NEVER take the House from us >> electdems.us/0711b2v4?t=9B1vi

Trump has hinged his entire future on reclaiming the House.

So I will fight with everything I have to defend it from his grasp.

Can I count on your $20 to the DCCC before midnight to make Trump and his GOP's power grab for our House Majority completely BACKFIRE?

Text STOP to quit

Sent from my iPhone

Further affiant sayeth not.

4 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

@fire with fire when you have politicians involved, you are going to have some element at least of politics in the mix. Goes with the territory. But when they are on good behavior, they can play an important role in informing the public and sometimes doing the other job they were elected to do, as in providing oversight.

Compare the highly political Benghazi hearings, more of a congressional show trial targeting Hillary (no saint or favorite of mine) in the lead up to the 2016 election, clearly just political, with the others you cited -- McCarthy hearings, Watergate -- along with the fine Church hearings in the 70s investigating the intel community, the latter hearings being needed and necessary inquiries into a variety of serious misconduct and crimes, most of them going to the heart of our constitution and democracy.

Congress has an important constitutional role in conducting hearings about the other branches, providing oversight and acting as a check on misconduct, and at the same time can educate the public with well-organized public hearings that give them the information they need to be informed citizens. It's not political -- it's strictly business.

As for Nancy's predictable response, she and most of the others are always bothering me to send more $$. I ignore or block them. One day Ds might rouse themselves and get new leadership over there, preferably someone under the age of 80 who hasn't totally sold out to corporate America. In the meantime, I recommend you text STOP to quit getting such texts.

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Note how the coverage of the Sri Lanka uprising is denoted a 'protest' in media coverage - as was the Maidan Color Revolution coup instigated/implemented on the Obama Admin watch - yet the J-6 demonstration and partial riot is somehow portrayed as an insurrection and an existential threat.


BTW - China's Belt and Road initiatives have consistently been portrayed by some here as somehow Not Imperialism, manifesting China's selfless dedication to a multipolar world...

So is China stepping up to help Sri Lanka now? Of course not. What they have been doing is cutting deals with the corrupt Sri Lankan leadership at the expense of the people since the mid or late 2000's when they helped the Sri Lankan government to finally defeat the Tamil insurgency.

China's 'help' - beginning with an initial $300 million loan has netted them control for 99 years of a modern port, airport and the surrounding 15,000 of land - from which numerous Sri Lankans were summarily displaced.

This from December 2017:

India's alarm grows over spread of China's 'Maritime Silk Road'

by John J. Xenakis

This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com

Sri Lanka formally hands its southern seaport Hambantota over to China
India's alarm grows over spread of China's 'Maritime Silk Road'
Sri Lanka formally hands its southern seaport Hambantota over to China

China on Saturday formally handed control of its southern port of Hambantota in return for $292,097,400.00, as the first payment on a 99-year lease.

In 2009, China invested $1.2 billion in the port as part of its "string of pearls" strategy to surround India with ports accessible to China's navy. Sri Lanka had expected to repay the debt through profits earned by the port, but the slowdown in trade throughout the entire region in the last few years has meant that Sri Lanka has been unable to repay the debt. The result was that Sri Lanka's government has been forced to give China a 99-year lease to take over the port.

The announcement in January of this year triggered violent protests by thousands of Sri Lanka's Buddhist monks and anti-government protesters. Protestors said that thousands of Sri Lankans will lose their homes because of the project.

And then thousands of Chinese families will migrant to the land adjacent to the port, establishing a "Chinese colony" on Sri Lankan soil that will grow and can never be removed.

Many Sri Lankans are accusing China of having purposely set a "debt trap" in 2009, loaning money at extremely high interest rates, knowing that Sri Lanka would be unable to repay the debt, and would be forced to give away Sri Lankan assets to China.


Covered also by NYT, but it's behind a paywall


You'd think it would raise some suspicions that many of the same people that engineered the 2014 Maidan coup have been actively involved al along in the continuing campaign against Trump and his supporters. Victoria Nuland being one and Norm Eisen (who literally wrote the book on designing and implementing such coups dressed up as popular uprisings) another.

Roses Have Thorns (2014) What a real violent white supremacist insurrection (Dem/Deep State sponsored) looks like:

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It goes far beyond the scope of either Caity's screed or mine to consider what has specifically caused people in Sri Lanka to turn into a mob. For all I know, it could be Astroturf financed by Evil Inc. But just like the Black Lives Matter demonstrations of two years ago, big money can co-opt a movement, but it cannot create a movement.

I posted this thread because I see fatalism and despair among most people who oppose the complex of insane policies running the world this insane season. One of the open questions in my own paranoid mind is whether Russia and/or China is on the Same Team as the US and its poodles. This makes me an Extremely Crazy Person by current standards. Nevertheless, I can easily see the WEF and Zillionaires like Gates organizing the end of the Nation State and concluding that popping the USA Bubble is the necessary first step.

That crazy interpretation at least is internally consistent. I'm looking hard for another explanation that does not impute insanity to Putin and his crew or Biden and his crew -- or both.

Haven't found it yet.

4 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

@fire with fire some give Gates and the WEF guy way too much credit for being able to control everything in the world.

For sure they have power, just not total power.

And sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and we don't need to dig to the center of the earth to figure out what's going on. It's right there on the surface. The US has despised/misunderstood/feared Ru for most of the past 75 yrs and has wanted to undermine the stubbornly independent Putin for years. Meanwhile as the UKR war drags on, the US wants to arrange to put uppity China back in its place, almost as if the stupidly arrogant Pentagon wants to revisit the glorious period of its last actual victory in the 2-theater war of WW2, only this time by fighting the Rooskies instead of depending heavily on them as allies.

However, the US NatSec types are so American Exceptionalist in outlook, with apparently very poor intel, and so used to having their way in the world and so confident of success that they have failed to accurately assess the current considerable military power of either adversary and to respect the ability and willingness of these nations to fight fiercely if threatened.

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lotlizard's picture

@fire with fire  
respective Big Bads with Big Plots that any given individual might think they discern from their particular perspective?

Are we already in some flavor of “BMW Tug-o’-War World”? (BMW = Beijing–Moscow–Washington DC…)

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@lotlizard .

Long before I became a Lunatic Conspiracy Theorist, I came to agree with the folk wisdom I heard from several mid-level bureaucrats I did business with at the Local, State and Federal levels: "Politicians Don't Run the Government." That is pretty much the first premise of revolutionary socialism as well.

It is now archived behind a paywall, but there was a classic John Kenneth Galbraith article in Harpers Magazine many decades ago, called "The Day Khrushchev Visited The Establishment."

Ken had been given a semi-clandestine task by the JFK White House. On a visit to the US, Nikita wanted to meet with the people who really run America. He had scoffed at the idea of parleying with the temporary crew in Washington reporting to President Kennedy. Ditto for anybody in Congress. They were all just the Executive Committee of the State -- serving at the behest of capitalists.

It was the capitalists who hired and fired those front men for Monopoly Capital that he wanted to meet.

Galbraith tells the hilarious tale of the ticklish and satire-worthy aspects of the effort to line up a room full of what would today be called, Billionaires. Of course, they all scoffed back the Ruskie's premise about their own supposed Power. But Galbraith gleefully describes the unmistakable pride these pricks were taking at making the invite list.

Nobody involved in setting the meeting up even thought of using the term, Oligarch, in those more innocent times. There was minimum boodle requirement -- some number of hundreds of millions of dollars.

The climax of the story is the badinage between our Zillionaires and Marx's Last Shot. He was not to last much longer as the head of Communist Executive Committee, but at that stage of his career he cut quite a jolly figure and his sarcastic but truly funny answers to the questions from Stuffed Shirts like David Sarnoff are recounted with Galbraith's fine touch. I was really sorry to see the pay wall show up the last time I looked it up.

For now, I share Nikita's disdain for the current executive committee in Washington.

Meanwhile, in Russia and China. They ain't Red no more. Capitalists rule everywhere now.

I do not believe this interpretation. It is an hypothesis that truly deserves consideration and debunking, if it can be debunked.

That would be comforting at this point -- knowing for sure that all the capitalists of the world were still at each other's throats fighting over the planet. My fear is that the guys running nuclear armed societies are at least as smart as Tony Soprano. "There's enough garbage for everybody."

Worst case scenarios. Hard to like em.

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

I have no idea. Do you?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar unless it isn't.

Your interpretation of the mind set of the "US" is unpersuasive to me. I was there for the Cold War, and it was all about communism. Our government and our investor class were happy to adopt Boris Yeltsin as a pet Ruskie, and there was no hint of hostility toward his country while Bush led us into the War on Terror. That was an exploding cigar.

I have heard about the alleged long term obsession with Russia that our national security establishment supposedly is allowing to turn them into morons. I do not buy it on any level. That is just as much a "conspiracy theory" as the whackiest of the Darth Gates yarns.

That is a cigar that even Sigmund Freud would have called a dick.

If several random nobodies on this message board can figure out the absurdity of trying to "weaken" Russia with sanctions, I refuse to believe that Blinken is just too thick headed and blinded by ignorant bigotry to do likewise.

Could be true. August 1914 happened. I just do not buy it now.

I repeat that I know absolutely nothing for sure -- other than that the story told about how Putin has a personal jones for conquest is unbuttered crap. What isn't crap is left to guesswork.

As I have posted many times, to conclude that our leaders are willfully lying to us about life and death is to condemn yourself to the social status of Lunatic. In time either you will come around to this point of view or I will find out that the people fucking up the world are doing it out of mental deficiency rather than evil intent. I hope you are right. Maybe they just don't know what the fuck they are doing.

Isn't it pretty to think so?

5 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.