Fact or Fiction?
The Four Planks Of The 21stC. ‘Final Empire’ Platform
We in the 21st C. are being ruled over ‘politikal’ by a Global power structure which has a determination to reduce current human population by some 92%, and as thus demanding the imminent premature fatality of billions of people deemed to be ‘surplus population’?
This small article further details the mechanisms as means by which this so horrific as to be necessarily a hidden agenda as disguised is in process of being carried out or implemented.
The term ‘plank’ could be substituted by ‘horsemen’ by the way.
It is difficult to conceive of such horror as a twisted abomination of evil origination as a ‘Final Empire’ constitutes; but the tragic reality is that over course of centuries of anthropocene history an unprecedented level of the concentration of wealth and power has come into being and which is now acting under what amounts to demonic possession to commit Genocide on an unprecedented scale as ‘Global’ intimates.
Evil has always been around, it is just that now it is organized and powerful at an unprecedented global level of metastasis?
In effect we of the 21st C. face such’ final empire’ commensurate as of satanic sponsorship as much as of another ‘Paradise Lost’; the war on humanity and nature as of material realm is all but ‘won’ and barring divine intervention; human population is indeed as imminently to be dramatically reduced- if not indeed rendered extinct by way of metadeath as ‘transhumanism’ intimates? To such extinction of humanity must be added so many species such the reduction of biodiversity, alas., as much as Nature to be tortured to death as but collateral damage effectively circumscribing an ‘Ecocide’ such the woeful litany?
One writes as much to forewarn as much to intimate that such a situation is not with my consent; one writes to present an alternative to lies and illusion; to resist against dying under a state of confusion and denial, to not be a victim of a mass formation, and to deny a state of tooldom in which one is as to be but toyed with as a rube or sucker rendered right up to the bitter end of extinction demanded, and cull implemented.
‘Never knew what hit ’em ‘ , my metapolitical ass.
It really pisses me off that such determinism prevails as much as all this can be seen as pre -ordained as under consideration of eschatology.
The first plank is the ability to control and issue of currency as leads to a hidden expropriation and to an arrogation. The point of gaining control of the issue of currency of an economy is to steal from that economy by way of debauching currency, and by way of transferring resources to the point where that economy is wholly owned by a minority. Quantitative ease of fiat currency is a means of accelerating such theft from people; in reality it is a hidden form of taxation as transfer of resources, and represents numerous nails in the coffin of any pretense towards Democracy, such the divide et impera? The ‘assassination’ of SME’s under ‘selective lockdown’ as an economic aspect of the covid crises exploited is an exemplar of this plank of the transfer of resources. That ‘inflation’ is a means of global population reduction is about to become explicit as obscene as explode is indeed an aspect of the ‘Enronizing‘ of the global economy; inflation is a means of the creation of scarcity and of literally taxing people to death. In an environment of hyper inflation billionaires and trillionaires have even greater ability to consume and to deny mass consumption to purposes of reducing surplus population? Poverty is a killer, and inflation engineered under the control and issue of currency is as a Cantillionian henchman? Allied to same, the control over manufacture and distribution as ‘assets under management’ and infrastructure modulation as can facilitate ‘ death thru poverty ‘ – and here it must be noted that ‘assets under management’ incorporates political parties as much as ‘controlled opposition’?
The second plank is the ability to exercise medical hegemony as a eugenical expression of power. In the 21st C. this means an unprecedented level of experimentation by way of mandated gene therapy emanating from ‘Big Pharma’ as reflects a corporatist as global takeover ; there being at the end of the day no difference between transnational corporations such as Pfizer™, Astrazeneca™ , Moderna™ and the WHO™ in sense of a deadly agenda pursued under rampant neoliberal corporatism? The same deadly blood money as flows thru them all controls and manipulates them all? That such experimental gene therapy has consequences for sexual reproduction/sterilization/ premature mortality is a tragic contemplation as congruent with a policy/plank of surplus population reduction?
On 22 May 2022 there will be a consolidation of such asset management incepted by way of a power grab by the Transnational Corporation which the World Health Organization represents, such being a carte blanche for medical fascism on a global scale as much as a final nail banged down on the coffin of ‘Democracy’ as much as ‘National Sovereignty?
The fourth plank is that of the control and issue of what it means to ‘R2P’ the planet as under an inversion of Eros to Thanatos by way of a deadly cultural hegemony as ‘globalized’. Ontologically, this is as other planks identified above stems from the control and issue of currency as ‘anti-life’ ; as much as the culling of ‘nature’ demanded as a congruence? The illusion of anthropogenic global warming under CO2 emissions while such moral obscenities as Glyphosate, micro plastics,chemical and radioactive pollution unseen as much as biodiversity adversely impacted to be accelerated quietly as the real climate change is truly a hellish gas lighting deception by way of abusive hegemony – which in large part would constitute the framing of the debate as a phenomenon ponerological?
How many species are to die by non ionizing radiation or by chemical pollution or by ionizing radiation whilst we look at CO2 levels is as satan ‘rips the piss’ out of us under gaslight – and is a question as would be unasked such the con going down ‘panoptic’ as ironic?
The tragic acknowledgement of this small article is alas, that ‘we are doomed’.
The point is that some of us know what is going on; we were not fooled but that we died; at least we did not do so without some small measure of resistance as to a more apposite salute occasioned?
As Orwell says:
‘In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act’
Shippers Cut Off Russia – Wheat Price Explodes – Cyberattacks on Shipping
As Major shipping companies are cutting service to Russia and UK bans shipments from Russia, the disruption to global food supply is now a lasting one. What effect will cutting out the breadbasket of the world have, and–more importantly–who benefits from doing so? Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.
Don’t miss this essay by MOON OF ALABAMA There are lots of links to other articles on this topic in the comments.
Then we have the increasing fires at food plants.
Story at-a-glance
- In 2019, there were only two reported fires at U.S. food processing plants.
- From January 2021 to April 21, 2022, at least 20 such fires were reported — a sizable jump — and they seem to be accelerating in recent weeks
+ People are beginning to take notice of these seemingly random fires and accidents that are occurring with increasing frequency at food processing plants across the U.S.
- Meanwhile, leaders around the world have warned that, due to the war in Ukraine — which is considered the world’s bread basket — food shortages are coming, while disruptions to shipping and increased fertilizer prices are also driving up food costs
- Could this all be coincidence, driving up food prices to record highs and causing food shortages, or is something more sinister going on?
Now, war has disrupted supplies further, driving up fertilizer prices and, in turn, food costs. Meanwhile, Bill Gates has been buying up U.S. farmland at a frenzied pace and owns more farmland than any other private farmer in the country.2 Leaders around the world have warned that, due to the war in Ukraine — which is considered the world’s bread basket — food shortages are coming.
On top of that, the Really Graceful video posted above points out, cases of bird flu have been reported in the U.S., with millions of poultry killed off by farmers as a result. “All of these incidents have driven up the price of items at your grocery store,”3 the video notes, but there’s yet another series of events that is somehow even stranger — a rash of fires at U.S. food processing plants.
Could this all be coincidence, driving up food prices to record highs and causing food shortages, or is something more sinister going on?
Fires and Accidents at Food Processing Plants: Coincidence?
“We’ve got all these factors at play to cause food shortages and increased prices. But are we witnessing total happenstance and coincidence or is it intentional? Are they trying to take down our food supply? Are they trying to sabotage our supply chain? And by ‘they,’ who do we mean? The enemy from within or an enemy of a foreign variety?”
Are We Entering Phase 2 of The Great Reset Plan?
By now, you may have heard about the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset and their plan for you to “own nothing and be happy” as part of WEF’s 2030 agenda.36 In the first quarter of 2021, 15% of U.S. homes sold were purchased by corporate investors37 — not families looking to achieve their American dream.
While they’re competing with middle-class Americans for the homes, the average American has virtually no chance of winning a home over an investment firm, which may pay 20% to 50% over asking price,38 in cash, sometimes scooping up entire neighborhoods at once so they can turn them into rentals.39 It appears we’re quickly entering an era where home ownership is becoming out of reach for many — necessitating renting instead of owning, a first step to “owning nothing.”
World war, however, is Phase 2 of The Great Reset plan, which includes the destruction of supply chains, the energy sector, food supply and workforce, to create dependency on government, which in turn will be taken over by private interests and central banks through the collapse of the global economy. An anonymous correspondent recently wrote about this on WinterOak.org:40
I am having a hard time deciding what is fact, fiction or plain out bullshit. But let’s never forget that Biden could have easily stopped Russia from their special military operation by saying that Ukraine would never join NATO and that he would push Zelensky to uphold the Minsk agreement and stop supporting the Nazis there. Instead he helped them plan a huge attack on the Donbas and so much more.
Plus the world has never seen as many sanctions put on a country as NATO has on Russia that is driving up costs worldwide and punishing the poor everywhere. But in the back of our minds we have Klaus Shraub and his Great Reset. Since 2008 America has given the banks just under $100 TRILLION that the federal reserve just printed out of thin air. On top of that we saw the world shut down its economy by the fake Covid scam. Instead of just protecting the elderly and vulnerable everyone that wasn’t considered an essential worker was ordered to stay home and we’ve seen what that has done to the economy.
Too many coincidences sure make it seem like the corpse class had a plan for what is happening now. And just in case the world wasn’t fck’d up enough they are rolling out a new pandemic and calling it Monkeypox. I’m calling it vaccine failure. YMMV.
I have no problem seeing our government engineering this debacle since they have been willing to cull tens of thousands of people every year from lack of health care, food insecurities, increasing homelessness and allowing our regulatory agencies to poison us with their products from dangerous drugs to dangerous environmental conditions and everything else that that government has allowed them to do to us. The list is very long. It has abandoned us in favor of its donors and the military industrial complex and has allowed privatization and monopolies and good lord this list is just as long isn’t it? We have taxation without representation. Thomas Jefferson had a remedy for that, but I think the time for it has sailed because congress militarized the police and has allowed them to kill over 1,000 people a year for decades. What we should have done is mute now because that time has passed, but continuing to vote for the same people who did this to us was just plain stupid if you ask me.
In case you missed it
George got spoofed big time!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
My phone greeted me this morning with a news splash
Musk is the first Rider of the Apocalypse? It is May 22, isn’t it???
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Truth from fiction?
I don't think anyone knows, but regardless of the oligarchs plan they have proven themself incompetent again and again, so I think it won't go according to plan for them.
However, as always, it will be the working class that pays the price for their arrogance. This summer it is a good idea to stock up on staple food supplies.
Thanks for the info packed essay!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for posting
snoopy. I have not read this yet but am reserving a spot for later in the day. TY.
In the linked article...
" WCR is as the voice of satan and as can constitute a global killing field as much as of a psychotronic destruction of the autonomy of consciousness as of a God given psychophysical parallel?"
Setting aside the poor grammar, this is totally incoherent. As is much of what this article's author writes.
"But let’s never forget that Biden could have easily stopped Russia from their special military operation by saying that Ukraine would never join NATO and that he would push Zelensky to uphold the Minsk agreement and stop supporting the Nazis there." Biden could have easily stopped Russia's invasion of Ukraine by just waving a diplomatic wand? At what point could he have done this?
"And just in case the world wasn’t fck’d up enough they are rolling out a new pandemic and calling it Monkeypox. I’m calling it vaccine failure." Um, you are calling that based upon what evidence?
"I am having a hard time deciding what is fact, fiction or plain out bullshit" No kidding.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
One thing for sure, you were gonna drop one.
The multiple videos featuring a dr., who is Devos and an associate of Schwaub that is circulating, is spouting the value of some people to know what is going on inside the skins of the world's population. And, so it goes trans human.
Won't be a ct when it becomes fact.
Hey, we are all suspect of msm. Cool Snoop and others are as well.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Negotiated Settlement Between Ukraine and Hitler?
The Beeb and the Hero Du Jour take a bite out of a reality sandwich:
Who started it? When little boys are rolling around on the ground wrestling and getting their clothes all yucky, that is the stupidest question possible. But when it is Russia involved, there is no point in asking it because Russia is the Evil Empire Redux.
All I can say to the rhetorical question posed by Fishtroller on this thread, is Who Cares? This guy says that diplomacy could have prevented the war. I agree with your implicit point that nobody can know for sure what would have happened in a counter-factual universe. Maybe the Evil Embodiment In Failing Health would have invaded no matter what the US or its allies did.
Well, there was no diplomacy before the war started but both sides now agree that negotiation is necessary now. Henry Kissinger used to call it "changing facts on the ground" and Putin is still working at that. You can hate him, or at least oppose his bellicose policy -- but unless you have a plausible plan to oppose His Hitlerness, you are just making things worse.
My own unprovable opinion is that neither the USA nor the Russians are seriously fighting each other. Both "sides" are moving the Reset along, creating an utterly irrational conflict which will break the dollar and the American Fantasy of being the Necessary Country.
The economic damage has already been done and ending the absurd violence will probably be worked out over the next few weeks or months.
Hide and watch if the Sanctions don't continue after the "war" ends -- to punish Putin.
In the future, there will be no countries.
As Shakespeare observed in Macbeth, "That which is done cannot be undone." This grotesque deal is now done and cannot be undone. See you at the food riots . . . .
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Putin is Hitler?
Would Biden then be Hitler if Russia had overthrown the Mexican president and started training AQ and IS who then started killing Americans living in Mexico and the Russian supported Mexico president saying that he wanted to build nuclear weapons that could hit DC in minutes? Because that is what Obama /Biden did in Ukraine in 2014 when they overthrew the Ukraine president and started arming and training the Nazis responsible for the Maidan square massacre.
As to how easily it could have been for Biden to stop Russia from invading Ukraine i spelled it out.
Putin has been warning that Ukraine joining NATO was a red line for Russia and they sent a list of demands to Biden last December that if he ignored then Russia had the right to self defense. Ukraine had plans to further invade the Donbas area which they had been attacking for 8 years and killed 40,000 people including women and children. You think America would have allowed that to happen to Americans living in Mexico for 8 years?
How would America react if Russia had bio weapons labs scattered across Mexico and was studying how bio weapons reacted on Americans?
Why would he? Which country in recent years has Russia invaded? Putin was very patient after the coup and tried, tried, tried to get Zelensky to uphold Minsk. That was why 70% voted for him. The one serious time he tried telling the Nazis to knock off attacking the Donbas they threatened to kill him and hang him from a tree if he didn’t shut up. I wrote about this in my essay on Russia didn’t start the war. We did. Russia is now going to end it on their terms. Remember that Russia lost 27 million people to the Nazis during WW2. They will no longer accept them living close to their country.
And whether this has anything to do with the great reset, my mind is open to the possibility. It sure looks like a lot of things are being rigged.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The Hitler Line Was Sarcasm
I don't disagree with you at all.
I'm making a broader point that it does not matter to me whether Putin is evil. I sure don't think he is evil and my personal opinion is that I respect this guy as the most effective and reasonable national leader to come along in decades. There is room for a bit of evil in that formulation, but I cannot say I have seen anything out of him that comes within two orders of magnitude of several American Presidents in the malevolence department.
My basic point is that getting mad at Putin for taking military action in Ukraine is silly, regardless of the ethics involved.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Agreed, fire.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Too Granular
I doubt that any regular participant on C-99 has gone any further down the rabbit hole of Conspiracy Theory Paranoia than your humble narrator -- but I am not so sure about that 92% reduction in population, or any other particular detail.
Leaked material is inherently subject to forgery and I remember an informal group of antiwar activists during the Vietnam draft years that I encountered at the Universtiy of Texas at Austin. They called themselves The Mother Fuckers Club and they were always suggesting violent stunts to pull at times like Kent State. Even in those far more innocent times, it was easy for most of us McGovernite/Hippie students to make them for agents provocateurs.
So, although I agree with the general idea of this post, I do not "trust" any source without at least some reservation. It could be an over the top version of reality, calculated to confuse people who might be wondering about how all this shit adds up to social dissolution and food shortages.
Who would want such a result? Somebody who thinks, as I do, that the current population level is unsustainable -- but who also happens to be a billionaire who would be exempt from starvation.
Thanks, Snoopy, for posting this. Not many writers on any venue are willing to address the possibility of intentional population reduction.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
What To Do With The "Useless Eaters"
Klaus Schwab's Goldenboy Yuval Noah Harari Discusses (Video)
It’s something that keeps coming up
I thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss and as I said it’s getting harder to find the truth in all the BS that’s being thrown at us. Of course 92% of the population is going to disappear, but Gates is definitely on record saying that he’d like to see it be less.
And since the corpse class shut down the world, shipping has gone to hell and the Russian conflict and sanctions has added to the food shortages and higher gas prices. But that dastardly Putin has caused prices to go up on lots of products. Let’s just re-elect Brandon and im sure he will set things right.
Hopefully people looked at MoA too.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
ISN'T going to…
My bad..one of those days.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
You may be missing the obvious
"Steven Martin"? Is he playing a banjo while saying we need to breed our way out of mass extinction?
On to Biden since 1973
Gawd, what a world.
And I thought living thru the Cold War was crazy...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
MOA link is great!
I actually read it last night, thought about how Biden was conditioning us for serious food shortages, so it is nice to know we are sending $40 Billion to assist Ukraine in accomplishing the task of world starvation.
Last little trip I took a couple of weeks ago was other-worldly when switching channels, CNN, Fox, MSNBC...All lied every word, with every breath they took. All day, all night.
We need to shut off tv, go to alternative media for the truth.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Let’s not forget about the WHO power grab
with an assist from Joe Biden!
WHO Stealth Coup to Dictate Global Health Agenda of Gates, Big Pharma
Read at the source.
Shades of Obama’s trying to sell out our national sovereignty that Biden might try to do again. It’s one more step towards a one world government first mentioned by Bush Sr. Biden mentioned it in his state of the union address too. And governments all over the world are breathlessly reporting on the next pandemic…monkeypox! Yippee. Good lord I might vote for the republican candidate for president for the first time in my life just so that my conscience is clear that I don’t condone what democrats have been doing. Hopefully he will remove us from the WHO again like Trump did.
At the bottom of the essay I posted a link to the ways congress has voted against the constitution. Take a look at see how badly they screwed us and especially the 2016 vote where they gave big pharma permission to use experimental drugs and vaccines on us without our knowledge or permission. Obama told us that we have been in a drug trial with the mRNA shots and Biden has made it mandatory for millions of Americans who have no way to say no without losing their jobs.
This is one reason why they are going to make abortion illegal. Body autonomy gets yanked away from us by 9 unelected people. An image of frogs in boiling water comes to mind. How much hotter are we going to allow it to get?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Fiction ...
I read the article linked ... or at least I started to.
I was helping my college age son with his homework assignment in introductory
python programming, and they introduced "Markov Chains". These are an early form of
AI in which the computer ingests a text and then sees what words follow other words
with what probability. It uses this to intelligently but randomly write something
in the style of the original text. Modern AI is MUCH BETTER than a Markov Chain, but
this article was so bad that I sent the following e-mail to the purported author.
I will let you know what I get back.
Do not let the plutocrats divide us!