Great News from Gonzalo!

He was picked up, and says he's rattled and under house arrest, but doing fine.
4 min

I know several of us have been concerned, and though he's not completely out of the woods, this is excellent news.

Edit to add a live stream with Gonzalo and the Duran folks.

14 users have voted.


ggersh's picture

He definitely sounded rattled, hopefully the SBU will just
him be.

7 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

just as mysteriously show up after his "mysterious" disappearance. The man has no credibility. Hi sown country has condemned Russia's actions in Ukraine. Has anyone ever read what he has written about women, or do we just not care about that issue anymore?

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 Was he exercising his right to offend?

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp

And sure, he can say whatever he wants. And I can say that he is a pro-Putin Red Pill misogynist, and not someone whose "cause" (whatever that is) is worth support.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 selective if limited to offending religion, methinks.
Surely talking smack about Putin and/or Nazis is an accepted norm, not punishable by torture and death.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

anyone who protested against the Russian military operation, but cheered when Gonzalo went missing. I can’t say it any better than Caitlin has:

Shitlibs Are Foam-Brained Human Livestock

Before the Ukraine war I would’ve told you it’s impossible for me to despise shitlibs any more than I already do and impossible for me to have less respect for their foam-brained worldview. But I would have been wrong. Very, very wrong.

I strongly agree with Manage without me.

this whole Gonzalo Lira story has just highlighted how totally amoral some of the people in the USA media are.

They were willing to deliver up a human being on a platter to be tortured and maybe executed because the man disagreed with them.

What has the collective West become? I thought that the era of collaborators was finished but they live among us

I cannot tell you how much this disturbs me.

It’s not just people in the media that I despise. Anyone who can cheer for someone to be tortured and murdered have lost all sense of morality. Last year we saw shitlibs gleefully helping the FBI identify the people who went to the capital and turned them in to them. And then they turned a blind eye to people being put in solitary confinement even before they had a trial to determine their guilt. They now cheer for the things that they spent their lives being against. All because HerHeinous lied about why the people rejected her for president. Pelosi, Schiff, HerHeinous has returned the country to the McCarthy era that they were once appalled by. Will they also cheer the return of the nurses of the 3rd Reich? I wouldn’t put it past them.

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@on the cusp

He says he was held by the Ukrainian security people, questioned, and let go with the condition that he doesn't leave Kharkov.

Now pay some attention to the Russians who are being imprisoned in Moscow for calling their friend and discussing being against the war not knowing that the Russian government is tapping all their phones.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Lookout's picture

@Fishtroller 02
Including whistleblowers like Daniel Hale who revealed drone crimes and journalist like Julian who reveal massive US war your attention might be better placed looking at the evils of your own country.

Chris Hedges has an interesting conversation about worthy and unworthy victims this week which might bring you some perspective

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


You are dancing around the issue of Lira, but then this doesn't surprise me. The all evil Ukrainians and the poor put upon Putin seems to be a mantra around here. And every time one points out the basic problem, which is that Putin has no right to take over Ukraine and certainly no right to bomb the hell out of non-combatants... that this whole war is nothing less than an illegal take over of another country by force.... one hears all this excuse making for war crimes and a dictator who has certainly ruined the future for his own country.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

And every time one points out the basic problem, which is that Putin has no right to take over Ukraine and certainly no right to bomb the hell out of non-combatants...

Putin has no plans to take over Ukraine and he isn’t targeting civilians. If he was bombing the hell out of them this operation would be over and all of Ukraine would be a smoking crater. Russia is trying not to target civilian infrastructure because that’s not part of his plan. Russia is actually freeing the citizens there that were taken hostage and used as human shields. Ukrainians have told the media that. And Russia isn’t doing shock and awe in Ukraine like we did Baghdad and he isn’t leaving cities looking like this


which was Raqqa, Syria when we decided to finally go after ISSIS. Wherever you are getting your news from they are lying to you. And they are lying to you deliberately so you and the other misinformed people will give your consent for Biden to enter Ukraine along with NATO. They admitted that they were lying to you.

How long will you continue ignoring the truth and see that this war started 8 years ago by Obama, Biden and democrats with John McCain riding shotgun? Haven’t you seen him giving the Nazi salute during the Maidan protests? Maybe you can look for it. How long will you ignore the fact that we have been arming and funding Nazis? Almost every media wrote about that just after Obama’s coup, but are now pretending that they didn’t.

Again I am not pro Putin. I want this war to stop just like I wanted Biden to take the easy steps he could have taken to keep it from starting. Instead he’s flooding Ukraine with weapons so that it will continue and possibly for years. All that will accomplish is more dead people from both sides with civilians from both sides paying the price.

The all evil Ukrainians and the poor put upon Putin seems to be a mantra around here

Then why are you still here? Didn’t you say that you fled other sites like this one? If you aren’t going to bother reading what we say that shows how wrong you are then why stay?

In case you forgot:

There are sites I used to visit who are in denial of what is going on in Ukraine and trying to make it appear as if Ukraine is the bad guy and all the atrocities are staged. I won't go to sites like that anymore.

3 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


"Putin has no plans to take over Ukraine and he isn’t targeting civilians."

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02

Putin has taken great pains to minimize civilian deaths in Ukraine in this current conflict - to the point where his troops have taken serious damage. The people in the Ukrainian oblasts he has been fighting for will eventually become Russian citizens.

First you need to understand why Putin has been fighting in Ukraine. There are sixteen sets of photos in the following series - all from the previous 8 years before Putin finally said "Enough. I am going to put an end to this."

Make damn sure you view all 16. Then tell us again that Putin is the aggressor and is committing "genocide" in Ukraine.

Genocide of Donbass Civilians: Women, Elderly, and Children

These are harrowing photos that should not have to be published in peacetime. But the world has pretended that it was a time of peace for eight years. We have become contemporaries and partly passive participants in genocide.

“The Madonna of Gorlovka”, children, elderly people, women bleeding on the streets of their own cities. Silence on their deaths is a crime. One cannot possibly look at these photos. But you have to.

1/16 © Photo : White Book of Novorossiya

"The Madonna of Gorlovka" – Kristina Zhuk, a young woman, with her 10-month-old daughter Kira were killed on 27 July 2014, when the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) shelled the streets of Gorlovka with Grad rocket launchers. Four children were killed that day, later dubbed the “Donetsk Bloody Sunday”. Among them was little Kira. She died in the arms of her mother, who was fleeing from UAF soldiers. Kira's grandmother could not immediately find her daughter and granddaughter. Kristina was lying dead on the grass of the town square, still cradling her daughter in her arms.

When did you become interested in Ukraine? From your comments at this site it is obvious that has been just recently. I have watched events unfold in this region since the 1980's.

Do you even recall when and why Nuland said "Fuck the EU" in 2014 and the horror that was subsequently visited on the Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine? Your comments here have shown your complete fucking ignorance of history of Ukraine since the end of WWII.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Burnt Alive In Odessa’ (2021)

April 24, 2022

On May 2, 2014, people from the Ukrainian port city of Odessa were forced into the Trade Unions House building by Nationalist militants, which was then set on fire, as militants and onlookers watched the occupants get burnt alive inside. Their crime: they dared to protest against the new nationalist junta government that came to power in Kiev following a violent coup d’état and ‘Euro Maidan’ color revolution, backed by the United States, and supported by NATO and EU allies. Officially, 42 people were announced dead, including seven women and one child. To date, no one has been held responsible for this horrific massacre. Alexander, one of the few survivors, shares his memories of what really happened, and new battles he has to fight in the aftermath. Watch:

1 user has voted.

@Fishtroller 02 Man, that would never happen here!
NSA just sweeps up every utterance on everyone's cell phones. But they say they do not use it against us.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

Oh wait let’s ask Scott Olsen about that. Let’s see if he remembers being shot in the head by some cop that was just maintaining the peace.

Good grief. Let’s also ask the people who protested against cops killing people in cold blood and getting away with it. They might have something to say about the militarized cops flooding the streets of once peaceful protests and ramping up the violence and arresting people and beating those who don’t do what they say. Or we could talk to the people who protested at standing rock and were brutalized by the hired mercenaries.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg ended the Occupy protest. Or, how Bush kettled protesters into "free speech" zones. They looked like a prison yard to me.
I wonder what Russia's stats are on cop killings at routine traffic stops? lLast year, our cops killed 600. And that is just traffic stops. I guess cops prefer to just get it over with, as jail is expensive. Gotta feed the perps green baloney sandwiches daily.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp

for Russia. Pretty pathetic. You can only dance so long before you'll hit the reality of what is happening every day to the people in Ukraine.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 @Fishtroller 02 about what the main issues are.
This essay was to give us the news that Gonzalo was not dead, as so many had feared. Now, I am glad he wasn't tortured or killed. You seem to be disappointed he isn't dead.
As for the other issues about whether Ukraine Nazis are worse than Putin, etc., I will reserve discussion that for the appropriate essay. As a courtesy, I am trying to stay on topic.
You assert people on this site are pro-Putin and Russia. After you made that assertion, I thought you would disappear from the site. You have said you have left all former sites for that very reason.
If you want to hang out with like minds, feel more at ease,please send me a pm and I will give you some sites to read and join.
I look forward to reading your response. I will have time to read it both Tuesday and Wednesday.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp

agree with each other on all topics? When did that happen? When did the "majority wins" mentality take over here? I guess this makes me the 1% and the rest of you the 99%? I don't think that's quite the goal the host had in mind here. There is a lot that many of us on here agree upon, but lately the mantra has been that if you don't agree, you are WRONG rather than you just see things differently or are looking at a different set of facts. There is now a palpable hostility towards those who don't agree with the majority on issues like the pandemic and vaccines or now on the Russia/Ukraine conflict. Do YOU want this site to just be a place of majority nodding heads like DKos was during 2016? Do you want this to become a site where people plot to try to push someone off? Isn't that the reason most of us left that site? I want to hang on on a site where people have civilized discussions (not necessarily agreements). How can one learn anything if all are on the same page? I got along here fine for many years, so what has changed? I saw this group as a collective of rebels, not mind molded robots all nodding their heads in sync on every topic. Is that what you are comfortable with? I'm sure you meant well with the offer to find me a more suitable site, but really, how would you take it if I tried to show you the exit door?

I see Gonzalo Lira as a con artist and his writings on women as offensive. I certainly did not say or even imply that I wanted him dead. There. That's on topic.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 previously stated? Not sure...Anyway, re-read your initial comment in this thread. No sense at all you were pleased the man remains alive. Also, going around the room, bringing up whatever you are currently outraged about, is not staying on topic.
I love the character of this site, love the various opinions and points of view. If you wish to stay, that is fine, and certainly interesting, given you state you do not frequent sites like this. It must be important for you to be here and you accomplish something.
I do have suggestions for you if you wish to go exploring for sites that share your opinions. The offer to share them with you privately still stands.

1 user has voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp

"Also, going around the room, bringing up whatever you are currently outraged about, is not staying on topic."

... that what I wrote was in response to this...."You assert people on this site are pro-Putin and Russia. After you made that assertion, I thought you would disappear from the site. You have said you have left all former sites for that very reason.
If you want to hang out with like minds, feel more at ease,please send me a pm and I will give you some sites to read and join.
I look forward to reading your response. I will have time to read it both Tuesday and Wednesday."... which certainly was not on topic either.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 @Fishtroller 02 Gonzalo will continue to share with us what he is seeing in ukraine from the gound.

1 user has voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
that the people in the Donbas have lived under since 2014.

You can only dance so long before you'll hit the reality of what is happening every day to the people in Ukraine.

Speaking of dancing - you have been dancing ever since the Russians have entered Ukraine to finally put an end to the carnage that the US backed Ukrainian government has perpetrated in the Donbas for 8 years.

I suggest you watch the following and finally get a clue what the fuck has been going on in Ukraine.

After the Donetsk People’s Republic was proclaimed, war ravaged Donbass. Ukrainian artillery has been shelling towns and villages. Some people were lucky to get evacuated. Others stayed at their own peril and lost connection with their families. Either way, they did their best to survive in the ruins of their own houses and hope for a better future.

Andrey Lysenko and his son Vladislav are volunteers who drive across the devastated Donbass and distribute humanitarian aid to locals bought with subscribers’ money. Sometimes they travel with projectiles flying and bombs exploding around, but they are used to it. Their main goal is to help the people of Donbass to hold on and have all they need to survive.

The locals tell stories about Ukrainian nationalist and armed forces coming into their towns and villages, hiding among the civilian population, with tanks firing in the middle of residential neighbourhoods.

DNR residents who were separated from their relatives and loved ones by the front line venture out to the once Ukrainian city of Volnovakha, which now belongs to the DNR, to look for them and possibly reunite. But not everybody is willing to leave the houses they’ve been living in for years and abandon their pets.

How do people find the courage to remain strong and compassionate during shelling?

In the Donetsk region in 2014, Donbass residents refused to recognise the results of “Maidan” and were confronted by the severe reaction from the Ukrainian authorities. Donetsk Airport became a strategic base for the Ukrainian army. They succeeded in taking over the control tower and used it for shelling the militia and peaceful citizens. Therefore, one of the main objectives for the militia became retaking the airport control tower.

For the whole story go to our film Donbass War: Airport. Part 1.

1 user has voted.

to see as I woke up this morning, and will be interesting to get Scott Ritter's take on this latest as he had GL down for dead. Gonzalo offers a unique, independent and often colorful take on events in Ukraine. Frankly, it's surprising that UKR authorities allow him to continue to podcast, and I hope he adheres carefully to the restrictions.

He's especially mavericky and bold on his views of Biden -- he predicts the increasingly senile and unpopular Joe will be forced to step aside by January 21, to allow Kamala the remaining time on his term and make her eligible for a full 2 terms after that, nearly 10 yrs per Constitutional outer limit. He also thinks the Ds will arrange to limit losses in the midterms, presumably via election shenanigans. Likely he's way off the mark on the latter item, as modern Ds don't do major election thefts, while it's more likely in the next year or so a majority of Ds might emerge to force Joe to resign. That's within the realm.

Good to have Gonzalo back with his on-the-ground reporting and some of his gonzo takes. Now let's hope he and Eva K. Bartlett, another indie recently arrived in UKR, play it smart and stay out of harm's way.

8 users have voted.

I will watch/listen to the vids you posted shortly.
Nobody deserves to be tortured for revealing truth, or asserting opinions. (Think: Assange)
In fact, NOBODY is deserving of torture. Ever.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

this whole Gonzalo Lira story has just highlighted how totally amoral some of the people in the USA media are.

They were willing to deliver up a human being on a platter to be tortured and maybe executed because the man disagreed with them.

What has the collective West become? I thought that the era of collaborators was finished but they live among us

I cannot tell you how much this disturbs me.

Posted by: Manage without me | Apr 22 2022 15:26 utc | 51

That a journalist from the daily beast wrote what he did about Gonzalo and wanted the Nazis to arrest him is beyond evil. That so many Americans thought it would be a good thing to do is beyond words. But then many of those people are also happy that Julian Assange is going to be extradited here and stuck in another dark hole for the rest of his life. Lots of the DK shitlibs are in that group. Lots of those people are also welcoming back our return to McCarthyism. I never thought I’d have a front seat viewing of how many of the good Germans got that way and yet here I am. Totally at a loss for words to witness what is happening here in this country and how the last 4 years has shaped it to be like this.

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Creosote.'s picture

Gonzago's presence is a lesson in courage we'll likely need to learn more about ourselves.

6 users have voted.

which is what comedian/hero Zelenksy has done is like,so cool, and fair and democratic!
And, Putin, (evil bastard trying to protect Russians from genocide), and here we are! Drop nukes. Strategic ones, of course.
This could have been avoided, except our oligarchs wanted more.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

◽️The situation in Mariupol has returned to normal. Residents of the city were able to move freely along the streets without hiding from the shelling of the Ukrainian Nazis. Humanitarian aid is being delivered: food, water and basic necessities. The authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic are organizing the clearing of the streets from rubble and the removal of the affected Ukrainian military equipment.

◽️ All the remnants of the Ukrainian Nazis "Azov", together with foreign mercenaries from the United States and European countries, are securely blocked on the territory of the Azovstal plant. Our demands to release the women and children allegedly with them for free travel in any direction, the Nazis ignore. The procedure for the exit of civilians, if any, from the territory of Azovstal for subsequent evacuation is brought to the Nazis hourly. This information is also communicated to representatives of the Kiev regime through Deputy Prime Minister Vereshchuk.

◽️ The holding by the Nazis of "Azov" and foreign mercenaries of civilian hostages, if any, proves that they are not "defenders", but finished terrorists.

◽️ In this regard, the strained attempts of the speaker of the US State Department habitually lie about allegedly maintaining control over Mariupol by the Nazi rabble - a fake and direct aiding terrorists at a high state level. The State Department habitually misinforms its own citizens, and everyone else. Ukraine itself, its inhabitants in Mariupol and other cities, Washington is interested only in terms of profits from the supply of weapons there and the fight against Russia, even “to the last Ukrainian,” as all its satellites repeat at the suggestion of the State Department.

But here’s Barry bitching about disinformation. Buy a mirror, Barry!

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

We armed and funded our enemies. It’s just money laundering.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

Why isn’t the world fcking outraged?

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

The shitlibs have lost their gd minds!

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


for hate speech because they wrote something about Trump. They are all for others being censored but when it’s their turn OMG how dare they? Can’t say that they weren’t warned.

3 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Sima's picture

I am so glad that you shared it. Thank you! Like I've said, I don't agree with Gonzalo some of the time, but that doesn't mean he should be kidnapped, disappeared, tortured and perhaps killed. Nobody should have that happen, period.

4 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

snoopydawg's picture


And yet there’s one here that doesn’t seem to mind that Nazis are hassling journalists in Ukraine. Or that other journalists wanted them to hassle Gonzalo no matter the consequences. But apparently it’s okay for them to do it because she doesn’t like what the person says on certain topics. So much for free speech. But then apparently it’s selective free speech and only for those who agree with her.

3 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


The purist don't seem to understand that we can agree with people with whom we also have disagreements. I like to use the example of Ron Paul who has many views with which I disagree, but on his antiwar message, I'm right there with him side by side. I don't agree with everything that anyone says, and as I implied that include statements I've made myself...because like all humans I evolve as I learn. We are all on the path of learning and tolerance is needed as we move forward.

I too was relieved at the news of Gonzalo and posted this as soon as I learned of it. Have a great weekend!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”