The Dose 3-29-22
Submitted by Lookout on Tue, 03/29/2022 - 5:07am

The place for COVID conversations and updates
This could be written into a who's on first routine. 6 min.
Misinformation, Malinformation, and Disinformation
Maliformation is true but causes you to mistrust the government
Misinformation is simply untrue
Disinformaton is planted misinformation
What a bunch of DHS doublespeak.
What's new with you?

Nothing is new with me.
I have mistrusted my government since 1977, to the point where It is impossible for anything to make me trust it any less. Therefore, Hunter Biden's laptop is equal to or greater truth than Moses' tablets.
It is antidisestablishmentmalinformationary.
Edit: my astute partner points out that information that causes you to mistrust your government is simply truth.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Orwell predicted it...
The ministry of truth and double speak. We've arrived. Just heard that in Canada it is illegal to have unaccepted views....even arresting Canadian MPs.
8 min
I keep seeing the similarity between unacceptable COVID views and Ukrainian war views.
Take care friend!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Speaking of Orwell…I thought about how much our world has changed in just a few decades and for the worst. Most of our rights gone. No massive anti war movement like during the Vietnam war. Wages not enough to support people even working 2 jobs. Environment polluted on a massive scale. Resources dwindling. And billions of creatures wiped from existence. And tons more heinous things that we seem helpless to stop even if people actually got off their duffs and demanded it. I am just as guilty as everyone else because what have I done lately? But then what can just one person do? But it’s sad to know that how far America has fallen because of the greed of the owner class.
It’s what we have done to the critters that bothers me the most. And breaks my heart.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The entire ecosystem
including all living things, are just resources for profit. Great economic system we have.
This AM my buddy commented about the lack of healthcare in the US. He's having his house re-roofed. One of the guys ran a large splinter of treated wood run across the palm of his hand. They wanted to take him to the local doc in a box, but he said no, he was broke. Yeah we're great.
We do have a beautiful country. That is some consolation. Take care and hey to Sam.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sam says hey
This substack thread goes back to a previous discussion we had on critical thinking. Michelle is a psychologist who has written some interesting things on the Covid scam and opposes censorship on all things Covid, but here she is saying that Tucker Carlson should be censured because he doesn’t toe the mainstream media line. People in the comments are trying to educate her about what is really happening in Ukraine, but she just can’t see it. Zelensky cannot support the Nazis cuz he is Jewish and lost family during the war. One comment on Zelensky was that he’s a Zionist Jew. That makes sense to me. Israel is supporting the Nazis in Ukraine which others have shown in comments here.
Her personal views are in line with being supportive of Bernie but with a few deviations. The 2nd amendment should be nullified and no one outside the military should have access to guns. It doesn’t seem to matter how many links on how Zelensky is working with the Nazis are shown her she just can’t wrap her mind around the concept that Putin is not Hitler. Just food for thought if anyone wants to discuss how it’s possible for some to be against censorship for Covid, but for it on other subjects.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Pfizer knew…
New Pfizer document shows Immunosuppression in first 7 days and Natural Immunity exists
There is no way they should have given authorization for the mass vaccine program. Period. They knew that people were getting injured by them during the trial and they also knew that there were more deaths in the jabbed group than in the placebo one. They knew that the younger people were the higher the risk of adverse effects. They also knew from the beginning that the jabs were leaky, they didn’t stop transmission and they risked ADE.
Don’t forget that they unblinded the control group just around the time they were seeing increased adverse effects. There has been evidence that the trial was fraudulent, but Fauci and friends went ahead with authorization anyway. I just spent some time reading people’s adverse effects stories and so many lives have been ruined by the mRNA shots and they cannot get doctors to see it. Many are being told that they just have anxiety and please stop bothering them. Millions are left with suffocating medical debt because no one has to take responsibility for the injuries. And yet Biden today gave them permission to let people get their 4th or 5th jab even though they don’t work. That’s on top of the increasing number of people injured and killed.
Never forget how they covered up early treatments so people would get jabbed even knowing how harmful they were. Will anyone be held accountable for this? No because our government has been captured by every industry and that includes the courts.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.