The Dose 3-15-22
Beware the Ides of March

In Sunday's poll the community overwhelming opted to keep this daily column going. The reason I asked the question is that, at least in my community, there is no more mask wearing, people shake hands and hug, and everything is pretty much back to normal. From my perspective here, the pandemic is over. I hope the same is true where you live.
I titled this beware the ides of March because there may be a new more virulent variant that will appear, but let's hope COVID has morphed into just another cold virus. I do think it is worthwhile to look at what transpired, and develop ideas on how we, at least as individuals, might act if there is a repeat event. It is important to understand how fear was used to play the public, and how we can build our immune system to fight off most infections.
I want to repost this interview where Dr Kory shares his experiences treating COVID patients and coping with the massive big pharma push back.
I think he has been one of the heroes of the pandemic.
So what's on your mind?

Another great doctor....
in conversation about health and pharmaceuticals
20 min
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Brave New World coming to Canada
Here it comes....
might be a card with a chip for those without a bank account. I would be surprised if people accept an implanted chip. Better keep your account balance low and cash holding high.
Will the sheeple accept this global reset? I wonder. Based on the way they cheer on this war while ignoring Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syria, and our many unjustified aggressions doesn't bode well for those dreaming of a great resist.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I figure TPTB will use
facial recognition tied into all your personal data rather than a chip. A chip can be switched out or even stolen with a minor cut.
Cash can be done away with. Even now some stores won't accept your 'dirty', 'infected' cash.
Young people over the pond are accepting them
Sweden has been using them for awhile.
It’s posted in the CB video. I just can’t believe how people are accepting it, but then they weren’t warned about it and it’s why the PTB always target people in the younger generation. Rights? Why do we need rights? They have nothing to hide right?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
How Bad is My Batch
Good news on the COVID front
Tracking mortality rate over time since 2020, researchers in England have now seen rates plummet, to less than the typical influenza baseline.
Article here
Dr Dhand explains 7.5 min
So at least in the UK the flu is more deadly than COVID.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
CDC is monitoring Covid levels in sewage treatment plants
around the country. Not sure if the actual date is available to the public. Watch for information in your local area. Infection control practices are best started at the beginning of a wave, rather than at the peak when prior exposure has probably already happened. This may be why there is rumblings of a 4th booster.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
No doubt it is spreading...
but not becoming symptomatic except as cold like symptoms. At least that's the case in our community. I found the piece up thread that COVID is less deadly than the flu adds perspective to our current situation.
Monitoring sewage is a good idea and having the data public even better. That's the way they ID COVID in Spain in March of 2019.
Thanks for the info!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I expect chipping to become accepted
by all the young in the very near future.
Google "SM3 Smart Nail Chip" Videos.
Look at the marketing currently being done:
It’d be funny if it wasn’t so idiotic
This is what following the science gets us.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Jimmy talks about the Pfizer ceo saying that the mRNA shots
scientists didn’t think they should be used until one day they did and now they are. His instinct wasn’t to trust that they would work, but now they do?
Now we’re being told that we should get another jab for something that doesn’t work. It’s not like tons of jabbed people were protected from getting Rona. Unbelievable! But there will be some people who will line up and get one. Ima old enough to remember when they said one set and done. Remember they are doing this whilst the world is learning about how fraudulent their trials were and they knew that they had killed 1,220 people before they were released on a trusting population. Gawd’s nightgown!
A little bit said how the FDA sat on its ass while millions were getting addicted to OxyContin and tens of thousands of people died from overdose! This is who people are trusting today. Go figure.
On top of the 500,000 that could have been saved by early treatment there are the tens of thousands of people who were killed by remdisiver and ventilation. Doctors watched as people died after that treatment, but many stayed silent. Hospitals got lots of extra money to do that. I find that appalling.
Doctors get $400 for each mRNA shot they give.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
you can't make it up...
this was purposeful. Luckily (not sadly as Gates said) omicron has provided a natural vaccine.
The adverse RXs are slowly seeping into public consciousness, once fully understood I expect there will be some outrage....but whatcha gonnna do since we're already jabbed?
It is gonna take awhile for the idea that effective treatments were suppressed to sink into the public sphere, me thinks. Thanks for the links
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Rerun of Covid Secrets with updated information.
(Episode 1 and bonus will expire in 22 hours)
Episode 1 - COVID Truth: Overcoming Censorship and Media Misinformation
Bonus Episode #1 - Fraud, Lies & Corruption