Putin’s tax..gas hike..gas tax..gas hikes
NOW - Pelosi: "Putin's gas hike. That's his gas hike. So, much of this increase... started weeks leading up to what happened there."pic.twitter.com/jp0Fb3j3CD
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) March 11, 2022
That’s because they belong to us.
NOW - US: Ukraine does not have a biological weapons program.pic.twitter.com/wt1vucFn5Z
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) March 11, 2022
Umm what?
NOW - Biden on Russia's stock market: "Ya hear me? It will blow up."pic.twitter.com/P7t2SNmNYT
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) March 11, 2022
Can you say WTF you smoking Ro?
How it started. How it’s going. pic.twitter.com/gMW6jmPqW3
— Fiorella Isabel (@FiorellaIsabelM) March 11, 2022
This one for clarification pic.twitter.com/uL5XDq3dXc
— Fiorella Isabel (@FiorellaIsabelM) March 11, 2022
Buy a mirror, Hillary!
1. While Secretary of State, Clinton's State Department deliberately bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz in northern Afghanistan, killing at least 30 people. pic.twitter.com/3L5cgskUa5
— Alan MacLeod (@AlanRMacLeod) March 10, 2022
3. In 1993, Hillary's husband Bill oversaw the repeated shelling of a Somali hospital, killing many dozens of people. https://t.co/NwieAGSxtv pic.twitter.com/PyaeMBX08h
— Alan MacLeod (@AlanRMacLeod) March 10, 2022

Unbelievable really and after they refused to raise ours
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Excellent choice retweeting Alan MacLeod
His work at Mint Press has been outstanding during Russia's beat down of Ukraine for making a choice that places Russia's national security in peril.
About that, there is no question. No nation on earth would allow such a demonstrable threat to stand against their border.
Alan MacLeod is one of the bright lights reporting for Mint Press, which in my opinion is one of the few news sources that actually understands the geopolitical game-at-hand, and covers the players who are actually causing the situation. They also put evidentiary documents in Reader's hands:
US Admits to Funding Biological Laboratories in Ukraine, with Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
That way, thinkers don't have to waste time speculating and listening to US denials.
MintPress Study: NY Times, Washington Post Driving US to War with Russia Over Ukraine
This MintPress study reveals that ninety percent of recent opinion articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal have taken a hawkish view on the Ukraine conflict written by pundits tied to the national security state promoting NATO as a defender of the free world & describe Putin as Hitler incarnate.
Now you gone and done it Snoopy. You made me check out
the highlights of the Russia Maddow show.
Of course I didn't watch any of it but here are the titles of 2 segments.
"How the West can help Russians change their corrupt leadership."
"Ukrainians will make a Russian occupation unsustainable: Yovanovitch"
I see nothing has changed all that much.
Well the shitlibs will agree with Rachel
and they will love Biden sticking it to the republicans.
Give us a break you dweeber!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Anymore elections are a choice between 2 rotten choices.
It is like heads we lose and tails we lose leading to this.
How can people not see that? Blue or red MAGA it’s the same thing.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The two sides do still
employ different rhetoric. Dems call it Putin's gas price hike. Reps would call it "Freedom Gas prices." Are Americans so dumb that they can't see this as cover for the warmongering, bozos in DC?
Back in 1980, the Republicans had the sunny disposition running against the guy stuck with stagflation, increased gas prices (OPEC muscle flexing), US hostages in Tehran (b/c Carter let the Shah into the US, running a covert operation to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan, boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics, and embargoes the grain sale to the USSR. The US grain producers, shippers, and dock workers were hopping made about the last item. US Olympic athletes that had been training for years and lost their one chance were pissed. Carter correctly got all the blame for the hostage crisis. (Reagan's team likely prolonged it by making and illegal deal with Iran, but give an opponent a weapon, don't expect them not to use it.) Of course that clever move against the USSR came back to bite us big time on 9/11/2001.
(Carter also got dinged for the 50/55 MPH federal speed limit because people forgot that it was Nixon and Ford that put that into place.)
Thou shall not be able to access anything except what we tell
you is the truth.
It is good that there are some that don't go with the flow.
I've never trusted Ro Khanna
Suspect that he's the Silicon Valley, long-term neo-liberal plant that plays lefty. To that end, I've casually monitored his actions/words since he was elected. This is the first time that I've seen his mask fully slipping.
Don't you find it weird that Americans
....and American politicians are overflowing with bizarre and inappropriate emotions? They have lost all sense and reason with their screeching and wailing and blubbering.
What are they trying to drown out with all that noise?
Curious more than weird.
The average American has long been prone to hysteria and the past five years have heightened that predisposition. Under intense and unrelenting propaganda, they're lashing out at what they believe is a real enemy. As if this is what will restore normality in the world and their lives.
Might be the same for some US politicians. However, not those close to the "deep state." Taking down Russia has been a twenty-five + plus years project. (Or a 105+ years project, but that hasn't been a continuous effort.) They thought success was nearly in hand during the Yeltsin years and Putin was only Yeltsin's hand-picked successor. Putin pulled the rug out from under them; so, they had to go back to the drawing board and Ukraine became on toe the keys. Kuchma wasn't good enough; thus, Yushchenko became their guy until all Ukrainians except the Nazis hated him. So, try to work through Yanukovych until he began to unwind a few things that Kuchma and Yushchenko had put in place. Sacrificing Crimea to get him out wasn't in their game plan and they need it back. It's been a seven year slog for them and they believed their own bs that they would succeed this year.
Thanks Brandon. Coming to a gas station near you.
Must watch
Rachel is too chicken to have Glenn on her show.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not being a viewer of Tucker except for a few clips it is hard
to determine his agenda.
But one thing that is certain is that he has guests that will never see the light of day on CNN or MSNBC. They only have those that adhere to the corporate group think.
I’m curious about that too
5 companies own the mainstream media and so I question why Tucker is allowed to go off script from the others who toe the party line. Hannity wants Putin killed too and most of the others are anti Russia. I hate being this cynical but I have been wondering about that. He has people on his show that can’t get on MSDNC or CNN. Tulsi, Glenn and Aaron. It’s a conundrum.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
He gets high ratings.
And his moments of sanity aren't too frequent to be tolerated.
No Fox. No CNN. No MSNBC----ever. personal decision made some time ago.
Safety Valve
Krystal and Saagar do the exact same routine. Criticizing the msm just a little bit. Just enough to sucker you in.
Fifth Column.
Could be
both you and Marie are right. Tucker gets to keep the republican voters riled up and distracted like Rachel does for the left. Both had a judge say that they use propaganda on their viewers after being sued. Shitlibs love to point this out, but then they ignore that it applies to Rachel too. What is that called?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Both sides of corporate media
...are pushing ideologies that have nothing to do with working people in the domestic economy. Their ideologies have to do with windfall profits and tax dodges that they achieve by playing power games with global economies, while keeping the taxpayers, who actually pay for these power games — gaslit, distracted, and delusional at home.
When the tide comes in, it lifts their yachts. But it capsizes your boat, which it is doing right now.
One thing that has happened is that sources that I used to go
to to gather information are rapidly shrinking. For example so called news wires as they only seem to spread one sided propaganda..
Now they are alluding that Merkel was a Commmie.
Major newspapers have also become a lost cause.
Good gawd the replies to the Merkel tweet!
This is how people accepted people being thrown into concentration camps and others killed just because of who they were. Biden is deliberately driving up the hatred and blood lust against Russians. Something bad is going to happen very soon and he will be responsible for it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
“They’re always high.” in Mendocino
Yon three days ago,
Gas station on Mendocino Coast charging more than $8 a gallon
Price gougers win again! Deviously contrived austerity wins! So much winning! "including 5th District Mendocino County Supervisor Ted Williams, who said, “They’re always high.”" So fuck off and die, poor non-electric car owners. And don't forget to hate Russian Putin's Gas!
Nih! My two minutes are up. I'd guess about 25% of vehicle traffic in wine country is diesel powered. Some of it with BIG tires and BIG flags flying out the back. And now with added kerosene! Or whatever it is they are adding to get the "rolling coal" effect. Which is what I got to breath deeply while walking in front of the Citrus Fair the other day. Some young man in a BIG yellow truck was driving up and down the boulevard "rolling coal" at every pedestrian it could find. This is where I live. I spend zero dollars on gas, so young men literally hate me enough to want to do that to the air we all breath. My real dystopia.
Get the hook!
Pelosi and Biden have jumped the shark. Like little kids blaming others on what they have done.
The Entire Gov't
babbling and giggling like 4 year olds or drifting off into some state of dementia.
Won't somebody think of the children ?
Tweet doesn't want to load.
See here: Twitter
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
The only ones benefiting from high gas prices
are the oil companies. How can people not understand that? Oh right they are influencers to make people go against their own interests. Gawd’s Nightgown! It’s getting worse every day.
It’s hard to see but there is an emoji in the tweet you need to remove. It’ll show up anyway if you do.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
No one here has ever voted in a Federal Election
...where there was a different ideological outcome between the two parties that would have changed their destiny in any way from what it is today. That hand has always been dealt from the top, where you have no influence whatsoever. Your votes have only confirmed your compliance with the dystopia they have created for all of us.
I think the following tweet is less of a waste of time:
Every time people vote for someone in their party they are giving them consent to keep doing things that they don’t want them to do. Almost everyone in congress has been there for decades. And they keep betraying the promises they made to get people to vote for them.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's a big club,
and we ain't in it. Reg. gas is $3.80 here. I use premium in my car, but I only drive it 5 miles or so 5 times a week. It is my truck that guzzles. I drive it about 25 miles each week.
It will hurt my normally poor or near-poor clients, and I figure my retainers will need to drop a bit to accommodate them. Some income beats pricing myself out of business. See, I am not an oil company. I perform public service.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
There's a big difference between being
...being a For Profit operation and being a Capitalist.
Being "For Profit" means your provide a business or service that people want and need, and you do so under the terms of your own integrity and moral core. Nobody is funding you and compromising your message.
Being a Capitalist is using your access to large sums of money to create market trends that you can play or invest on the exchanges you just rigged. Then using your profits to do more of the same while distorting the economy in devastating ways for people who work for a living.
Important to remember that making a profit from real work and real creation is a good thing. Never confuse that with Capitalism.