ZeroHedge exposed as Putin Puppet site

Dammit! How will I be able to continue to spread Russian propaganda and corrupt the minds of unwitting Americans when my sources of disinformation continue to be exposed?

(AP) — U.S. intelligence officials on Tuesday accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership of amplifying Kremlin propaganda and alleged five media outlets targeting Ukrainians have taken direction from Russian spies.

The officials said Zero Hedge, which has 1.2 million Twitter followers, published articles created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to Russian intelligence. The officials did not say whether they thought Zero Hedge knew of any links to spy agencies and did not allege direct links between the website and Russia.

Zero Hedge denied the claims and said it tries to “publish a wide spectrum of views that cover both sides of a given story.” In a response posted online Tuesday morning, the website said it has “has never worked, collaborated or cooperated with Russia, nor are there any links to spy agencies.”

There you go. Would a real Russian spy have admitted to being a Russian spy? Of course not. Therefore that's proof that zerohedge is full of Russian spies.

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QMS's picture

If you don't agree with me, then you are obviously a communist
sympathizer. Wouldn't Joe McCarthy have fun with that one?
Red scare version 2.0. If you ain't with us, you are a Russian spy!

Haven't we had enough of this fear mongering by now?
I sure have.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

I got banned from DKos on the day that I posted an essay mocking Russiagate.
Then I started hanging out on r/WayoftheBern until it turned out that WotB was Russian disinformation too. (and again)

So now ZH, where I've been visiting for a decade is Putin's plaything. I'm feeling a bit of Zevon right now.

Update: I was reading those articles I linked to above, and there are a few bits that are wonderful. From WashPo:

One reason that Sanders was on Russia’s radar has been little noted: He, like Trump, opposed trade deals such as the Trans-Pac­ific Partnership. Putin had been critical of the TPP, saying it was secretive and “hardly facilitates sustainable development of Asia Pacific.”

During the primary race, Sanders gave at least three interviews to a Russia-controlled television network, RT, in which his trade stance was highlighted. The network in February 2016 criticized MSNBC for breaking away from a Sanders speech after he said he was “helping to lead the opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.” RT posted an article headlined “Bernie Sanders ‘censored’ by MSNBC while criticizing trade deal.”
Linvill, the Clemson researcher, said the Russians saw Sanders as “just a tool.” “He is a wedge to drive into the Democratic Party,” resulting in lower turnout for Clinton, he said.

Then there's the VPR article:

Oh noes! Those Russian disinformation tweets were 100% accurate, which is the most dangerous kind of disinformation.

13 users have voted.
QMS's picture


if we don't send pelousy our money right away
gotta prove we are true blue by donating
those lawyers and guns cost money
don'cha know

10 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Pluto's Republic's picture


....for 30 years, the State Department looks stupid.

Like they still think that anyone cares about such nonsense.

12 users have voted.
QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic

But the deviousness of propaganda can not admit that russkies = commies = enemies of
the good ol' USA has been a fabricated truth nearly forever. How does it look now that the
Nazis of Ukraine are the lesser evils of the aggressive bear? Or how the Al Queda were less
of a threat than any elected government in the Mid East? And who's side is ISIS on? (Hint CIA)

To think of the realization that we have been brainwashed for over 100 years may reduce the
belief in their methodology, in the public's eyes. This is something they can not allow.

Saving Vietnam from Chinese socialism? Saving Nicaragua from socialism?
It's more like saving the bankers from losing profits. That's what war used to be about.

Now it is also about covering dirty political mistakes under a different guise.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Pluto's Republic's picture


The fleet of Toyotas, the head chopping, the whole thing.

And McCain was meeting and being photographed with Uighurs.

Americans haven't even scratched the surface of the atrocities they pay for.

4 users have voted.
Shahryar's picture

Of Putin's intentions. That State Department guy gave it to us when he told us Putin has bad intentions. What's the evidence? "I just gave it to you".

That was my favorite Biden Administration moment so far. And, as you'll recall, reporters who were skeptical were asked if they preferred Russian sources. Or, in a separate news conference, if they chose to believe ISIS instead.

21 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

but it’s not really a laughing matter. Not after the DHS released its domestic terrorism report last week. It’s a way for the government to crack down on dissent from its talking points. There can be serious repercussions coming towards those accused of spreading disinformation.

The officials briefed The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence sources. It was the latest effort by President Joe Biden’s administration to release U.S. intelligence findings about Russian activity involving Ukraine as part of a concerted push to expose and influence the moves of Russian President Vladimir Putin. U.S. officials previously accused Putin of planning a “false-flag” operation to create a pretext for a new invasion of Ukraine and detailed what they believe are final-stage Russian preparations for an assault.

Let’s not forget that some people did end up in prison after the Mueller investigations. Not for anything related to Russia Gate, but process crimes. But still they were sentenced to prison.

Zero Hedge has been sharply critical of Biden and posted stories about allegations of wrongdoing by his son Hunter.

Let’s also not forget that those stories about son Biden were actually true and that the FBI had been and still are looking into his actions in Ukraine and China.

In recent months, Zero Hedge has published numerous articles that accused the U.S. of fomenting panic about Ukraine, which now faces the possibility of an invasion by more than 130,000 Russian troops massed on several sides of the country. Some of those articles are listed as being written by people affiliated with the Strategic Culture Foundation.

First off we know that the mainstream media lied to the world about Russia Russia and that they are not being held to account for it. Mueller found no connection between Trump and Russia nor was the story about Alpha bank true and that someone from Herheinous' campaign just made that up. We also got new information on how Hillary’s campaign actually did spy on Trump both as a candidate and when he was president as Durham recently informed us, but the media isn’t touching that story or they are saying that it’s false. Check the orange shitlib site to see that.

As for the Strategic Culture Foundation journalists that write for it have been threatened with $3,000 fines if Biden thinks what they write is false. There’s the shitlib's war on the press that they bitched about Trump doing. Imagine being under the sword of Damocles for writing something your government doesn’t approve of.

The Biden administration sanctioned the foundation last year for allegedly taking part in Russia’s interference in the 2020 U.S. election. U.S. intelligence officials allege the foundation’s leaders ultimately take direction from the SVR, the Russian foreign intelligence service.

Hey AP and other media sites; buy a fcking mirror!

Disinformation has long been used by Putin against adversaries, including the United States, and as one tool in regional conflicts to accompany cyberattacks and the movement of military forces. Washington and Kyiv have for months highlighted the issue of Russian influence in Ukrainian media.

This seems to be a message.

Officials described for the first time what they say are direct communications between Russian spies and the editors or directors of the media outlets. They did not release records of the communications.

Yeah let’s just ignore that America is directly supporting Nazis in Ukraine. The same organization that has ties to the Nazis from WW2. We just saw them training granny yesterday. But that’s government propaganda which is okay because the rule not allowing our government to do it was revoked during Obama’s tenure.


The website was an early amplifier of conspiracy theories and misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. An Associated Press investigation determined the site played a pivotal role in advancing the unproven theory that China engineered the virus as a bioweapon. It’s also posted articles touting natural immunity to COVID-19 and unproven treatments.

The information ZH posted that was deemed misinformation was found to be true a few months later.

The website was an early amplifier of conspiracy theories and misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. An Associated Press investigation determined the site played a pivotal role in advancing the unproven theory that China engineered the virus as a bioweapon. It’s also posted articles touting natural immunity to COVID-19 and unproven treatments.

I think this is another serious shot across the bow for what the government is doing. Ggersh recently posted on the DHS letter that people should take seriously and Iverson talked about it on her show. Joe posted it in Friday’s EBs that’s worth a watch. It’s why 1/6 was allowed to happen. The laws coming out from it were written long ago just like the patriot act was written long before 9/11.

14 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

QMS's picture


from the US propaganda machine. Talk about a double standard.
If the government sanctioned lies are proven to be falsification later on
there is no penalty. National security etc. But truth tellers must be punished.
See Julian Assange as an example.

13 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS @QMS What we are allowed to hear is Government Propaganda and the government approved Propaganda Light that is meant to appease uneasy Americans with just enough outrage to be a safety valve, But not Enough to Threaten Capital a/k/a Our Interests and Our Values.

Gov't Porpaganda----Good

Propaganda Light-----"The Safety valve" Good

Truth-------NOT GOOD. Punishable by banishment. Exile. Lifetime confinement.

8 users have voted.


Pluto's Republic's picture

Especially the Russia and China kind.

It didn't start out that way, but the State Department clown car has turned sentiment against US International BS and bullying, especially their embarrassing false flags

All their Russia invasion screeching was really just propaganda directed at Americans to test their appetite for war.

13 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

100 days of messages that Russia was going to invade Ukraine and the US sending lots of troops to fight Russia. That’s on top of 4 years of Russia Russia and our ships over there trying to start something. Be afraid, be afraid was the daily message. Sadly lots of people believed that they were on the brink of nuclear annihilation. Piss off, Biden and fellow sociopaths.

11 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@Pluto's Republic . This has been quite an eye-opening 48 hours.

11 users have voted.


Shahryar's picture

We've seen that list of what the Repubs supported in 1956. It wasn't as great as it could have been but it had some decent stuff in it, supporting unions, protecting Social Security, etc.

The Democrats of today almost agree with it, although the 2022 Dems are more conservative. But one thing for sure that the Dems agree with the 1950s Repubs on and that's McCarthyism! Yeah!! Russian stooges! Working for the Kremlin!

12 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture

I don't care for ZeroHedge at all, and stopped reading it years ago (after their Fukushima coverage fizzled out). Way too kill-'em-all rightwing for me to stomach. But this is just another example of the War on Truth proceeding apace: deprecate all sources of information other than those Blessed By Da Gummint, by claiming that they are controlled by the boogieman du jour.

It is getting to be damned tiring, and that is made all the more sad by how effective it is on the low-information types. And the saddest thing of all is that it can only succeed by converting otherwise informed people into low-information types, largely by making them think that it was their own personal idea... Goebbels would weep.

5 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

But their coverage of the financial markets is why I keep going back here.

3 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture


my need for breaking financial news by the simple expediency of being too broke to invest in anything... I'm glad that you go there, so that I don't have to. Thanks!

Actually, I get a fair dose of financial news by reading the Reddit sub r/wallstreetbets . Now, *that* is some funny stuff...

2 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.