P5 Nations Foreswear Nuclear War

For your consideration; first, via RT.com Jan. 3, 2021:

“China, France, Russia, the UK, and the US have released a joint statement affirming their opposition to using their nuclear arsenals for offensive purposes. They also promised to work together on nuclear disarmament.

“We affirm that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought,” read the statement released on Monday. “As nuclear use would have far-reaching consequences, we also affirm that nuclear weapons – for as long as they continue to exist – should serve defensive purposes, deter aggression, and prevent war.”

The five signatories said they will continue to abide by their “bilateral and multilateral non-proliferation, disarmament, and arms control agreements and commitments,” and claimed that none of their nukes are targeted at each other or any other state.

Monday’s statement comes at a time when relations between some of the P5 are at a historic low point. Russia and the US have long squabbled over the placement of American nukes in Europe, and with lawmakers in Washington recently accusing Moscow of planning an “invasion” of Ukraine – a claim rejected by Kremlin – some in Congress have even called for nuclear war should that invasion take place.”

The author writes that ahead of the NATO/Moscow summit, the US has not agreed to remove its nuclear bombs from the EU, and that US officials US officials have claimed that China is dramatically increasing its stockpile of nuclear arrms, and reminds readers that Pakistan and India re nuclear powers, and Israel is likely to have a nuclear arsenal. From armscontrol.org:

‘Israel is widely believed to possess 90 plutonium-based nuclear warheads and to have produced enough plutonium for 100-200 weapons. While a stockpile of this size constitutes a credible minimal deterrent, the lack of an explosive testing program might create concerns about effectiveness. There is speculation that Israel worked with other countries to test its weapons’ effectiveness. Israel may have relied on France for some testing data until France imposed an embargo on Israel after the Six-Day War in June.’ 1967. Some also speculate that Israel conducted a nuclear weapons test with South Africa in 1979 known as the Vela incident."

Other reports and color commentary:

From amerikanmilitarynews.com
“The joint statement comes days after Russia test-fired two hypersonic Tsirkon cruise missiles from a submarine, and another from a frigate. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the test, “a big event in the country’s life.” He has previously referred to Russia’s hypersonic missiles as capable of evading U.S. missile defenses and hitting nearly any target worldwide.

In August 2021, China launched its own hypersonic weapon that circled the Earth before impacting a target. The test shocked the U.S., which scrubbed its own hypersonic weapon launch due to failures in late 2021. The U.S. called China’s test “concerning” and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. John Hyten said China could be nearing the capability to launch a surprise nuclear attack on the U.S.

And from thesun.co.uk:APOCALYPSE NOW’ (w/ great graphics):

“Diplomats had been set to review the 1970 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to limit the spread of atomic arms.

All nations were granted dispensations to maintain stockpiles as long as they continued working toward the eventual elimination of nuclear weapons.

Russia leads the board with a stockpile of 6,375 nuclear weapons while the US follows closely behind with 5,800.

The two rivals are splashing billions of dollars on state-of-the-art weapons systems, raising fears squabbles could spill into nuclear conflict.


The UK and US have rallied behind Ukraine and promised to support them if Russia invaded, amid a mass build-up of troops on the border. But experts warned President Putin could strike and spark World War 3 if Joe Biden bows down to the Russian strongman's demands, with the pair set to hold crunch talks on Thursday.

Russian wargames have continued to ramp up while Putin’s satellite-destroying S-550 missile that’s capable of shooting down “space weapons” was reportedly put into service.

But Biden warned making any moves on Ukraine will draw sanctions for the powerhouse and an increased US presence in Europe.

Washington also has its hands full with tensions with China - most notably over Taiwan - again sparking fears it could trigger a world war. Beijing have promised to one day seize Taiwan, by force if necessary, as they see it as part of its territory, while the US have continued to support their independence, but China's foreign minister warned just last week that US encouragement "not only puts Taiwan into an extremely dangerous situation but also exposes the United States to an unbearable price".

(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

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Lookout's picture

...and as usual it is the US and its minion allies doing the thumping. Corporate media silence about what is going on, and constantly demeaning Russia and China doesn't help.

As to the treaty, given our track record of lying and breaking agreements, how could any other country believe us?

Thanks for the update!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

wendy davis's picture


i confess i'd tried hard to resist putting this up, but finally failed. but what's more important than nuclear war? which nation is the only one to ever drop not one but two atomic bombs? and it's surreal that the UK, NATO, and US project their fears on iran, china, and russia.

it wouldn't surprise me to discover that the saudis (Sunnis, aka: 'the good muslims, also rule bahrain, home of the US fifth fleet) as opposed to the shite iranians (aka: 'the bad muslims') have nukes, either.

thanks for reading and caring, lookout.

3 users have voted.
zed2's picture

Because it would cause a massive rise in food prices leading to cannibalism.

The 2010 film "The Road" (one of the scariest films Ive ever seen, has a realistic depiction of what this brutal winterized cold world would be like. Almost nothing can grow and food stores are all immediately looted with money becoming completely worthless, like leaves in fall.. so the surviving people become the food of roving bands of cannibals. (see video) Almost everybody is dead. Because of the lack of refrigeration unlucky, captured people imprisoned for later consumption in a basement are kept alive and the arms, legs, etc, are chopped off, to eat or for smoking, it seems.. Terrifying.

0 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


thanks for the cliffs notes. although it's not long, i cannae afford to watch cannibalization. until i got there i'd been pinging 'purple berries' and wooden ships:

but yes, disastrous, needless.

2 users have voted.
QMS's picture

like to throw their weight around the halls of congress
the little pip-squeaks we hire to represent us in the halls
of the holier than thous are too afraid of the pentagon goons
to say, hey my constituents do not care for the idea of a
nuclear holocaust. Could you maybe back down a bit with this
whole armegeddon thing? Death and destruction is so last century ..

3 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

wendy davis's picture


thank you.

2 users have voted.

This is really the extension of the global strategic negotiations between Gorbachev and Reagan, the USSR and the USA. The US is addicted to putting other countries in the situation where they have no security from US weapons delivered through a third party. The justification is that it is the right of the third party. Nonsense, it's nothing but raw intimidation. During President Putin's 4 hour press conferences with the Russian people he is always asked as to how he is protecting Russia if NATO is right on Russia's border. He answers that he has a solution to this problem.

Now that Russia is much stronger than she was at the turn of the century and she has China on her side we are going to find out what he had in mind. It will challenge the acceptable American rules ordered environment that the US claims to have built. But it's really the Cuban missile crisis in reverse, and will not be solved until the US pulls it's missiles and NATO infrastructure away from Russia, perhaps no more than an inch to the East of Berlin. Russia has a massive advantage in Europe in that it is escalation dominant. There is no way that the US could possibly fight a war in Eastern Europe given the current state of the US military. It would be absolutely impossible to get sufficient troop levels and military equipment to Eastern Europe. Any attempt would result in the wholesale demise of these resources. Let's see if the Biden administration comes to its senses earlier or later. Vladimir Putin never bluffs. On top of that there is absolutely no reason to have Russia as an enemy. It is sheer lunacy.

3 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

Lookout's picture

@The Wizard

Thanks for the clear description.

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

wendy davis's picture

@The Wizard

i'd stopped looking back to see if there were any more comments on such a pressing issue. mr. wd had alerted me as to yours, bless his heart. i'd even considered adding a new comment 'for posterity on a dead thread', but by now i'm depressed from real life conundrums and confusions.

in the morning, then?

1 user has voted.
wendy davis's picture

@The Wizard

is prevalent on msn reports. horrors! the hegemonic deck is being reshuffled, and the US empire and friends grow ever more bombastic.

i love your clarity, but this especially captivated me:

But it's really the Cuban missile crisis in reverse, and will not be solved until the US pulls it's missiles and NATO infrastructure away from Russia....

thanks for the excellent sit-rep, wiz.

2 users have voted.