The NY Daily News reports on the Nursing Shortages at Private NYC Hospitals. The amount of nurses is way below the number staffing private hospitals in February 2020, before the plandemic began.
The News details the drop in staff around each borough. No neighborhoods are spared. No matter what you're paying in NYC for your care, unless you hire additional paid nursing staff for you, personally, you will not be adequately cared for.
Profits, On the Other Hand, have soared at these private institutions.
Repeating my own words, from another venue:
The Atlantic has called what's happening now a "Soft Shutdown."
Not soft at all for people who are hurt by the propaganda.
In his own words, Fauci to ABC's This Week:
"If you have many many many more people with a less level of severity, that might kind of neutralize the positive effect of having less severity when you have so many many more people."
Five 'manys' in one sentence has to set a record of some kind. Poor use of language aside, this is what lying looks like. Kind of desperate, is it not....Omicron remains mild and the propagandists are running out of moves.
Meanwhile---in NYC, the Nursing Shortage even at private hospitals is acute. Private hospitals PROFITS have soared even as the patients in their care recieve less care each passing day. Staffing levels in these private hospitals are Lower than they were before the plandemic began.
clinics in NY have shutdown because of nurses shortages too. Just read a couple of older articles about how the disabled were asked to sign DNRs in Britain because they might overwhelm the hospitals and their lives weren’t worth saving. Over 40% of deaths in this country were elderly people in nursing homes. Lots of states are now paying families millions for letting Rona positive people in nursing homes. Michigan I think is paying out $53 million. But Biden has said that he won’t pursue criminal charges against governors that did it. Guess it’s better to pay than waste….on them. Quite a few governments said that it was no big deal because they were going to die soon anyway.
Plus thousands of nurses, doctors and other medical staff are being fired for not getting jabbed in the middle of the epidemic which causes hospitals to be overwhelmed. There was no problem with them working last year without proper PPE and them risking their lives to treat people with Covid, but now everyone of them are being treated as plague carriers.
Earlier this year there was that maternity hospital that had to close cuz not enough nurses. Seems to me that there’s a lot of people in high positions that have absolutely no trace of humanity in them. If any culling is going to happen let’s start with them.
Morning everyone
The NY Daily News reports on the Nursing Shortages at Private NYC Hospitals. The amount of nurses is way below the number staffing private hospitals in February 2020, before the plandemic began.
The News details the drop in staff around each borough. No neighborhoods are spared. No matter what you're paying in NYC for your care, unless you hire additional paid nursing staff for you, personally, you will not be adequately cared for.
Profits, On the Other Hand, have soared at these private institutions.
Repeating my own words, from another venue:
The Atlantic has called what's happening now a "Soft Shutdown."
Not soft at all for people who are hurt by the propaganda.
In his own words, Fauci to ABC's This Week:
"If you have many many many more people with a less level of severity, that might kind of neutralize the positive effect of having less severity when you have so many many more people."
Five 'manys' in one sentence has to set a record of some kind. Poor use of language aside, this is what lying looks like. Kind of desperate, is it not....Omicron remains mild and the propagandists are running out of moves.
Meanwhile---in NYC, the Nursing Shortage even at private hospitals is acute. Private hospitals PROFITS have soared even as the patients in their care recieve less care each passing day. Staffing levels in these private hospitals are Lower than they were before the plandemic began.
12 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
because of this. Hospitals will now have to triage patients in order to save those who can be saved easily. This goes with my culling comment below. Weird how I feel that a lot of this has been planned from the beginning…but maybe I’m just being cynical?
Morning everyone
The NY Daily News reports on the Nursing Shortages at Private NYC Hospitals. The amount of nurses is way below the number staffing private hospitals in February 2020, before the plandemic began.
The News details the drop in staff around each borough. No neighborhoods are spared. No matter what you're paying in NYC for your care, unless you hire additional paid nursing staff for you, personally, you will not be adequately cared for.
Profits, On the Other Hand, have soared at these private institutions.
Repeating my own words, from another venue:
The Atlantic has called what's happening now a "Soft Shutdown."
Not soft at all for people who are hurt by the propaganda.
In his own words, Fauci to ABC's This Week:
"If you have many many many more people with a less level of severity, that might kind of neutralize the positive effect of having less severity when you have so many many more people."
Five 'manys' in one sentence has to set a record of some kind. Poor use of language aside, this is what lying looks like. Kind of desperate, is it not....Omicron remains mild and the propagandists are running out of moves.
Meanwhile---in NYC, the Nursing Shortage even at private hospitals is acute. Private hospitals PROFITS have soared even as the patients in their care recieve less care each passing day. Staffing levels in these private hospitals are Lower than they were before the plandemic began.
9 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement. this time, is a very good idea, I think. Vaccinated or not. Taking as much as 10,000 IU for three months or so will not lead to a health crisis, and these winter months are when Vitamin D is most likely to dip. Taking a multi vitamin and mineral is essential. One would hope this type of information is collected from all hospital patients, since this data will be be a key feature in retrospective studies.
Can't help but notice how sequencing every case enhances the data.
because GATS and TISA. They are not planning to forget them. Its a huge global job trading scheme.
The whole labor shortage meme leaves out a lot. It fails to tell us that this outsourcing has been planned for 25 years, or more. And it leaves out how its main goal is to lower skilled wages globally by enlarging the labor market thats looked to to fill jobs involving government goals. Typically by means of an international bidding process, where least developed countries get a small "LDC Services Waiver" that gives them a slight edge that can make all the difference allowing them to make a bit more money even if their firms pay their workers a tiny bit more (the average wage in LDCs is only a few dollars a day).
Instead of the reforms that we were supposed to see, in areas like jobs for (US) minorities and equal wages for women and others almost all high wage skilled public jobs are all in danger of being replaced and rolled back by a big fat gift to the oligarchs or highly profitable "temporary" subcontracting jobs. All of the nationl goals are likely to be put on the back burner in favor of the trade obligations which are intended to help developing countries pay off the huge Third World Debt owed because of thefts by oligarchs of trillions of dollars, the debt is illegitimate but our financial industry wants the money. We looked the other way while they were incurring this debt to us. Which was bad because our banks should not have extended credit that they very well knew was being stolen. So what I am trying to say is that the Third World Debt is ODIOUS debt.
Let me put it another way, suppose the same thing happened here, and oligarchs stole 42 trillion dollars and then it "just vanished". Who pays? We do. So no more public services, until its paid off. Since its opkayt to pay people minimnum wage, because that what we make, suddenly all public employees make minimum wage. But thats not enough, what then? What can be sold? Lots of things, all public property, buildings, land water and other assets.
Everything is privatized, in the most profitable way it can be. What happens to the jobs, they get offshored to the companies that perform the work.
GATS doesnt apply to many jobs, completely private ones, mostly it applies to quasi public ones under the control of or purchased by governments or other entities influenced by federal, state or local governments or public entities. Nurses and teachers, definitely. it mostly applies to internationalize spending at the federal, state or local level paid for by tax money. See the jobs at , for example, but many more than just them. Also, public services, is now defined very narrowly by the official definition of "services supplied in the exercise of governmental authority" so basically that is the Newspeak term for public services. If its not "services supplied in the exercise of governmental authority" it cannot be public. Thats forbidden,Read the whole definition which follows (bolded). This is why we cant have working services.
(b) 'services' includes any service in any sector except services supplied in the exercise of governmental authority;
(c) 'a service supplied in the exercise of governmental authority' means any service which is supplied neither on a commercial basis, nor in competition with one or more service suppliers." (emphases added)
The "governmental authority" exclusion is very narrow
This exclusion is far narrower than it may at first appear.
Firstly, in order for a service to be excluded, both criteria must apply. That is, in order for the exclusion to apply, a service must be supplied on a non-commercial basis and its delivery must not be in competition with another service supplier. Thus, the exclusion does not apply to services that are supplied on a non-commercial basis but which are supplied in competition with another service provider. Similarly, the exclusion does not apply to services that are supplied on a commercial basis even where these services are supplied in the absence of competition with any other service supplier. Hence, only a small sub-set of services -- those that are provided by completely non-commercial, absolute monopolies -- appear to be protected by this exclusion.
Secondly, the exclusion is narrow by virtue of the ordinary definition of its terms. The agreement does not define the phrases "on a commercial basis" and "in competition with one or more service suppliers". However, the ordinary definitions of these terms are broad, making the set of services that they describe very large, and the set of services that falls outside them -- and hence outside the scope of the agreement -- quite small.
"Commercial" is defined variously as: "Engaged in commerce; trading"5; "Of or pertaining to commerce or trade"6; "Of, engaged in, or concerned with, commerce"7; or "concerned with commerce"8 (emphases added).
The definition of "commerce" includes: "financial transactions, esp. the buying and selling of merchandise, on a large scale"9, "the exchange of goods"10 or "buying and selling together; trading; exchange of merchandise"11.
The definition of "trade" includes: "the business of distribution, selling and exchange"12, "buying and selling … buying and selling conducted between nations etc.; the exchange of goods between peoples"13 and "the buying and selling or exchange of commodities for profit; commerce, traffic, trading"14.
"Competition" is defined as: "Rivalry in the market, striving for custom between those who have the same commodities to dispose of"15; "the act or an instance of competing or contending with others (for supremacy, a position, a prize, etc.)."16
"Compete" is defined as: "to try to get what others also seek and which all cannot have, to compete for export markets".17
Most so-called public services -- which are normally supplied through a complex mixture of public and private suppliers, or which frequently include certain commercial aspects -- appear to fall, at least in part, under these broad definitions. They would thus fall outside the protective exclusion and within the scope of GATS' liberalization imperative..18
This study covers case numbers, hospitalizations and deaths into 3 age groups. The summary concludes that in the age group of 12- 34, unvaccinated people are 4 times as likely to get Covid than vaccinated people.
Ages 35-64 are 5 times more likely to contract Covid, and over age 65 the figure is 7 times more likely.
Hospitalization rates for the three groups...19 times higher in unvaccinated than vaccinated for the first group; 18 times for the second, and 12 times for the eldest group (interesting stat).
Deaths between unvaccinated and vaccinated is only reported for the over 65 group. Unvaccinated in this group are 13 times more likely to die from Covid than vaccinated.
Charts and graphs are provided for each group and the information is broken fown into county stats.
Now here is the information from the state of VA, which also includes data on breakthrough cases.
@Fishtroller 02
the population of vaccinated to individuals receiving vaccinations and boosters recorded in the individual state vaccination records. Individuals receiving any vaccines and boosters in other states, nonreporting federal systems such as Veterans administration, Corrections or military, and tribal systems may be included in unvaccinated or partially vaccinated groups.
All three links periodically change the definition of fully vaccinated during the data collection periods.
I have not reviewed the links to evaluate with these common data analysis issues.
2) Using ratios to define population size instead of actual numbers. Lies Damn Lies and Hospitalisation Statistics December 23, 2021
by Dr Jem Bendell, Professor of Sustainability Leadership
Finally, I reached a published paper that gave a simple statement of the method. The test-negative case control approach compares “vaccination status in persons with symptomatic Covid with vaccination status in persons who reported symptoms but had a negative test.”[iii] That is when I had my moment of dumbfoundedness. Why have people who tested negative for Covid in hospital got anything to do with an assessment of vaccine effectiveness?
So we are back to a simple comparison between vaccination status of people in hospital with the general public. The findings of which – at this time – indicates that if you are vulnerable or elderly then getting vaccinated could be a good idea. However, that hospitalisation data provides no support for the idea of mass vaccinations nor for any coercion of the general public, whether moral or practical. After all, there are many things we could do to halve our risk of hospitalisation from all manner of diseases.
Surprisingly there haven’t been medical scientists in the media challenging the statistical wizardry to produce the stats on hospitalisation reductions. And it is a ridiculous situation that it falls to someone like me, taking time out from my normal work, to follow a trail of research papers to finally uncover statistical fabrication (although perhaps other analysts have found the same and have not been heard). “Trust the science” has been the message from many medical bureaucrats and their champions in mass media. However, a rigorous questioning of science is the very basis of science. That includes a critical unpacking of any statistics. Like anyone, I might make mistakes in some of my analyses. I hope some people who specialise in ‘critical statistics’ will delve deeper into this particular instance of misleading number crunching. For anyone to suggest that such questioning is harmful to public health must not go unchallenged. Instead, any such pious posturing on questions of science itself becomes a danger to good policies for public health.
It appears all three links have access to information to further categorize vaccinated population into actual Brand of vaccine used by individuals and chose not to include in analysis for the public.
Looking forward to further insights and opinions.
on Covid cases in terms of vaccinated and unvaccinated citizens.
This study covers case numbers, hospitalizations and deaths into 3 age groups. The summary concludes that in the age group of 12- 34, unvaccinated people are 4 times as likely to get Covid than vaccinated people.
Ages 35-64 are 5 times more likely to contract Covid, and over age 65 the figure is 7 times more likely.
Hospitalization rates for the three groups...19 times higher in unvaccinated than vaccinated for the first group; 18 times for the second, and 12 times for the eldest group (interesting stat).
Deaths between unvaccinated and vaccinated is only reported for the over 65 group. Unvaccinated in this group are 13 times more likely to die from Covid than vaccinated.
Charts and graphs are provided for each group and the information is broken fown into county stats.
Now here is the information from the state of VA, which also includes data on breakthrough cases.
what the hell they are doing with their medical system reports on vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people in their states.
Who, please tell us, should these states be going to for instruction as to how to properly report all this?
It's too bad Dr. Jem closed the comments on the story. I would have liked to see someone take it on. Of course according to Dr. Jem everyone who works on hospital analysis of stats is part of the vast Big Pharma conspiracy to totally control all information on Covid, so we'll just never be able to get the true information.
We are definitely DOOMED!
#4 the population of vaccinated to individuals receiving vaccinations and boosters recorded in the individual state vaccination records. Individuals receiving any vaccines and boosters in other states, nonreporting federal systems such as Veterans administration, Corrections or military, and tribal systems may be included in unvaccinated or partially vaccinated groups.
All three links periodically change the definition of fully vaccinated during the data collection periods.
I have not reviewed the links to evaluate with these common data analysis issues.
2) Using ratios to define population size instead of actual numbers. Lies Damn Lies and Hospitalisation Statistics December 23, 2021
by Dr Jem Bendell, Professor of Sustainability Leadership
Finally, I reached a published paper that gave a simple statement of the method. The test-negative case control approach compares “vaccination status in persons with symptomatic Covid with vaccination status in persons who reported symptoms but had a negative test.”[iii] That is when I had my moment of dumbfoundedness. Why have people who tested negative for Covid in hospital got anything to do with an assessment of vaccine effectiveness?
So we are back to a simple comparison between vaccination status of people in hospital with the general public. The findings of which – at this time – indicates that if you are vulnerable or elderly then getting vaccinated could be a good idea. However, that hospitalisation data provides no support for the idea of mass vaccinations nor for any coercion of the general public, whether moral or practical. After all, there are many things we could do to halve our risk of hospitalisation from all manner of diseases.
Surprisingly there haven’t been medical scientists in the media challenging the statistical wizardry to produce the stats on hospitalisation reductions. And it is a ridiculous situation that it falls to someone like me, taking time out from my normal work, to follow a trail of research papers to finally uncover statistical fabrication (although perhaps other analysts have found the same and have not been heard). “Trust the science” has been the message from many medical bureaucrats and their champions in mass media. However, a rigorous questioning of science is the very basis of science. That includes a critical unpacking of any statistics. Like anyone, I might make mistakes in some of my analyses. I hope some people who specialise in ‘critical statistics’ will delve deeper into this particular instance of misleading number crunching. For anyone to suggest that such questioning is harmful to public health must not go unchallenged. Instead, any such pious posturing on questions of science itself becomes a danger to good policies for public health.
It appears all three links have access to information to further categorize vaccinated population into actual Brand of vaccine used by individuals and chose not to include in analysis for the public.
Looking forward to further insights and opinions.
2 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02
State agencies often mimic Federal Agencies message and policies as not to endanger federal funds. Other methods for universal messaging is hiring the same private or nonprofit company to manage the web-sites, data research projects or community out reach. The common language in the three links is an indication some type of coordination is happening.
Each of the states has the opportunity to build trust by sharing data with experts in their research universities and professionals for independent verification without pre-approveal of published results. Unless this option is already limited by legal contracts. Is so, the limitations on data disclosure and analysis should be disclosed. The potential bias information could then be evaluated.
what the hell they are doing with their medical system reports on vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people in their states.
Who, please tell us, should these states be going to for instruction as to how to properly report all this?
It's too bad Dr. Jem closed the comments on the story. I would have liked to see someone take it on. Of course according to Dr. Jem everyone who works on hospital analysis of stats is part of the vast Big Pharma conspiracy to totally control all information on Covid, so we'll just never be able to get the true information.
We are definitely DOOMED!
9 users have voted.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
By Biden, Fauci and the government on the issue of testing.
However, we are dealing with a force of nature that has been part of our world since the first human stood upright in the savannahs (probably even before that- I wonder if dinosaurs had pandemics).
What this pandemic has done is expose the corruptions and incompetencies of our health care systems. That has been going on for a long time. It took a pandemic for people to wake up to it. That being said, I do not believe that all the companies that make vaccines and all the people in our government and all those in other positions of power and all the universities and medical researchers and our whole media are part of a vast conspiracy to kill us all (or enslave us in a Holocaust type manner).
I think the death toll across the world would be way higher if we hadn't rolled the dice on the mRNA vaccines.
There is an ER doctor I just came across who has been posting tweets about his daily experiences in an New York hospital. I guess he has a pretty good following.
If Malone can tweet constantly and be taken seriously by so many, then maybe a guy who works with Covid patients every day can be taken just as seriously.
#4.1.1 State agencies often mimic Federal Agencies message and policies as not to endanger federal funds. Other methods for universal messaging is hiring the same private or nonprofit company to manage the web-sites, data research projects or community out reach. The common language in the three links is an indication some type of coordination is happening.
Each of the states has the opportunity to build trust by sharing data with experts in their research universities and professionals for independent verification without pre-approveal of published results. Unless this option is already limited by legal contracts. Is so, the limitations on data disclosure and analysis should be disclosed. The potential bias information could then be evaluated.
@Fishtroller 02
unless the ball is kicked across the court to stop all progress in the game for everyone.
True management of pandemics, the failures and success have been recorded in human civilization for a longtime. So, there is no excuse for their incompetence. Contemporary results of different pandemic management is happening in real time, including multiple types of vaccines. So, it was too confusing or they did not have enough information is not an excuse for incompetence. The only measures USA is near or at the top is number of Covid infections, number of Covid deaths per 100,000 and profits.
I am not taking the time today to relocate the sites for quality statistics, discuss data collection and analytic methodology. Thinking and believing are opinions not science. The initial ideas may come from thinking and believing, but then it is tested, retested, analyzed. verified and then the process needs to be repeated by others looking for flaws in the logic.
I think the death toll across the world would be way higher if we hadn't rolled the dice on the mRNA vaccines.
My thoughts on Tweets were explained yesterday in another conversation we had regarding character assassination of Dr Robert Malone.
By Biden, Fauci and the government on the issue of testing.
However, we are dealing with a force of nature that has been part of our world since the first human stood upright in the savannahs (probably even before that- I wonder if dinosaurs had pandemics).
What this pandemic has done is expose the corruptions and incompetencies of our health care systems. That has been going on for a long time. It took a pandemic for people to wake up to it. That being said, I do not believe that all the companies that make vaccines and all the people in our government and all those in other positions of power and all the universities and medical researchers and our whole media are part of a vast conspiracy to kill us all (or enslave us in a Holocaust type manner).
I think the death toll across the world would be way higher if we hadn't rolled the dice on the mRNA vaccines.
There is an ER doctor I just came across who has been posting tweets about his daily experiences in an New York hospital. I guess he has a pretty good following.
If Malone can tweet constantly and be taken seriously by so many, then maybe a guy who works with Covid patients every day can be taken just as seriously.
4 users have voted.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
@Fishtroller 02
Craig Spencer MD is seeing in the ER have such mild symptoms that they would prove his point. With the symptoms he describes they NEVER would have shown up in his ER in the first place. With the staff shortage hospitals complain about, these people would not get beyond admissions. They would have been told to go home, take an aspirin/cough medicine and go to bed and isolate or visit their family GP. He is just using his position in an attempt to gaslight his twitter followers.
By Biden, Fauci and the government on the issue of testing.
However, we are dealing with a force of nature that has been part of our world since the first human stood upright in the savannahs (probably even before that- I wonder if dinosaurs had pandemics).
What this pandemic has done is expose the corruptions and incompetencies of our health care systems. That has been going on for a long time. It took a pandemic for people to wake up to it. That being said, I do not believe that all the companies that make vaccines and all the people in our government and all those in other positions of power and all the universities and medical researchers and our whole media are part of a vast conspiracy to kill us all (or enslave us in a Holocaust type manner).
I think the death toll across the world would be way higher if we hadn't rolled the dice on the mRNA vaccines.
There is an ER doctor I just came across who has been posting tweets about his daily experiences in an New York hospital. I guess he has a pretty good following.
If Malone can tweet constantly and be taken seriously by so many, then maybe a guy who works with Covid patients every day can be taken just as seriously.
to the ER trying to get a test done or because they were frightened. There are always shades of grey. That being said, why would you accuse someone who is putting themselves on the line every day in what must be an incredibly exhausting and terribly sad atmosphere of "gaslighting". Have you no sense of what our medical people are going through? I saw an interview with a nurse yesterday who was having to fight depression because she watches unvaccinated people crying as they die and wishing out loud that they had gotten the jab.
So I guess she is gaslighting everyone too?
Craig Spencer MD is seeing in the ER have such mild symptoms that they would prove his point. With the symptoms he describes they NEVER would have shown up in his ER in the first place. With the staff shortage hospitals complain about, these people would not get beyond admissions. They would have been told to go home, take an aspirin/cough medicine and go to bed and isolate or visit their family GP. He is just using his position in an attempt to gaslight his twitter followers.
1 user has voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Thanks for bringing stuff I would have missed seeing. This is a great start and hopefully others in lots of countries will follow them. It’s nice to know that we little people aren’t alone in this.
who writes under a pseudonym, is the only source for this story. Of course it was picked up by Malone on his twitter page, but I can not find any other source discussing a court filing at the ICC.
International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
Subject of complaint:
- Violations of the Nuremberg Code
- Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute
- Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute
- Violation of Article 8 of the Rome
- Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute
Based on the extensive claims and enclosed documentation, we charge those responsible fornumerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the United Kingdom, but not limited to individuals in these countries.
who writes under a pseudonym, is the only source for this story. Of course it was picked up by Malone on his twitter page, but I can not find any other source discussing a court filing at the ICC.
I'm sure the ICC is going to have a ball with it. Did you read any of it? It's sort of like reading every little conspiracy theory all rolled into one. And, I have no idea who advised this group of people on how to present a case, but if it was an attorney, he/she should be disbarred. The list of those accused of these crimes is far too big and varied for a court to take seriously. The charges are simply so outrageous as to be laughable. And that is exactly what I predict the response will be... to laugh it out of court.
I'll just take two of the charges and let readers decide to do their own analysis...
Here is their claim (written by a Dr. Mike Yeadon?)...
"The Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ do not meet the requirements to be categorised as vaccines and arein fact gene therapy (Appendix 8). The Merriam-Webster dictionary quietly changed the definition of the term ‘vaccine’ to include components of the COVID-19 m-RNA injection. The definition of vaccine was specifically changed due to the Covid-19 injection on February5th 2021. Dr Mike Yeadon, joint applicant on this request, asserts that claims calling the Covid-19 injections a ‘vaccine is public manipulation and misrepresentation of clinical
treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.’MRNA uses the cell’s machinery to synthesize proteins that are supposed to resemble the SPIKE protein of the virus, which is what it uses to enter cells via the ACE2 receptor. These proteins are then identified by the immune system, which builds antibodies against them. The real concern is that these proteins could accumulate in the body especially in regions of high concentration of ACE2 receptors, such as the gonads. If the immune system then attacks the location where they accumulate, then you could be dealing with an auto-immune condition."
How boring this argument is.... it's not only old, but has been countered many times. The vaccines are not "cytotoxic" (we can once again thank Malone for that ditty), they are not gene therapy.
Not that I think you will ever take anything I post to heart, but here are some articles..
One of the other multiple charges against the whole class of people listed is that the vaccines contain graphene and that an Austrian man who made that claim was mysteriously murdered after he published it. As it turns out, the man, a German chemist named Andreas Noack mysteriously died after he published the graphene claim. It turns out (if you follow the whole saga) that he died of a heart attack due to a faulty valve. His partner at first called out "murder" which made it into social media, and then she retracted that when she learned of his unknown heart condition.
So good for these plaintiffs... they have managed to cover all the bases from bad science to murder mysteries. As I said, the ICC court will probably be amused.
Again, for those who wish to peruse the complaint to the ICC, here is the link.
International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
Subject of complaint:
- Violations of the Nuremberg Code
- Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute
- Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute
- Violation of Article 8 of the Rome
- Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute
Based on the extensive claims and enclosed documentation, we charge those responsible fornumerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the United Kingdom, but not limited to individuals in these countries.
2 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02
If questioned simply query "Can't you take a joke."
And, I have no idea who advised this group of people on how to present a case, but if it was an attorney, he/she should be disbarred. The list of those accused of these crimes is far too big and varied for a court to take seriously. The charges are simply so outrageous as to be laughable. And that is exactly what I predict the response will be... to laugh it out of court.
Legal system and science has some similarities. Both deal with Laws - legal system with human laws and science with laws of nature. Some of the criteria of proof of definition for vaccine, gene therapy, not gene therapy is probably going to reside in legal definitions defined in regulations and statutes, legislative laws; universal professional standards; and accepted references at the actual time changes to the definitions were initiated.
Unless one is fascinated by the details of the subject it is boring.
One of the other multiple charges against the whole class of people listed is that the vaccines contain graphene
Has anyone seen information identifying the contaminates?
I'm sure the ICC is going to have a ball with it. Did you read any of it? It's sort of like reading every little conspiracy theory all rolled into one. And, I have no idea who advised this group of people on how to present a case, but if it was an attorney, he/she should be disbarred. The list of those accused of these crimes is far too big and varied for a court to take seriously. The charges are simply so outrageous as to be laughable. And that is exactly what I predict the response will be... to laugh it out of court.
I'll just take two of the charges and let readers decide to do their own analysis...
Here is their claim (written by a Dr. Mike Yeadon?)...
"The Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ do not meet the requirements to be categorised as vaccines and arein fact gene therapy (Appendix 8). The Merriam-Webster dictionary quietly changed the definition of the term ‘vaccine’ to include components of the COVID-19 m-RNA injection. The definition of vaccine was specifically changed due to the Covid-19 injection on February5th 2021. Dr Mike Yeadon, joint applicant on this request, asserts that claims calling the Covid-19 injections a ‘vaccine is public manipulation and misrepresentation of clinical
treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.’MRNA uses the cell’s machinery to synthesize proteins that are supposed to resemble the SPIKE protein of the virus, which is what it uses to enter cells via the ACE2 receptor. These proteins are then identified by the immune system, which builds antibodies against them. The real concern is that these proteins could accumulate in the body especially in regions of high concentration of ACE2 receptors, such as the gonads. If the immune system then attacks the location where they accumulate, then you could be dealing with an auto-immune condition."
How boring this argument is.... it's not only old, but has been countered many times. The vaccines are not "cytotoxic" (we can once again thank Malone for that ditty), they are not gene therapy.
Not that I think you will ever take anything I post to heart, but here are some articles..
One of the other multiple charges against the whole class of people listed is that the vaccines contain graphene and that an Austrian man who made that claim was mysteriously murdered after he published it. As it turns out, the man, a German chemist named Andreas Noack mysteriously died after he published the graphene claim. It turns out (if you follow the whole saga) that he died of a heart attack due to a faulty valve. His partner at first called out "murder" which made it into social media, and then she retracted that when she learned of his unknown heart condition.
So good for these plaintiffs... they have managed to cover all the bases from bad science to murder mysteries. As I said, the ICC court will probably be amused.
Again, for those who wish to peruse the complaint to the ICC, here is the link.
Seriously, why in the world would you say that? The fact that I find the complaint humorous and guessed that the ICC court might do so is not "bullying". But maybe it is in today's world of upside down and inside out definitions.
# If questioned simply query "Can't you take a joke."
And, I have no idea who advised this group of people on how to present a case, but if it was an attorney, he/she should be disbarred. The list of those accused of these crimes is far too big and varied for a court to take seriously. The charges are simply so outrageous as to be laughable. And that is exactly what I predict the response will be... to laugh it out of court.
Legal system and science has some similarities. Both deal with Laws - legal system with human laws and science with laws of nature. Some of the criteria of proof of definition for vaccine, gene therapy, not gene therapy is probably going to reside in legal definitions defined in regulations and statutes, legislative laws; universal professional standards; and accepted references at the actual time changes to the definitions were initiated.
Unless one is fascinated by the details of the subject it is boring.
One of the other multiple charges against the whole class of people listed is that the vaccines contain graphene
Has anyone seen information identifying the contaminates?
@Fishtroller 02
stop it as humorous. Mocking claims without waiting to see the evidence from either side or the opinion of the court is simply an attempt to stop further engagement.
Seriously, why in the world would you say that? The fact that I find the complaint humorous and guessed that the ICC court might do so is not "bullying". But maybe it is in today's world of upside down and inside out definitions.
against a large number of people. If you want to get Fauci, you go for Fauci. If you want to get Moris Johnson, you go for Boris Johnson. Putting them together in a class is kind of ridiculous.
And I am not laughing at genocide, but nice try.
# stop it as humorous. Mocking claims without waiting to see the evidence from either side or the opinion of the court is simply an attempt to stop further engagement.
Why else would anyone be laughing?
2 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02
it was serious response. Generally do not waste my time with frivolous conversations on life and death subjects such as an effort to recognize and stop genocide. Again - Mocking claims without waiting to see the evidence from either side or the opinion of the court is simply an attempt to stop further engagement. I am going to wait to pass judgment until the Court has finished the process.
Putting them together in a class is kind of ridiculous.
against a large number of people. If you want to get Fauci, you go for Fauci. If you want to get Moris Johnson, you go for Boris Johnson. Putting them together in a class is kind of ridiculous.
And I am not laughing at genocide, but nice try.
4 users have voted.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I, on the other hand, find the plaintiffs claims about the nature of the vaccines scientifically erroneous. That is alone a reason to dismiss the suit.
# it was serious response. Generally do not waste my time with frivolous conversations on life and death subjects such as an effort to recognize and stop genocide. Again - Mocking claims without waiting to see the evidence from either side or the opinion of the court is simply an attempt to stop further engagement. I am going to wait to pass judgment until the Court has finished the process.
Putting them together in a class is kind of ridiculous.
And I am not laughing at genocide, but nice try.
0 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I, on the other hand, find the plaintiffs claims about the nature of the vaccines scientifically erroneous. That is alone a reason to dismiss the suit.
1 user has voted.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
@Fishtroller 02
non-scientists. Lawyers often confound lay people.
My contact with an attorney who briefs ICC judges was a very interesting experience. It is an extraordinary Court. I would never imagine an attorney taking on a client's case before that institution would go in without having spent hundreds of hours with a team preparing to be questioned by the judges on that court.
Even the suggestion of genocide on the streets is not funny. In that venue, it is dead serious.
I'm sure the ICC is going to have a ball with it. Did you read any of it? It's sort of like reading every little conspiracy theory all rolled into one. And, I have no idea who advised this group of people on how to present a case, but if it was an attorney, he/she should be disbarred. The list of those accused of these crimes is far too big and varied for a court to take seriously. The charges are simply so outrageous as to be laughable. And that is exactly what I predict the response will be... to laugh it out of court.
I'll just take two of the charges and let readers decide to do their own analysis...
Here is their claim (written by a Dr. Mike Yeadon?)...
"The Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ do not meet the requirements to be categorised as vaccines and arein fact gene therapy (Appendix 8). The Merriam-Webster dictionary quietly changed the definition of the term ‘vaccine’ to include components of the COVID-19 m-RNA injection. The definition of vaccine was specifically changed due to the Covid-19 injection on February5th 2021. Dr Mike Yeadon, joint applicant on this request, asserts that claims calling the Covid-19 injections a ‘vaccine is public manipulation and misrepresentation of clinical
treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.’MRNA uses the cell’s machinery to synthesize proteins that are supposed to resemble the SPIKE protein of the virus, which is what it uses to enter cells via the ACE2 receptor. These proteins are then identified by the immune system, which builds antibodies against them. The real concern is that these proteins could accumulate in the body especially in regions of high concentration of ACE2 receptors, such as the gonads. If the immune system then attacks the location where they accumulate, then you could be dealing with an auto-immune condition."
How boring this argument is.... it's not only old, but has been countered many times. The vaccines are not "cytotoxic" (we can once again thank Malone for that ditty), they are not gene therapy.
Not that I think you will ever take anything I post to heart, but here are some articles..
One of the other multiple charges against the whole class of people listed is that the vaccines contain graphene and that an Austrian man who made that claim was mysteriously murdered after he published it. As it turns out, the man, a German chemist named Andreas Noack mysteriously died after he published the graphene claim. It turns out (if you follow the whole saga) that he died of a heart attack due to a faulty valve. His partner at first called out "murder" which made it into social media, and then she retracted that when she learned of his unknown heart condition.
So good for these plaintiffs... they have managed to cover all the bases from bad science to murder mysteries. As I said, the ICC court will probably be amused.
Again, for those who wish to peruse the complaint to the ICC, here is the link.
And you can not seriously think that all those people listed in the complaint are guilty of such a charge. In fact, making those charges makes a mockery of the term genocide.
As for a lawyer who would take on such a case and lend legitimacy to such nonsense.... there are plenty of lawyers who would do such a thing if the money is good.
# non-scientists. Lawyers often confound lay people.
My contact with an attorney who briefs ICC judges was a very interesting experience. It is an extraordinary Court. I would never imagine an attorney taking on a client's case before that institution would go in without having spent hundreds of hours with a team preparing to be questioned by the judges on that court.
Even the suggestion of genocide on the streets is not funny. In that venue, it is dead serious.
0 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02
II cannot imagine any attorney in the world who would bring a complaint to the most public court in the world if the complaint had any risk of drawing laughter.
I do not believe any lawyer wants to live out his life being the butt of a joke.
Any legal document with supporting facts and law that even alleges that a genocide has taken place, or is still in progress, is just not humorous. The dead are gone. I remember them all with respect, and hope their deaths are properly remarked in history, and that no laughter for any reason results, that this will never occur again.
And you can not seriously think that all those people listed in the complaint are guilty of such a charge. In fact, making those charges makes a mockery of the term genocide.
As for a lawyer who would take on such a case and lend legitimacy to such nonsense.... there are plenty of lawyers who would do such a thing if the money is good.
3 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
caused by this pandemic seriously. However, my husband is and attorney and his father was an attorney. There are plenty of attorneys who take cases knowing they are bogus and do not care what kind of hit their reputation takes at all.
# II cannot imagine any attorney in the world who would bring a complaint to the most public court in the world if the complaint had any risk of drawing laughter.
I do not believe any lawyer wants to live out his life being the butt of a joke.
Any legal document with supporting facts and law that even alleges that a genocide has taken place, or is still in progress, is just not humorous. The dead are gone. I remember them all with respect, and hope their deaths are properly remarked in history, and that no laughter for any reason results, that this will never occur again.
0 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02
particularly on the world stage. I am sure the attorneys in your family would agree that the damage to your reputation ruins your practice permanently.
caused by this pandemic seriously. However, my husband is and attorney and his father was an attorney. There are plenty of attorneys who take cases knowing they are bogus and do not care what kind of hit their reputation takes at all.
2 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
this case, so we are both speculating. I'm just saying that if you read the charges and the names of the group of people being charged, it is a really far fetched lawsuit.
# particularly on the world stage. I am sure the attorneys in your family would agree that the damage to your reputation ruins your practice permanently.
0 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
And, I have no idea who advised this group of people on how to present a case, but if it was an attorney, he/she should be disbarred. The list of those accused of these crimes is far too big and varied for a court to take seriously. The charges are simply so outrageous as to be laughable. And that is exactly what I predict the response will be... to laugh it out of court.
How can you speak for the ICC court and be so certain how it will receive and pass judgment against these charges? Do you actually understand how the ICC court functions? What educational background do you bring to this discussion? Do you have a university or college degree?
I'm sure the ICC is going to have a ball with it. Did you read any of it? It's sort of like reading every little conspiracy theory all rolled into one. And, I have no idea who advised this group of people on how to present a case, but if it was an attorney, he/she should be disbarred. The list of those accused of these crimes is far too big and varied for a court to take seriously. The charges are simply so outrageous as to be laughable. And that is exactly what I predict the response will be... to laugh it out of court.
I'll just take two of the charges and let readers decide to do their own analysis...
Here is their claim (written by a Dr. Mike Yeadon?)...
"The Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ do not meet the requirements to be categorised as vaccines and arein fact gene therapy (Appendix 8). The Merriam-Webster dictionary quietly changed the definition of the term ‘vaccine’ to include components of the COVID-19 m-RNA injection. The definition of vaccine was specifically changed due to the Covid-19 injection on February5th 2021. Dr Mike Yeadon, joint applicant on this request, asserts that claims calling the Covid-19 injections a ‘vaccine is public manipulation and misrepresentation of clinical
treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.’MRNA uses the cell’s machinery to synthesize proteins that are supposed to resemble the SPIKE protein of the virus, which is what it uses to enter cells via the ACE2 receptor. These proteins are then identified by the immune system, which builds antibodies against them. The real concern is that these proteins could accumulate in the body especially in regions of high concentration of ACE2 receptors, such as the gonads. If the immune system then attacks the location where they accumulate, then you could be dealing with an auto-immune condition."
How boring this argument is.... it's not only old, but has been countered many times. The vaccines are not "cytotoxic" (we can once again thank Malone for that ditty), they are not gene therapy.
Not that I think you will ever take anything I post to heart, but here are some articles..
One of the other multiple charges against the whole class of people listed is that the vaccines contain graphene and that an Austrian man who made that claim was mysteriously murdered after he published it. As it turns out, the man, a German chemist named Andreas Noack mysteriously died after he published the graphene claim. It turns out (if you follow the whole saga) that he died of a heart attack due to a faulty valve. His partner at first called out "murder" which made it into social media, and then she retracted that when she learned of his unknown heart condition.
So good for these plaintiffs... they have managed to cover all the bases from bad science to murder mysteries. As I said, the ICC court will probably be amused.
Again, for those who wish to peruse the complaint to the ICC, here is the link.
And, I have no idea who advised this group of people on how to present a case, but if it was an attorney, he/she should be disbarred. The list of those accused of these crimes is far too big and varied for a court to take seriously. The charges are simply so outrageous as to be laughable. And that is exactly what I predict the response will be... to laugh it out of court.
How can you speak for the ICC court and be so certain how it will receive and pass judgment against these charges? Do you actually understand how the ICC court functions? What educational background do you bring to this discussion? Do you have a university or college degree?
0 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02
settings, working with regulatory agencies, boards and legislative bodies, medical education, medical technology and most important working with individual patients. The degree is in Pharmacy. The expert a physician contacts for information on any aspect of medication.
Along the path of life, I have found a someone with medical degree is not always an indication they are the best resource for learning or gaining an understanding an issue. Knowing the educational and experience of an individual can be of assistance in understanding the preconceived concepts they may bring to a subject. The question of background is relevant.
@Fishtroller 02
to the source of the information. You only have to look back at my history. You of all people should have noticed that. Sometimes I will just post the link and allow people to make a judgment for themselves as to it's veracity.
Do you have a medical degree that enables to be such an expert on the virus and the vaccines?
I depend on sources that I have found reliable because they in turn back up their statements with scientific data.
Did you know that I didn't originally accept hydroxychloroquine and IVM as a good prophylaxis for COVID? I used to have heated discussions with the late Alligator Ed (he was a retired doctor). One of the arguments I won and he conceded was for a study done in Brazil.
Unfortunately, I found out after AE's death that the study I had used was fatally flawed from the start. It used dangerously high, 4-5 times recommended dosages of HQ ONLY in late stage cases of infection, without the NECESSARY corresponding dosages of zinc. HQ and IVM are considerably more effective if used at the onset of the disease or before it has progressed to lung damage. Unfortunately the only treatment the CDC still recommends to this very day at the onset of disease is stay at home and isolate. If one continues to get sicker and starts to have significant breathing problems then that means the disease has started to damage lung tissue and you will have to be hospitalized in the ICU where they will use expensive drugs and procedures that will cost $30,000 to $100,000 with morbidity rates higher than 50%.
Do you want to know who used that study that was designed to fail? It was the Gates' Wellcome Trust! You yourself got taken in by that as proof that HQ/IVM were useless. If you will recall we had a discussion where I said you cannot use the false data the Wellcome Trust because it was purposefully designed to fail. If there was a good inexpensive prophylaxis Big Pharma could not use the EUA.
Dr Mike Yeadon, joint applicant on this request, asserts that claims calling the Covid-19 injections a ‘vaccine is public manipulation and misrepresentation of clinical
treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.’
They are non sterilizing which means they don’t provide protection so anyone jabbed can still get infected and spread it. Even Fauci and Walensky have admitted that. More than once. And yes they cause the body to create more spikes which is why Malone called the spike protein toxic. He did not say that the vaccines were toxic. But you’ll ignore it again because you are blind to what Malone has actually said because of your animosity towards him.
I doubt the court will laugh off the case unless they are told to. What part of captured government don’t you understand? And Pfizer themselves say that these are gene therapy not a true vaccine. I’d love to know why if these vaccines are so great why 50% of the new cases in Utah are considered breakthrough? Or a navy ship that is 100% vaccinated have 25% of the people infected? Or fully jabbed cruise ships have so many infections? I’d say it’s because they aren’t sterilizing vaccines and were never created to stop infections. Hey didn’t Fauci say just that recently? Why yes he did. I don’t understand how you can deny any of that, but I’ll wait for you to do just that. Again.
I'm sure the ICC is going to have a ball with it. Did you read any of it? It's sort of like reading every little conspiracy theory all rolled into one. And, I have no idea who advised this group of people on how to present a case, but if it was an attorney, he/she should be disbarred. The list of those accused of these crimes is far too big and varied for a court to take seriously. The charges are simply so outrageous as to be laughable. And that is exactly what I predict the response will be... to laugh it out of court.
I'll just take two of the charges and let readers decide to do their own analysis...
Here is their claim (written by a Dr. Mike Yeadon?)...
"The Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ do not meet the requirements to be categorised as vaccines and arein fact gene therapy (Appendix 8). The Merriam-Webster dictionary quietly changed the definition of the term ‘vaccine’ to include components of the COVID-19 m-RNA injection. The definition of vaccine was specifically changed due to the Covid-19 injection on February5th 2021. Dr Mike Yeadon, joint applicant on this request, asserts that claims calling the Covid-19 injections a ‘vaccine is public manipulation and misrepresentation of clinical
treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.’MRNA uses the cell’s machinery to synthesize proteins that are supposed to resemble the SPIKE protein of the virus, which is what it uses to enter cells via the ACE2 receptor. These proteins are then identified by the immune system, which builds antibodies against them. The real concern is that these proteins could accumulate in the body especially in regions of high concentration of ACE2 receptors, such as the gonads. If the immune system then attacks the location where they accumulate, then you could be dealing with an auto-immune condition."
How boring this argument is.... it's not only old, but has been countered many times. The vaccines are not "cytotoxic" (we can once again thank Malone for that ditty), they are not gene therapy.
Not that I think you will ever take anything I post to heart, but here are some articles..
One of the other multiple charges against the whole class of people listed is that the vaccines contain graphene and that an Austrian man who made that claim was mysteriously murdered after he published it. As it turns out, the man, a German chemist named Andreas Noack mysteriously died after he published the graphene claim. It turns out (if you follow the whole saga) that he died of a heart attack due to a faulty valve. His partner at first called out "murder" which made it into social media, and then she retracted that when she learned of his unknown heart condition.
So good for these plaintiffs... they have managed to cover all the bases from bad science to murder mysteries. As I said, the ICC court will probably be amused.
Again, for those who wish to peruse the complaint to the ICC, here is the link.
they have done the right thing and will have demonstrated their independence. But if they rule against the complaint or simply dismiss it, it will demonstrate that they are owned by someone or some group.
Dr Mike Yeadon, joint applicant on this request, asserts that claims calling the Covid-19 injections a ‘vaccine is public manipulation and misrepresentation of clinical
treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.’
They are non sterilizing which means they don’t provide protection so anyone jabbed can still get infected and spread it. Even Fauci and Walensky have admitted that. More than once. And yes they cause the body to create more spikes which is why Malone called the spike protein toxic. He did not say that the vaccines were toxic. But you’ll ignore it again because you are blind to what Malone has actually said because of your animosity towards him.
I doubt the court will laugh off the case unless they are told to. What part of captured government don’t you understand? And Pfizer themselves say that these are gene therapy not a true vaccine. I’d love to know why if these vaccines are so great why 50% of the new cases in Utah are considered breakthrough? Or a navy ship that is 100% vaccinated have 25% of the people infected? Or fully jabbed cruise ships have so many infections? I’d say it’s because they aren’t sterilizing vaccines and were never created to stop infections. Hey didn’t Fauci say just that recently? Why yes he did. I don’t understand how you can deny any of that, but I’ll wait for you to do just that. Again.
0 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Just ignore what I said and move the goalposts. In case you missed it my point was that the information you said was false is actually true. As both Fauci and Walensky admitted. Will you address that? Or my point about breakthrough infections because the vaccines are non sterilizing?
they have done the right thing and will have demonstrated their independence. But if they rule against the complaint or simply dismiss it, it will demonstrate that they are owned by someone or some group.
Well that covers all the bases for you.
3 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
On the one hand you don't want to address me or have a conversation with me because everything I post is a personal assault on you, but on the other hand you want to engage with me. Which is it?
Here is my view on the efficacy of the vaccines..... the original vaccines were developed based upon the original virus, which is not the virus we are dealing with now. They doo not stop transmission now because the virus mutated. However, they do lessen the severity of the virus if you get it. I keep posting evidence to back that up but you reject it because you can't get a vaccine. I get that. But I don't get posting stuff that is simply un-evidenced while ignoring all the evidence that demonstrates over and over again that unvaccinated people fare far worse overall than vaccinated people do.... at this point. That could change tomorrow, but it's not because there is some conspiracy to kill all of us. It's because we are dealing with a new force of nature. Everyone is learning as we go along.
Just ignore what I said and move the goalposts. In case you missed it my point was that the information you said was false is actually true. As both Fauci and Walensky admitted. Will you address that? Or my point about breakthrough infections because the vaccines are non sterilizing?
1 user has voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02
infections. Those failures have been called breakthrough infections.
Not accurate.
Here is my view on the efficacy of the vaccines..... the original vaccines were developed based upon the original virus, which is not the virus we are dealing with now. They doo not stop transmission now because the virus mutated. However, they do lessen the severity of the virus if you get it. I keep posting evidence to back that up
Although efficacy was lower (58·9% [1·0 to 82·9]) against asymptomatic infection in the LD/SD cohort (and unfortunately only 3·8% [−72·4 to 46·3] in the SD/SD group), the results nonetheless provide some hope that COVID-19 vaccines might be able to interrupt some asymptomatic transmission, although fewer data (69 cases among 6638 participants) were available with this outcome and more data are needed to confirm. Only 1418 (12·1%) of those assessed for efficacy were older than 55 years (none of whom were in the LD/SD cohort), meaning that from the interim analysis of these trials, we cannot yet infer efficacy in older adults, who are the group at greatest risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes.
Simulation experiments revealed that to prevent an epidemic (reduce the peak by >99%), the vaccine efficacy has to be at least 60% when vaccination coverage is 100% (reproduction number=2.5–3.5). This vaccine efficacy threshold rises to 70% when coverage drops to 75% and up to 80% when coverage drops to 60% when reproduction number is 2.5, rising to 80% when coverage drops to 75% when the reproduction number is 3.5. To extinguish an ongoing epidemic, the vaccine efficacy has to be at least 60% when coverage is 100% and at least 80% when coverage drops to 75% to reduce the peak by 85%–86%, 61%–62%, and 32% when vaccination occurs after 5%, 15%, and 30% of the population, respectively, have already been exposed to COVID-19 coronavirus. A vaccine with an efficacy between 60% and 80% could still obviate the need for other measures under certain circumstances such as much higher, and in some cases, potentially unachievable, vaccination coverages.
This study found that the vaccine has to have an efficacy of at least 70% to prevent an epidemic and of at least 80% to largely extinguish an epidemic without any other measures (e.g., social distancing).
Adverse reactions and complications are another part of the story.
On the one hand you don't want to address me or have a conversation with me because everything I post is a personal assault on you, but on the other hand you want to engage with me. Which is it?
Here is my view on the efficacy of the vaccines..... the original vaccines were developed based upon the original virus, which is not the virus we are dealing with now. They doo not stop transmission now because the virus mutated. However, they do lessen the severity of the virus if you get it. I keep posting evidence to back that up but you reject it because you can't get a vaccine. I get that. But I don't get posting stuff that is simply un-evidenced while ignoring all the evidence that demonstrates over and over again that unvaccinated people fare far worse overall than vaccinated people do.... at this point. That could change tomorrow, but it's not because there is some conspiracy to kill all of us. It's because we are dealing with a new force of nature. Everyone is learning as we go along.
3 users have voted.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
# infections. Those failures have been called breakthrough infections.
Not accurate.
Here is my view on the efficacy of the vaccines..... the original vaccines were developed based upon the original virus, which is not the virus we are dealing with now. They doo not stop transmission now because the virus mutated. However, they do lessen the severity of the virus if you get it. I keep posting evidence to back that up
Although efficacy was lower (58·9% [1·0 to 82·9]) against asymptomatic infection in the LD/SD cohort (and unfortunately only 3·8% [−72·4 to 46·3] in the SD/SD group), the results nonetheless provide some hope that COVID-19 vaccines might be able to interrupt some asymptomatic transmission, although fewer data (69 cases among 6638 participants) were available with this outcome and more data are needed to confirm. Only 1418 (12·1%) of those assessed for efficacy were older than 55 years (none of whom were in the LD/SD cohort), meaning that from the interim analysis of these trials, we cannot yet infer efficacy in older adults, who are the group at greatest risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes.
Simulation experiments revealed that to prevent an epidemic (reduce the peak by >99%), the vaccine efficacy has to be at least 60% when vaccination coverage is 100% (reproduction number=2.5–3.5). This vaccine efficacy threshold rises to 70% when coverage drops to 75% and up to 80% when coverage drops to 60% when reproduction number is 2.5, rising to 80% when coverage drops to 75% when the reproduction number is 3.5. To extinguish an ongoing epidemic, the vaccine efficacy has to be at least 60% when coverage is 100% and at least 80% when coverage drops to 75% to reduce the peak by 85%–86%, 61%–62%, and 32% when vaccination occurs after 5%, 15%, and 30% of the population, respectively, have already been exposed to COVID-19 coronavirus. A vaccine with an efficacy between 60% and 80% could still obviate the need for other measures under certain circumstances such as much higher, and in some cases, potentially unachievable, vaccination coverages.
This study found that the vaccine has to have an efficacy of at least 70% to prevent an epidemic and of at least 80% to largely extinguish an epidemic without any other measures (e.g., social distancing).
Adverse reactions and complications are another part of the story.
0 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
The article links provided are relevant to the conversation. If there is other information to be considered please provide the links. I will review and provide feedback.
I'm sure the ICC is going to have a ball with it. Did you read any of it? It's sort of like reading every little conspiracy theory all rolled into one. And, I have no idea who advised this group of people on how to present a case, but if it was an attorney, he/she should be disbarred. The list of those accused of these crimes is far too big and varied for a court to take seriously. The charges are simply so outrageous as to be laughable. And that is exactly what I predict the response will be... to laugh it out of court.
I'll just take two of the charges and let readers decide to do their own analysis...
Here is their claim (written by a Dr. Mike Yeadon?)...
"The Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ do not meet the requirements to be categorised as vaccines and arein fact gene therapy (Appendix 8). The Merriam-Webster dictionary quietly changed the definition of the term ‘vaccine’ to include components of the COVID-19 m-RNA injection. The definition of vaccine was specifically changed due to the Covid-19 injection on February5th 2021. Dr Mike Yeadon, joint applicant on this request, asserts that claims calling the Covid-19 injections a ‘vaccine is public manipulation and misrepresentation of clinical
treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.’MRNA uses the cell’s machinery to synthesize proteins that are supposed to resemble the SPIKE protein of the virus, which is what it uses to enter cells via the ACE2 receptor. These proteins are then identified by the immune system, which builds antibodies against them. The real concern is that these proteins could accumulate in the body especially in regions of high concentration of ACE2 receptors, such as the gonads. If the immune system then attacks the location where they accumulate, then you could be dealing with an auto-immune condition."
How boring this argument is.... it's not only old, but has been countered many times. The vaccines are not "cytotoxic" (we can once again thank Malone for that ditty), they are not gene therapy.
Not that I think you will ever take anything I post to heart, but here are some articles..
One of the other multiple charges against the whole class of people listed is that the vaccines contain graphene and that an Austrian man who made that claim was mysteriously murdered after he published it. As it turns out, the man, a German chemist named Andreas Noack mysteriously died after he published the graphene claim. It turns out (if you follow the whole saga) that he died of a heart attack due to a faulty valve. His partner at first called out "murder" which made it into social media, and then she retracted that when she learned of his unknown heart condition.
So good for these plaintiffs... they have managed to cover all the bases from bad science to murder mysteries. As I said, the ICC court will probably be amused.
Again, for those who wish to peruse the complaint to the ICC, here is the link.
It highlights all the things that have been claimed by the anti vax conspiracy crowd so well that you could just share it with anyone who wants to know what these people are all about.
# It's an impressive compendium of misinformation and ignorance.
1 user has voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Say you're a doctor (or a hospital or an HMO, or a drug store chain or of course an insurance company) it is common policy (public knowledge for decades) that drug companies give out "samples" of usually new drugs (when I had a private cardiologist for my hypertension whenever I saw him he would empty out his closet of samples, since I was uninsured) cash "incentives" were common.
I really shouldn't have to mention politicians and "donors", but in 2020 Trump had Medicare "pay for all covid bills in full".
In short, there was a universal structure in place to incentivize false or biased reporting, ("his last vaccination was more than 6 months ago, call him unvaccinated" "no booster? Unvaccinated." "Negative? We can bill him and he probably can't pay or we can say he's positive and the Feds will pay.") exaggerating of the efficacy of products (such as vaccines) or undervaluing cheaper, possibly more effective alternatives. (if they really are snake oil all the better but totally unnecessary) And after all: "Every media source is whipping up fear about it. My constituents demand I do something, at least the loud ones. I can get good publicity if I do something, the less effective the better so I can do more later. Just write out that check to my PAC."
No one has to organize a conspiracy, it's regular behavior.
but in 2020 Trump had Medicare "pay for all covid bills in full".
In short, there was a universal structure in place to incentivize false or biased reporting,
Anyone who tests positive for Covid in hospitals get charged a minimum $30,000 more for it. If they get remdisiver add in more $$$ and if they hit the trifecta and get put on ventilators it’s close to $100,000 extra. I don’t know if it’s just for Medicaid/Medicare or all insurances, but it’s just one of the hidden things that congress put in the CARES bill. You know the one that saw them give their donors billions and possibly $5 trillion while taking a year to decide how much we should get. Lots of the epidemic scam was just a way to transfer wealth upwards while pushing more people into poverty. Big box stores made a killing while small businesses that sold the same things were illegally closed down. The founders didn’t say that we had inalienable rights up until an epidemic happened and they could be removed. Who actually made that decision? Churches are supposed to be protected by the 1st amendment, but they lost many lawsuits trying to stay open.
People should try to look back at everything that has happened since we 1st heard about Covid and I think it would open their eyes to see how much corruption is involved in everything.
Why did companies that had spent the last decade buying back their stock need to get money from congress instead of selling their stock? Airlines agreed to keep paying people but after 3 months they started cutting staff and getting older people to retire early. Good grief I’ve probably forgotten so much of what didn’t make sense at the time then I remember. Hopefully I bookmarked some of it. But remember how many of us wrote about that huge transfer of money congress passed right after they closed the country? Fauci is letting Pfizer and Merck screw us more with the pills they are going to use for early treatments. Doesn’t one round of Pfizer’s pills cost $700 per treatment? Or is that Merck’s? 100 people have become billionaires. That’s a hella lot of money. Bezos, Gates and Musk have doubled their money. Meanwhile millions of families are in deep or deeper poverty. That’s theft and conspiracy to commit fraud. IMHO. Love to see that get prosecuted.
Say you're a doctor (or a hospital or an HMO, or a drug store chain or of course an insurance company) it is common policy (public knowledge for decades) that drug companies give out "samples" of usually new drugs (when I had a private cardiologist for my hypertension whenever I saw him he would empty out his closet of samples, since I was uninsured) cash "incentives" were common.
I really shouldn't have to mention politicians and "donors", but in 2020 Trump had Medicare "pay for all covid bills in full".
In short, there was a universal structure in place to incentivize false or biased reporting, ("his last vaccination was more than 6 months ago, call him unvaccinated" "no booster? Unvaccinated." "Negative? We can bill him and he probably can't pay or we can say he's positive and the Feds will pay.") exaggerating of the efficacy of products (such as vaccines) or undervaluing cheaper, possibly more effective alternatives. (if they really are snake oil all the better but totally unnecessary) And after all: "Every media source is whipping up fear about it. My constituents demand I do something, at least the loud ones. I can get good publicity if I do something, the less effective the better so I can do more later. Just write out that check to my PAC."
No one has to organize a conspiracy, it's regular behavior.
11 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
As Minnesota lawmaker and longtime family practitioner Dr. Scott Jensen recently observed, hospitals are incentivized to pressure physicians to include COVID-19 on death certificates and discharge papers, since the CARES Act increases Medicare payments to hospitals treating COVID-19 victims.
"Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for—if they're Medicare—typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000,” said Jensen, whose claim was fact-checked by USA Today. “But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."
The idea that physicians would be pressured to list COVID-19 on death certificates even when it appears the virus had little or nothing to do with someone’s cause of death might sound crazy, but some would say it was entirely predictable.
but in 2020 Trump had Medicare "pay for all covid bills in full".
In short, there was a universal structure in place to incentivize false or biased reporting,
Anyone who tests positive for Covid in hospitals get charged a minimum $30,000 more for it. If they get remdisiver add in more $$$ and if they hit the trifecta and get put on ventilators it’s close to $100,000 extra. I don’t know if it’s just for Medicaid/Medicare or all insurances, but it’s just one of the hidden things that congress put in the CARES bill. You know the one that saw them give their donors billions and possibly $5 trillion while taking a year to decide how much we should get. Lots of the epidemic scam was just a way to transfer wealth upwards while pushing more people into poverty. Big box stores made a killing while small businesses that sold the same things were illegally closed down. The founders didn’t say that we had inalienable rights up until an epidemic happened and they could be removed. Who actually made that decision? Churches are supposed to be protected by the 1st amendment, but they lost many lawsuits trying to stay open.
People should try to look back at everything that has happened since we 1st heard about Covid and I think it would open their eyes to see how much corruption is involved in everything.
Why did companies that had spent the last decade buying back their stock need to get money from congress instead of selling their stock? Airlines agreed to keep paying people but after 3 months they started cutting staff and getting older people to retire early. Good grief I’ve probably forgotten so much of what didn’t make sense at the time then I remember. Hopefully I bookmarked some of it. But remember how many of us wrote about that huge transfer of money congress passed right after they closed the country? Fauci is letting Pfizer and Merck screw us more with the pills they are going to use for early treatments. Doesn’t one round of Pfizer’s pills cost $700 per treatment? Or is that Merck’s? 100 people have become billionaires. That’s a hella lot of money. Bezos, Gates and Musk have doubled their money. Meanwhile millions of families are in deep or deeper poverty. That’s theft and conspiracy to commit fraud. IMHO. Love to see that get prosecuted.
8 users have voted.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Shocking Nursing Shortages at NYC Private Hospitals
Morning everyone
The NY Daily News reports on the Nursing Shortages at Private NYC Hospitals. The amount of nurses is way below the number staffing private hospitals in February 2020, before the plandemic began.
The News details the drop in staff around each borough. No neighborhoods are spared. No matter what you're paying in NYC for your care, unless you hire additional paid nursing staff for you, personally, you will not be adequately cared for.
Profits, On the Other Hand, have soared at these private institutions.
Repeating my own words, from another venue:
The Atlantic has called what's happening now a "Soft Shutdown."
Not soft at all for people who are hurt by the propaganda.
In his own words, Fauci to ABC's This Week:
"If you have many many many more people with a less level of severity, that might kind of neutralize the positive effect of having less severity when you have so many many more people."
Five 'manys' in one sentence has to set a record of some kind. Poor use of language aside, this is what lying looks like. Kind of desperate, is it not....Omicron remains mild and the propagandists are running out of moves.
Meanwhile---in NYC, the Nursing Shortage even at private hospitals is acute. Private hospitals PROFITS have soared even as the patients in their care recieve less care each passing day. Staffing levels in these private hospitals are Lower than they were before the plandemic began.
Read something yesterday about how 19 doc in a box
clinics in NY have shutdown because of nurses shortages too. Just read a couple of older articles about how the disabled were asked to sign DNRs in Britain because they might overwhelm the hospitals and their lives weren’t worth saving. Over 40% of deaths in this country were elderly people in nursing homes. Lots of states are now paying families millions for letting Rona positive people in nursing homes. Michigan I think is paying out $53 million. But Biden has said that he won’t pursue criminal charges against governors that did it. Guess it’s better to pay than waste….on them. Quite a few governments said that it was no big deal because they were going to die soon anyway.
Plus thousands of nurses, doctors and other medical staff are being fired for not getting jabbed in the middle of the epidemic which causes hospitals to be overwhelmed. There was no problem with them working last year without proper PPE and them risking their lives to treat people with Covid, but now everyone of them are being treated as plague carriers.
Earlier this year there was that maternity hospital that had to close cuz not enough nurses. Seems to me that there’s a lot of people in high positions that have absolutely no trace of humanity in them. If any culling is going to happen let’s start with them.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Just watched what Walensky says should happen now
because of this. Hospitals will now have to triage patients in order to save those who can be saved easily. This goes with my culling comment below. Weird how I feel that a lot of this has been planned from the beginning…but maybe I’m just being cynical?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
More (mostly) good news on Omicron
Fingers crossed that the Omicron boogie man has been oversold in a last ditch effort to (needlessly) vaccinate as many children as possible.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
His personal instinct to up his Vitamin D intake this time, is a very good idea, I think. Vaccinated or not. Taking as much as 10,000 IU for three months or so will not lead to a health crisis, and these winter months are when Vitamin D is most likely to dip. Taking a multi vitamin and mineral is essential. One would hope this type of information is collected from all hospital patients, since this data will be be a key feature in retrospective studies.
Can't help but notice how sequencing every case enhances the data.
Unions may have a very hard time this year.
because GATS and TISA. They are not planning to forget them. Its a huge global job trading scheme.
The whole labor shortage meme leaves out a lot. It fails to tell us that this outsourcing has been planned for 25 years, or more. And it leaves out how its main goal is to lower skilled wages globally by enlarging the labor market thats looked to to fill jobs involving government goals. Typically by means of an international bidding process, where least developed countries get a small "LDC Services Waiver" that gives them a slight edge that can make all the difference allowing them to make a bit more money even if their firms pay their workers a tiny bit more (the average wage in LDCs is only a few dollars a day).
Instead of the reforms that we were supposed to see, in areas like jobs for (US) minorities and equal wages for women and others almost all high wage skilled public jobs are all in danger of being replaced and rolled back by a big fat gift to the oligarchs or highly profitable "temporary" subcontracting jobs. All of the nationl goals are likely to be put on the back burner in favor of the trade obligations which are intended to help developing countries pay off the huge Third World Debt owed because of thefts by oligarchs of trillions of dollars, the debt is illegitimate but our financial industry wants the money. We looked the other way while they were incurring this debt to us. Which was bad because our banks should not have extended credit that they very well knew was being stolen. So what I am trying to say is that the Third World Debt is ODIOUS debt.
Let me put it another way, suppose the same thing happened here, and oligarchs stole 42 trillion dollars and then it "just vanished". Who pays? We do. So no more public services, until its paid off. Since its opkayt to pay people minimnum wage, because that what we make, suddenly all public employees make minimum wage. But thats not enough, what then? What can be sold? Lots of things, all public property, buildings, land water and other assets.
Everything is privatized, in the most profitable way it can be. What happens to the jobs, they get offshored to the companies that perform the work.
GATS doesnt apply to many jobs, completely private ones, mostly it applies to quasi public ones under the control of or purchased by governments or other entities influenced by federal, state or local governments or public entities. Nurses and teachers, definitely. it mostly applies to internationalize spending at the federal, state or local level paid for by tax money. See the jobs at , for example, but many more than just them. Also, public services, is now defined very narrowly by the official definition of "services supplied in the exercise of governmental authority" so basically that is the Newspeak term for public services. If its not "services supplied in the exercise of governmental authority" it cannot be public. Thats forbidden,Read the whole definition which follows (bolded). This is why we cant have working services.
The "governmental authority" exclusion is very narrow
This exclusion is far narrower than it may at first appear.
Firstly, in order for a service to be excluded, both criteria must apply. That is, in order for the exclusion to apply, a service must be supplied on a non-commercial basis and its delivery must not be in competition with another service supplier. Thus, the exclusion does not apply to services that are supplied on a non-commercial basis but which are supplied in competition with another service provider. Similarly, the exclusion does not apply to services that are supplied on a commercial basis even where these services are supplied in the absence of competition with any other service supplier. Hence, only a small sub-set of services -- those that are provided by completely non-commercial, absolute monopolies -- appear to be protected by this exclusion.
Secondly, the exclusion is narrow by virtue of the ordinary definition of its terms. The agreement does not define the phrases "on a commercial basis" and "in competition with one or more service suppliers". However, the ordinary definitions of these terms are broad, making the set of services that they describe very large, and the set of services that falls outside them -- and hence outside the scope of the agreement -- quite small.
"Commercial" is defined variously as: "Engaged in commerce; trading"5; "Of or pertaining to commerce or trade"6; "Of, engaged in, or concerned with, commerce"7; or "concerned with commerce"8 (emphases added).
The definition of "commerce" includes: "financial transactions, esp. the buying and selling of merchandise, on a large scale"9, "the exchange of goods"10 or "buying and selling together; trading; exchange of merchandise"11.
The definition of "trade" includes: "the business of distribution, selling and exchange"12, "buying and selling … buying and selling conducted between nations etc.; the exchange of goods between peoples"13 and "the buying and selling or exchange of commodities for profit; commerce, traffic, trading"14.
"Competition" is defined as: "Rivalry in the market, striving for custom between those who have the same commodities to dispose of"15; "the act or an instance of competing or contending with others (for supremacy, a position, a prize, etc.)."16
"Compete" is defined as: "to try to get what others also seek and which all cannot have, to compete for export markets".17
Most so-called public services -- which are normally supplied through a complex mixture of public and private suppliers, or which frequently include certain commercial aspects -- appear to fall, at least in part, under these broad definitions. They would thus fall outside the protective exclusion and within the scope of GATS' liberalization imperative..18
December update from the state of Washington
on Covid cases in terms of vaccinated and unvaccinated citizens.
This study covers case numbers, hospitalizations and deaths into 3 age groups. The summary concludes that in the age group of 12- 34, unvaccinated people are 4 times as likely to get Covid than vaccinated people.
Ages 35-64 are 5 times more likely to contract Covid, and over age 65 the figure is 7 times more likely.
Hospitalization rates for the three groups...19 times higher in unvaccinated than vaccinated for the first group; 18 times for the second, and 12 times for the eldest group (interesting stat).
Deaths between unvaccinated and vaccinated is only reported for the over 65 group. Unvaccinated in this group are 13 times more likely to die from Covid than vaccinated.
Charts and graphs are provided for each group and the information is broken fown into county stats.
Now here is the information from the state of VA, which also includes data on breakthrough cases.
And here is Texas... data taken from Jan 15, 2021 to Oct. 2021.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Unfortunately all three links appear to be limiting
All three links periodically change the definition of fully vaccinated during the data collection periods.
I have not reviewed the links to evaluate with these common data analysis issues.
1) Relative Risk Reduction and Absolute Risk Reduction CB has a good explanation in the comment of the difference.
2) Using ratios to define population size instead of actual numbers.
Lies Damn Lies and Hospitalisation Statistics December 23, 2021
by Dr Jem Bendell, Professor of Sustainability Leadership
It appears all three links have access to information to further categorize vaccinated population into actual Brand of vaccine used by individuals and chose not to include in analysis for the public.
Looking forward to further insights and opinions.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
So you are basically saying that all three states don't know
what the hell they are doing with their medical system reports on vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people in their states.
Who, please tell us, should these states be going to for instruction as to how to properly report all this?
It's too bad Dr. Jem closed the comments on the story. I would have liked to see someone take it on. Of course according to Dr. Jem everyone who works on hospital analysis of stats is part of the vast Big Pharma conspiracy to totally control all information on Covid, so we'll just never be able to get the true information.
We are definitely DOOMED!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
No, they may know what they are doing
Each of the states has the opportunity to build trust by sharing data with experts in their research universities and professionals for independent verification without pre-approveal of published results. Unless this option is already limited by legal contracts. Is so, the limitations on data disclosure and analysis should be disclosed. The potential bias information could then be evaluated.
Are we DOOMED? Today's headline is not encouraging a belief of competence of our country's leaders ability to protect citizens from COVID.
Officials: Nearly 25% of Navy warship crew has COVID-19
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I certainly would also agree that the ball has been dropped
By Biden, Fauci and the government on the issue of testing.
However, we are dealing with a force of nature that has been part of our world since the first human stood upright in the savannahs (probably even before that- I wonder if dinosaurs had pandemics).
What this pandemic has done is expose the corruptions and incompetencies of our health care systems. That has been going on for a long time. It took a pandemic for people to wake up to it. That being said, I do not believe that all the companies that make vaccines and all the people in our government and all those in other positions of power and all the universities and medical researchers and our whole media are part of a vast conspiracy to kill us all (or enslave us in a Holocaust type manner).
I think the death toll across the world would be way higher if we hadn't rolled the dice on the mRNA vaccines.
There is an ER doctor I just came across who has been posting tweets about his daily experiences in an New York hospital. I guess he has a pretty good following.
Here is his twitter account link...
If Malone can tweet constantly and be taken seriously by so many, then maybe a guy who works with Covid patients every day can be taken just as seriously.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
When the ball is dropped one picks it up to conintue -
True management of pandemics, the failures and success have been recorded in human civilization for a longtime. So, there is no excuse for their incompetence. Contemporary results of different pandemic management is happening in real time, including multiple types of vaccines. So, it was too confusing or they did not have enough information is not an excuse for incompetence. The only measures USA is near or at the top is number of Covid infections, number of Covid deaths per 100,000 and profits.
I am not taking the time today to relocate the sites for quality statistics, discuss data collection and analytic methodology. Thinking and believing are opinions not science. The initial ideas may come from thinking and believing, but then it is tested, retested, analyzed. verified and then the process needs to be repeated by others looking for flaws in the logic.
My thoughts on Tweets were explained yesterday in another conversation we had regarding character assassination of Dr Robert Malone.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I doubt that the vaccinated patients
Craig Spencer MD is seeing in the ER have such mild symptoms that they would prove his point. With the symptoms he describes they NEVER would have shown up in his ER in the first place. With the staff shortage hospitals complain about, these people would not get beyond admissions. They would have been told to go home, take an aspirin/cough medicine and go to bed and isolate or visit their family GP. He is just using his position in an attempt to gaslight his twitter followers.
I already know people who had mild cases but went
to the ER trying to get a test done or because they were frightened. There are always shades of grey. That being said, why would you accuse someone who is putting themselves on the line every day in what must be an incredibly exhausting and terribly sad atmosphere of "gaslighting". Have you no sense of what our medical people are going through? I saw an interview with a nurse yesterday who was having to fight depression because she watches unvaccinated people crying as they die and wishing out loud that they had gotten the jab.
So I guess she is gaslighting everyone too?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Tying together vaccine sins and sinners with WEF
Written by a medical doctor, credentials at end.
Thanks for bringing stuff I would have missed seeing. This is a great start and hopefully others in lots of countries will follow them. It’s nice to know that we little people aren’t alone in this.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
So far, the Desert Review and this doctor
who writes under a pseudonym, is the only source for this story. Of course it was picked up by Malone on his twitter page, but I can not find any other source discussing a court filing at the ICC.
Can you provide more?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
If you would have read the very first parts of the
report by "this doctor who writes under a pseudonym" you will see that that he references three other papers who have written on this.
Thank you for sharing that...
I'm sure the ICC is going to have a ball with it. Did you read any of it? It's sort of like reading every little conspiracy theory all rolled into one. And, I have no idea who advised this group of people on how to present a case, but if it was an attorney, he/she should be disbarred. The list of those accused of these crimes is far too big and varied for a court to take seriously. The charges are simply so outrageous as to be laughable. And that is exactly what I predict the response will be... to laugh it out of court.
I'll just take two of the charges and let readers decide to do their own analysis...
Here is their claim (written by a Dr. Mike Yeadon?)...
"The Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ do not meet the requirements to be categorised as vaccines and arein fact gene therapy (Appendix 8). The Merriam-Webster dictionary quietly changed the definition of the term ‘vaccine’ to include components of the COVID-19 m-RNA injection. The definition of vaccine was specifically changed due to the Covid-19 injection on February5th 2021. Dr Mike Yeadon, joint applicant on this request, asserts that claims calling the Covid-19 injections a ‘vaccine is public manipulation and misrepresentation of clinical
treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.’MRNA uses the cell’s machinery to synthesize proteins that are supposed to resemble the SPIKE protein of the virus, which is what it uses to enter cells via the ACE2 receptor. These proteins are then identified by the immune system, which builds antibodies against them. The real concern is that these proteins could accumulate in the body especially in regions of high concentration of ACE2 receptors, such as the gonads. If the immune system then attacks the location where they accumulate, then you could be dealing with an auto-immune condition."
How boring this argument is.... it's not only old, but has been countered many times. The vaccines are not "cytotoxic" (we can once again thank Malone for that ditty), they are not gene therapy.
Not that I think you will ever take anything I post to heart, but here are some articles..
One of the other multiple charges against the whole class of people listed is that the vaccines contain graphene and that an Austrian man who made that claim was mysteriously murdered after he published it. As it turns out, the man, a German chemist named Andreas Noack mysteriously died after he published the graphene claim. It turns out (if you follow the whole saga) that he died of a heart attack due to a faulty valve. His partner at first called out "murder" which made it into social media, and then she retracted that when she learned of his unknown heart condition.
So good for these plaintiffs... they have managed to cover all the bases from bad science to murder mysteries. As I said, the ICC court will probably be amused.
Again, for those who wish to peruse the complaint to the ICC, here is the link.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Ridicule and laughter are common bullying techniques.
Legal system and science has some similarities. Both deal with Laws - legal system with human laws and science with laws of nature. Some of the criteria of proof of definition for vaccine, gene therapy, not gene therapy is probably going to reside in legal definitions defined in regulations and statutes, legislative laws; universal professional standards; and accepted references at the actual time changes to the definitions were initiated.
Unless one is fascinated by the details of the subject it is boring.
Has anyone seen information identifying the contaminates?
Japan detects more Moderna vaccine contamination Aug 29, 2021
Contaminants found in Pfizer vaccine in cities near Tokyo and Osaka Sept 15, 2021
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Common bullying techniques....
Seriously, why in the world would you say that? The fact that I find the complaint humorous and guessed that the ICC court might do so is not "bullying". But maybe it is in today's world of upside down and inside out definitions.
The vaccines were contaminated by human error at the plant that bottles the vaccines.
The graphene charge is a whole other issue.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Never found genocide or any effort to recognize and
Why else would anyone be laughing?
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Because it is a very absurd group of charges
against a large number of people. If you want to get Fauci, you go for Fauci. If you want to get Moris Johnson, you go for Boris Johnson. Putting them together in a class is kind of ridiculous.
And I am not laughing at genocide, but nice try.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Not playing a game of keeping score
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
You certainly can wait and review both sides.
I, on the other hand, find the plaintiffs claims about the nature of the vaccines scientifically erroneous. That is alone a reason to dismiss the suit.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
The difference between an expert and a novice on a subject
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Well then that definitely makes Robert Malone
and RFK novices.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Scientists often confound
My contact with an attorney who briefs ICC judges was a very interesting experience. It is an extraordinary Court. I would never imagine an attorney taking on a client's case before that institution would go in without having spent hundreds of hours with a team preparing to be questioned by the judges on that court.
Even the suggestion of genocide on the streets is not funny. In that venue, it is dead serious.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yes. The accusations of genocide ARE very serious.
And you can not seriously think that all those people listed in the complaint are guilty of such a charge. In fact, making those charges makes a mockery of the term genocide.
As for a lawyer who would take on such a case and lend legitimacy to such nonsense.... there are plenty of lawyers who would do such a thing if the money is good.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
This is not about what I think.
I do not believe any lawyer wants to live out his life being the butt of a joke.
Any legal document with supporting facts and law that even alleges that a genocide has taken place, or is still in progress, is just not humorous. The dead are gone. I remember them all with respect, and hope their deaths are properly remarked in history, and that no laughter for any reason results, that this will never occur again.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It is nice that you take the deaths that have been
caused by this pandemic seriously. However, my husband is and attorney and his father was an attorney. There are plenty of attorneys who take cases knowing they are bogus and do not care what kind of hit their reputation takes at all.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I have no experience with that,
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Well since we don't know anything about the attorneys in
this case, so we are both speculating. I'm just saying that if you read the charges and the names of the group of people being charged, it is a really far fetched lawsuit.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Do you have a legal/medical background to make such a claim?
How can you speak for the ICC court and be so certain how it will receive and pass judgment against these charges? Do you actually understand how the ICC court functions? What educational background do you bring to this discussion? Do you have a university or college degree?
Um... seriously you asked me this question?
Do you have a medical degree that enables to be such an expert on the virus and the vaccines?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Yes, I do along with practical experience in various clinical
Along the path of life, I have found a someone with medical degree is not always an indication they are the best resource for learning or gaining an understanding an issue. Knowing the educational and experience of an individual can be of assistance in understanding the preconceived concepts they may bring to a subject. The question of background is relevant.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I back up every post I make with a link
to the source of the information. You only have to look back at my history. You of all people should have noticed that. Sometimes I will just post the link and allow people to make a judgment for themselves as to it's veracity.
I depend on sources that I have found reliable because they in turn back up their statements with scientific data.
Did you know that I didn't originally accept hydroxychloroquine and IVM as a good prophylaxis for COVID? I used to have heated discussions with the late Alligator Ed (he was a retired doctor). One of the arguments I won and he conceded was for a study done in Brazil.
Unfortunately, I found out after AE's death that the study I had used was fatally flawed from the start. It used dangerously high, 4-5 times recommended dosages of HQ ONLY in late stage cases of infection, without the NECESSARY corresponding dosages of zinc. HQ and IVM are considerably more effective if used at the onset of the disease or before it has progressed to lung damage. Unfortunately the only treatment the CDC still recommends to this very day at the onset of disease is stay at home and isolate. If one continues to get sicker and starts to have significant breathing problems then that means the disease has started to damage lung tissue and you will have to be hospitalized in the ICU where they will use expensive drugs and procedures that will cost $30,000 to $100,000 with morbidity rates higher than 50%.
Do you want to know who used that study that was designed to fail? It was the Gates' Wellcome Trust! You yourself got taken in by that as proof that HQ/IVM were useless. If you will recall we had a discussion where I said you cannot use the false data the Wellcome Trust because it was purposefully designed to fail. If there was a good inexpensive prophylaxis Big Pharma could not use the EUA.
All true
They are non sterilizing which means they don’t provide protection so anyone jabbed can still get infected and spread it. Even Fauci and Walensky have admitted that. More than once. And yes they cause the body to create more spikes which is why Malone called the spike protein toxic. He did not say that the vaccines were toxic. But you’ll ignore it again because you are blind to what Malone has actually said because of your animosity towards him.
I doubt the court will laugh off the case unless they are told to. What part of captured government don’t you understand? And Pfizer themselves say that these are gene therapy not a true vaccine. I’d love to know why if these vaccines are so great why 50% of the new cases in Utah are considered breakthrough? Or a navy ship that is 100% vaccinated have 25% of the people infected? Or fully jabbed cruise ships have so many infections? I’d say it’s because they aren’t sterilizing vaccines and were never created to stop infections. Hey didn’t Fauci say just that recently? Why yes he did. I don’t understand how you can deny any of that, but I’ll wait for you to do just that. Again.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
So if the court rules with the complaint,
they have done the right thing and will have demonstrated their independence. But if they rule against the complaint or simply dismiss it, it will demonstrate that they are owned by someone or some group.
Well that covers all the bases for you.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Just ignore what I said and move the goalposts. In case you missed it my point was that the information you said was false is actually true. As both Fauci and Walensky admitted. Will you address that? Or my point about breakthrough infections because the vaccines are non sterilizing?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Come on snoop...
On the one hand you don't want to address me or have a conversation with me because everything I post is a personal assault on you, but on the other hand you want to engage with me. Which is it?
Here is my view on the efficacy of the vaccines..... the original vaccines were developed based upon the original virus, which is not the virus we are dealing with now. They doo not stop transmission now because the virus mutated. However, they do lessen the severity of the virus if you get it. I keep posting evidence to back that up but you reject it because you can't get a vaccine. I get that. But I don't get posting stuff that is simply un-evidenced while ignoring all the evidence that demonstrates over and over again that unvaccinated people fare far worse overall than vaccinated people do.... at this point. That could change tomorrow, but it's not because there is some conspiracy to kill all of us. It's because we are dealing with a new force of nature. Everyone is learning as we go along.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Covid vaccines have never been 100% effective at preventing
Not accurate.
an example
Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine efficacy December 8, 2020.
A computer model study has suggested a higher vaccination rate in a population can be used to overcome a lower efficacy rate of a vaccine.
Vaccine Efficacy Needed for a COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine to Prevent or Stop an Epidemic as the Sole Intervention July 15, 2020
Adverse reactions and complications are another part of the story.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I thought I was addressing snoopdawg.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
This is a public conversation any C99 member
The article links provided are relevant to the conversation. If there is other information to be considered please provide the links. I will review and provide feedback.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thanks for the link
You bet it is!
It highlights all the things that have been claimed by the anti vax conspiracy crowd so well that you could just share it with anyone who wants to know what these people are all about.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
About the "conspiracy"
Say you're a doctor (or a hospital or an HMO, or a drug store chain or of course an insurance company) it is common policy (public knowledge for decades) that drug companies give out "samples" of usually new drugs (when I had a private cardiologist for my hypertension whenever I saw him he would empty out his closet of samples, since I was uninsured) cash "incentives" were common.
I really shouldn't have to mention politicians and "donors", but in 2020 Trump had Medicare "pay for all covid bills in full".
In short, there was a universal structure in place to incentivize false or biased reporting, ("his last vaccination was more than 6 months ago, call him unvaccinated" "no booster? Unvaccinated." "Negative? We can bill him and he probably can't pay or we can say he's positive and the Feds will pay.") exaggerating of the efficacy of products (such as vaccines) or undervaluing cheaper, possibly more effective alternatives. (if they really are snake oil all the better but totally unnecessary) And after all: "Every media source is whipping up fear about it. My constituents demand I do something, at least the loud ones. I can get good publicity if I do something, the less effective the better so I can do more later. Just write out that check to my PAC."
No one has to organize a conspiracy, it's regular behavior.
On to Biden since 1973
This should be discussed more
Anyone who tests positive for Covid in hospitals get charged a minimum $30,000 more for it. If they get remdisiver add in more $$$ and if they hit the trifecta and get put on ventilators it’s close to $100,000 extra. I don’t know if it’s just for Medicaid/Medicare or all insurances, but it’s just one of the hidden things that congress put in the CARES bill. You know the one that saw them give their donors billions and possibly $5 trillion while taking a year to decide how much we should get. Lots of the epidemic scam was just a way to transfer wealth upwards while pushing more people into poverty. Big box stores made a killing while small businesses that sold the same things were illegally closed down. The founders didn’t say that we had inalienable rights up until an epidemic happened and they could be removed. Who actually made that decision? Churches are supposed to be protected by the 1st amendment, but they lost many lawsuits trying to stay open.
People should try to look back at everything that has happened since we 1st heard about Covid and I think it would open their eyes to see how much corruption is involved in everything.
Why did companies that had spent the last decade buying back their stock need to get money from congress instead of selling their stock? Airlines agreed to keep paying people but after 3 months they started cutting staff and getting older people to retire early. Good grief I’ve probably forgotten so much of what didn’t make sense at the time then I remember. Hopefully I bookmarked some of it. But remember how many of us wrote about that huge transfer of money congress passed right after they closed the country? Fauci is letting Pfizer and Merck screw us more with the pills they are going to use for early treatments. Doesn’t one round of Pfizer’s pills cost $700 per treatment? Or is that Merck’s? 100 people have become billionaires. That’s a hella lot of money. Bezos, Gates and Musk have doubled their money. Meanwhile millions of families are in deep or deeper poverty. That’s theft and conspiracy to commit fraud. IMHO. Love to see that get prosecuted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
“Show me the incentive and I'll show you the outcome,” American businessman Charlie Munger once observed.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Now who would've guessed that this could possibly be true?
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Et tu Russia?
Didn’t think I’d see Russia taking part in the great reset. Sad if true.
I just don’t get this line of thinking.
Her mask is down around her chin and yet she’s upset about someone else not wearing theirs whilst eating? What could possibly explain it? Bueller?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.