The Dose 12-23-2021

A quiet corner for all things medical and Covid.
God bless us each and everyone

I have to ask, does anyone see an endpoint? Are we all destined for injections whether or not we want them, or even more, whether we are at risk for harm?

In Europe, EU states are falling and our own president is a student of Klaus Schwaub. Macron is so sick and has been visibly cuddling up to globalists in spite of citizens marching. He is still maybe a little concerned about French people.

Both Sarkozy and Hollande supposed left of center are in the same school. Sarkozy got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. That is not supposed to happen.

There is a scene from the Nixon/Kissinger era where they are watching out of White House windows and they have fear that they will see thousands of people marching up Pennsylvania Avenue. They were at that time still afraid they didn't have the strength to fight back.

I apologize in advance if I have violated fair use in the cut and paste below. It is behind a pay wall.
Unreported Truths
From Alex Berenson

Your Dept. Of Pandemia, in conjunction with World’s Best Totally Unopinionated Fact-Checkers Inc. (TM), offers this Q&A on vaccine injuries. Which don’t exist anyway. But if they did.

Q: I saw a soccer player collapse yesterday -

A: No you din't.

Q: I’m pretty sure I did.

A: Do you believe everything you see on the teevee? Like when Rob Lowe looks younger now than he did 30 years ago, do you believe that?

Q: I was at the game. In person.

A: These things happen.

Q: And then when I got home I read that two other players collapsed too -

A: What’s your point.

Q: It seems unusual.

A: Fact-check: Healthy young people have heart attacks ALL THE TIME.

Q: They do?

A: They sure do. It’s true. Bazoom! We fact-checked it, and now your statement that “it seems unusual” is not allowed anywhere on the Internet for the rest of eternity.

Q: What about the First Amendment?

A: Fact-check: The First Amendment does not apply to the Internet! BING-BANG-BOOM!

Q: I don’t think that’s right.

A: Fact-check: We are the fact-checkers, not you. In fact, fact-checked fact, you are lucky you’re even allowed to say “it seems unusual.” You’re lucky you are even allowed to THINK in your little rabbit brain “it seems unusual.”

We’re going to be talking to Zuck about that.

Q: Can we get back to the soccer players? I don’t remember that happening so much before this year.

A: That’s because of ascertainment bias. And recency bias. And recent ascentainmency bias. And correlation is not causation and you cannot tell anything from a small sample size and every vaccine safety dataset no matter how large is made up of individual cases each of which is a sample of 1, and so is ultimately USELESS to tell you anything about anything, except that the vaccines are safe, we are the fact-checkers and we say so and if we say so it is so -

Q: That seems a little bit circular -

A: SHUT UP. If they weren’t safe we wouldn’t have gotten one, actually two, no three and maybe a fourth coming soon and look what you’ve done, we’re all excited and getting kinda tachy and IT IS YOUR FAULT FOR ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT THE MIRACLE VACCINES YOUR FAULT YOUR FAULT YOUR FAULT YOUR FA-



Q: Are you okay?


Q: Can someone call an ambulance?

Attention citizens!


I want to thank everyone who posts to The Dose with links, videos and other important voices. This week we have seen really important information come out from Pierre Kory about Dr. Hill from Liverpool University being bought out by Merck. Tess Lawrie has it on video. He can be taken to court.

Chris Martenson uses almost the same phrases as Pierre Kory in his current assessment of what's going on.

I see two narratives at cross purposes: Desperation 'vaccination' and continued leaking of truthful information from people scrupulous to a fault about early treatment and other analysis of current practices.

Bret Weinstein said recently that in Portland, Oregon even with the evidence of prior infection he has been denied entry into establishments this week. He and his wife are very concerned about the kids. He is truly sorry he didn't speak with more force against the actions which are killing Julian Assange. He feels the actors in Julian's case are the same as in the world-wide agenda now exploding over us all.

Thank you all again. Looking for honest people. Looking for courage (my own included.) Looking for hope. Looking for more light in the dark of Winter.

15 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

Chris supports my endpoint hypothesis (38 min)
links under the clip

Various world leaders, mainstream press outlets, and pharma companies are working hard to whip up fear and anxiety about omicron. Are those negative emotions deserved? No, not in the slightest.
Omicron spells the end of the Covid misadventure. At least that’s what the data suggests at this time. That’s great news. For you and me. Not so much for power and money-conflicted corporations and politicians who are rather attached to Covid being an endless and mind-numbingly expensive affair.
Omicron is explosively transmissive, that is quite true, but it is also incredibly mild compared to past variants of concern. For most people it’s barely a cold, if that. Sniffles, a headache, and some tiredness.
True, a very small percentage of people run into trouble with it, but that’s been true of every prior cold and flu in history. It’s just how it works, and setting a new bar that says “our goal for omicron is zero deaths or illness” is simply delusional. Life is a risk. Bad things sometimes happen. We absorb the losses and we move on.
Before your country’s leadership uses omicron as an excuse to lock you down further, to destroy your economy even more, and to hamper your ability to live a full and rich life, you should do your best to learn the data and then share it. If necessary resist the imposition of new rules and agitate for the relaxation of old ones.
More to the point, omicron doesn’t care if someone is vaccinated or not. It explosively moves through every population it has entered as if three were zero difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. In other words, vaccines do nothing to temper the flow of omicron within or across a country.
Bottom line: There’s no more reason to lock people down or to enforce vaccine mandates. Covid is over. The data is all coming up roses for omicron. The best we could have possibly hoped for. That’s what the data says.
Remember, if the data changes, so will I, but until then, this is where we are.

Now will nations recognize the end point and lose their hold on people? However as far as the risk of serious disease from Sars-CoV-2, that is good news. A month or two and we'll know for sure. In the meantime, keep on with Vit. D, Zn, and so on.

Take heart and be of good cheer!

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout and yes, lookout, my conclusion aligns squarely with yours.

This morning the news is about the Virus treatment pill being approved. If I am understanding this, it is a five day regimen with 2 different meds taken, 3X a day. At home.

So the 1/2 billion test kits, shipped sometime in the year 2022 to as yet undisclosed locations, are the final gasping breaths of the Money Grab we have been enduring.

Hang in there, Dawn, the fearsome end we all see coming may be slowed down by the verifiable improvement on the ground.

10 users have voted.


Dawn's Meta's picture

@NYCVG @NYCVG name of the medication is.

We will keep our chins up.

ETA: the Chris Martenson podcast has really good news from France! Omicron is outrunning Macron. Really needed this news today.

8 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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CB's picture

@Dawn's Meta
I'll bet it won't be generic and will cost thousands of dollars per treatment. The drug companies have been given carte blanche to loot the public purse.

8 users have voted.

Fine enough if it's only for extreme cases, like covid induced anxiety attacks I guess.

5 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

shaharazade's picture

@Lookout @Lookout @Lookout It's surreal at this point. So much fear, hysteria, being pumped out on every so called news media. A woman down the street, a medical school graduate and then some, docter, says Omichon is in her opnion Covid's last gasp. To her this is a good thing as the virus will still be around but is elvovlving to a milder form that will replace the more viscious Delta.

Meanwhile a lot of people I know are suffering from anxiety. Me I have always tended toward anxiety. Now I get panic attacks along with the unrelenting anxiety.I don't take meds for this as I have had bad experinces with pharamasutical drugs. Do better with eating healthy, exercising, accunpture, and herbs. Im not vaxed so most of my tratments are unacailable due to no vax card. On top of it I don't buy the data they throw at you, including the testing stats

One guy we know was getting chest and arm soreness along with tingling in in his arms. He went to a cardiologist who checked him out and told him his heart was fine. He said its anxiety. Your holding your chest muscles arms etc tight.I do this mainly my arms shoulders and stomach.

I grow even more anxious when people tell me I'm anti-science. Lol. Or their other fave your narrsistc and do not care about the dangerto others. We basically never leave the freaking house except for healthy food runs. Even food scources have been drying up due to globalization and so called supply chain Were lucky we work from home have for 30 years. Eric does the shpping as it does not give him the fear like me. We mask up and socially distance.

I don't blame China.Wuhan is where the US jobbed out it's nasty biotech resaearh Game of function. What they nean is were cooking up some dangerous shit cause were'scientistists'. Great. When your chickens come home to roost blame China or Russia. This is all down to globalization and the scary US/ corporate empire. Be it trade wars, hot wars or any war they decide will be profitable to their disgusting world agenda.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


There are effective treatments and simple preventatives. TPTB want us scared and easily manipulated. The 1st 10 min or so of this discussion of preventatives and treatments may make you feel better.

Happy holidays!

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

Funny stuff! Good to lighten things up a bit Wink
Thanks Dawn

10 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture


just say know!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Dawn's Meta's picture

@QMS Glad you liked it.

6 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

QMS's picture

A funny twist on Nancy Raygun's ultomato about drugs Wink

7 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

CB's picture

at least we can spend an hour or two watching these videos from Children's Health Defense:

10-DAY HOLIDAY MARATHON: Banned Movies, Documentaries, Speeches, Interviews + More!


More than enough to fill your boots!

WATCH: CHD.TV! 10-Day Holiday Movie Marathon

Kick off the holidays with CHD.TV! Tune into our Holiday Movie Marathon, launching Dec. 23 and running every day through Jan. 1, 2022.

Thursday, Dec. 23:

  • The Truth About Vaccines Part 1
  • Medical Racism
  • ‘How To Deal With Uninformed Family Over The Holidays’ with Andrew Wakefield
  • Vaxxed II

Friday, Dec. 24:

  • The Truth About Vaccines Part 2
  • Plandemic Part 1
  • ‘How To Deal With Uninformed Family Over The Holidays’ with Andrew Wakefield
  • Plandemic Part 2

Saturday, Dec. 25:

  • The Truth About Vaccines Part 3
  • BEST OF 2021: Top Defender Episodes
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr., staff featured speeches and interviews

Sunday, Dec. 26:

  • The Truth About Vaccines Part 4
  • Trace Amounts
  • ‘The Jerusalem Report’ with Ilana Rachel Daniel
  • 50 Cents A Dose

Monday, Dec. 27:

  • The Truth About Vaccines Part 5
  • I Am Not Misinformation
  • ‘One Life Radio’ with Mary Holland
  • Root Cause

Tuesday, Dec. 28:

  • ‘What’s Your View’ with Sumayyah Simone – Special Holiday Episode
  • The Truth About Vaccines Part 6
  • E-Motion
  • Sacrificial Virgins
  • The Greater Good

Wednesday, Dec. 29:

  • The Truth About Vaccines Part 7
  • ‘This Week’ with Mary + Polly
  • ‘Who Killed JFK’ + ‘CIA Mind Control Ops,’ Defender Episodes
  • HIV = AIDS: Fauci’s First Fraud

Thursday, Dec. 30:

  • The Truth About Vaccines Part 8
  • Edwin Black Lecture: History of Eugenics
  • Dr. Stoller Lecture: DDT
  • Restoring Balance: Autism Recovery

Friday, Dec. 31:

  • The Truth About Vaccines Part 9
  • Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis?
  • Vaccine Passports
  • Vaxxed II

Saturday, Jan. 1:

  • The Truth About Vaccines Part 10
  • Communities Rising – Moms Across America
  • ‘How To Deal With Uninformed Family Over The Holidays’ with Andrew Wakefield
  • Secret Ingredients
8 users have voted.
Dawn's Meta's picture


3 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

@CB Andrew Wakefield??! You have got to be kidding me.

1 user has voted.
Dawn's Meta's picture

@peachcreek What we have found in looking at issues that become contentious, is that going to the source documents is very important. Otherwise we are relying on intermediaries to be honest, truth-seeking and truth-telling.

In the case of Andrew, the worst we came up with is that he noticed in his own practice that six children became ill with stomach infections soon after receiving their MMR. After that they had regression of cognitive and other skills.

The paper he wrote asked a question: is there any relationship or pattern that should be looked into. That is all he did.

Holy hell descended upon him.

Brian Deere, a purported journalist who would not disclose his funding sources, turned Andrew into the UK medical board. A journalist?

The Lancet article was also written by Brian Deere. He made it his mission to hound Andrew and anyone like him. The Lancet article was not written by peers, but by a hack journalist who apparently had outside funders.

We must be very careful to use our own critical skepticism in looking at cases like this. Unfortunately through the lense of recent history, this looks like suppression which most of us at the time could not see.

Thank you for providing an opportunity to address this case as it's been bothering me for over a decade.

3 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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ggersh's picture

mild, it's like having a bad cold.

Yet "State Media" suggest unvaxxed Omicron patients are filling up hospitals ICU's everywhere until the last part stating officials aren't tallying whether or not said patients are vaxxed or unvaxxed

Anyone hit by lightning lately?

And the reality is that, as numbers of confirmed COVID cases skyrocket (a phenomenon that has, coincidentally enough, occurred alongside a surge in testing), Germany has only just today confirmed its first death of a person infected with omicron.

As a reminder, Germany, Ireland, and The Netherlands have reimposed partial or full lockdowns and measures in recent days, citing the surging winter caseload and warnings from the scientific community about the threat posed by omicron (a strain that, although it appears to spread more quickly, is clearly causing fewer hospitalizations and deaths, according to research published by several different sources yesterday). Germany's health minister said Wednesday he had not ruled out a full lockdown to suppress Omircon's spread.

9 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@ggersh but the panic and hysteria have done the job instead.

Tourists are not coming here for the holidays as they usually do. 25% down from last year, if I'm hearing correctly.

Restaurants and businesses have closed---for good--- in the last few weeks.

13 Broadway shows were down yesterday. That number has been going Up on a daily basis.

You do not have to label it a Lockdown to shut the State and City down and ruin businesses and lives.

8 users have voted.


ggersh's picture

@NYCVG must be fully vaccinated to go most everywhere including children from 5 up. Anyone 16 and older will also need proof of identification as well.

One story on the State Media app says Omicron hospitalization is not expected w/Omicron, next story says hospitalization is extremely high due to Omicron.

My guess and it's just a guess is that the PCR tests are showing a boatload of false positives. There are also a boatload of people conforming to the new normal and are believing State Media, you know because they've never lied to us. smfh

8 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


to arrest anyone she wants if she thinks they are a health risk as I mentioned yesterday. Isn’t that martial law or damn close to it? Lightfoot is another tyrant who is hurting her own people over this medical tyranny. The founders stayed away from this on purpose. Rights cannot just be removed at a whim or they are Merely suggestions. It’s not the first time government has done it though. Why aren’t the shitlibs outraged. Or yeah, fear.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

How Dr. Fauci and Other Officials Withheld Information on China's Coronavirus Experiments

Dr. Fauci adamantly denied the charge. "The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology," he said in their first fracas on May 11, a position he has steadfastly maintained.

Recently, however, a tranche of documents surfaced that complicate Dr. Fauci's denials. The documents, obtained by Freedom of Information Act requests, show that the NIH was funding research at the Wuhan lab that involved manipulating coronaviruses in ways that could have made them more transmissible and deadly to humans—work that arguably fits the definition of gain-of-function. The documents establish that top NIH officials were concerned that the work may have crossed a line the U.S. government had drawn against funding such risky research. The funding came from the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which Dr. Fauci heads.

The resistance among Dr. Fauci and other NIH officials to be forthcoming with information that could inform the debate over the origins of COVID-19 illustrates the old Watergate-era saw that the coverup is often worse than the crime. There's no evidence that the experiments in question had any direct bearing on the pandemic. In the past, Dr. Fauci has made strong arguments for why this type of research, albeit risky, was necessary to prevent future pandemics, and he could have done so again. But the NIH has dragged its feet over FOIA requests on the matter, handing over documents only after The Intercept took the agency to court.

What Daszak didn't reveal at the time was that the WIV had been using the NIH grant money to genetically engineer dozens of novel coronaviruses discovered in bat samples, and that he knew it was entirely possible that one of those samples had contained SARS-CoV-2 and had infected a researcher, as he conceded to the journal Science in a November 17 interview: "Of course it's possible—things have happened in the past."

Another risky experiment involved the MERS virus. Although MERS is lethal—it kills 35 percent of those who catch it—it's not highly transmissible, which is partly why it has claimed fewer than 900 lives so far. EcoHealth wanted to graft the spikes of other related coronaviruses onto MERS to see how that changed its abilities.

Both experiments seemed to cross the gain-of-function line. NIH program officers said as much, sending Daszak a letter asking him to explain why he thought they didn't.

Much more damning evidence in article. Read it.

Here’s Jimmy on it.

I read lots of articles a few years ago about how the US has labs scattered around the globe that work on both viruses and biological weapons. I guess after doing it at home and many of them leaking and infecting Americans they closed shop and moved elsewhere. At least once a day I tell Sam that humans are the worst species because they keep trying to find ways to hurt other humans. Bombs that use blades to cut your body into pieces. Flat out blow you up. Biological weapons and so many other atrocities. I dream of living in the Star Trek era.

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Dawn's Meta's picture

@snoopydawg The writer of your block quotes is still too timid. And I don't think they stopped

4 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

snoopydawg's picture

@Dawn's Meta

As Jimmy said, weird how the pentagon thinks something is too dangerous, but Fauci and his friends don’t. Hopefully Paul will stay on this, but I doubt anything will ever happen to him. Nothing did after the truth about what he did during AIDS came out. I will settle for him being fired, but I doubt that will change anything. There’s too many other corrupt people involved in the agencies. One thing for sure is that Fauci, Walensky and others have destroyed faith in not only the government, but in the health care system too.

There are 4 must see videos in the article from nurses telling what they are seeing. And why they will get fired instead of getting jabbed. The last one is frightening if it’s true. And there are a million doctors here, but only around 500 willing to speak up.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Bisbonian's picture


We call that "money laundering."

7 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

this here because I think Jonathan Cooke hits a Walk Off Grand Slam with this one:

Every time the left shouts down those who are hesitant about taking a Covid vaccine; every time it echoes the authoritarianism of those who demand mandates, chiefly for low-paid workers; every time it refuses to engage with – or even allow – counter-arguments, it abandons the political battlefield to the right.

It doesn’t matter if you wish to take the vax or not, the dystopia is coming for us All(like it ain’t already here) irregardless of your status.
That more people don’t see that is just Sad. Once power has been given(or taken) away, you Don’t get it back volunteraly.

If ever.

I second DM’s thanks to all who post here, even the naysayers. As someone’s sig line points out

Without a diversity of opinion, you can’t find the truth.

Merry Grinchmas to All
and a
Bah Humbug New Year!

edit to say I blockquoted the article and my comment is blockquoted instead. I hope the url works.
I ain’t fixing the fuckup.

8 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

@Tall Bald and Ugly @Tall Bald and Ugly An outstanding statement of what is being lost when we allow Forced Vaccinations.

And how Rights once lost are rarely, if ever, restored.

And then only by catastrophic cataclysmic collapse and then rebuild. With the rebuilt surface quite thin, containing fissures ever eager to burst through and undo us again.

Germany 1938. USA 2021.

8 users have voted.


CB's picture

The original grant was given during Obama's 2nd term.

NIH admits US funded gain-of-function in Wuhan — despite Fauci’s denials
In a letter to Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) on Wednesday, a top NIH official blamed EcoHealth Alliance — the New York City-based nonprofit that has funneled US funds to the Wuhan lab — for not being transparent about the work it was doing.
The $3.1 million grant was awarded for a five-year period between 2014 and 2019. After the funding was renewed in 2019, it was suspended by the Trump administration in April 2020.

The grant directed $599,000 to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research.

Why did Trump shut down the PREDICT Infectious Disease Program in September of 2019?

Shutdown of PREDICT Infectious Disease Program Challenged by Senators Warren and King
Despite its success-and just months before the emergence of 2019-nCo V-USAID announced that it would cease funding the PREDICT program. After years of support from Congress, the Bush Administration, and the Obama Administration, the program was “collapsed into hibernation” by January 2019 and reached the end of its second 5-year funding cycle on September 30, 2019

I can't help but think that China was set up to take the fall for the outbreak. Rabidly anti-China hawk Pompeo was the first to raise the alarm and falsely accuses China of hiding the outbreak.

Pompeo pushes new claim of China covering up COVID origin
Published January 16, 2021

WASHINGTON - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo alleged Friday there were COVID-like illnesses among staff at a Chinese virology institute in autumn 2019, casting further blame on Beijing as health experts arrived in the country to probe the pandemic's origins.

The top US diplomat in a statement urged the World Health Organization team that landed Thursday in Wuhan, where COVID-19 was first detected, to "press the government of China" on the "new information."

"The United States government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the (Wuhan Institute of Virology) became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses," Pompeo said.

He said this contradicted reports that none of the staff at the institute had contracted COVID-19 or related viruses.

"Beijing continues today to withhold vital information that scientists need to protect the world from this deadly virus, and the next one," Pompeo said.

The truth is that China was cooperating with the relevant agencies from the very moment of learning they were dealing with an unexplained pneumonia uf unknown cause. China had already experienced the far more deadly outbreak of SARS-CoV-1 and the Chinese didn't want panic to set in. They needed the public to remain calm.

Also, why does Pompeo say "the next one"? Fauci has also opined there will be another outbreak in 2024 - 2025, (mark your calendar).

Published Date: 2019-12-30 23:59:00
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed pneumonia - China (HU): RFI

ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: 30 Dec 2019
Source: Finance Sina [machine translation]

Wuhan unexplained pneumonia has been isolated test results will be announced [as soon as available]
On the evening of [30 Dec 2019], an "urgent notice on the treatment of pneumonia of unknown cause" was issued, which was widely distributed on the Internet by the red-headed document of the Medical Administration and Medical Administration of Wuhan Municipal Health Committee.

On the morning of [31 Dec 2019], China Business News reporter called the official hotline of Wuhan Municipal Health and Health Committee 12320 and learned that the content of the document is true.

12320 hotline staff said that what type of pneumonia of unknown cause appeared in Wuhan this time remains to be determined.
12320 hotline staff said that the Wuhan CDC went to the treatment hospital to collect patient samples as soon as possible, specifically what kind of virus is still waiting for the final test results. Patients with unexplained pneumonia have done a good job of isolation and treatment, which does not prevent other patients from going to the medical institution for medical treatment. Wuhan has the best virus research institution in the country, and the virus detection results will be released to the public as soon as they are found.

Date: 31 Dec 2019
Source: Sina Finance Mobile

Patients with unknown cause of pneumonia in Wuhan have been isolated from multiple hospitals
Whether or not it is SARS has not yet been clarified, and citizens need not panic.

Date: 31 Dec 2019
Communicated by:

[Having been involved in moderating the SARS-CoV (Severe acute respiratory syndrome - coronavirus) and the MERS-CoV (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome - coronavirus), the type of social media activity that is now surrounding this event, is very reminiscent of the original "rumors" that accompanied the SARS-CoV outbreak. The exception is the transparency of the local government in responding to this currently undiagnosed outbreak. While this report does not contain the tweets, there have been numerous tweets about this as yet undiagnosed outbreak.

I can't help but think that China was set up to take the fall for the outbreak that unleashed SARS-CoV-2 and they knew it. They hit the ground running within days once they had determined it was SARS-CoV. Complete HARD lock-down of a city with a population 2 million larger than NYC.

This is the result after 3-4 months fighting the outbreak. To date deaths in China have pegged at 4,636 (3/million) compared to the continually rising US deaths of 833,029 (2,495/million).

The Chinese government also funded and promoted the following "unmasked pool party"

In addition they didn't have any problems from their killed-virus vaccines. They also will have no problems with them if they also start production/distribution on the new ferritin nanoparticle vaccines as a booster to increase efficacy of their vaccine program.

If you like more information:

A Timeline of China’s Response in the First Days of COVID-19

The FRONTLINE documentary China’s COVID Secrets tells the story of the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic that would overtake the world, and how Chinese doctors, scientists, health officials and political leaders responded. Here, we highlight some of the key moments in the earliest days of the outbreak.

5 users have voted.
Dawn's Meta's picture

@CB of the outbreak. I think we should be looking at Fort Detrick. Those military games before the outbreak seem mighty convenient.

5 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

CB's picture

@Dawn's Meta
Wuhan is a geographic hub of China where all rail lines radiate outwards to all the provinces. The was also the EXACT time of the year when almost a billion Chinese would travel to their home provinces, cities and towns for the annual Spring Festival (Chinese New Year). In 2020 it was to be celebrated on 25 January.

Chunyun (traditional Chinese: 春運; simplified Chinese: 春运; pinyin:

Chūnyùn), also referred to as the Spring Festival travel rush or the Chunyun period, is a period of travel in China with extremely high traffic load around the time of the Chinese New Year. The travel season in China usually begins 15 days before New Year's Day and lasts for around 40 days. In 2016 it was predicted that there would be 2.9 billion passenger journeys during that year's Chunyun season.[1] It has been called the largest annual human migration in the world.[2][3] Rail transport experiences the biggest challenge during the period, and several problems have emerged. This phenomenon is also seen in parts of Asia such as Japan, Vietnam and South Korea.

The Chinese set up extremely efficient civilian groups to get food and necessary medical supplies to the millions of their fellow citizens who were holed up in their homes. The rest of China sent in convoys running 24 hrs/day of tens of dozen trucks accompanied by local police forces to bring fresh food daily to the city.

The PLA was also completely mobilized to send in thousands of trained nurses and doctors to staff 2,000 bed hospitals that were designed, ground cleaned, foundations poured, constructed and supplied with beds, emergency wards, medical supplies and state-of-art equipment within 2 weeks.

It was literally an existential crisis of life or death for China as a country if the pandemic would have taken hold like it did in the US. I think the Wuhan Pool Party was China's way of giving "the finger" to America.

6 users have voted.
Bisbonian's picture

...about the story of the division behind and around the virus/vaccine/coercion, the larger state of our purpose in life:

Some quotes that impressed me, at about 18:28.

I don't think we have a story that holds us together any more.

Silicon Valley has decided what misinformation IS, and what we are allowed to say.

At about 30:00

"Can you not see that this attempt to defeat a virus is creating a society that is looking incresingly terrible, and we don't know how long that is going to last, we don't know if it is ever going away."

About 35 minutes long...I think it's all relevant.

6 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Dawn's Meta's picture

@Bisbonian substack. Better than speaking.

3 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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There will be no organic end point to this. Klaus Schwab and his billionaire friends and politicians are all in on their Great Reset. If it unravels and they are held to account for their premeditated calculated decisions that caused large numbers of people to die they could go to prison for life, or worse if vigilante justice takes hold. So they are going for broke toward full-blown technocratic authoritarian control until they can be sure that useless eaters like us have no remaining avenues for recourse.

My belief is that the top tier Great Reset general politicians are kept strictly in line under mutual iron-clad carrot and stick pacts. What these threats or rewards may be I don't know. But nothing is off the table judging by the shitty unpopular extreme and unhealthy policies they have been forcing onto their own constituents.

7 users have voted.
QMS's picture


but ouch!
what kind of future is this?

6 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

to believe anything so horrible.

Our best hope rests in the fact that the architects are arrogant and self-entitled. Their cockiness can lead them to overplay their hand and expose themselves, while underestimating average people who have had enough.

6 users have voted.


My belief is that the top tier Great Reset general politicians are kept strictly in line under mutual iron-clad carrot and stick pacts.

Dutch cabinet members entered legally binding agreements with WEF
The Dutch cabinet has signed "legally binding agreements" with Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum. The cabinet admitted this in response to parliamentary questions submitted by Gideon van Meijeren of the Forum for Democracy party.

Article at

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Blue Republic

Schwab had earlier complained about people spreading this notion as a “conspiracy theory” but the WEF’s website openly discusses these topics to transform society. The contents of his plans are downright shocking. Humans have to merge with the latest technology, break all meaningful bonds and give up all bodily autonomy and freedom only to be surveilled full-time.

I took him seriously from the get go and can’t believe that most people didn’t. World leaders have been following the playbook so how can anyone not? When’s the last time all governments agreed to lock down their country. If congress has also signed on to this that’s treason. Our government is already knowingly giving us something that causes great harm and deaths and denying us life saving treatments which should be enough to warrant the charges against them. I wish I knew how to wake people up to it.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

Gavin Newsom and Peter Buttigieg signed with Klaus Schwab?

I put "Gavin Newsom Peter Buttigieg" into DuckDuckGo and the following were my two first hits:

On the Road to Serfdom
Davos World Economic Forum Psychopaths – Members and Goals
November 18, 2021

Pete Buttigieg, Gavin Newsom, Chrystia Freeland, Jose Manuel Barroso, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sakozy, Nikki Haley, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Jacinda Ardern, Gordon Brown… What do they all have in common?

The Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) is a premier forum for governments, global corporations and international entrepreneurs. Founded in 1971 by engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, the WEF describes its mission as “shaping global, regional and industry agendas” and “improving the state of the world”. According to its website, “moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.”



Newsom, Buttigieg announce $5 billion in loans for California's clogged ports
“Our supply chains are being put to the test, with unprecedented consumer demand and pandemic-driven disruptions combining with the results of decades-long underinvestment in our infrastructure,” Buttigieg, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, said in a prepared statement. “Today’s announcement marks an innovative partnership with California that will help modernize our infrastructure, confront climate change, speed the movement of goods and grow our economy.”

What the money would be spent on remains vague. The California State Transportation Agency, also known as CalSTA, listed port upgrades, more freight rail capacity, increased warehouse storage, truck and rail electrification, highway upgrades and other general categories as possibilities. At a press conference Thursday, John Pocari, President Biden's point person for addressing supply chain problems, and CalSTA Secretary David S. Kim each likened the program to "a hunting license."

The following was fourth:

Klaus Schwab’s WEF Alumni – A List
The WEF and the Pandemic

How is the Davos World Economic Forum involved in the coronavirus pandemic?
United States

Politics and Policy

Jeffrey Zients (White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator since 2021, selected in 2003), Jeremy Howard (co-founder of lobby group “masks for all”, selected in 2013), California Governor Gavin Newsom (selected in 2005), Peter Buttigieg (selected in 2019, candidate for US President in 2020, US secretary of transportation since 2021), Chelsea Clinton (Clinton Foundation board member), Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton aide, selected in 2012), Nikki Haley (US ambassador to the UN, 2017-2018), Samantha Power (US ambassador to the UN, 2013-2017, USAID Administrator, since 2021), Ian Bremmer (founder of Eurasia Group), Bill Browder (US-British financier), Jonathan Soros (son of George Soros), Kenneth Roth (director of Human Rights Watch), Paul Krugman (economist, selected in 1995), Lawrence Summers (US Secretary of the Treasury, 1999-2001, selected in 1993), Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza (selected in 2020).


CNN medical analyst Leana Wen (selected in 2018), CNN chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta, Covid Twitter personality Eric Feigl-Ding (a ‘WEF Global Shaper‘ since 2013), Andrew Ross Sorkin (New York Times financial columnist), Thomas Friedman (New York Times columnist, selected in 1995), George Stephanopoulos (ABC News, 1993), Lachlan Murdoch (CEO of Fox Corporation, co-chair of News Corp.).

Technology and Social Media

Microsoft founder Bill Gates (1993), former Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer (2000-2014, selected in 1995), Amazon founder Jeff Bezos (1998), Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page (2002/2005), former Google CEO Eric Schmidt (2001-2011, selected in 1997), Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales (2007), PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel (2007), eBay co-founder Pierre Omidyar (1999), Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (2009), Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg (2007).

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Hopefully their souls and they rot in whatever hell there is. I don’t believe that everyone involved in this is a sociopath. I think $$$ signs flashed in front of their eyes and they decided to take it. Same with congress. People might have had good intentions when they first ran, but money and power went to their heads and they found a way to excuse themselves for taking advantage of it. It helps me sleep at night. But damn them for doing it.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

chosen to be included in the WEF inner circle are psychopaths not sociopaths. A unproportionate number of corporate leaders prove to be psychopaths. Watch Gates' body language during an interview after viewing the following chilling video of the 'corporate psychopath':

PS I used to live with a psychopath and it was the most disturbing relationship I've ever had. Here's one incident that encapsulates her psychopathology that I remember vividly to this day.

She'd had a quick affair with a common acquaintance and I had found out about it. I was angry at her and asked her how she could do that. She stared coldly for a long few seconds (it was a look that still gives me a chill down my back just remembering) and then said angrily AND accusatory "I just fucked him. It's you I love."

After going thru one too many 'mind fucks', I eventually packed up her belongings, put them on the driveway and told her to leave when she returned from work. She didn't express any emotion. It was almost like she was picking up her clothes from the cleaners. She was a very good looking woman and knew how dress impeccably (I had spent a lot of money on her) and I knew she could find a replacement for me before the night was over. I stayed away from intimate relationships for several years afterwards. I had completely lost trust in humanity.

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snoopydawg's picture


I had a relationship with someone who had borderline personality disorder and good grief the games played were constant. One minute everything is fine and the next boom! crap was hitting the fan from all directions. I lost too much of myself trying to make peace with someone who didn’t want it. After a casual affair was blown off I packed my bags and left. And then spent time beating myself up for staying for so long. It seems that it’s the victims who pay the highest price in those types of relationships. Looking back I saw the warning signs of something not quite right but for some reason I ignored them. Lesson learned!

3 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

spread this list around. I think knowing who have been attending the WEF cult meetings would shed light on their bazaar behavior.


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snoopydawg's picture


being the most despotic with their draconian laws and shutdowns. It’s why I take it seriously. Newsom wanted to mandate the jabs for kids. Kids have a very robust immune system and unless they have lots of comorbidities they survive the Rona easily. Here’s a recent study that just proved that.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Dawn's Meta's picture

@Blue Republic that legalizes killing, is it?

4 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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Like these, perhaps?

@Blue Republic

They have billions, maybe trillions at stake, and possibly dominion over the planet. They have been cooking this up for decades. They wouldn't leave open the possibility that a few people would develop a conscience and expose them.

5 users have voted.


If all this has been in the works for decades (likely) it is quite possible that a stage has been reached at which the dumbing down of populations, degradation of key social relations and values, control of information/police/courts & etc. is deemed to be advanced to the point where the perpetrators can operate increasingly in the open and concerns about exposure are secondary.

Excellent article here from Children's Health Defense about CIA involvement in manipulating journalism that may illustrate the point (a number of paragraphs are devoted to Markos Moulitsas).

That is, the control over the narrative has gone from limited efforts and relationships that back in, say, the 60's had to operate clandestinely have morphed into more and more pervasive control that has come to operate almost openly...


Part 1: CIA’s Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone
Part 1 of a two-part series takes a deep dive into the history of the CIA’s central role in orchestrating news and editorial coverage in America’s most influential liberal national media outlets — and its continued hold today.

Dick Russell

Full article at Children's Health Defense here

3 users have voted.
janis b's picture

@Blue Republic

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1 user has voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

I’ve been following kos diarrhea diaries om the lawsuit and reading what people are saying about Kennedy. The more kos writes about it I think it strengthens Kennedy’s lawsuit. It’s sad that people don’t know how many vaccines have injured our kids and society and that all Bobby Jr is trying to do is make them more safe. He is not anti vax. But he is against unsafe vaccines.

2 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Dawn's Meta's picture

@snoopydawg Janis and Snoop. This is very good information. I had no idea about kos.

What a truly awful troll.

1 user has voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Dawn's Meta

He finds a case on FB or the Herman Cain award Reddit and I guess he highlights their stupidity until they pass away. Then the choir pipes up and it seems they try to outdo one another on being viscous.

Today this was posted against Trump’s supporters. I think this guy should buy a mirror and look into it.

I appreciate you calling them out for the mother fucking, hate filled, ignorant, fascist murderers that they are.

Fun diary too on John Campbell. His sin? Well for one thing he said Japan beat the Rona with ivermectin. Of course Wikipedia says that it’s not approved for it… glad to see DK still only deals in facts.

Here’s his sin.


2 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.